Google sync stops working after "Do not disturb"

Hi all,
I have a problem since I started using my iPhone 6.
The device is now running iOS 8.1 but it is present since 8.0.
My work e-mail is a Google Apps account, with sync active, hence configured as Exchange with "push" as data fetch.
The problem is quite strange: everything works fine and push notifications arrive in the correct way during the day.
Then at night, I activate "Do not disturb" mode, and when I wake up in the morning I turn it down.
From that moment, if I don't perform a manual refresh of the Mail app, the push mode does not work: I can't see any e-mail arriving.
When I do the manual refresh, all the unread mails come up, and from that moment, push works well as usual.
I didn't have this problem with my former 4S, I checked the admin board of the Google Apps account but I wasn't able to find anything strange.
Someone else having that problem, and eventually a solution?

Basic troubleshooting with an email account it to delete it and re-add it.

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    Hello davewood26,
    The following article provides steps that can help get iTunes stabilized.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues

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    Any problem when connected to another wi-fi network besides your own?
    The only additonal troubleshooting options after powering the iPhone off and on, an iPhone reset, and resetting network settings on the iPhone is restoring the iPhone with iTunes from the iPhone's backup and/or restoring with iTunes as a new iPhone or not from the backup.
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    The answer to your question is - neither!
    Your PC should to configured to obtain an IP address automatically, and to obtain DNS server IP addresses automatically, from the Airport Express. This is the way Windows (and Macs for that matter) are configued by default, and that is the way most people have their computers set up. If you manually configured your PC's IP address to be the same as your wife's Mac, it certainly explains why your PC is not able to access the internet.

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    My question is at the end.
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    2. Checked w/ microsoft and installed 63 OS updates.
    3. Launch the CF9 trial exe.
    4. As soon as the first screen finishes (the one that looks like  it is extracting files) then the second screen pops up (the one that  simply says CF Adobe Coldfusion 9) and the progress bar quickly moves  95% to the right and the install application quits. No error, no nothing. No log file either.
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    6. Got a copy of rarunzipper and extracted the coldfusion_9_WWE_win64.exe file.
    7. From the windows directory created by step 6, I launched adobe_cf.exe.
    8. Same thing (the install application quits. No error, no nothing. No log file either.).
    9. I examine the hs_err_pidxxxx.log file (where the xxxx is a number).
    10. I see inside that file an ominous message: "A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime" then "Problematic frame ntdll.dll" and then "The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code".
    11. OK, so now I am thinking ntdll.dll !! Native code !! It is like Java is telling me that for some reason it can't dance with the OS.
    12. On a hunch, I decided to test a CF install again on a server with just the base install of W3K3 64 SP2 (ie: skipping step 2 above this time).
    13. Bingo! That install works.
    14. Therefore, one of the 63 patches I had downloaded from MS had triggered a problem with the CF installer.
    15. Back on the first server (the one with the MS security  patches installed and the one that CF won't install on). In the CF file  adobe_cf.lax (one of the files extracted in step 6) there is a line that  mentions where the install gets it's java. Find that file, and check java version installer is using. It is using 1.6.0_14-b08.
    16. Off to the Java website, and there is a newer version of java (1.6.0_24-b07). Downloaded and installed it.
    17. Modify a line in adobe_cf.lax :
       after\\program files\\java\\jre6\\bin\\java.exe
    (that assumes that you let step 16 install to the default location)
    Save the file.
    18. Run the install ... ** IT WORKS ** !
    Obviously, the built in java provided with the CF installer is  no longer compatible with some change introduced by some recent MS  update on the W2K3 64b SP2 platform.
    And now the interesting part. Although I forced the installer to used the new java, it did not incorporate it into the cf build (ie: in jvm.config, you still see c:/coldfusion9/runtime/jre AND the  version of java.exe that is in that directory is the original version,  not the newer version I forced the installer to use).
    On the surface, CF seems to run OK, but I have not done any application testing yet.
    And finally my
    ** QUESTION **
    Would it be appropriate to simply point the java.home var to the new java directory? I see that the directory structures and files are not exactly the same  (close though) so I certainly don't want to break things by doing this,  but instinct tells me that if the installer broke using the older  version, then something else is gonna break down the road if I don't use  the new version. On the other hand, the differences in the  directories and files is enough that it makes me very nervous, with my  limitied java skill set, to make this decision. 
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi Byron,
    Wow great post no doubt much of the information will be useful for those on Win03 SP2 +. Have to say not come across similar problem on Win08 r2 SP1 +.
    So to your question. Adobe security bulletin ( recommends running CF8 and CF9 with JVM 1.6.0_24. The bulletin does not say how to do that. I take you installed JDK and not just JRE 1.6.0_24? Post install of JDK follow these steps:
    Stop CF - SERVICES.msc stop "ColdFusion 9 Application Server".
    Take a copy of CF\runtime\bin\jvm.config - so you got a backup.
    Edit CF\runtime\bin\jvm.config find line "java.home=" and comment it out eg:
    Add new line like so and save jvm.config:
    java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_24/jre
    Note  there the slashes and the location of the JRE (runtime) - you need to  point to the one in JDK because the other JRE in C:\Program  Files\Java\jre6 will be missing a DLL.
    Start CF via SERVICES.msc.
    HTH, Carl.

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    If it is 3GS, you can update it to iOS 5 and it will work.

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    L2TP over IPSec
    Server address filled out
    Account name filled out
    Authentication settings
    User Authentication - password kept empty, so it prompts for password
    Machine authentication through certificate - certificate selected
    IPv4 over PPP
    IPv6 automatic
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    This is my results, what's the problem?
    Start time: 16:39:21 07/22/14
    Model Identifier: iMac14,1
    System Version: OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 13.3.0
    Boot Mode: Normal
    Time since boot: 25 minutes
    FileVault: FileVault master keychain appears to be installed
    Diagnostic reports
       2014-07-18 Pixelmator crash
       2014-07-18 iPhoto hang
       Jul 21 20:24:52 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2079840 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 20:25:23 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2135869 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 21:37:20 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2135869 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 21:37:51 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2195473 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 21:44:00 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2195473 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 21:44:31 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2255089 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 22:46:37 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2255089 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 22:47:08 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2314686 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 22:55:04 msdosfs_fat_uninit_vol: error 6 from msdosfs_fat_cache_flush
       Jul 21 22:55:04 jnl: disk1s1: do_jnl_io: strategy err 0x6
       Jul 21 22:55:04 jnl: disk1s1: write_journal_header: error writing the journal header!
       Jul 21 22:55:04 jnl: disk1s1: close: journal 0xffffff801d15ec20, is invalid.  aborting outstanding transactions
       Jul 21 22:55:14 jnl: disk1s1: replay_journal: from: 30769152 to: 31651328 (joffset 0x12ad000)
       Jul 21 22:55:15 jnl: disk1s1: journal replay done.
       Jul 21 22:55:57 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2314686 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 22:56:28 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2374599 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 23:12:03 wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #4, bssid f0
       Jul 21 23:13:06 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2374599 xpmapped pages
       Jul 21 23:13:36 WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 2434512 xpmapped pages
       Jul 22 10:42:53 wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #2, bssid f0
       Jul 22 10:43:40 CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x124458000): p=10284[spindump] final status 0x0, allowing (remove VALID) page
       Jul 22 11:36:45 process FaceTime[10528] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 151; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 45035
       Jul 22 15:18:31 process FaceTime[179] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 152; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 45021
       Jul 22 15:45:12 wl0: Beacon Loss Event
       Jul 22 15:46:13 wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #4, bssid f0
       - com.adobe.AAM.Startup-1.0
       - com.divx.dms.agent
       - com.divx.update.agent
       - com.maintain.LogOut
       - com.maintain.PurgeInactiveMemory
       - com.maintain.Restart
       - com.maintain.ShutDown
       - com.maintain.Sleep
       - com.maintain.SystemEvents
       - de.novamedia.VodafoneDeviceObserver
       - com.adobe.fpsaud
       - com.github.GitHub.GHInstallCLI
       - com.maintain.AutoLoginUserScreenLocked
       - com.maintain.cocktail.scheduler
       - com.maintain.HideSpotlightMenuBarIcon
       - net.sourceforge.MonolingualHelper
       - com.plexapp.mediaserver
       - com.spotify.webhelper
       - com.vemedio.Snowtape.RadioAgent
    Startup items
       /Library/StartupItems/IPSecuritasDaemon/ curitasMenu
       - com.zte.driver.cdc_usb_bus
       - com.zte.driver.cdc_ecm_qmi
       - com.deepseasoftware.driver.CDSDAudioCaptureSupport
       - com.huawei.driver.HuaweiDataCardDriver
       - com.novamedia.driver.IceraUSB_MSD_Bypass
       - com.LivestreamProcaster.driver.LPAudioRedirector
       - de.novamedia.oem.vodafone.vtp.huawei.cdc
       - de.novamedia.driver.NMLGEDriver
       - de.novamedia.driver.NMSamsung
       - de.novamedia.driver.NMSmartplugSCSIDevice
       - com.novatelwireless.driver.3G
       - com.novatelwireless.driver.DisableAutoInstall
       - com.NovatelWireless.driver.NovatelWirelessUSBCDCECMControl
       - com.NovatelWireless.driver.NovatelWirelessUSBCDCECMData
       - com.option.driver.Option72
       - com.option.driver.OptionHS
       - com.option.driver.OptionMSD
       - com.option.driver.OptionQC
       - com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower
       - com.vodafone.driver
       - com.ZTE.driver.ZTEUSBCDCACMData
       - com.ZTE.driver.ZTEUSBMassStorageFilter
       - com.shepmater.A52Codec
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component
       - net.telestream.wmv.import
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DivX Web Player.plugin
       - com.divx.DivXWebPlayer
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
       - N/A
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/o1dbrowserplugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/OVSHelper.plugin
       - com.divx.OVSHelper
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin
       - com.mds.prefPane.ADOView
       - com.pratikkumar.airserver-prefs
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Flash Player.prefPane
       - com.adobe.flashplayerpreferences
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Flip4Mac WMV.prefPane
       - net.telestream.wmv.prefpane
       - com.growl.prefpanel
       - com.mysql.prefpane
       - org.perian.PerianPane
       - com.cod3r.ac3movieimport
       /Library/QuickTime/DivX Decoder.component
       - com.DivXInc.DivXDecoder
       /Library/QuickTime/DivX Decoder.component/Contents/Resources
       - com.DivXInc.DivXDecoder
       /Library/QuickTime/DivX Encoder.component
       - com.DivXInc.DivXCodec
       /Library/QuickTime/FCP Uncompressed 422.component
       - N/A
       /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac WMV Advanced.component
       - net.telestream.wmv.advanced
       /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac WMV Export.component
       - net.telestream.wmv.export
       /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac WMV Import.component
       - net.telestream.wmv.import
       - org.perian.Perian
       - org.xiph.xiph-qt.xiphqt
       /Library/Widgets/CI Filter Browser.wdgt
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABSMS.bundle
       Library/Caches/ Web Clipper-2.safariextension
       - com.evernote.safari.clipper
       - com.spigot.safari.searchme
       Library/InputManagers/Smart Crash Reports/Smart Crash Reports.bundle
       - com.unsanity.smartcrashreports
       Library/InputManagers/Smart Crash Reports/Smart Crash Reports.bundle/Contents/Resources
       - com.unsanity.smartcrashreports
       Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins/CoverVersion.bundle
       - de.imagomat.coverversion
       Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-ins/MiniLyrics for iTunes.bundle
       - com.crintsoft.minilyrics.itunes
       - org.wave2.widget.delicious
       - com.stefan.widget.Earth
       - com.phantomgorilla.widget.gRead
       - com.lobotomo.widget.ipsecuritas
       Library/Widgets/iStat nano.wdgt
       - com.iSlayer.iStatnanoV2.widget
       - ca.aquabox.widget.twidget
       Library/Widgets/VPN Tracker 5 Widget.wdgt
       - N/A
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openassetlib/plugins/libopenassetlib_filesystem_pl ugin.0.dylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openassetlib/plugins/libopenassetlib_sqlite3_plugi n.0.dylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openeffectslib/plugins/libopeneffectslib_colour_ef fect.0.dylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openeffectslib/plugins/libopeneffectslib_gpu_kerne l.0.dylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openeffectslib/plugins/libopeneffectslib_openimage lib_source.0.dylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openeffectslib/plugins/libopeneffectslib_openmedia lib_source.0.dylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openimagelib/plugins/libopenimagelib_3D_lightmap.0 .dylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openimagelib/plugins/libopenimagelib_quicktime.0.d ylib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openmedialib/plugins/libopenmedialib_avformat.0.dy lib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openmedialib/plugins/libopenmedialib_openal.0.dyli b
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openmedialib/plugins/libopenmedialib_template.0.dy lib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openobjectlib/plugins/libopenobjectlib_tsto.0.dyli b
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openobjectlib/plugins/libopenobjectlib_x3dbz.0.dyl ib
       /usr/lib/openlibraries-0.3.0/openobjectlib/plugins/libopenobjectlib_x3dz.0.dyli b
    Contents of /etc/hosts localhost broadcasthost
       ::1             localhost
       fe80::1%lo0 localhost
    Contents of /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ (Apple binary property list)
       bplist00”      \MachServices_  ProgramArgumentsULabel—  _ ° _  /usr/libexec/rpmuxd   /58KLN
    Font issues: 46
    Bad plists
    DNS: (static)
    User crontab
       # iBackup start
       # min hour mday month wday command
       # iBackup end
    Hidden apps
    Restricted files: 10766
    Safari extensions
       Evernote Web Clipper
    High file counts
       Library/Keychains: 72
    Elapsed time (s): 433

  • Adobe Acrobat x (as a component of the CS6 web premium package) has stopped working after 30 days

    Acrobat x (as a component of design and web premiun CS6)  has stopped working30 days after installation. I am not running a trial version of CS6 - I have a valid licensed copy.
    What is going on?

    More details
    The software Design and Web Premium CS6 was purchased / installed / and activated just over 30 days ago
    All components worked fine after install
    30 days after install Acrobat X just stopped working - it will not startup - no error message seen - just does not starup (not even the hour glass). All other components still work fine.
    Beta CS6 Software and prerelease CS6 Software had previously been deactivated and uninstalled prior to install.
    System is 64 bit Windows 7, CS6 64 bit - 8GB RAM, Duo Core 3GHZ Intel, AMD 6870 1GB GPU.
    Google the same issue and you'll find there are numerous people who have the same problem - current recommendation from Adobe is to deactivate and activate again. This sounds like another 30 day workaround

  • Why does my iPod Shuffle stop working after a few songs?

    I had my iPod Shuffle for about a month now and it's already causing me trouble.
    I would play a couple of songs, but when I go to change it, it stops working. I turn it off and on again only to have it take me back to where I started off at (e.g. Let's say I have 100 songs, I start at 50 and I get to 55 before it shuts off. When I turn it back on, it starts at 50 all over again). This process would happen over and over again with seemingly no end.
    So my question is, why does my iPod Shuffle stop working after a few songs and how can I fix it?
    I already tried using the iTunes troubleshooting guide, but nothing worked.
    Details -
    4th Generation
    I only use it at the gym or when I'm running
    I've only used the Apple products that came with it so far
           (e.g. charger, headphones, etc.)
    881 MB are still left
    Music stops randomly, no common number or pattern

    I had the same problem, I purchased a new ipod shuffle, followed the instructions but it would stop after a few songs and I would have to shut it off, wait and turn it back on and it would go back to the same song and then once again, after a few songs it would shut off. I returned the ipod and got another one, same thing happened. This is how I resolved the issue.
    1. open itunes, make sure its up to date, then connect your shuffle to your pc
    2.on the left of the itunes window, select your ipod, then at the top select music then check the sync box and select "selected playlists"
    3.then go back and click on your ipod on the left, a message will appear just select apply
    all of your music should be emptied from your ipod.
    4.delete all of your playlists on the left, this will not delete anything from your library. Delete the "purchased" playlist under itunes store on the left as well, once again this will not delete anything from your library
    5.There should be an arrow just in front of your ipod, click on this arrow and you should see your music file for the ipod appear, this should be the only file that you see, everything else should be deleted.
    6. go to your music library and check only the songs that you want to load into your ipod. Double click on each song to make sure that they all play.
    If you find a song that does not play you should be asked to authorize it, don't waste your time that did not solve the issue for me, instead cancel to authorize the song and then delete the song and move it to recycle bin. Once the song is deleted a cloud should appear, click on the cloud and download the song again, when done, make sure the song plays and that it is checked.
    7.After you have made sure that all of the songs play and are checked, click on your ipod once more, located to the left, check the box  "sync only checked songs" then from the top select music. In the music window select "sync music' and then select "entire music Library"
    8. Go back to the left and click on the arrow in front of your ipod, you should see the music file, click on the music file and you should see all of your music being loaded to your ipod.
    9. When all of the music is done loading, eject your ipod by clicking on the arrow located after the battery symbol where your ipod appears on the left
    10. Turn on your ipod and scroll through your songs to make sure that the problem is resolved.
    Not sure if all of this was necessary but it worked for me.

  • Windows media player stop working after upgraded from firefox 6.02 to Firefox 7.01 yesterday.

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