Good Consumer HD/DVD (tapeless) cam corder - trips and all that - non 3CCD!

The reason I put NON 3CCD is that I know there are pretty good consumer camera's out there that are 3CCD.
Am looking for something on a budget, but something tapeless (quick access on MAC) with FCP and or iMovie, but still gives a quality picture.
Some people swear by the mini tape panasonic? That is listed on the Apple website but I don't want to wait for sequential input and want the luxury of going to any scene on the camera before committing to computer.
At the same time, since I am looking for a decent camera with a budget, will it give a good picture compared to a tape based camera if its lower (or same) price as tapeless cam corder?
• Does this post (pricing vs quality) make sense?
In other words, one would think the tape based would be cheaper and have a better picture. Just wondering if this is not true and you can get a similar picture at a good price with a tapeless, HD or (hard drive) or DVD recorder.
Please advise and speculation on price is okay.

The reason I put NON 3CCD is that I know there are pretty good consumer camera's out there that are 3CCD.
Am looking for something on a budget, but something tapeless (quick access on MAC) with FCP and or iMovie, but still gives a quality picture.
Some people swear by the mini tape panasonic? That is listed on the Apple website but I don't want to wait for sequential input and want the luxury of going to any scene on the camera before committing to computer.
At the same time, since I am looking for a decent camera with a budget, will it give a good picture compared to a tape based camera if its lower (or same) price as tapeless cam corder?
• Does this post (pricing vs quality) make sense?
In other words, one would think the tape based would be cheaper and have a better picture. Just wondering if this is not true and you can get a similar picture at a good price with a tapeless, HD or (hard drive) or DVD recorder.
Please advise and speculation on price is okay.

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    *System Requirements*: CamTwist requires MacOS 10.4
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    I could not tell you the best because I have not tried all cameras.
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     4.3 Read reviews (156)
    Sale: $299.99

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    first of this is a user to user forum. second you voided your warranty by disassembly of your phone. anything to do with disassembly can't really be talked about here as it is against the policy of this forum. camera operation in the case of the n97 is dependent on the lens cover as it communicates to the application what needs to happen. removing it breaks that path of communication. i am sorry but i have no other ideas for you, taking it to nokia care might be your solution but you also might need to pay for repairs due to what you have done on your own to your phone. 
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

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    The "Rolling shutter" stems from CMOS based devices, so look for a camera with a CCD image sensor.
    Some good examples are the Panasonic HDC-SD9 / HS9 / SD5.
    Or limit your use of _Post Stabilization_ if you do use a device with CMOS.

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    Question is. Is pro res codec available in express and if not can someone suggest the optimum set up for HD capture to SD DVD output
    Many thanks

    Use either of these techniques to get good quality DVDs from AIC.
    1. Edit your HDV/AIC in the timeline. Then create a new DV-PAL (NTSC) Anamorphic sequence. Copy your edited HDV/AIC to the new sequence. Do not alter anything. Render the sequence ..... this will take a long time - up to twice the length of the project. Then File>Export>QuickTime Movie (Not Self-contained).
    However, if you use the QT Movie in iDVD you will get a squashed 4:3 movie, so first of all you must make QT stretch it out to its proper 16:9 dimensions like this:-
    +a. Open the exported movie file in the QT Pro player.+
    +b. Go to Window>Show Movie Properties.+
    +c. Select the "Video Track" and in the "Visual Settings" panel uncheck "Preserve Aspect Ratio".+
    +d. In the "Scaled Size" box set the width to 1024 pixels for PAL.+
    +e. The "Video Track" will have turned grey, so click it to make it blue again.+
    +f. The opened movie file will jump to 16:9.+
    +g. Close it with the red button and click Save.+
    2. This method is fast. Set your camera to "Locked DV" which means that FCE/FCP will capture it as anamorphic DV and edit it as standard definition anamorphic DV. (Use Easy Setup ... DV-PAL (NTSC) Anamorphic).
    You can then Export>QuickTime Movie to be used in iDVD and use the stretching technique mentioned above.

  • *** Still trying to get good HDV to DVD image quality

    Okay, so I thought I had a good solution, but I'm now back to square one. I'm shooting and editing in HDV with a Sony Z1U. I edit by using Final Cut Pro, 1 monitor and my 32" LCD tv (native resolution of 1366x768). While editing the image, and especially the text looks crystal clear.....beautiful.
    My problem is outputting it to DVD. Currently, I am exporting my project directly from the timeline of FCP into compressor using the 90 minutes best quality 16:9. This gives my a 2pass VBR at 6.4mbps.
    On a tube tv, it looks so-so, but it appears as though almost as if the lines are out of resigster. It reminds me of reading a newspaper where the print is off register. Definitely you can see interlacing around people and the text looks off register.
    In DVD format on my LCD flat panel it looks really good (the best it can look).
    On my 60" Sony SXRD new tv at home it looks really bad (granted I'm using a Playstation 2 to show it, and on the flat panel I'm using a DVD player with upconversion capabilities - maybe that's the solution right there....)
    Currently I'm not adjusting the presets in Compressor.
    Given all the variables above, is there anything that anyone can suggest that will give me better results? I don't want to import the footage in SD because then I'm editing SD and can never output the finished project as HDV when Blu-ray or HD-DVD comes out.
    I would really appreciate some other workarounds that people have used to try and make their HDV footage look as best as possible in DVD format.
    The frustrating thing is that you never know what TV your clients are watching your project on. Is there a standard set up that I could suggest they buy/use to get the best results?
    P.S. When watching my project on the 60" SXRD I'm not only using a Playstation 2, but also it is connected through an S-Video cable. On the LCD flat panel, I'm using the up-converting DVD player and an HDMI to HDMI cord....Does the cord/way of connecting really make that much of a difference? How do I make it still look good for people that want to watch it letterboxed on a tube tv?

    It's not the upconverting as much as the limitations of S-Video connections. And for true upconverting, you need to utilize the HDMI connection, which will produce better results over component, and qualitatively better over S Video.
    As to client complaints as to image quality, my analog of the weakest link still holds. I always show my clients what it looks like on a good DVD player with at least component in to progressive conversion.
    If their set up produces less, you simply identify what part of their set up is suspect.
    Good quality blanks. Solid encode rates, and Dolby 2/ac3 audio.
    Again, it has to be good going in
    take care,
    and I would appreciate it if you could award points.
    It helps us all out.
    BTW, go to and look at the web samples of Los Gatos Then and Now, or buy the DVD.
    Produce on a FX1.
    best wishes
    Remember to mark an response helpful or solved.
    It protects the integrity of the board.

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