Gone through three 3G S'...bad luck or what?

My first 3G S, I was so excited and when I got it home, I realized the difference between the screens was a little too yellow. Compared to my 3G, my black dog looked brown in the pictures and the screen actually hurt my eyes some to look at. After going through 4 different people at the store, I got it exchanged and received a new one with a better screen but some bright red stuck pixels. Embarrassed to go back into the store, I called Apple Care who was happy to send me a replacement. This phone has the icons at the bottom of the phone menu on top of each other. So the "recents clock" is inside the "favorites star" and the "voicemail icon" is inside of the "keypad" icon. I am going back into the store after being advised for quicker service from Apple Care on the phone to get a new phone after a restore the phone did the same thing. What is up with this?! Why am I having such luck? Has anyone else had so many issues? I pray the next one I get will be fine! I just feel like you pay so much for something brand new, you'd expect it to be right!

I've never had a problem with an iphone - original or the the new 3Gs, nor has anyone I know personally.
Sorry you are having terrible luck. I hope the next one will be right.

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    You may need to turn off the feature of "warning" you about redirects. In some cases Firefox does not display the infobar and just silently blocks the redirect, which I suspect is what is happening on download sites.
    To test this theory, open
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced
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    Hello Yazan1,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store purchase
    Find the email receipt for your purchase.
    Click Report a Problem under the app that is having the issue.
    When prompted, enter the Apple ID and password you used to purchase the item, then click Report a Problem.
    Click Report a Problem next to the item you are having an issue with.
    From the Choose Problem dropdown menu, choose the appropriate issue.
    Follow the onscreen instructions and—if prompted—type a description of the problem into the text field.
    Click Submit to have your issue reviewed.
    Best of luck,

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    I had not tried that article, however I already went throught the troubleshooting assistant, which covers everything that article has.
    I am about to try to delete and re-install iTunes though, which was mentioned in your artile link.
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    I'll post my findings/results.

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    I had the exact same issue. try log out of the App Store in Settings. Then make sure to close all apps running, and log in again. worked for me. Good luck!

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    Go to Solution.

    I checked your account and found that the minutes have now been replenished.
    For future reference, although the recurring payment is taken three days in advance to avoid possible delays, your subscription minutes are reset based on the initial purchase date and time.
    For example, if you purchase a Germany 400 minutes subscription on the 15th at 15.00 GMT, then your recurring payment will be taken on the 12th and the minutes reset on the 15th of the following month at 15.00 GMT.
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    3. Click the order ID. The transaction date shows when your subscription was purchased.
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    I know overclocking is running outside rated settings but no one buys a board like this to run at stock settings, thats why they advertise all the OC features and even have a clear cmos button on the i/o pannel.
    Keep in mind i have done gaming at 4255mhz cpu and 2900ish nb, but wasnt prime stable very long, while the board failed settings where as followed:
    overclock that both failed on was 4140mhz (230x18)
    nb was aprox 2900mhz 1st failure and 2760mhz (aprox) 2nd time
    1.40v cpu vdd
    1.25v cpu-nb on 1st failure and 1.21ish on 2nd failure
    1st failure had a few other voltage settings up a bit, 2nd failure all others where auto except memory at 1.655v memory spec
    power supply is a corsair gs800 watt:
    mother board:
    rosewill blackhawk case
    Msi 890fxa-gd70 mobo
    amd 1100t x6
    antec kuhler 920 modded for 2 120mm radiators and resivout
    corsair 8GB dominator gt memory 1866mhz 4dimms
    msi gtx560ti twin frozr ii
    1 corsair f120ssd and 1 7200rpm seagate 1TB drive
    corsair GS800 psu
    8 120mm fans and twin corsair memory fan that comes with dominator gt memory
    So am I causing the issue or a case of bad luck and not to worry? Im really wondering if its the fans, thus why the asus crossfire has so many extra power connections on the board. I just figured the board had all those fan connections it must have been able to handle it, all but one was being used, maybe they didnt plan on 120mm fans being used in most of them.
    I do wanna say Im glad msi has been friendly and am so glad they allow me to drop off and pick up since I live/work nearby. Today I dropped off the bad rma unit and they said they would give me a "new" one, probably a new refurb, but they told me to pick it up tomorrow because they are gonna burn test it overnight so I dont have any issues with the next one. Them stress testing it was nice. I would discuss my setup with them so we could both learn from it but the people I dealt with didnt seem to care how it went out.
    Thanks for input guys, dont wanna waste my time or theirs smoking another board. Hope the next one does well or may need to look into a crossfire v. I have always liked MSI and also use their gtx560 ti.

    manual settings. I wish I wrote my settings down other than just a saved profile, guess I should have also had my bios backed up too
    I have played with a bunch of different settings but 4025mhz (230x17.5) was prime stable for one hour so i used that as my stable oc with only 1.40v on cpu vdd, think it even did an hour on 1.38v too if I remember but left it at 1.40 for good measure. Which if not mistaken is the max normal range the cpu is rated for and used durring normal operation when it ramps to 3.7ghz on stock settings.
    I have done gaming (crysis2 w/dx11 patch and cod blackops)  on 4255mhz with 1.43v. Would easily play till I got tired after an hour of gaming, but would fail prime within 7-8mins...Would shut down and have fans all running and needed to cycle psu. I have always wondered if that was a psu issue since both games use all 6 cores but same time prime IS A KILLER so figured was just the cpu
    When the board failed settings where as followed:
    overclock that both failed on was 4140mhz (230x18)
    nb was aprox 2900mhz 1st failure and 2760mhz (aprox) 2nd time
    1.40v cpu vdd on both times
    1.25v cpu-nb on 1st failure and 1.21ish on 2nd failure
    memory run in the 1840mhz range on 4 dimms
    1st failure had a few other voltage settings up a bit (some where most 2 ticks above auto but sb 1.22v)
    2nd failure all others where auto except memory at 1.655v memory spec and like mentioned cpuvdd 1.40, even nb was auto

  • String of bad luck, caps lock is flashing once every few seconds

    So lets start off with the beginning of the bad luck, first i was watching a youtube video and deicided to go make a snack b/c i was hungry, when i came back my compuuter had shut itself off, overheating wasnt uncommon so i checked the how hot the computer was over the processor and it was coo and not hot at all, so i turned it back on, and i didnt get a thermal shutdown message, so i was a little confused and started checking for the error, the first thing was the power, in which it said "9% availiable(plugged in, not charging)" so i first made sure it was plugged in and everything a bit confused, still did it, and then i googled it, and apparently i had to uninstall the apci from device manager, so i did the ~11 step solution that had helpe so many people, and then it still was like that, so then i used the HP assistant to check my battery, and i needed to replace it, but on the way i noticed i had "system updates" and such i was bummed i had to get a new battery(To put it simply, im poor) and decided to update my system at the very least, maybe the HP assistant was wrong and after the update the battery would register as good again, with little hopes on that(i knew that the chance was near 0%) i updated, and one of the updates were BIOS updates, so half way through downloading my sister decided to power-cycle our router, as our router is a pretty bad router and every now and then our internet would slow to the point of pretty much being non-existant, so then my computer resets i get a black screen and capslock starts blinking twice, i use my issters computer to google it, my BIOS is corrupt, so i use windows + b + the power button, to try and restore my BIOS, during it flushing my computer overheats, and now when i turn it on its a black screen with the capslock blinking once every few seconds, i havnt been able to find a fix, can anyone help me? also i should mention the tag on my HP is worn out pretty bad i can barely salvage any info off it which is pretty bad, all i know is that its an hp pavilion G4 with AMD radeon GPHX, and 8mb of memory

    Hi ,
    Welcome to the HP Forums! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. Thank you for posting. I have read your post, and I understand that you had experienced a series of issues, and now your laptop cannot start. Below is a link could help you to diagnose the problem of your laptopHP Notebook PCs - Computer Does not Start (Windows 7, Vista, XP) If the laptop could back to start, you could use this link to reload the BIOS. If you find out it is a hardware issue, please use the following link http://www.hp.com/contacthp to create a case for your issue, and contact HP. If you live outside the US/Canada, please click the link below to get the contact information for your region.http://www8.hp.com/us/en/contact-hp/ww-phone-assist.html Let me know if you need any other assistance. Good luck,

  • I have just switched on my new 5s and gone through the intro sections. After entering my apple id, I selected the icloud update I wanted it to use (from my 4s). It is now stuck on the progress bar screen. What can I do?

    I have just switched on my new 5s and gone through the intro sections. After entering my apple id, I selected the icloud update I wanted it to use (from my 4s). It is now stuck on the progress bar screen and has been for hours. Can I get it back to the original settings? I want to set it up as a new phone, until I can get on to a better wi-fi signal. Any help would be great.

    I've never seen this issue, and I handle many iPads, of all versions. WiFi issues are generally local to the WiFi router - they are not all of the same quality, range, immunity to interference, etc. You have distance, building construction, and the biggie - interference.
    At home, I use Apple routers, and have no issues with any of my WiFi enabled devices, computers, mobile devices, etc - even the lowly PeeCees. I have locations where I have Juniper Networks, as well as Aruba, and a few Netgears - all of them work as they should.
    The cheaper routers, Linksys, D-Link, Seimens home units, and many other no name devices have caused issues of various kinds, and even connectivity.
    I have no idea what Starbucks uses, but I always have a good connection, and I go there nearly every morning and get some work done, as well as play.
    You could try changing channels, 2.4 to 5 Gigs, changing locations of the router. I have had to do all of these at one time or another over the many years that I have been a Network Engineer.
    Good Luck - Cheers,

  • HT1476 my iphone 5 keeps eating chargers - i have gone through probably 10 or more

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    Why are you paying for new ones? The chargers and the cables are under warranty. Unless they are physically damaged, Apple will replace them.
    What do you mean by "broke"? Are yo talking about the charger? Or about the cable? Are you unplugging the cable by pulling on the cable just anywhere? Or on the hard plactic part that plugs into the phone?
    I have had no problems with either my cables or chargers, even the cable I keep shutting in a desk drawer.
    Best of luck.

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    [title edited for clarity]

    I have exact same problem. Except, I don't have warranty any more.
    I did not try replacing the cpu, but I do have one spare. I will try that and let everyone know about the results.
    Alex H

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