Google vs Domain Forwarding

This problem must confront many users of mobleme who have a domain other than
Aloha guys: I need help. I have a web site I built using iWeb. I have a domain name I bought thru Namesecure, with a .org extension. I have Namesecure forward hits to the .org domain to the mobleme web domain I got when I published thru Mobleme.
It works great. BUT, google does not pick it up. even when I google the actual domain name, google does not find it.
There must be a solution to this problem. Thank you all very much for participating in this great forum.
<Email Address Removed for Privacy>
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Your if that's what you want them to find.
Its a good idea to get the verification file done at the same time.
If you don't already have one, get a Google account so that you can submit a sitemap as well.

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    Hello Everyone
    I have been lurking in the forum for some time, and now have a question. I did a search for it without any luck, so here goes.
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    Dual 2.0 G5 Rev A - PowerBook 17" 1.33   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    The masking feature that you describe is just that.... it masks the actual URL with whatever URL you give this case the URL for your domain. So if you type in and have it masked and forwarded to your .Mac pages, that URL is the only URL you will ever see in the address bar of your browser. This is the expected behavior for masking.
    There are some different things you can do with your domain, though...
    Remember that your forwarded domain basically replaces the relevant portion of your .Mac address. I will use my domain name and .Mac iWEb address for example. ==> forwards to
    So anytime I see my .Mac URL, I can replace the whole initial section with my domain name...
    can be directly replaced with...
    And because I have masking turned on, this is the URL that will stay in my address bar.
    For your purposes, you might be interested in assigning subdomains. This feature is located under "Total DNS control". It lets your replace the "www" with a sub-domain that again can be forwarded to any URL. You can use this to forward directly to your photos page using this...
    That would work too, if you had a page that you commonly like to give out to people.

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    At the moment it seem probably not, so you had better look for alternative hosting with GoDaddy or HostExcellence.
    Also, remember that iWeb is a package that is used for building websites, no more and no less, so if you still have iWeb on your Mac then you can still use it whether or not you have MobileMe or not - iWeb can still be used - if it exists then you can use it but rather look for an alternative host.

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    Message was edited by: Paul Murrant for spelling

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    Hi Lewis,
    I do not know what attribute messaging server uses for the functionality you want. So best to ask the messaging forum and they will tell you what steps to follow to achieve the functionality you want.

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    got to simplify things over here and getting a new domain host would be a nice start.
    sorry for the long post.

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    The situation is a little bit different with masked Domain Forwarding. The meta-information is placed into the frames code which is responsible for the masking. Since this code is generated by the domain forwarding setup, it is not available for editing like other iWeb HTML files. Futhermore, with a masked Domain Forwarding setup, search engines that find the domain URL only see the frames code and whatever meta-information is contained in the frames code. So even if you add meta-information to the iWeb HTML pages behind the masking domain name, the search engines will never see it.
    This is one major downside to using masked domain forwarding.

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    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Yes, you can do this at Yahoo possibly just by setting a redirect HTML file in your webserver directory. Here's an example from my own forwarded and masked domain name...
    <title>My World: Putt-Putt's Homepage Featuring Kate Meredith! </title>
    <META name="description" content="When PuttPutt isn't busy getting a diaper changed,she'll be here keeping you informed about the everyday happenings in her endless corner of the world">
    <frameset rows="100%,*" border="0">
    <frame src="" frameborder="0" />
    <frame frameborder="0" noresize />
    Just save this as a text file and name it index.html or whatever your server requires. Edit the underlined information to reflect your own website. Then place it into your webserver directory and see if it works! Let me know...
    Good luck!

  • Google For Domains

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    What should be: [email protected]
    becomes: [email protected]
    Is there a solution for this? If not the mail app is basically useless for me.

    I have a google's App's account, what I did was:
    Choose 'Other' from the create mail (or add account)
    Choose 'Pop' at the top
    Name: your name (whatever it doesn't matter here)
    Address : [email protected]
    Description: (whatever)
    Host Name:
    User Name recent:[email protected]
    Password: yourgoogleapps_emailpassword
    Host Name:
    username [email protected]
    password: yourgoogleapps_emailpassword
    Tip: using the 'recent:' will help your mobile device just bring down the last several emails this helps reconcile if you have more than one device using pop to get mail from your google account. you don't have to use recent: you can just use '[email protected]'
    Worked great for me.. (make sure you have pop enabled on your google account) Hope this helps.
    lots of macs and pc's   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • Domain forwarding to specific pages

    I know this question was asked by someone else and is already answered but I cannot find that thread anymore. I did not bookmark it or something and finally gave up searching after 30 mins. I hope the one who answered it the first time will be so nice to do it again...
    I use domain forwarding from a registered domain to my .mac account. That works fine but I want to give friends the link to a specific page.
    The setting now is: -->
    When I try to go to for example all I get is the index.html. I do not want to show my .mac-url but still want to be able to give people the link to a specific page. What should I do to accomplish this?
    Thanx in advance!
    iMac (Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    See if you domain registrar also offers "subdomain" forwarding. For a domain name, the "www" part is the subdomain. If subdomains are allowed, then you can configure these to forward anywhere just like the main domain name.
    Here is my own personal domain:
    It forwards to
    But I also have several subdomains that are forwarded to specific pages... <== goes directly to my blog <== goes directly to the guestmap <== goes directly to the gallery <== goes directly to the funhouse
    All of these subdomains point to specific pages of the same site. You can also forward subdomains to different sites altogether... <== goes to my Homepages site.
    I'm sure you get the idea. Just ask your domain registrar for the details or look in your domain name account. I am with GoDaddy, so if you are too I can talk you through it.

  • Please make it possible to print e-mail which are forwarded from gmail (google - apps domain).

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    Now I want to automatic print the e-mails when received on my (order) google apps email address.
    So I setup a forwarding rule in Google Apps - gmail to the printers e-print email address.
    No I got a error in ePrint Center, to many recipients.
    Can you please make it possible to allow more recipients with a settings or that it is possible to forward-and-print from a gmail e-mail?
    Than you have a very good e-print service!

    Ok, I made a fresh provider hosted application to test out Dragan's suggested solution.
    You can view the repository here:
    After comparing this new application and the old one, I realized I had a misunderstanding of how the SP.RequestExecutor expected urls to be constructed. I thought it was required to use the SP.AppContextSite() endpoint.
    I was incorrectly constructing a request to the appWeb with a url similar to the following:
    As you can see, the @target was set to the appWeb url but infact when making request to the appWeb using RequestExecutor you do no need to do this.  It is simply appweburl + "/_api/contextinfo".  It is only when making requests for
    resources existing on the hostWeb that you need use the AppContextSite and set the @target.
    I think the link to the solution I provided is more helpful, but I marked Dragan's reply as the answer to give him credit for helping me.

  • Domain forwarding to iWeb and Search word problems...

    Hello out there. I have chosen to set up my company's website with iWeb. But because the url is not easy for marketing, I purchased my domain name and had that automatically forwarded to my cover page for my iWeb webpage.
    example: my domain is
    this is what I advertise to my customers.
    when you go to , it is forwarded to my iWeb website
    This works fine, and for the most part I am happy, despite the strange changes internet explorer does to my published site. (another topic of discussion)
    Question: As this is for my company, marketing the website is important. How can I verify the website in order to enter the website into the Google search engine???
    Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

    google will eventually crawl your site anyway, and a good start is putting up links to your site. You can always post your url in this forum and also encourage others to link to your site from theirs. You will also want to consider using better titles for your pages as well as meta data and keywords. Google will use this information to index your site and make it searchable. On another note I play jazz trumpet and I really like how your site looks, well done! I don't have any sponsers yet either Kidding. Good luck

  • How to make ASR9000 bridge domain forward traffic between sub interfaces of same physical interface?

    I regularly use bridge domains to connect sub interfaces on different vlans using this sort of configuration:
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5.21 l2transport
    description CUSTOMER A WAN
    encapsulation dot1q 21
    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/10.3122 l2transport
    description CUSTOMER A CORE
    encapsulation dot1q 3122
    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
    bridge group WANLINKS
      bridge-domain CUSTOMERA
       interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5.21
       interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/10.3122
    When I try to use the same method to bridge two sub interfaces on the same physical interface so as to create a L2 VPN no data flows:
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5.21 l2transport
    description CUSTOMER A WAN
    encapsulation dot1q 21
    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5.22 l2transport
    description CUSTOMER A WAN2
    encapsulation dot1q 22
    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
    bridge group WANLINKS
      bridge-domain CUSTOMERA
       interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5.21
       interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/5.22
    If I add a BVI interface to the bridge domain then the CE devices at the remote end of the WAN interface can both ping the BVI IP but they remain unable to ping each other.
    Is this because tag rewrites are not happening since packets don't leave the physical interface?
    How can I work around this and establish a L2 connection between the two subinterfaces?
    Thank you

    a vlan is usually the equivalent of an l3 subnet, so linking 2 vlans together in the same bridge domain, likely needs to come with some sort of routing (eg a BVI interface).
    If these 2 vlans are still in the same subnet, then there is still arp going on, from one host to the other that traverses the bD.
    you will need to verify the state of the AC, the forwarding in the BD and see if something gets dropped somewhere and follow the generic packet troubleshooting guides (see support forums for that also).
    that might give a hint to what the precise issue in your forwarding is.

  • Domains-Forwarding

    I have a parked domain name which I set up to forward to my Mac site. When it forwards to the site only a blank page loads with little question marks where the elements of that page should be. So it goes to the Mac site but doesn't load. I spoke with the domain name supply company and they suggested that there may be a problem with Mac not supporting a '301 redirect'. Could this be true?

    I have a parked domain name which I set up to forward
    to my Mac site. When it forwards to the site only a
    blank page loads with little question marks where the
    elements of that page should be. So it goes to the
    Mac site but doesn't load. I spoke with the domain
    name supply company and they suggested that there may
    be a problem with Mac not supporting a '301
    redirect'. Could this be true?
    That seems unlikely, but more info is needed. Please provide the url of your .Mac site, your parked domain name, the name of the company where you have your name, and the exact url you typed into whatever redirection form you filled out.

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