Graphic inside a Graphic!!   (rotate string inside a graphic)

I am trying to rotate a string inside a graphic. How would i do that? I can write a string in but cannot rotate it. I used have the following:
String s = "Hello";
bar.x + bar.width/2 - textWidth/2,
bar.y + bar.height + textHeight + textSep);
How can i rotate "s"? Do i need graphic inside graphic?

See FAQ at
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
        AffineTransform aft = new AffineTransform();
        aft.setToTranslation(100.0, 100.0);
        aft.setToRotation(Math.PI / 8.0);
        String s = "Rotated Hello World";
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            g2D.drawString(s, 0.0f, 0.0f);

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    Hello Phrog,
    It seems like the solution proposed by Paul is sufficient for your application. But I would like to suggest an alternative solution  (with its own trade offs) that may address some of your functionality concerns. The width of a string indicator and text wrapping can both be set in the properties menu. Because of these settings, each character would appear vertically stacked. An array of these string indicators could be sized dynamically and viewed using a scroll bar. Unfortunately the letter “m” is wider than combinations of other two letters such as “is”. If the width is set too low then the letter “m” gets cutoff. If the width is set too high then smaller letters like “is” appear on the same line. There is no magic width that prevents these two cases.
    The example I have attached works around the letter “m” by appending a space between each non-m character and uses an indicator width of 23 pixels. This is enough space to display the letter “m” while the inserted spaces prevent smaller letters from appearing on the same line. Despite this inconvenience, you gain the use of built in dynamic array sizing and the horizontal  scroll bar.
    Otherwise, scroll bar functionality is not built into clusters. It is possible to implement a scroll bar for a cluster programmatically as shown in this community example:
    This solution isn't necessarily easy to implement, so using stacked characters in an array may be a worthwhile trade off depending on your application.
    Earl C
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Vertical ‏14 KB

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    import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
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        MyPanel() {
            this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200));
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            int g2DHeight = this.getHeight();
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            // where the middle of the vertical label should be)
            g2D.drawLine(30, (int)(g2DHeight / 2), g2DWidth - 10,
                    (int)(g2DHeight / 2));
            // Vertical label
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            AffineTransform rotate = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
                    -Math.PI / 2.0, 0, 0);
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            Font font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font");
            Rectangle2D bounds = font.getStringBounds(text, frc);
            g2D.drawString(text, -(int)((g2DHeight + bounds.getWidth()) / 2), 20);
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            JMenu menu = new JMenu("Menu");
            JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Menu Item");
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            // Frame
            JFrame frame = new JFrame();
            // TRICKY PART HERE =========================================
            // [(Un)comment lines as necessary]
            // Variant A: the panel only --------------------------------
            // Variant B: menu bar + panel on a tabbed pane -------------
            // ==========================================================
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
    }Thanks for any help.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: -vt- on 23-Apr-2010 13:08

    You are ignoring the current transform on the Graphics, use the following instead of setTransform():
    g2D.rotate(-Math.PI / 2.0, 0, 0);

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    If this doesn't work, it is likely that your HDD has failed, or is failing.

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    No. It's a convenience feature to help you retain alignment and get sort of an onion skin idea of where you are.
    Tou can always take a screenshot and put it in a locked background layer under your clip of your content to simulate the full color. It's all about how complex you need it to be.
    If the background is animated then the good old way is the only way. Copy the frames from inside the clip (hopefully not to complex), make a new layer in the content you want to edit it in with full color, paste frames, make changes, then copy it back into your previous MovieClip.
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    Loop While(vFrame)
    IF vFrame.ObjectName = 'AFrame'
    SET vFrame.AnchorType = AnchorBelow;
    SET vFrame.GraphicIsSelected = 1;
    SET vGraphic = vFrame.FirstGraphicInFrame // Select the 1st graphic in the frame
    SET vFrame.Width = vFrame.TextLoc.InTextObj.Width;
    SET vFrame.Height= vGraphic.Height + 5mm; //Here is the padding of 5mm
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    Set vGraphic.LocX = (vFrame.Width - vGraphic.Width) / 2;
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    Thank you!

    This works for me:
    // Set a variable for the active document.
    Set oDoc = ActiveDoc;
    // Set a variable for the selected anchored frame.
    Set oAFrame = oDoc.FirstSelectedGraphicInDoc;
    // Update the anchored frame's position.
    Set oAFrame.AnchorType = AnchorBelow;
    // Set the width of the anchored frame to match the containing text column.
    Set oAFrame.Width = oAFrame.TextLoc.InTextObj.Width;
    // Get the first graphic in the anchored frame.
    Set oGraphic = oAFrame.FirstGraphicInFrame;
    // Make the anchored frame's height 5 mm taller than the graphic.
    Set oAFrame.Height = oGraphic.Height + 5mm;
    // Move the graphic to the top of the anchored frame.
    Set oGraphic.LocY = 0;
    // Center the graphic horizontally in the anchored frame.
    Set oGraphic.LocX = (oAFrame.Width - oGraphic.Width) / 2;
    After you get it tested, then put it in a function:
    Set oDoc = ActiveDoc;
    Set oAFrame = FirstSelectedGraphicInDoc;
    Set iResult = AdjustAFrameAndGraphic{oAFrame};
    Function AdjustAFrameAndGraphic oAFrame
    Local oGraphic(0);
    // Update the anchored frame's position.
    Set oAFrame.AnchorType = AnchorBelow;
    // Set the width of the anchored frame to match the containing text column.
    Set oAFrame.Width = oAFrame.TextLoc.InTextObj.Width;
    // Get the first graphic in the anchored frame.
    Set oGraphic = oAFrame.FirstGraphicInFrame;
    If oGraphic
      // Make the anchored frame's height 5 mm taller than the graphic.
      Set oAFrame.Height = oGraphic.Height + 5mm;
      // Move the graphic to the top of the anchored frame.
      Set oGraphic.LocY = 0;
      // Center the graphic horizontally in the anchored frame.
      Set oGraphic.LocX = (oAFrame.Width - oGraphic.Width) / 2;
    EndFunc // -------------------------------------------------------------------

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    Graphic lienzo = areadibujo.getGraphic();
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    netbeans error:
    <identifier> expected
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    HI i found the problem.
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    Graphics lienzo = areadibujo.getGraphics();
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    If i have example movieclip-element in my project and want to draw a single dot in its coordinate (10,10), how I can do that?
    ty m8s!

    The easiest way to draw inside a movieClip is the graphics class.
    You could do something like:, 0x000000);, 10);, 11);
    This isn't perfect when drawing pixels, however - it only has methods for lines and shapes(circles, rectangles etc).
    If its important for you to draw a single pixel and accuracy is more important you may want to consider converting your Movieclip to a BitmapData class, which has methods for setting Pixels. Realistically though, if you didn't know about the graphics class, then that'll probably be what you're after.

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    2) Sometimes the preview doesn't load the image.
    Somebody could help me?
    Thanks everybody

    e-mail, fax or paging/SMS via SMTP configured in the SAP Web Application Server & Which prerequisites and settings are required outside the SAP system?
    Brodly there are five steps to configure
    1. Profile parameters
    2.User administration (transaction SU01)
    3. Client assignment (transaction SICF)
    4.SAPconnect administration (transaction SCOT)
    5. Settings on the mail server (SAP-external configuration)
    For step by step visit smtp configuration guide at
    <b>Rewards point if helpfull</b>
    Pankaj Kumar

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    Well exactally,
    Being the economic misfortune that hit the country, my company doesn't have the funds to pay for a professional and they are trying to find a way to keep the project inside the building.
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    Also, it is kind of my first attempt at trying to further understand exactally what each of the programs do, and so far, I have learned quite alot by searching around and asking what other people think.
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    Anyone know of a way? An Extension to ID maybe?  I'm using CC2014 mac.
    Oh ID pro's, can this be done at all?

    It's a bit tricky but you could anchor the background image behind the text. So:
    An illustrator file and some text:
    Cut the background, place your cursor at the beginning of the text, and Paste:
    Open Anchored Objects Options and choose Above Line with enough negative Space after to position the background:
    The downside is it gets difficult to edit the text because the anchored image gets in the way, so you would have to use Story Editor to easily make text edits:

  • Want to put graphics inside my Text

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    use an image mask and drop the text into that.
    Take a look at the first part of Specialcase's tutorial

  • I get no graphic when linking a website inside facebook

    <link rel="image_src" href="
    I put this inside the head of the main page but it only made the whole website left justified.
    Here is the main website
    Please help thanks! I absolutely LOVE muse.

    The Yahoo! Toolbar extension has been reported to cause this issue.
    You can keep an eye on this thread:

  • I need a great compatible graphics card for my computer. (Specs Inside)

    I have a Gateway GT5670
    # Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit, SP1)
    # AMD Phenom 8400 Triple-Core Processor 2.1GHz (3MB L3 Cache, 3600Mhz Bus)
    # NVIDIA 6150SE Integrated Graphics with up to 128MB shared memory
    # 3GB DDR2 Memory (2 x 1GB, 2 x 512MB, up to 4GB)
    # 320GB 7200rpm Western Digital Hard Drive
    # 8-Channel (7.1) Integrated High Definition Audio
    # DVD Burner 18X Max with LabelFlash
    # 15-1 Media Card Reader
    # 56k PCI Data/Fax Modem
    # USB Powered Stereo Speakers
    # Dimensions (WxDxH): 15.6" x 7.2" x 16.10"
    # Weight: 23.4lbs
    # 300W Power Supply
    * One 5.25” external drive bay (DVD-Burner, Blu-Ray Drive, etc)
    * One 3.5” internal drive bay (additional hard drive)
    * One 16x PCI-e expansion slot (Video Card)
    * Two 1x PCI-e expansion slots (Sound card, TV-Tuner, etc)
    Thanks and can Best Buy install graphic cards for me?

    It also depends on the voltage rails (12v and 5v I believe) If you have a weaker number, some of these cards can make toast of the computer in no time!
    I am not an employee of BBY in any shape or form. All information presented in my replies or postings is my own opinion. It is up to you , the end user to determine the ultimate validity of any information presented on these forums.

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    Thanks in advanced, Andreina

    Perhaps this canvas component may be of some use:

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