Google finds me links to ebay starting rover.ebay but firefox returns an empty white page

Every tiome I click on a url like below (both from Thunderbird or a google shopping search I get a blank page.
I have uninstalled adblock plus but this has no effect.

Tools>Internet Options>Security tab, click "Reset all zones to default"
Trusted Sites icon, 'Sites' button... remove Ebay from your Trusted Sites list..... websites work just as well in the (default) Internet Zone.
Create separate windows accounts for each user that shares your computer, so that nothing is changed on your windows account without your knowledge.
For the best security open Ebay with InPrivate browsing.
Ebay won't login properly if you have their site in the Trusted Sites list in IE because there is a security setting to prevent navigation to zones of lower integrity.... Ebay use a sub-domain to validate your credentials and have a number of different global
websites with different domains.
For consumer help with IE select the Help>Online Support menu from IE and follow the links for your windows and IE versions.
this forum is for Questions regarding Internet Explorer 8, 9 (and 10 Release Preview) for the IT Pro Audience. Topics covered are: Installation, Deployment, Configuration, Security, Group Policy, Management questions. If you are a consumer looking for answers
or to raise a question, it's highly recommended you head on over to

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    A number of people have reported similar issues recently, many appear to have found a discrepancy of some kind in their account settings and making changes to these settings or simply resetting them has resolved the matter.
    Check your account details are correct, check that you are using the correct details for Location, Region and Time Zone. You may want to change these settings and then change them back to see if that helps.
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    - Double click the home button and close all the apps in the recently used dock. Then power off and then back on the iPod. This frees up memory. The 3G 4G only has 256 MB of memory.
    - Next try going to Settings>Safari and Clear Cookies, Data and History
    - Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"?
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                       

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    You have the latest version (CC 2014.1 or 2014.1.1) in which the interface condenses Design View with Live View buttons in normal layouts.  See screenshot.
    However, in FGLayouts, Live View is the only option which poses some editing problems and has been highly criticized.
    Is there any way to display the Design View in fluid grid pages?
    New Features in CC 2014.1 October Release
    New Features in CC 2014.1.1 February Release 0editing
    You can disable this restriction by adding an X to the FGLayout CSS.
        Dreamweaver Fluid Grid Properties
        dw-num-cols-mobile:      X 4;
        dw-num-cols-tablet:        8;
        dw-num-cols-desktop:    12;
        dw-gutter-percentage:    25;
    Having said that, it might just  be simpler to revert to an earlier version.  Log-in to Creative Cloud Desktop app.  Go to Filters & Versions > Previous Version.  See screenshot.
    Nancy O.

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    Do a malware check with some malware scanning programs on the Windows computer.<br />
    You need to scan with all programs because each program detects different malware.<br />
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before doing a scan.<br /><br />
    * - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    * - SuperAntispyware
    * - Microsoft Safety Scanner
    * - Windows Defender: Home Page
    * - Spybot Search & Destroy
    * - Ad-Aware Free
    See also:
    *"Spyware on Windows":

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    Start here:
    Comprehensive Help pages:

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    Do you currently have a working VHM&C system? If so then you can get remote from z-wave dot com, look under their "Remotes" section. The one Verizon sold is the Aeon Labs Minimote remote. Cameras will be harder to find. I don't know if non-Verizon cameras will work on the Verizon controler. Most Z-Wave products will work on any Z-Wave system. But Verizon LOCKED their cameras so they can't be used on other systems because Verizon won't release the username & password for the cameras.
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  • Helping Google find non-homepages

    Hi all,
    I know this question has been dealt with before in different ways, but I was wondering if someone could help me out with it given the following circumstances:
    I’ve made a couple of sites in iWeb, hosted to Godaddy.
    Google has no trouble finding my home pages. I google my site and voila, there it is.
    However, I take it that because I use iWeb’s navigation bar, Google knows only about my homepage.
    I have another site, not done with iWeb (made by pros), and every page on it is returned with a search of a relevant word. If I search for a topic on one of its subpages, for example, Google will return the URL of that subpage in its results. I’d like the same thing to occur with my iWeb sites, so all their pages are visible to search engines.
    So here’s the thing. I’m not concerned about my iWeb homepages getting noticed by Google since that happens on its own (actually, other sites will link to my site when they know I’ve thrown something up). Also, I don’t want to turn off iWeb’s navigation bar. I think it looks great, and I’d rather not replace it.
    So… is a sitemap what I need? If so, where do I start? What should be my strategy given that:
    • I make my site in iWeb
    • I like using iWeb's nav bar
    • I use Fetch to FTP my site to Godaddy for hosting
    • I’m not worried about Google finding my homepage
    • I am worried about Google finding all the other pages
    • Outside of making sites in iWeb and FTP’ing to Godaddy, I’m a noob.
    Are there alternatives to doing a sitemap, or is that exactly what I need?
    Many thanks in advance!

    ragesw wrote:
    In addition to what Roddy suggested I can provide you with some additional information as one of the developers of Sitemap Automator;
    Thanks for all your feedback and advice.
    1) A text based navigation bar at the bottom of your page is a very good idea. The text you use to link to each page is important as Google will use it rank your website, so I suggest you link to your most important pages using consistent anchor text (anchor text is the clickable text that links to other pages).
    Is there an advantage to bringing the nav bar to every page, or doesn't it make a difference? Also, I would imagine most nav text is generic, e.g. "contact us" although some is obviously unique, e.g. "iWeb_09"
    Without an XML sitemap it is certainly possible to have all your pages indexed by search engines. XML Sitemaps were invented for websites built using FLASH, hard to index javascript (like iWeb sites), complex frames, forms etc... to help search engines find all content. However, they provide many more benefits which I will describe in more detail below.
    I appreciate all the sitemap benefits you enumerate. In fact, I'm pretty much convinced and figure I'll build one eventually! However, to answer my original question directly and unambiguously, I take it from your response that:
    Again, I believe I understand all the other benefits of sitemaps. But, as I understand it, if you include text links to your other pages, search engines will find them every bit as much as if you use a sitemap.
    2) Your sitemap needs to be in your root directory (under certain circumstances it doesn't have to be, but generally this is the case). Sitemap Automator puts it there for you.
    What if you have a hosting account with different sites in subfolders off of your root folder?
    3) The trial version of Sitemap Automator limits the number of links you can include in your sitemap and does not allow you to notify all search engines about it.
    How many links and search engines does the trial software allow?
    *Advantages of an XML Sitemap*
    1) As you said, a sitemap will let you make sure that search engines know about your website without you having to change your site
    I'm not sure what that means. Search engines know about my site even if I don't change it.
    4) When you have a Google Webmaster Tools account you get a wealth of information about your website including;
    a) reasons why certain pages may not be able to be indexed by search engines
    b) The top search keywords that your website appears for AND the top searched keywords that send you traffic to your site (including recent trends)
    c) Who links to your site and what anchor text they use (anchor text is important for search engines to help rank your website for certain keywords)
    d) Lots more... I highly suggest you create a Google Webmaster Tools account because of all the interesting info you get
    Those are compelling reasons.
    If you provide a link to your website, I would be happy to provide specific advice for you.
    Thanks! However, regarding specific advice, I'd feel more comfortable contacting you privately.
    (also: apologies to you and everyone else who offered helpful advice. I wanted to mark all the responses as helpful, but apparently Apple's forum software only lets me identify a max of 2 comments as helpful!)

  • EJB Finder View Links and CMR

    Can someone please give me some input on the following warning in the JDeveloper online help!
    "Warning: You cannot create an EJB finder view link that expresses the same relationship as a CMR."
    I'm new to EJB, BC4J and JDeveloper. I created container managed entity beans with local interfaces only to represent my data and relationships. No problems with the mapping so far.
    To test the beans I used Session Facades with remote interfaces and build a sample test client.
    Now I thought I could create EJB Entity Facades, EJB Finder View Objects, EJB Finder View Links and EJB Application Modules to make use of the BC4J framework in order to speed up programming clients (JSP and JClient).
    So I've started studying the JDeveloper online help (which seems to be very useful) and found the above mentioned warning.
    Well, better a warning than nothing at all, but some more explanations would have been even better.
    Is there no need to use view links with CMR?
    How to achieve the same functionality (synchronizing two view objects in a master-detail-relationship) with CMR?
    Do you know any examples? I couldn't find any examples using EJB entity facades in the "sample code" area on OTN.
    Any comments about other (better) architectures are also welcome. Would it be better to use BMP entity beans in conjunction with BC4J?
    Many thanks for your help!

    thank you for your reply and suggestions - I'll count on that. If I find time I'll read this book. It seems to be very interesting.
    For educational purposes I'd like to look at both persistence implementation strategies. I agree that it looks definitly easier to use entity objects. Certainly it's also performancewise a better choice.
    Anyhow, could you give me some useful tips for cmp entity beans and finder view objects?
    Is there something which works completely different if I use BC4J on top of it?
    How to implement a master-detail relationship in JClient (Swing) for example?
    What about writing an ejbfinder which doesn't return all, but all data where the foreign key is equal to a parameter passed to the finder method and use this as the source for a detail view object. This could be the primary key of the selected master. Well, I don't know whether this is doable. But that's what comes to my mind spontaneously.
    Would this be a solution? I'm still thinking about the aforementioned warning in the online help regarding view links.
    I guess the problem is that the foreign key is not part of the entity bean as it's not a cmp-field. Instead you have accessor methods to retrieve a related object or a collection of objects.
    I'm sure my questions are not too complicated to answer. It's only hard for a beginner to get an overview.
    I'm quite confident that I'll manage this if I give my best and get some help from knowledgeable people like you Steven.

  • Clicking on a link no longer starts/opens that site in Firefox since update to 6.0.2

    For example, clicking on a link to a website in an email returns an Outlook error. This started immediately after updating Firefox to version 6.0.2. For the moment I can't repeat the error without making Firefox my default browser again. Until I find out what to do I intend to keep Internet Explorer as my default browser.
    I have NOT tried Firefox with add-ons disabled.

    I don't know what is going on but for whatever reason it is all working now! Have done nothing further to fix the problem.

  • Every 10-15 minutes Firefox 3.6 cannot load pages (from bookmarks or links) and must be re-started

    Every 10-15 minutes I find that clicking a link in a webpage or selecting a bookmark will elicit the white error page message that the target page could not be loaded; usually (but not always) I will be told that my internet connection "does not seem to be working". Other programs accessing the internet are not affected. The problem usually solves itself if I close FF, wait 2 minutes, and start it again, which is not really practical. The problem occurs both on a home network (wireless) and an office network (ethernet). FF3.6 has been problematic since I updated to it (esp.: slow to open); I have tried un-installing and dropping back to 3.5, but FF has twice updated to the most recent version (6.7, then 6.8) without asking whether I wanted this.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I updated to Firefox 3.6

    Just an addition: when the connection drops out, the Windows 'error' sound occurs.

  • Solution sought: finding inter-linked pages within a site

    Is there a button or function that tells me what other pages link to a page that I have open at the time? I know about Find and Replace, Check Links Sitewide and Change Link Sitewide, but none of these (that I can work out anyway) seem to have what I'm looking for.
    For example:
    I have been asked to delete a page, and at the moment I have to remember or search for it's (relative) path, then type it into Find and Replace in order to find what else is linking to it within the site, then go through each page deleting the link (or use Change Link Sitewide).  It is the intial search that is the laborious part.
    Ideally, a button that finds what links to the page I have open and brings back the results would be perfect (as in Find and Replace results), but in the meantime, a neat solution/process or function is sought.
    I work in a large organisation with a large website, so this does crop up on a regular basis.
    I am using DW CS5.
    Thanks in advance.

    DW doesn't have a magic button you can press that will show you which sites or pages in your site have links to a particular URL.
    Use Google Webmaster Tools for this.
         1. Log-in to your account.
         2. Go to Your Site on the Web >  Internal Links.
         3. Type the URL of the page in question, Google will show you all the pages on your domain that link to that page.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Thanks for any help.

    Check the "Parameters for Openinig PDF Files" document at <a<br />href="">http://www.adob</a>. It says: <br /><br />When opening a PDF document from a command shell, you can pass the parameters to the open command using the /A switch with the following syntax:<br /><br /><Acrobat path> /A "<parameter>=<value>" "<PDF path>"<br /><br />For example:<br />Acrobat.exe /A "zoom=1000" "C:\example.pdf"<br /><br />Use the page or destination parameter (if you add destinations to the PDF). I tried it with the page parameter and it worked.<br /><br />--GMc

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