Giant file created when capturing video

The instant I begin Capture Now, FCE creates a gigantic file in the Capture Scratch folder. It is 38 GB, which was almost exactly as large as the free disk space I have left. Also, if I put it in the trash the Finder won't empty the trash. I have to restart the computer; then I can empty the trash.
FCE 1, Sony DV-TRV18 via Firewire.

Read this previous thread:
Not sure why the trash isn't working.
Try repairnig permissions and re-boot the Mac.

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    switch to a mac!!!!
    pc DV capture format: .avi
    mac DV capture format: .mov
    why on earth do you want .mov files instead of .avi???!!!

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    Here is a bit of the FCP manual that relates to capturing a single tape and capturing individual clips for each break in TC:
    How to Avoid Capturing Clips with Timecode Breaks
    The “On timecode break” pop-up menu in the General tab of the User Preferences
    window gives you several ways to avoid capturing clips with timecode breaks. It’s
    important to set this option to suit the way you intend to capture your clips. You have
    several options:
    Â Make New Clip: This is the default option. Video that’s already been captured before
    the break in timecode is saved as a single media file, with its Out point set to the
    frame occurring immediately before the timecode break. Final Cut Pro then
    automatically continues capturing video after the dropped timecode frame as a
    second media file. When this option is selected, clips captured after timecode breaks
    are named with the original name and the number of the clip. For example, if the
    first captured clip’s name is “Cats Playing,” the second clip’s name is set to “Cats
    This is a good option to choose if you are capturing an entire tape. For example,
    suppose you are capturing the entire contents of a 60-minute tape that has four
    timecode breaks. Instead of restarting the capture every time a timecode break is
    detected, Final Cut Pro captures all media from the tape as five clips, skipping over each
    timecode break and ensuring that the timecode of all captured media is frame-accurate.
    There you have it.

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    I have the exact same problem as you do with my Fx5600-vtr-128 capture card..
    "jorge' does also have the same problem..Looks like it's systemic with the Nvidia card or drivers not being able to work with the WDM driver..I'll try to post a screen shot but jorge already has and I'll bet if you check his post you will find your exact bar or srtip...
    Good luck,

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    I'm having a hard time understanding this post.
    Which Canopus ADVC and what is the BR-HD50, does it have proc amp/TBC capabilities?  If so, were those settings reset to unity before capture?
    What does "running your video through Calibrated CRT's" mean?  I'm assuming it means you've QC'd the video before capturing so you know what it looks like and then are viewing it through a video I/O on your computer to the same production monitor?
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    You have Canon ZR950 mini DV Camcorder, why not make a firewire connection and do DV data capture into the Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 Capture Window?
    Do you have any reference for what you are attempting to do or is this a creation of your own? Could you confirm what you describe as "just capturing video".
    a. From your information, you are doing Get Media/Webcam or WDM Device with the Capture Window showing the Capturing Device as "Dazzle DVD 100 Video Device". What type of connection are you making between the Canon ZR950 and the Dazzle DVD 100 and the computer?
    b. What exactly do you expect to be putting on the Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 Timeline from this capture...DV AVI or something else?
    Coming from the perspective of Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 known issues, I would ask you to consider:
    a. Remove the check mark next to AutoAnalyzer in the Capture window. Even if you were doing this Capture the "usual way", that is highly recommended.
    b. Go to Edit Menu/Preferences/General, and compare your results with and without a check mark next to enable GPU playback. As a cross reference, please go to Edit Header/Effects/Video Effects and detemine if there is a category of Effects named GPU Effects. Do the same thing for Edit Header/Transitions/Video Transitions and determine if there is a category of Transitions named GPU Transitions.
    And, the general drill for all users of Premiere Elements 8.0
    a. Are you working with the automatic Background Rendering and AutoAnalzyer Features turned Off?
    See Premiere Elements workspace Edit Menu/Preferences/General for background rendering option and Elements Organizer workspace Edit Menu/Preferences/AutoAnalzyer Options for AutoAnalzyer options.
    b. Are you working from the 8.0.1 Update version of the program?
    Please consider.
    We will be watching for the outcome.
    Thank you.

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    The appearance of dashes usually suggests some kind of pre-set e.g.
    The only suggestion I can make is that you check to ensure you are using the correct parameters in the templates manager.
    Photoshop Lightroom Reference Guide | Create Your Own Custom Filename Presets | Peachpit

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    I searched the forums, but couldn't find anyone else with the same problem.
    I have a Centro, and a SanDisk 4GB Micro SDHC card.
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    Whenever I record a clip longer than about 20 seconds, when I stop recording, the Centro reboots. When it comes back up, the video has been recorded, but it is a pain that it reboots every time.
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    Could this be a problem with the SD card?
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    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

    Hello GoGo
    First check if the video is being saved to the SD card. Go to the camcorder application next look near the record button is on the right and select the drop down menu. Make sure it's set to Palm.
    If the video was saved to  the Rom and not the SD card it might have performance issues because it's running out of memory.
    Also check if you are running any third party applications the might cause corruption on the device and remove them.
    "Could this be a problem with the SD card?" - probably not, just check where the file is being stored to.
    "Also, what other apps would you recommend for capturing video on the Centro?" - we  do not recommend third party software. But you are more then welcome to look at the following sites for applications:

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    I transfered some video/audio and am having distortion in some audio.
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    Does this sound like it is overmodulating or is something else happening?
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    thanks in advance for your help,

    How are you capturing the content? Because in my experince premiere doesn't have a way to adjust the audio levels of what your capturing. However if you post how you are capturing the footage in more detail I might be able to help. Please tell me exactly how you have everything hooked up.
    For example if you have the camera hooked straight to the computer or if you're using a capture card if so what kind. Some capture cards have audio gain settings which might be causing the issue. Also some decks and cameras have audio playback volume settings which can also cause audio to be sent to premiere louder than what it started as. So if you give more detail I may be able to offer some sort of help.
    One thing you might try though to remove that distortion is too add a lowpass filter to the audio, and start off by setting the low pass filter to like 3000 and just adjust by 500 up or down from there until the distortion goes away. I've had to do this in the past with audio that's distorted before. (Although I haven't experinced the specific issue you're experincing before.) Although it will make the persons voice sound  muffled it will take most of the distortion out. Which getting rid  of distortion at the cost of making it sound somewhat muffled is a decent trade off if worse comes to worse and you can't get the issue figured out. 

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    Hi there,
    If this has been addressed before, I apologize. I've been googling and searching this forum for a mention of this but haven't been able to find anything.
    Whenever I'm working with a file in Illustrator, multiple unknown files are created. When I close Illustrator or reboot my computer, they remain. They have no file extension and their file size is almost always in the same range. In the screenshot below, each file ranges from 7MB to 7.99MB. I've previously had 100+ 14MB to 14.99MB files created. They can be deleted with no consequence.
    I'm currently on the most recently released Windows 7 build that you can download from Microsoft's Website. This problem seems to only occur with Illustrator.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Either auto-save files from Illustrator or some sort of security backups created by the operating system for indexing purposes while the main file is still open. Check the respective prefs in AI and possibly your indexing settings in W7.

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    I am using a Canopus ADVC 110 connected to my Mac via RCA (from DVR) and USB (to Mac) When I capture video/audio directly to iMovie HD I get a very quiet (but noticeable) 60 cycle hum. You can hear it on my YouYube video
    Is there anything I can do?

    At home - taking a close look at my ADVC-300 which resembles the ADVC-110 much.
    On this there is on it's back. Left to right.
    DV I/O FireWire (6-pin), S-Video out, three RCA - Video-out - R - Audio-out - L, DC in 5V (Power switch) and Component out.
    DC in 5V - is the needed power from Mains adaptor to make it work.
    On Front
    Three RAC L- Audio-in - R and Video in, S-Video in and DV I/O FireWire (4-pin)
    NO USB at all.
    I use to connect the DV I/O FireWire (4-pin) to my Mac and VCR to Front side RCA-connectors.
    (and back side RCA-connectors to a Reference Monitor (sort of TV))
    This works greatly for me to Capture/Import VHS tapes (or Hi-8 or Video-8) to iMovie HD6 and iMovie'08 to 11 and FinalCut Express and FinalCut Pro 6.
    DC IN 8v - I can not find and it can not be any thing like USB at all.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Selecting microphone when capturing video from the webcam

    Using Final Cut Pro X
    I want to capture video from my webcam into Final Cut.  I have a USB microphone (Yeti) with which I want to record the audio.  I cannot find an option to select my input source for audio when capturing this footage.  Final Cut seems to default to my microphone on my webcam, which causes echoing and noise. I can select the USB mic when doing a voiceover, but when I capture video I cannot find an option to select my input.  I've made my USB mic my default device in Sys Prefs, but that doesn't work.  Any other ideas?
    1.  Figure out how to change the default input for webcam capture in Final Cut
    2.  Use another program.  I've also tried to do the same in both QuickTime and iMovie, and they both capture audio only from the webcam as well.
    Everything I've found online talks about voiceover.  I don't want that.  I want to capture video with it.
    Suggestions are appreciated.  Thank you.

    acyclone wrote:
    Thanks.  Don't know why I didn't see it.  That arrow is pretty small.
    I do still have an issue that I cannot figure out.  I'm using the same mic for webcam recording (now in QT thanks to Luis) and in Final Cut for voiceovers.  Though I'm still on the same Mic the sound is not the same.  It's close, but the sound on the voiceover sounds cleaner and clearer.  I'm sitting in the same spot speaking the same way, but the sound quality difference is noticable.  Not sure why.
    It seems that the difference is in how each software deals with it.
    It may be that QT is sampling audio differently from FCP X somehow, or using a different audio codec or whatever.
    Just guessing, I really have no concrete knowledge.
    Oh, wait: there are a few things that I can notice, after trying a small example: the QT audio is AAC at 44.1 KHz,
    the FCP X is AIFF at 48KHz. Compression and sample rate are different.

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