Global Session Attributes

i' m developing JSP channels. I know that i can create new attributes with value in the jsp session:
session.setAttribute(aname, aval);
But i want other channels to have access to this attributes.
Is there a global Session where all jsp provider have access ?
When not, which is the best way to do that ?

Two methods called setUserSessionProperty
and getUserSessionProperty in the pluggable auth API enables authentication modules to get and set properties in the user session. This allows
authentication modules to communicate with channels, applications, or other authentication modules by setting session properties. For example, a custom
authentication module may add the user password to the session, so that an application may retrieve this property, for single sign on at a later time.
The default examples given are for servlets ..
Take a look at the sp3 release notes ..

Similar Messages

  • How to set session attributes in a bean?

    How do I set a session attribute in a server-side bean?
    I'm not sure if I asked the question the right way. What I meant is, while it's easy to set session attributes in a JSP page (session.setAttribute("sessionname", "sessionvalue")), I'd want to set such an attribute within a server-side bean defined in this web application. But what is the syntax for doing it?

    Here a simple bean that stores something in the session and retrieves something from it.
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    public class TestBean {
      private String value;
      public void doSomething(HttpSession session, int a, int b) {
        if (a+b > 0) {
        } else {
      public void init(HttpSession session) {
        if (session != null) {
          Boolean b = (Boolean)session.getAttribute("ab");
          if (b == Boolean.TRUE) {
            value = "a + b is greater than zero";
          } else {
            value = "a + b is not greater than zero";
        } else {
          value = "no session";
      public String getValue() {
        return value;
    }In your JSP, use something along the lines of :
      TestBean bean = new TestBean();
    %>If your bean only lives during one request, you can pass the session to the constructor, which stores it in a private variable. This saves passing the session each time.
    Hope this helps,

  • Using a Global Session to find data in an XML file in Repository

    Ok, here is the scenario:
    1. We issue a company iPhone to each Field Sales Rep
    2. Each Sales Rep has an assigned Sales Support Rep in the Contact Center.
    3. When a Sales Rep calls the Contact Center from their company phone, we try to route them to their designated Sales Support Agent (if that Rep is available, if not they go to the Queue and wait for next available Sales Support Agent).
    At first we had all entries in 1 xml file but our Sales Force soon grew larger than we could accomodate in one xml file (my testing found a lookup limit of 121 rows in the xmfl file).
    I changed the script logic to first look at the area code and then do a lookup into one of 3 xml files based on the area code. For example, the first file contained all phones with area codes up to 350, the 2nd file for numbers with area codes from 351 to 700, the 3rd file for numbers with area codes from 701 to 999.
    The problem is that the script utilizes the Create XML Document function to search the xml files. This has resulted in the following condition:
    Error: It is not recommended to update the application as
    Engine heap memory usage exceeded configured threshold
    Do I create a global session for each xml file to hold that file's data?
    Do I just replace the "Create XML Document step with a subflow step to the appropriate global session for each xml file?
    Thanks in advance for help and or clarification.
    The recommended solution is to utilize global session variables to store the contents of the xml files.
    I found the following thread discussing just such a situation:
    I have downloaded Anthony Holloway's global session subscript but I am still unclear exactly how I utilize it in my base script.

    Ok, I just noticed that my initial post comes up somewhat out of sequence. The very last questions I had (after the included graphic) ended up before the graphic. Here are the questions I had:
    Do I create a global session for each xml file to hold that file's data?
    Do I just replace the "Create XML Document" step with a subflow step to the appropriate global session for each xml file?
    Thanks in advance for help and or clarification.

  • Global Report Attributes

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    For example, I would like all columns with an alias of, say customer_name to be assigned to a CSS class of customer_name. This way, I can style that class in a custom CSS file and any report anywhere in the app would get that style. Currently, I have to open up each Report Attributes page, specify the CSS Class on each column. This gets to be a pain.

    You might get answers quicker, if you don’t address a specific person but ask all forum participants. This question seems like something that others might haven an idea about as well.
    One thing you could try would be using the #COLUMN_HEADER_NAME# substitution string in your report column template, e.g.:
    <td class="#COLUMN_HEADER_NAME#">#COLUMN_VALUE#</td>

  • Defining global Visual Attribute groups

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    My question is how do we most easily incorporate the missing visual attributes into all the webforms ?
    Kind regards,

    As the number of forms is quite large for manual processing, even if the solution already provided is adequate. You may use the Oracle Forms API to automate the task. Theres the ORCL Toolbox applications in top of that API that may help You.

  • Download Global Class attributes

          I want to download the global class attributes into an excel. when i checked the menu there is no such option.. Is that possible to do.. Can anyone guide me...
    Thanks in advance.
    Kalpanashri Rajendran.

    Assuming you are asking specifically about the global class "Attributes" and not all information about the global class itself.  To get the "Attributes" in a spreadsheet you can try this work-around:
    1. Run transaction SE84 Repository Info System.
    2. Expand the "Class Library" branch.
    3. Double-click the "Attributes" node.
    4. Enter your global class name and run the search.
    5. Once the list of attributes is displayed, choose menu path System -> List -> Save -> Local File.
    6. Choose "Spreadsheet" format in the popup.
    7. Give a file path and name for your spreadsheet.
    8. You should now have a spreadsheet with all the "Attributes" of your global class.
    Best Regards,

  • Javascript to JSP question...Can javascript function set session attributes

    i have a web app that, on one of its pages, displays "tabbed pane" as an image map at the top (a la my problem is this: each "logical" page contains separate forms that all use the same javabean. in other words, imagine that the tabs represent an account maintenance web ui for an on-line record store. the first tab might be labeled "General," the second "Contact info," the third "Shipping Info." Each uses the same account bean and displays portions of its properties relevant to the tab at hand. what i want to do is allow a user to enter the account maintenance ui, update info on the first tab, click on tab two and have the request with the changes sent to a processing jsp. yet, since each "tab" is actually a separate URL to another page, how do i get the updated info on the first tabe without adding some sort of "SAVE" button on each tab. ive considered using javascript, but dont know how to get the request params out of the first tab whn i click on another tab. is it possible to include an "onClick" function in each URL that "grabs" the updated form fields off the preceeding tab? can a javacript function set session attributes in jsp?

    hello there,
    wow, you've created one big mammy-jammy tool.
    first, javascript cannot access, set values to the session, without having to post to another JSP. javascript is great for manipulating objects, layers, form values, etc.
    you have 2 issues [if i understand correctly]:
    1) you need to able to save user info for a specific tab without having to reloading the page.
    ---you can create a form for EACH of your tabs and POST all the information to a hidden IFRAME or LAYER for NN4. that hidden IFRAME / LAYER will load a JSP page which with all the parameters you posted to it. or you can build a FRAMESET and target that document["frame-name"].src with that same JSP.
    2) handling when the SAVE INFO action should happen: hence some javascript event handler: onMouseOver, onClick, etc
    ---i don't know the dynamics of your tabs, but if store which tab was clicked on last, then if the user clicks on some other tab, javascript can submit that FORM to a JSP [see condition above]
    you have an interesting tool. can i see?
    i hope i wasn't too confusing, but your problem is sooo interesting. =)

  • How to get from data entered on a form to a session attribute

    I have a jsp with a form with fields that are updated by the user.
    The values are in the fields value as I expected.
    Example. document.frm.Name.value = "Me"
    How do I populate a session variable with document.frm.Name.value?
    I think I have to do a request.getParameter("Name") followed by a
    session.SetAttribute. But the request.getParameter does not get populated with the latest value in document.frm.Name.value.
    Any idea is welcomed. Thanks

    Below is the code:
    What I want to do is save in the session attribute "mailToAddressList" whatever the user types in the textarea "MailTo"
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import com.cname.apl.*;
    public class DealTeamServlet extends HttpServlet {
    private appUtil util ;
    private java.sql.Connection conn ;
    private static String dbUrl ;
    private static String dbUid ;
    private static String dbPwd ;
    private static String mailFromAddressList ;
    private static String mailToAddressList ;
    private static String mailCcAddressList ;
    private static String mailBccAddressList ;
    private static String mailSubject ;
    SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy");
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    dbUrl = config.getInitParameter("dbUrl");
    dbUid = config.getInitParameter("dbUid");
    dbPwd = config.getInitParameter("dbPwd");
    mailFromAddressList = config.getInitParameter("mailFromAddressList");
    mailToAddressList = config.getInitParameter("mailToAddressList");
    mailCcAddressList = config.getInitParameter("mailCcAddressList");
    mailBccAddressList = config.getInitParameter("mailBccAddressList");
    mailSubject = config.getInitParameter("mailSubject");
    if (dbUrl == null)
    dbUrl = "*" ;
    if (dbUid == null)
    dbUid = "*" ;
    if (dbPwd == null)
    dbPwd = "*" ;
    if (mailFromAddressList == null || mailFromAddressList.equals("*"))
    mailFromAddressList = "" ;
    if (mailToAddressList == null || mailToAddressList.equals("*"))
    mailToAddressList = "" ;
    if (mailCcAddressList == null || mailCcAddressList.equals("*"))
    mailCcAddressList = "" ;
    if (mailBccAddressList == null || mailBccAddressList.equals("*"))
    mailBccAddressList = "" ;
    if (mailSubject == null || mailSubject.equals("*"))
    mailSubject = "" ;
    protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true) ;
    String msgBody = (String) request.getParameter("msgBody");
    String uid = (String) request.getParameter("uid");
    String key = (String) request.getParameter("key");
    Boolean isAuthorized = (Boolean) session.getAttribute("isAuthorized"); out = response.getWriter();
    if (msgBody == null) msgBody = "" ;
    if (uid == null || key == null) {
    isAuthorized = new Boolean(false);
    if ( isAuthorized == null ) {
    util = new appUtil();
    conn = util.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUid, dbPwd) ;
    isAuthorized = util.isAuthorized(conn, uid, key);
    util.closeConnection(conn) ;
    if ( isAuthorized.booleanValue() ) {
    session.setAttribute("isAuthorized", new Boolean(true));
    java.sql.Timestamp serverTime = util.getServerTime(conn) ;
    java.sql.Date now = new java.sql.Date(serverTime.getTime());
    int idEntry = Integer.parseInt(msgBody);
    mailToAddressList = request.getParameter("MailTo");
    out.println("<title>Team Members</title>");
    out.println("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>");
    out.println("function open_window() {");
    out.println("document.domain = \"\"");
    out.println("var loc = \"\"");
    out.println("loc = loc + document.frm.Name.value");
    out.println("var w =,\"Model_Details\",\"scrollbars,width=400,height=450,resizable=yes\")");
    out.println("function myRoutine() {");
    out.println("function submitForm() {");
    out.println("alert('submit form')");
    out.println("var mailAdd = document.frm.MailTo.value");
    out.println("if ( mailAdd.length == 0 || mailAdd.indexOf(' ') == 0 || mailAdd.indexOf('.com') == -1 || mailAdd.indexOf('@') == -1 ) {" );
    out.println("alert('The To: field must be populated. No space are allowed. Email addresses must have valid format. Example: [email protected]')");
    out.println("return false;");
    out.println("return true;");
    out.println("function UpdateMailTo() {");
    out.println("alert ('I am in UpdateMailTo='+document.frm.MailTo.value);");
    out.println("<body bgcolor='silver'>");
    out.println("<form name='frm' action='SendMail' method='post'>");
    out.println("<b>Team Members</b>");
    out.println("<TABLE cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>");
    out.println("<td align='right'><b>Subject:  </b></td>");
    out.println("<td>Deal Team Members Cleared by Conflicts</td>");
    StringBuffer bod = new StringBuffer("");
    SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy");
    try {
    /*get header information*/
    CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall("{call apl_get_sp ?}");
    st.setInt(1, idEntry);
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
    int id = 0;
    int dw = 0;
    String cde_proj = "";
    String nm_title = "";
    String nm_long = "";
    String empl = "";
    String sid = "";
    int userid = 0;
    String email_pr = "";
    while ( ) {
    id = rs.getInt("id_entry");
    dw = rs.getInt("id_dealworks");
    cde_proj = rs.getString("cde_proj");
    nm_title = rs.getString("nm_title");
    nm_long = rs.getString("nm_long");
    empl = rs.getString("empl_name");
    sid = rs.getString("id_standard");
    email_pr = rs.getString("id_email_ext_unix");
    mailToAddressList = email_pr.trim();
    out.println("<tr><td align='right'><b>To:  </b></td>");
    out.println("<td><textarea name='MailTo' cols='50' rows='2'>"+mailToAddressList+ "</textarea></td>");
    out.println("<td>  </td>");
    out.println("<td><input type='button' value='Save' onClick='UpdateMailTo()'></td>");
    // out.println("request.setAttribute('mailadd',document.frm.MailTo.value);");
    // mailToAddressList = request.getParameter("mailadd");
    out.println("<tr><td align='right'><b>Name:  </b></td>");
    out.println("<td><INPUT NAME='Name' VALUE='' size=65 ></td>");
    out.println("<td>  </td>");
    out.println("<td><input type='button' value='Search' onClick='open_window()'></td>");
    out.println("<tr><td align='right'><b>EMail:  </b></td>");
    out.println("<td><INPUT NAME='eMail' VALUE='' size=65'></td>");
    if (rslt != null) rslt.close() ;
    if (stmt != null) stmt.close() ;
    }/*end try*/
    catch ( Exception e) {
    System.out.println(e) ;
    out.println("<td colspan='5' align='right'><input type='submit' value='Send email' onClick='submitForm()'></td>");
    mailSubject = "Team Members";
    String body = "testing";
    session.setAttribute("mailFromAddressList", mailFromAddressList);
    session.setAttribute("mailToAddressList", mailToAddressList);
    session.setAttribute("mailCcAddressList", mailCcAddressList);
    session.setAttribute("mailBccAddressList", mailBccAddressList);
    session.setAttribute("mailSubject", mailSubject);
    session.setAttribute("mailBody", body);
    else {
    session.setAttribute("isAuthorized", new Boolean(false));
    out.println("You are not authorized.");
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, {
    processRequest(request, response);
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, {
    processRequest(request, response);
    public String getServletInfo() {
    return "Short description";

  • Problem removing session attributes

    I have a problem removing session attributes
    I try w/ mysession.removeAttribute("key");
    but it still lives in memory. I've tried setAttribute("key", null) as the API states that will do the same thing, but it doesn't work.
    I can get mysession.invalidate() to work, but I want to keep some of the attributes there, while removing another.
    I get no exceptions and no errors.
    Running Tomcat 4
    jre 1.3.1

    response.addHeader("Expires", "-1");should be enough.
    The browser should then contact the Web server for updates to that page via a conditional If-Modified-Since request. You don't want a cache disabling 'overkill', since you'd still want the page to remain in the disk cache and used in appropriate situations without contacting the remote Web server, such as when the BACK and FORWARD buttons are pressed...
    Anyway, try this first, and if it doesn't solve your problem, add the other cache-disabling headers, as outlined in the previous post.
    If you're using JSP, verify also that your page has
    <%@ page session="true"%>

  • How to save the login ID as a session attribute ?

    I am using form-based authentication in a web application which is being deployed on a JBoss 3.2.3 server. I am authenticating against an Oracle database by way of a DatabaseServerLoginModule (JAAS).
    I would like to save the user's login ID as a session attribute in order to be able to use it later in the application.
    It's not obvious how you can capture this information and add it to the session, since it seems that the login ID is lost once the authentication is done by j_security_check process.
    Is there some way to tell the servlet container to save the login ID as a session attribute as part of the j_security_check process (something along the lines of "if the authentication succeeds add the login ID as an attribute to the session") ?
    Is there another approach ? What is the accepted "best practice" for doing session initialization after authentication ? For example if a user needs to have several attributes set in their session after login -- how is this handled ? I have done this before with a login servlet which did both the authentication and the session initialization, but when using form-based authentication and j_security_check it's not clear to me how you go from the authentication to the initialization logic.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions or insight.

    You should already have it... hidden in request.getUserPrincipal().getName()

  • How to use global session in ADF

    Hi all,
    My problem is that I have several sessions that connect to a table in an ADF application. If I update some data in one session and commit, the other sessions do not see it until they requery the data because they are using their own local sessions and caches. I want the changes to be seen by all the sessions. Is there something like a global session in ADF?
    Thanks in advance,

    From the documentation
    "For example, say you have a page that lists all products, and a user can navigate from that page to another page to create a product. A button on this page both creates the product and navigates back to the list page. In order for the user to see the product just created, you must set the iterator binding for the product list to cacheResults=false. Doing so forces the iterator to reexecute when returning to the page and display the newly created product."

  • Variable coming from a session attribute

    Hello, I am developing a web application with JDeveloper 10g
    I've got a View Object which is basically a query, where I use a variable:
    WHERE BbCustomerOrderStatusTab.CUSTNO = :CustomerNumber
    When I define CustomerNumber in a form, it works:
    <af:inputText value="#{bindings.CustomerNumber.inputValue}"
    <af:validator binding="#{bindings.CustomerNumber.validator}"/>
    <af:commandButton actionListener="#{bindings.ExecuteWithParams.execute}"
    But I would like CustomerNumber to come from a session attribute. I tried something like that:
    with the View Object Editor -> Client Interface setCustomerNumber selected, but it doesn't work.
    I tried :
    String CustNum=session.getAttribute("CustomNum");
    <af:attribute name="#{bindings.CustomerNumber}"
    value="<%= CustNum%>"/>
    but it tells me that "Attribute value does not accept runtime expressions".
    Does someone know how I could do that?

    Frank's suggestion should work.
    Most importantly, don't forget to declare your bind variable in your view object !!
    Your statement looks odd to me
    String CustNum=session.getAttribute("CustomNum");
    <af:attribute name="#{bindings.CustomerNumber}"
    value="<%= CustNum%>"/>
    There are many ways to do it. You may try using backing bean for command button's actionlistener or action like the following
    class myBackingBean
    private String CustNum; //of course with getter and setter method
    myButtonAction() {
    CustNum = yourFavouriteValue;
    OperationBinding ob = getBindings().getOperationBinding("ExecuteWithParams"};
    note you must declare CustomValue in your pageDef's binding to #{yourBackBeanClass.CustNum} in your ExecuteWithParams binding
    I don't know and seems not being recommended to set session value in jspx.
    Another way is inside your command button in the jspx
    <af:setActionListener from="#{somesource.value}"
    in such case, you must declare CustomValue in your pageDef's binding to #{processScope.CustNum} in your ExecuteWithParams binding
    If you have already set session value somewhere beforehand, then what you need to do is simply declare CustomValue in your pageDef's binding to #{sessionScope.CustNum} in your ExecuteWithParams binding.
    I did lot of ExecuteWithParams thing and no problems occur so far.

  • Unable set session attribute with certain types.

    Hello I was surprise that when I execute HttpSession.setAttribute("somekey", new HashMap()), "somekey" will not be stored in the Session. I can replace HashMap with HashSet and it's okay.
              Out of curiosity, I create a Java class like below :
              public class abc implements Serializable {
              public String def = "def";
              And I have the same issue with HashMap and it will not get stored in the Session attribute. Does anyone know what kind of valid object and what makes the object storable into the Session's attribute? Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks.

    Actually never mind. It have something to do with BEA's Portal Ad services. I will post this into the appropriate forum.

  • Setting session attributes at the Role level

    I am running AM7.1 in Legacy mode and I am trying to create a role and assign session attributes at this role level. I followed the instructions for doing this but it does not seem to be working. I created the role and added the session service to it. I then went in an changed the attributes (Max Idle, Max Session, etc.) to the values I need for the role. I then assigned the role to a user. However when I log in as this user and look at the Active Sessions panel all of the values are still saying they are set at the defaults. It is not picking up the new values for the user. Am I missing something? Help! -Jeff

    Reply i was also getting this problem in relam mode but 7.0..........but when i specify in the url?role=rolename..........i see the session info applied but i wanted it to be dyanmically applied(without specifiying the role in the url).......i have raised an SR but that is for 7.0 .........please do it for 7.1 i think you might get some response.

  • Accessing session attribute in output jsp page

    Hi i am not getting any output in jsp page...
    i am getting just heading
    i think some problem with Session attribute..
    if so how to access session been in jsp page
    my code is here
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    The taglib directive below imports the JSTL library. If you uncomment it,
    you must also add the JSTL library to the project. The Add Library... action
    on Libraries node in Projects view can be used to add the JSTL 1.1 library.
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Tauvex Search Output</title>
    Tauvex Search Output
    <c:forEach items="${myDataList}" var="myData">
    This example uses JSTL, uncomment the taglib directive above.
    To test, display the page like this: index.jsp?sayHello=true&name=Murphy
    <c:if test="${param.sayHello}">
    <!-- Let's welcome the user ${} -->
    Hello ${}!
    plz reply soon
    thanks a lot

    this is what i set in servlet
    request.setAttribute("myDataList", myDataList);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("someJspFile.jsp").forward(request, response);
    how can i access that session attribute in jsp

Maybe you are looking for