Got the latest Intermediate Codec..?

I just did my monthly(?) trip to Software Update, and found Apple Intermediate Codec (..1.0.1, I think..) which is an update to the codec supplied with iMovie HD ("iLife '05") and with Final Cut Express HD.
After installing this, my Mac mini more easily (..seemingly? recognised that a Sony HC1 hi-def camcorder was connected.
Although the Mini previously recognised streaming HDV coming from the camera (..i.e; camera switched to 'Record' mode, not Playback mode..) and displayed the video on iMovie HD's screen (..but with the usual severe lag, while the video was changed from MPEG to Intermediate Codec..) the Mini had previously needed two or three shots at recognising the camera when the cam was switched to 'Play' for importing.
The Mini now instantly recognises the camera when the cam is set to Play, and imports as soon as the Import button's clicked ..though still with the normal severe, half-speed-import delay while the incoming video's transcoded to DV/intermediate codec. (Mac mini: 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4)
Of course; one thing may have nothing to do with the other, and it may have been something entirely different which has made recognition now instant (..I also downloaded and installed the 10.4.3 upgrade [ had been 10.4.2 on this Mini..] and a Java update, three scones and a pot of strawberry jam.
But it may be worth a try if you're still having recognition problems - with, say, a G5 iMac or PowerMac or other machine - and you haven't yet upgraded your Intermediate Codec.
..Just thought I'd pass it on, for what it may be worth..

Hey skyshade13,
Thanks for the question. The following article outlines how to restore a previous iTunes library should there be no content after updating. While the article does not speak specifically to your symptoms, attempting the steps by utilizing the "Previous iTunes Libraries" folder may resolve your issue.
No content shows up in iTunes after updating
For further information see the following information:
OS X Lion: iTunes opens to "created by a newer version" alert
iTunes: How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists
Matt M.

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    Hey skyshade13,
    Thanks for the question. The following article outlines how to restore a previous iTunes library should there be no content after updating. While the article does not speak specifically to your symptoms, attempting the steps by utilizing the "Previous iTunes Libraries" folder may resolve your issue.
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    iTunes: How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists
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    Hi there,
    ok, here the step by step instructions:
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    and install it to your applications folder. You now have a suitable version of ffmpeg available at "/Applications/Air Video"
    2. When your Camera is connected, Mac OS X should show an additional volume. With Finder, search this volume for the directory that contains files named *.MTS (or *.M2TS). Note down the directory, we need it for the following little script.
    3. Open a terminal window and type in the following:
    cd /Volumes/...
    (where your MTS files are located, e.g. something like /Volumes/CANON/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM)
    for a in *.MTS
    "/Applications/Air Video" -i $a -ab 256k -vcodec copy -acodec aac ~/Movies/${a%%MTS}mp4*
    If everything is done correctly, you should find a bunch of mp4 files in your personal Movies folder afterwards.
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    Yours sincerely
    Message was edited by: Wolfii
    Message was edited by: Wolfii

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    Page 5, step 2, #2, 2nd bullet.

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    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Recommended Wi-Fi settings
    Wifi Diagnostic Software (for Mac users)
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    Got it. Uncompressed will obviously give you the best quality in the shortest amount of time and be the most flexible, but will occupy the most space. Depending on the duration of your edit, that could be a pretty sizable file. Depending on your needs and the platform you're using (Mac, from what I gather), there are some other options that are minimally or losslessly compressed.
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