Got 2 iPhones with different looking screens...

One is cool and white  looking while the other is warm and yellowish....
Anyone else notice?

Check the support forums on Apple. You will see this is an issue that occurred with the GSM models and has apparently trickled over to the CMDA for some. If Apple deems your device to be defective they will replace it. If you purchased it from VZ then the same may be true. I know that some people have reported that their phones were not deemed defective (ATT) and were not replaced while others were able to get them replaced. Have you checked the settings (brightness for example) to make sure that isn't part of the issue?

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    iTunes Match is associated with one, and only one, iTunes Store Apple ID and country-specific store. The service cannot be shared between Apple IDs.
    Indy Apple Guy wrote:
    If we sign up for iTunes with the one account with the majority of the songs, is Home Sharing no longer available to the other two accounts? 
    Of course it is. iTunes Match has no affect on Home Sharing.
    Indy Apple Guy wrote:
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    It is possible to consolidate the tracks from the other iTunes libraries into one and use that for iTunes Match. Make sure the one computer that hosts the library is authorized to play any protected content.
    Indy Apple Guy wrote:
    C.  If we purchase songs/albums while in iTunes Match, and then decide not to use Match in the future, do we lose all our music?
    Of course not. Any purchases go to the purchase history for the Apple ID that bought them and as long as the tracks are downloaded and backedup you'll have them as long as you maintain them. Keep in mind that iTunes Match is a service; you don't do anything "in" iTunes Match. It simply "is" in the background.
    Indy Apple Guy wrote:
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    Yes, parental controls should continue to work as they have. Although I do not use them, perhaps someone else with experience will weigh in.
    Message was edited by: Michael Allbritton

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    Reset the phone:  Press both the home and on/off buttons for AT LEAST 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears.  (No data loss)
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    - Will I be able to keep all my contacts?
    - Same for all the installed apps? When I authorise my Mac for the Apple ID which is used with the second iPhone, will I then be able to re-download all my    apps to my Mac?
    - What about my settings on the second iPhone?
    - Will the e-mail accounts be deleted?
    Thanks in advance for any answers

    Syncing to a new iTunes library will wipe the phone and replace it with media from the new iTunes library.  However, if you carefully follow wjosten's post here: you can migrate to the new computer without losing everything.  (You'll still lose any music and other media not in the new library but you will retain your messages, settings and apps.  Your contacts and calendar will be merged Address Book and iCal on the new computer, however.)  I would suggest that as a safety precaution you use the free app My Contacts Backup to backup your contacts.  This backup is attached to an email that you send to your self, and can be used to re-import your contacts if anything goes wrong.

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    syncing contacts, with either iCloud or iTunes, mean all contacts or nothing. You can set up iCloud, that means adding a contact to one iPhone it will automatically appear on the other one, but all the other contacts will be on both phones, including the ones you might not want there, if you insist on keeping part of your contacts seperate.
    If you don't mind having all contacts on both phones, do the following on both devices:
    Go to Settings - iCloud - login with your Apple ID - turn on Contacts.
    Hope this helps

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