Gps Data gone in PSE-11 and PS5 ?

Why is the gps info  not showing up in PSE-11 or PS-5?

Are you talking about File>File Info in the pse 11 editor and photoshop cs5 proper?
I believe that was an optional download for cs5:
It should also work for photoshop elements 11.
Also, i think the pse 11 organizer already can display that under Information

Similar Messages

  • ExtendScript CS6 doesn't handle GPS data properly

    I prefer to work in Photoshop and Bridge, rather than Lightroom.  I am currently using version CS6 on Windows 7 x64.  I occasionally need to update the title, description and/or GPS information of a photograph. (I have many photographs that predate GPS systems.)  I also maintain different several JPEG versions of each photograph generated from a base PSD with different cropping and resolutions that are intended for different purposes.  I wrote a Bridge script to check and update the metadata of all versions of one or more images in a batch after updating PSD metadata.  The script works very well except for the GPS latitude and longitude data.
    The problem is that using the XMPMeta object that comes with ExtendScript Toolkit (the latest version, I believe) the GPS coordinates are returned as string data in an "Adobe format", e.g. “35,24.3467N”. This format does not always accurately represent the underlying EXIF data.  (I have also written my own script for getting and setting the GPS data in Photoshop.)
    Furthermore, comparisons between PSD and JPEG formats are impossible because XMPMeta.getProperty only returns up to two decimal places for minutes when querying a PSD file, whereas it returns up to four decimal places for JPEGs.  I have checked the actual EXIF GPS data for a PSD image and a JPEG image generated from that PSD with EXIFTool and the data is identical, but XMPMeta.getProperty returns “35,24.3467N” from the JPEG and “35,24.35N” from the PSD. Setting GPS coordinates using four decimal places produces the same EXIF data for both PSD and JPEG images.
    The English translation of the “Exif Version 2.3” standard description for GPSLatitude states:
    The latitude is expressed as three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If latitude isexpressed as degrees, minutes and seconds, a typical format would be dd/1,mm/1,ss/1. When degrees and minutes are used and, for example, fractions of minutes are given up to two decimal places, the format would be dd/1,mmmm/100,0/1.
    It is clear that XMPMeta.getProperty does not always return a string that accurately represents the original EXIF data and it can be inconsistent between PSD and JPEG images.
    Is there some way to obtain an accurate representation of GPS data using ExtendScript?

    I have seen some Photoshop Scripts on the Web the retrieve and use the exif GPG data.   But from what you write I would think your doing the same as those scripts do. Something like this:
    // Open Map from GPS Location.jsx
    // Version 1.0
    // Shaun Ivory ([email protected])
    // Feel free to modify this script.  If you do anything interesting with it,
    // please let me know.
    // JJMack I just used my sledge hammer on Shaun's Photoshop script
    // I sucked in his include file and removed his include statement
    // then I commented out his dialog and just Goolge Map the GPS location
    <about>$$$/JavaScripts/GoogleMapGPS/About=JJMack's Google Map GPS.^r^rCopyright 2014 Mouseprints.^r^rScript utility for action.^rNOTE:Modified Shaun's Ivory just Google Map GPS location</about>
    <category>JJMack's Action Utility</category>
    // Constants which identify the different mapping sites
    c_MapWebsites =
    var c_nDefaultMapWebsiteIndex = 2;
    var c_strTemporaryUrlFile = "~/TemporaryPhotoshopMapUrl.url";
    var c_strPhotoCaption = "Photo%20Location";
    // EXIF constants
    c_ExifGpsLatitudeRef   = "GPS Latitude Ref"
    c_ExifGpsLatitude      = "GPS Latitude"
    c_ExifGpsLongitudeRef  = "GPS Longitude Ref"
    c_ExifGpsLongitude     = "GPS Longitude"
    c_ExifGpsAltitudeRef   = "GPS Altitude Ref"
    c_ExifGpsAltitude      = "GPS Altitude"
    c_ExifGpsTimeStamp     = "GPS Time Stamp"
    c_ExifMake             = "Make"
    c_ExifModel            = "Model"
    c_ExifExposureTime     = "Exposure Time"
    c_ExifAperture         = "F-Stop"
    c_ExifExposureProgram  = "Exposure Program"
    c_ExifIsoSpeedRating   = "ISO Speed Ratings"
    c_ExifDateTimeOriginal = "Date Time Original"
    c_ExifMaxApertureValue = "Max Aperture Value"
    c_ExifMeteringMode     = "Metering Mode"
    c_ExifLightSource      = "Light Source"
    c_ExifFlash            = "Flash"
    c_ExifFocalLength      = "Focal Length"
    c_ExifColorSpace       = "Color Space"
    c_ExifWidth            = "Pixel X Dimension"
    c_ExifHeight           = "Pixel Y Dimension"
    function GetRawExifValueIfPresent(strExifValueName)
        // Empty string means it wasn't found
        var strResult = new String("");
        // Make sure there is a current document
        if (app.documents.length)
            // Loop through each element in the EXIF properties array
            for (nCurrentElement = 0, nCount = 0; nCurrentElement <; ++nCurrentElement)
                // Get the current element as a string
                var strCurrentRecord = new String([nCurrentElement]);
                // Find the first comma
                var nComma = strCurrentRecord.indexOf(",");
                if (nComma >= 0)
                    // Everything before the comma is the field name
                    var strCurrentExifName = strCurrentRecord.substr(0, nComma);
                    // Is it a valid string?
                    if (strCurrentExifName.length)
                        // Is this our element?
                        if (strCurrentExifName == strExifValueName)
                            // Everything after the comma is the value, so
                            // save it and exit the loop
                            strResult = strCurrentRecord.substr(nComma + 1);
        return strResult;
    // Convert a Photoshop latitude or longitude, formatted like
    // this:
    //      Example: 47.00 38.00' 33.60"
    // to the decimal form:
    //      Example: 47.642667
    // It returns an empty string if the string is in an unexpected
    // form.
    function ConvertLatitudeOrLongitudeToDecimal(strLatLong)
        var nResult = 0.0;
        // Copy the input string
        var strSource = new String(strLatLong);
        // Find the first space
        nIndex = strSource.indexOf(" ");
        if (nIndex >= 0)
            // Copy up to the first space
            strDegrees = strSource.substr(0, nIndex);
            // Skip this part, plus the space
            strSource = strSource.substr(nIndex + 1);
            // Find the tick mark
            nIndex = strSource.indexOf("'");
            if (nIndex >= 0)
                // Copy up to the tick mark
                strMinutes = strSource.substr(0, nIndex);
                // Skip this chunk, plus the tick and space
                strSource = strSource.substr(nIndex + 2);
                // Find the seconds mark: "
                nIndex = strSource.indexOf("\"");
                if (nIndex >= 0)
                    // Copy up to the seconds
                    strSeconds = strSource.substr(0, nIndex);
                    // Convert to numbers
                    var nDegrees = parseFloat(strDegrees);
                    var nMinutes = parseFloat(strMinutes);
                    var nSeconds = parseFloat(strSeconds);
                    // Use the correct symbols
                    nResult = nDegrees + (nMinutes / 60.0) + (nSeconds / 3600.0);
        return nResult;
    function GetDecimalLatitudeOrLongitude(strExifLatOrLong, strExifLatOrLongRef, strResult)
        var strResult = "";
        // Get the exif values
        strLatOrLong = GetRawExifValueIfPresent(strExifLatOrLong);
        strLatOrLongRef = GetRawExifValueIfPresent(strExifLatOrLongRef);
        // If we were able to read them
        if (strLatOrLong.length && strLatOrLongRef.length)
            // Parse and convert to a decimal
            var nResult = ConvertLatitudeOrLongitudeToDecimal(strLatOrLong);
            // If we are in the southern or western hemisphere, negate the result
            if (strLatOrLongRef[0] == 'S' || strLatOrLongRef[0] == 'W')
                nResult *= -1;
            strResult = nResult.toString();
        return strResult;
    function CreateGoogleMapsUrl(strLatitude, strLongitude)
        return "" + strLatitude + "," + strLongitude + "&spn=0.01,0.01";
    function CreateMappointUrl(strLatitude, strLongitude)
        return "" + strLatitude + "%2c" + strLongitude + "&A=50&P=|" + strLatitude + "%2c" + strLongitude + "|39|" + c_strPhotoCaption +"|L1|"
    function CreateVirtualEarthUrl(strLatitude, strLongitude)
        return "" + strLatitude + "~" + strLongitude + "&sp=an." + strLatitude + "_" + strLongitude + "_" + c_strPhotoCaption + "_";
    function CMapSiteSelection()
        // Initialize default map provider
        this.Site = c_MapWebsites[c_nDefaultMapWebsiteIndex];
        return this;
    function ShowMyDialog(strLatitude, strLongitude)
        // Use the default website
        var strCurrentSite = c_MapWebsites[c_nDefaultMapWebsiteIndex];
        dlgMain = new Window("dialog", "Choose a Map Website");
        // Add the top group
        dlgMain.TopGroup = dlgMain.add("group");
      dlgMain.TopGroup.orientation = "row";
      dlgMain.TopGroup.alignChildren = "top";
      dlgMain.TopGroup.alignment = "fill";
        // Add the left group
        dlgMain.TopGroup.LeftGroup = dlgMain.TopGroup.add("group");
        dlgMain.TopGroup.LeftGroup.orientation = "column";
        dlgMain.TopGroup.LeftGroup.alignChildren = "left";
        dlgMain.TopGroup.LeftGroup.alignment = "fill";
        dlgMain.AspectRatioGroup = dlgMain.TopGroup.LeftGroup.add("panel", undefined, "Map Website");
        dlgMain.AspectRatioGroup.alignment = "fill";
        dlgMain.AspectRatioGroup.orientation = "column";
        dlgMain.AspectRatioGroup.alignChildren = "left";
        // Add radio buttons
        dlgMain.virtualEarth = dlgMain.AspectRatioGroup.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Windows Live Local (aka Virtual Earth)");
        dlgMain.virtualEarth.onClick = function virtualEarthOnClick()
            strCurrentSite = "virtualearth";
        dlgMain.mappoint = dlgMain.AspectRatioGroup.add("radiobutton", undefined, "MSN Maps && Directions (aka MapPoint)");
        dlgMain.mappoint.onClick = function mappointOnClick()
            strCurrentSite = "mappoint"; = dlgMain.AspectRatioGroup.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Google Local (aka Google Maps)"); = function googleOnClick()
            strCurrentSite = "google";
        // Set the checked radio button
        if (strCurrentSite == "google")
   = true;
        else if (strCurrentSite == "mappoint")
            dlgMain.mappoint.value = true;
            dlgMain.virtualEarth.value = true;
        // Add the button group
        dlgMain.TopGroup.RightGroup = dlgMain.TopGroup.add("group");
        dlgMain.TopGroup.RightGroup.orientation = "column";
        dlgMain.TopGroup.RightGroup.alignChildren = "left";
        dlgMain.TopGroup.RightGroup.alignment = "fill";
        // Add the buttons
        dlgMain.btnOpenSite = dlgMain.TopGroup.RightGroup.add("button", undefined, "Open");
        dlgMain.btnClose = dlgMain.TopGroup.RightGroup.add("button", undefined, "Exit");
        dlgMain.btnClose.onClick = function()
        dlgMain.btnOpenSite.onClick = function()
            // Which website?
            var strUrl = "";
            switch (strCurrentSite)
            case "mappoint":
                strUrl = CreateMappointUrl(strLatitude, strLongitude);
            case "google":
                strUrl = CreateGoogleMapsUrl(strLatitude, strLongitude);
            case "virtualearth":
                strUrl = CreateVirtualEarthUrl(strLatitude, strLongitude);
            // Create the URL file and launch it
            var fileUrlShortcut = new File(c_strTemporaryUrlFile);
            fileUrlShortcut.writeln("URL=" + strUrl);
        // Set the button characteristics
        dlgMain.cancelElement = dlgMain.btnClose;
        dlgMain.defaultElement = dlgMain.btnOpenSite;;
    function GoogleMap(strLatitude, strLongitude)
      strUrl = CreateGoogleMapsUrl(strLatitude, strLongitude)
      var URL = new File(Folder.temp + "/GoogleMapIt.html");"w");
      URL.writeln('<html><HEAD><meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; ' + strUrl + ' "></HEAD></HTML>');
      URL.execute();   // The temp file is created but this fails to open the users default browser using Photoshop CC prior Photoshop versions work
      alert("Error, Can Not Open.");
    function OpenMapUrl()
        // Get the latitude
        var strDecimalLatitude = GetDecimalLatitudeOrLongitude(c_ExifGpsLatitude, c_ExifGpsLatitudeRef);
        if (strDecimalLatitude.length)
            // Get the longitude
            var strDecimalLongitude = GetDecimalLatitudeOrLongitude(c_ExifGpsLongitude, c_ExifGpsLongitudeRef);
            if (strDecimalLongitude.length)
                //ShowMyDialog(strDecimalLatitude, strDecimalLongitude);
      GoogleMap(strDecimalLatitude, strDecimalLongitude);
    function Main()
        if (app.documents.length > 0)
            alert("You don't have an image opened.  Please open an image before running this script.");

  • PSE 12 and GPS Data

    Have found only one other post about this and it seems that there may be some misunderstanding as to what some users are doing, so I will explain in some detail. Please note that I have only just moved to PSE 12.
    I import the my photos directly from my Flash Cards into the Organiser Album (Ctrl+G). As my camera does not have an internal GPS, I take an external GPS with me and use GeoSetter to update the EXIF data on the imported images. GeoSetter not only provides the GPS coordinates it also provides the location names (country, state, city, etc.) and this is all populated into the EXIF file. This data is visible to the PSE 12 Organiser.
    On an old versions of PSE (that had Yahoo maps) I would then refresh the images (have forgotten the command) and the GPS data would be used by the Organiser. I would then select the images and use "Show on Map" and all shot and location points would become visible on the map. 
    I assume that PSE 12 can accept GPS and Location data from the EXIF, if its imported from the card because it does seem to have this functionality.
    I'm unable to find a way to get PSE 12 to refresh the Organiser so that it can now use the GPS and Location data that has been written to the EXIF file after its been imported.
    Can anybody help?

    Some things that I have found out:
    If you select your new photos (or all, if this is the first time you are using PSE 12 and you have imported an old catalogue), "Right Click" -> "Update Thumbnails" the GPS locations from the images will show on the Map. While the flags have been pinned into the map, the association to the images have not. Sounds confusing, or even impossible, how could the flags be displayed without linking to the image?
    When it comes to updating the "Places" in other words the location "Place Tags" in PSE 12 it seems that these have to be placed manually. That is, you are required to place the images on a Map location to get that location recorded. So the data help in the EXIF file is ignored.
    I'm very confused by how this system has been designed, I could even speculate that only part of the design has been coded, so they released what worked?
    If there is somebody out there with a Camera with an internal GPS, I would like to know if the GPS data and location tagging is supported when images are imported.
    PS: The online help is no help because it talks about features and even buttons that don't currently exist.

  • Pictures with GPS-data will not be shown in list-view (PSE 11, Win7)

    A lot of pictures of my collection do have GPS-data in EXIF-header. Sometimes they are shown on the world-map, sometimes not. In list-view they are never shown. The list-view knows only locations, which are matched with PSE.
    The EXIF-input was made by two different tools (Holux GPS Software and Geosetter 3.4.16).
    How can I get the list-view for the saved files without using PSE adding location?

    Many modern cameras add GPS co-ordinates and these will usually show in the info panel of the Media module under Camera Data >> GPS
    I guess your exif tools work differently to a camera. Are you able to embed the metadata into the image files before importing into PSE Organizer?

  • How do I edit and then export so as to retain my GPS data?

    Im shooting Nikon D5100 and D3200 Cameras with Nikon GP1 GPS receivers. Im shooting jpg FINE and LARGE. I can import, batch and/or individual edit, rename, number ect. and then able export but after I export my images my GPS data is gone. Im running an iMac with the latest OS and LR 5.2 64bit
    I do not do anything else with LR except as follows:
    I import directly from a desk top file folder and export to a new seperate file folder within the original folder. I DO NOT keep any images "in" light room at all and do not "auto import" or anything else. I remove all pics from LR after I have exported them then import the next batch of pics. I have my own filing and storage system of doing things do dont need those functions.
    Im just using LR to straighten & crop and do basis exposure, contrast, and sharpening my pics thats it. I have a few presets for batching which is great. Im running hundreds of pics at time with no issues and Im also able to tweak large tiff files. All very simple editing and LR paid for itself after my very first use.
    I am re-naming and numbering my pics and then exporting them. Nothing fancy here. As mentioned I remove the imported pics from LR when Im done editing and exporting them and then import the next batch. Its great. All very simple editing and re-naming. 
    I need to be able to do all of this editing and keep the GPS data that was recorded on the pics on the camera with the GP1. Any help with an answer on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

    I scrolled down to Metadata in Export and "Copyright Only" was selected and the "remove locaction info" box was ticked. I will run a test set of images with "All Metadata" selected and "remove Location Info" un-checked too see if it will work. Thank you very much!

  • Problem with JPEG files from Leica M and GPS data

    It seems there's a serious bug in Camera Raw 8, hosted in Bridge CS6 on an MS Windows machine, with regard to GPS metadata.
    When using a Leica M (Typ 240) with a multi-function handgrip then both the DNG files (DNG is Leica's native raw format) and the JPEG files out of the camera will include GPS position data in the respective EXIF metadata sections. However, Bridge refuses to display the JPEG files' GPS data (while there's no problem with the GPS data in the DNG files). Worse yet—when loading a JPEG file in Camera Raw for some parametric adjustments and saving the file then the GPS data will be entirely gone! (Again, no problems with the DNG files' GPS data.)
    I suppose that Camera Raw 8 hosted in Bridge CC as well as Lightroom 5 are suffering from the same issue.

    Nobody? Absolutely nobody?? Zalman? Eric? Anyone?
    If you need more input from me then please talk to me.

  • Exif and gps-data in xmp-file overwritten, sometimes

    I have a problem where LR4 on import seems to rewrite the xmp-files, and in that process data is lost, notably GPS-data, is lost.
    My workflow:
    Create xmp-file with Exiftool from CR2-files (sets copyright etc)
    Geocode with Geosetter
    Color labels with Photo Mechanic
    Import to LR4
    After import geo data is gone for around 30% of the files. It seems like files that have recieved a color label by PM is not affected, and many files without color label are correctly imported.
    I never loose any data before importing to LR4.
    Anyone have any suggestions about what could be going on?
    I use a Canon 7D, Exiftool and Geosetter are updated to latest versions, LR version is 4.3.
    I couldn't find how to attach files, but if anyone is interested in seeing how the xmp looks before and after LR4 import, I could copy-paste the code in an answer.
    Best regards,

    Hi Pär,
    Do I understand correctly that you have an xmp-sidecar present to your CR2-raws, when importing into Lightroom?
    Then LR should read it during import.
    Maybe the format standards are not clear, maybe Geosetter does not write the xmp-parts where LR expects the data?
    But to save your original xmps: change your catalog preference settings, to NOT automatically write xmp to files.
    Then you will have time, because then LR just reads the xmps on import, but does not write anything, unless you invoke it by selecting images and hitting <ctrl> s.
    Which you would only do once you have assured that everything from your original xmp has arrived in LR's catalog.
    Maybe it does not work reading that just during import, but possibly on a 2nd read after?
    You could check, once you have disabled auto-xmp-writing, by invoking another explicit Read Metadata from File.
    ...just a wild guess, to rule out a potential bug there...

  • How can I filter to find photos NOT pinned to a map? I have 28,000 phots with many mapped and many not. The Search function does not include GPS data. I haven't found  way to search metadata inside or out of Elements.

    How can I filter to find photos NOT pinned to a map? I have 28,000 phots with many mapped and many not. The Search function does not include GPS data. I haven't found  way to search metadata inside or out of Elements.

    How can I filter to find photos NOT pinned to a map? I have 28,000 phots with many mapped and many not. The Search function does not include GPS data. I haven't found  way to search metadata inside or out of Elements.

  • How to check image GPS data and get image file from image field

    I have some trouble and want to fix this problem.
    1. I want to validate image file before its attached in image field about the image file have a GPS data or not. Have any way that can be check about image has contained a GPS data?
    2. After validate image and PDF form is upload to the server. I want to get image file that embed in image field, because I have to extract image from PDF form and store this image in project image folder. If this topic can be fix by code script please give me some example code.
    Thakyou for every comment and suggestion
    Best Regards,

    Hi Naill,
    First I have to say thankyou for your answer.
    About my (1) question, My image fields have set to be a embedded data and I try to test many example script of image fields.I can get image content type, image size. But that not work when I used ImageField1.desc.embeddedHref.value. It's response as "Unknown Embedded URI". Therefore, image field is and embedded data. How can I access filename?
    (2) In that forum. As I see, his problem is about how to automate change image field with href image file. But I want to extract an exist embedded image in PDF form to normal image file with original metada (such as extract image filed to .JPEG with GPS data. Same as before attached in PDF form.). There has any concept or solution in this problem?
    Best Regards,

  • Efficient optimized way to read from serial port and GPS data display using map

    I have a custom h/w which reads the data from GPS Rx and after parsing send it to PC over RS232.
    Each second it sends 201 bytes to PC. I have developed a VI to read the GPS data and display it. Project file is attached.
    Fulctionality of different loops are as following:
    1. LOOP 1: 1.1 Reads the serial data from com port.
                   1.2 Synclonize the frame using start bytes "a" and "z".
                   1.3 Reads next 4 bytes containg receiving error information.
                   1.4 Reads next 195 bytes. in which initial 80 byes are GPS data. rest are others.
    2. LOOP 2: 2.1 Extarcts the GPS information and put them in an array.
                      2.2 Extarcts the receive error infor and counts the total error by incrimenting the variable using shift reg.
    3. LOOP 3:3: 3.1 Displays the GPS data in chart and log the data in a file.
    4. FLOW : Uses the GMAP .NET based API to creat a MAP and display.
    Problem statement:
    1. Functionality acheived.
    2. However in between data set is being missed by the programm. 
    1. Is the developed VI is efficient in terms of using queue loacl variables etc.
    2. What are the improvments I can do to solve the problem.
    Any other suggestions|
    Thank you
    Attachments: ‏3075 KB

    One of the most common problems in serial communication is the need for an adequate timing: how much time is expected your device to spend before answering? Have you put and adequate pause in your code before reading from the serial port?
    Hope this helps
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Time and GPS data windows

    Hello all
    I was presented this sample 1080 frame and was asked if I can do this if time and GPS metadata were part of the video recording. In other words, how do you burn in this data in the video itself. I have P Pro CS 6 @ home and am a complete novice to video editing. Final product may or may not need this, more curious as to how its done - special camera system or in post processing?

    If whoever shot the video recorded time of day timecode synced from a GPS receiver that was close to the camera (in your case that looks like it would mean mounted in the helicopter), you can use the time code data to match your GPS metadata to the video. I use an automated process to incorporate the the metadata into the video, but the process is all done with custom software that the CEO of our company wrote. The other people I've seen incorporating GPS metadata into video are also using customized, proprietary processes. If you're adding the data in post, you will have to translate the data into Premiere titles or After Effects text keyframes or something else that you can overlay on the video.
    You can also use hardware during your shoot to overlay the GPS data onto the video. I don't use any products that do this, and I don't know how easy they are to find for purchase, but there definitely are people in the geospatial sector who feed video through a GPS-aware piece of video processing hardware that overlays time and position data in real time. In this case you would feed video (most likely through HD-SDI) from your camera to the GPS overlay hardware and then to a recorder.
    There certainly aren't any GPS features built into Premiere Pro. If you want to add titles manually, you'll have to match the time code with your GPS data and make a new title each time the GPS info is supposed to update. GPS data is usually some form of table or spreadsheet with time, coordinates, and other positional data, so you can find the correct time in the video and make a title that includes the corresponding coordinates for that time. If you're doing this for more than a few seconds of video, it will be an unreasonably long and tedious process, but it is possible.

  • Video and GPS data from iPhone movie?

    Hi, I have following problem/ idea for a solution: I lost the canopy of by model airplane during a flight in a wheat field. Now I am looking for a solution to find it: what about a video camera and a GPS device, flying over the field, recording video and GPS data, play back video and (hopefully) find the canopy at frame xyz. Then read out the GPS position at this frame and go back in the field to the GPS coordinates and find what I lost.
    So the questions are:
    1. are the Video recordings stamped (?) with a continuous GPS position
    2. can this data be read out
    3. is there an app that can do this
    4. is this the correct forum for this question?
    Thanks for any ideas
    BTW: I already tried to order a new canopy, no luck...

    Let me get this straight... You lost the canopy for your model airplane... Now you want to strap your iPhone to another model airplane and fly it all over in the area where you lost the canopy.
    Piece of advice: Make sure you set up find my iPhone on it before you send it out on its mission. you may need it, in combination with its ability to emit an alarm when triggered remotely, to find the iPhone after it falls off the search plane.
    With luck, the fallen iPhone will land near the canopy you seek.
    To try and answer the questions:
    1. I believe the entire recording gets 1 location coded in the metadata. It is not a continuous stream of location data.
    2. Not relevant based on the answer to 1.
    3. I seriously doubt it, but I won't be shocked if someone has come up with something among the half million or so apps out there.
    4. I don't think there is a correct forum for this, but this works as well as any.

  • I just installed 10.7 to upgrade from 10.6.8 and now all my datas gone. Please help!

    All my datas gone and I don't have a back up pleae help D:

    What data? Gone, how?

  • I have updated my iphone and all  data have gone including photos contacts and notes .is there any solution? I am about to syncope!

    I have updated my iphone4 and all  data have gone including photos contacts and notes .is there any solution?

    All data that was on your iPhone should be on your computer.
    All photos that were transferred to your iPhone from your computer should remain on your computer and can be retransferred. Photos/videos captured by the iPhone can and should be imported by your computer as with any other digital camera - especially before installing an iOS update. Re-transfer these photos from your computer as with any other photos available on your computer.
    Contacts and notes are designed to be synced with a supported application on your computer, and there are some free email accounts that support syncing contacts and notes over the air.

  • How do you save and view the GPS data of imported photos?

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