Grab colour from photoshop

If I have a mockup in photoshop the quickest way I know of to grab colour values is to eyedrop in photoshop look at the CMYK values for that colour and type them into indesign.  I was just doing this for the nth time when I realised how stupid it was - surely theres a better way?

If you want the exact colors add them to your swatches in Photoshop and the from the swatches panel menu choose Save Swatches for Exchange.
The eyedropper does return an exact color—it's easy enough to test:
Make a CMYK psd file and fill it with any color. Save the file without a profile. Place the file in ID, draw a box on top of it and fill the top box with the psd color via the eyedropper. Export to PDFX/1-a. Open the PDF in Acrobat and the top box will be a seamless match to the bottom box.
Also, it doesn't matter what the display performance mode is when you pick up the color (including fast where there's no preview), which shows that the eyedropper is getting the value from the file itself and not the preview.

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    var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc1.putInteger( stringIDToTypeID("width"  ), 640;
    desc1.putInteger( stringIDToTypeID("height" ), 400);
    desc1.putInteger( stringIDToTypeID("format" ), 1);
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    Ask Photoshop what the size of the image is and request it in the width and height.
    Make a second request for the xmp data via JavaScript. activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData
    The list of commands can be found on this page documentation/pages/index.html
    Consult the JavaScript documentation for all the things you can do with that API. The documents are part of you Photoshop install in the Scripting folder.

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    Besides saclint the image up, which reduces the "effective" resolution, do you have your display performance in ID set to High Quality Display? You are not looking at actual pixels in ID, just a jpeg preview, and that will also make a difference, and any edges which are not truly horizontal or vertical will always have some sort of stair-stepping in a pixel-based of the pixels to approximate the line, and this can become more noticeable whn you zoom in or when you scale upwards.

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    You cannot read the exact color values of a placed bitmap in Illustrator, you have to open the imaeg in photoshop. Never use SHIFT eyedropper if you desire color accuracy.
    To prove this to yourself, you can use seperations preview to verify there is no CMY in your placed image, or print seperations to a laser printer.
    Below are the values I get using shift eyedropper.
    But look there is no CMY.

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    Here is a short video with more details if you're interested ->

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    Hi - thanks for responding! Is this any help to you?
    Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5480338c
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18247, time stamp: 0x521eaf24
    Exception code: 0xc0000374
    Fault offset: 0x00000000000c4102
    Faulting process id: 0x16d8
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d01acda5db80f6
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Photoshop.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: 3a523491-86cc-11e4-a766-6cf0490a797e

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    >The eyedropper is picking-up the color as rendered in RGB on your Monitor...
    Really? Not from the pixels in the file? So the same pixels are reported with different values depending on monitor setup? This is about how the eyedropper reports pixel values, not about how they are rendered to the screen, is that correct?
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    Hello, Andy and welcome to the Discussions.
    I would suggest that you ask for assistance in the developer forums to which you have access as a member of Apple's iOS developer's program:
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    Why not just mode grayscale (or better yet a black and white adjustment layer, then mode grayscale), adjust levels, new spot channel, move dot from gray channel to spot channel? If it was made in RGB 519, your green channel is probably best to make the move to grayscale. If you're working in CMYK, then the magenta channel (unless of course you're using pictures with UCR/GCR).
    <br />
    <br />I guess I don't understand how you can say "I'll set it up best in CMYK" but can't get it to one color.
    <br />
    <br />Here's the tut version using the green channel only. If you do some channel mixing, I'm sure you could get something a little nicer.
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />

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    Hi Brenda,
    Thanks for the reply,
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    Any ideas?

    You can take a custom spot colour and rename it to whatever you like in photoshop, when I import the graphic into InDesign CS4 I see the swatch as Lab spot (all Pantone Solid spots are defined as Lab, cmyk values are only determined by an app' that is asked to convert)
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    Indesign will correctly see the swatch as Lab until you request the app' to convert to cmyk at output or double click on the swatch and change it to cmyk.
    You don't want the swatch to be cmyk, if you do that it will output as cmyk... if you want it to separate at the rip it needs to be a spot, which is seen by default as Lab in any application or can be converted to cmyk on request.  You can't have it as a cmyk spot, that does not make sense unless you are outputting as only cmyk.

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    Also, why is there only the upgrade version available on the online store and not the upsell version and why do I see an upgrade option even it must be called upsell version?
    Why is the upgrade manager: saying the same that I CAN UPGRADE from Photoshop CS3 to this Suite.
    I am speechless about that much trouble with a company like Adobe. And yes, this is my first try to order a Suite from Adobe directly. Now I am very unsure what to buy, where to buy and how I get this to work.
    Btw. Customer Support didn't answer my emails about this.
    Thanks for any hint!

    I did that twice and called them. They are always saying that they can't see what the problem is but they can setup a new order and try again - hello? - try and error ordering. I will not order on the Adobe Store anymore. This was the first and my last time I tried to order on their site or via a sales agent from their sales team. Also, when I see their emails that came back about the cancelation: No Subject line, weird emailaddress and with some really confusing product description and with a standard answer. I first thought it was some spam. I am really disapointed about their service.
    I also found out that the sales guy put in a wrong phone number and I can remember we checked the number three times. I mean, I don't order a pair of socks here - I want a pro sales service for a pro product where I pay a lot of money for.

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