Give names to discs of a same album

Hi !
I wanted to know if it was possible to give names to different discs of a same album.
For example, in Fire Emblem: Awakening Soundtrack, each disc (5 total) represents an emblem (Disc 1: Sable, 2: Gules, 3: Azure, 4: Vert & 5: Argent) or in the Nobuo Uematsu Limited Selection 2012 album, there are two discs named "Main Quest" and "Vinyl Treasure Side Quest".
And I like the idea each disc has a name, it's like chapters of a book, it's part of the album.
Is it possible to unite them under the same name (e.g. "Fire Emblem: Awakening Original Soundtrack" and "Limited Selection 2012") and label the discs with the names that are their own (Disc 1: Sable, Disc 2: Gules, ...) ? And if not, can it be an idea added in future version of iTunes ?
Thanks in advance !

N3M1C0 wrote:
If I get it, this way allows me to create 5 albums and put them all together at the same place in my Albums sorting but keep them separated.
Yes, this is correct. For example see this screen shot of how I have King Crimson's 13 disc 40th anniversary release of Larks' Tongues in Aspic tagged:
N3M1C0 wrote:
But I want to have the 5 albums under one cover. When I click this cover, I want it to reveal the 5 albums but with their names written next/instead of the disc number.
At this time this is not possible. If you give each album a unique name it will show up in the library as a unique album, as in my example above. However, there are a variety of ways to configure the ID3 tags, so I suggest you experiment until you find something you like.

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    Various workarounds I can think of which basically involve playing around with tags.  See which meets your needs or come up with others:
    Give the albums slightly different names.  For example, "Greatest Hits" [ABBA]"
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    Chip86 wrote:
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    You can edit the "metadata" of the tracks in the cloud just as you would if the tracks were physically on your computer. Hightlight the tracks of the album you want to edit, do a Get Info..., edit "metadata," click OK.

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    If you want them to appear as separate albums you will have to change the metadata for one of the albums.  There are many ways to do this and which one you use will depends upon your preferences.
    You can make it obvious by doing something such as adding a descriptor to the album name e.g., Album Name [CD quality]
    You can "hide".  If you do not normally use the album artist field and you add an album artist to that field for one of the versions it will cause that to sort separately.  Similarly if you add a number to the disc number field that should normally get it to display separately.
    Alternatively you can come up with a smart playlist to sort according to kind.

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    Right click - get info and type in an album name.
    If i have a song that i don't know the album name
    I'd give it an album name of Unknown Album
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    Select all the songs, right click - get info.
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    Select all the tracks on disc 1 and via Get Info, change the Album Artist to Various Artists and turn on the compilation flag. This is iTunes 12:
    Then repeat for disc 2.

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    In short, there are two possibilities: either you didn't actually get the information identical, or iTunes is slightly confused. Both happen to me pretty regularly.
    If you have iTunes keeping your music organized, there's an easy check: pick one of the songs, right click, select Show In Finder. Is your new purchased song in the same folder as the CD you imported? If not, the information is definitely different. The most recent time this happened to me, the imported CD had the "Compilation" box checked.
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    gsl wrote:
    Shazam has NO problem determining what these songs are. Maybe Apple needs to consider licensing their technology as it seems MUCH more accurate than what they are doing.
    You aren't comparing like with like.
    The main task that Shazam has is to identify the name or a track and the artist. I believe that it suggests the album as well, but if it gets that wrong then it doesn't really matter too much.
    With iTunes Match, getting the album (i.e. identifying which version it is) is much more important. If it gets that wrong then it breaks up the flow of an album. This makes the task that match has very much harder.
    In fact, there is a strong argument to say that currently the problem iTunes has is that it is matching too many songs, resulting in matches from different albums.
    I'm sure that match is not struggling to identify whether it has a song or not, but whether it has the correct version of a song. When you introduce different masterings into the process then, depending on the thresholds set, it is probably correct in concluding that it hasn't got a particular version, even if you think it has.
    The solution would appear to me to be a tweaking of the matching thresholds along with the ability to force an upload, but we just don't know what restrictions they have (remember that if Shazam gets it wrong the it doesn't present you with a copy of a new track that you didn't have previously). It is almost certainly not just a case of improving their technology.

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    In iTunes select all songs you want in the same album, right click the selection, choose "get info", type the album name in the album field, click OK.

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    Is there any way to solve this another way where iTunes won't sort by album, but by song title?
    Thanks in advance.

    Can anyone please answer my question?

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    for example, itunes arranges track 1 below tracks 2-7 that belong to the same album(same artist) All the id3 tag info are the same for all these songs. can anyone help?

    All the id3 tag info are the same for all these songs.
    I guess they're not, although they may appear so. Often there are subtle differences, like a superfluous space at the end.
    Please select all the songs belonging to an album and reenter the artist and album name for all of them at once. Then they should sort correctly.

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