Google cal busy/free into ical

i want to share my busy free time with people. so i on google calendar i set the share settings to only display busy/free time but when people subscribe with ical with the link that google provides the calendar is blank with no entries. does anyone know a way to get this to work.

has anyone figured out anything in regards to this? still no solutions.

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    I'm afraid that isn't possible.  iCloud will not sync your Google calendar and Google will not sync your iCloud calendar.  They are entirely separate systems.  If you want to sync your Google calendar with your devices, add your Gmail account to them (Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars>Add Account>Google) and turn Calendar on.  Your Google calendar will then appear alongside your iCloud calendar in the Calendars app on your devices.

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    I am having the same problem. Was perfect until a week ago but now I am receiving errors and iCall is not getting the changes I make in GCal.
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    Yes, it is possible and you do not need a third party program to do it. You need to "subscribe" to your Google calendar from within iCal. The address that you need to provide to iCal for the subscription to work, is available from the Google calendar page. Click on the downward-facing triangle next to your calendar name on the left of the screen, then click on Calendar Settings. At the bottom of the screen that pops up, click on the ICAL button in the Private Address area. This will give you the private URL of your calendar, which is what you need to use in iCal "subscribe" function.
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    I'm not sure how you would merge them without dragging and dropping the events from your separate calendars into the one you want to hold the merged events.
    iCloud won't sync calendars from external account such as Google.  The easiest thing to do would be to add them to your iOS devices as explained here:  They will then appear alongside your iCloud calendar on your iOS devices just as they do on your Mac.

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    3.0.5 (1270)
    Just to check I wasn't going mad, I just did this:
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    Created a new calendar: "Test Calendar"
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    Are you using a different version of iCal? If not, perhaps you would be best advised to go into iCal Preferences, to delete the CalDAV account and start again?
    Edit: Just noticed you are running the same version, but advice still stands.
    Message was edited by: Bernard Harte

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    yes you are absolutely right and i left it out of my previous post. kind of jumped over it and assumed you had a .mac account, my bad. so you either have a .mac account and then you can publish, or you may want to look at where you would be able to open an account for free, and then be able to publish to icalx - which would be the private server option.
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    Create main folder e.g. Folder A, then sub-folders inside A e.g. B, C, D and have your Photos in B, C, D.
    In iTunes Sync, click your device on the left Pane, then on right pane select "Photo" tab.
    Make sure Sync photo box is checked, then select folder A, then All folders box within the selection.
    Click Apply or Sync button at the lower right window.
    you will have B,C,D folders under Albums.

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    I know you can subscribe to your google calendar with iCal, but since its a subscription you can NOT edit/add items.
    I'm going to assume there is no way (yet) to add/edit events in iCal and have it sync with Google cal, but hey, why not ask?

    May I suggest you look at It is a paying software though, yet it has worked quite well for me. I sync my ical on two macs with google calendar via spanning sync - five calendars in all. That way I can edit/create events on either mac or on the web in gcal, and all three are synced and show the same information.
    BTW, am neither the owner or an employee of spanning sync.
    hope this helps

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    I'm trying to do this very thing.  I have multiple google calendars set up (one for each kid, my husband etc.).  I want to move to iCal exclusively.  Based on your note above, should I export each individual calendar within ical.  Remove each from the iCal account and then reimport then into ical?  I suppose the risk is low b/c the data still exists in google.
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    Any suggestions?  I've tried deleting and resyncing my google account to my iPhone without any success.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Matt,
    I found my own solution to this problem and I think you can get it to work as well.  The thing is that you'll need to make your Google calendar your only calendar.  This means that you'll not want to have a Home or Work iCal because that stuff may not sync well with your Google calendar, but the Google Calendar data will appear within iCal on your iOS and Mac computer without any problems. 
    Before you do any thing I suggest, you must make sure that everything that you want on your calendar is on your on-line Google calendar.  If something is not there and you want it there, the thing you'll need to do is manually add it.  There is no work around that I have found for this.
    Next, on your computer:
    1. Go to System Preferences > iCloud
    2. Make sure that Calendars is not selected.  You don't want your computer or iOS devices to be confused with the iCal Home / Work, etc. calendars.  So let's not sync them.
    3.  Go to System Preferences > Mail, Contacts & Calendars
    4.  Delete Your Google account there
    5.  Go to System Preferences > Mail, Contacts & Calendars
    6.  Re-add your Google account
    Now you should be able to go into iCal on your computer and find that your Google calendar is there. 
    You will need to do a similar thing with your iOS device.
    1.  Settings > iCloud > Turn off 'Calendars'
    2.  Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Delete Gmail Account
    3.  Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Re-add Gmail Account
    This should make it so that you can use your Google calendar and it will be synced to your Mac computer, iOS device, and the Internet (Google's Calendar Website).
    You can see that this is in a sense a workaround in that you can't sync your iCal Home/Work calendars (or other calendars) created with iCloud to Google.  I'm thinking that's the problem I ran into before.  Anyway it works for me because I only need the one calendar and others are using Google that I need easy access to. 
    Let me know if you run into problems and remember you need to confirm that all your data is saved on the google calendar on-line (you can check through Google's website) before doing any of the steps above. 

  • Is there a way to import a pdf calendar into iCal?

    My employer issues my calendar in pdf format. Is there a way to import this into iCal? Either directly or is there a way to automate a conversion to some format and then import?
    many thanks in advance.

    Hi b737guru,
    pdfs might contain visually structured graphics, but they don't necessarily contain internally structured data. Which is what you'd need for a conversion to the iCalendar format, the format that iCal's .ics files use. So I don't think you're likely to find an easy solution.
    Your best bet is to try and get the data from your employer, before it is printed/formatted to a pdf file. If there are enough of you campaigning, they might consider .ics as an alternative to .pdf. Google Calendar, FaceBook and Microsoft Outlook can read .ics, which makes it fairly universal.

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