Groundbreaking Interface for Logic

Hi Folks,
Check out this cutting edge interface that will surely make its way into our Logic studios eventually. Unreal and very exciting!
Here is a video demonstration:
Multi Touch Interface
Dual 2GHz G5, Apogee Rosetta 800, RME 9652, Focusrite Red Series Mic Pre, HR824's   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

There was a video demonstration of this exact system earlier this year.
The cool thing about it was there was no voice, just visual demonstrations. The last thing they showed was a music program. Because there was no voice over, it was hard to tell what was going on, but imagine what can be done. Logic's environment laid out in this fashion. Or virtual turntables. Sample based slide guitars. A mixing console with virtual faders. etc etc etc etc etc....

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    Tony P.M. wrote:
    The digi people also recommended buying the update for 7.3 and then updating to 7.3.cs4.  I am going to give that a try.  What does Pro App Support 4.0 do and where do I find it if you think that might help me?
    That is what I'm running, and it works great. Give it a shot. You can do a search on this forum, or on the Apple Support section of the website, and search for that term (Pro Application Support).
    Yes I have learned my lesson with auto update.  Live and learn.
    Yes. Remember, a DAW machine is NOt a regular computer you can do whatever with. Audio software and hardware are finicky creatures that don't play nice if you're messing with their operating system willy-nilly.
    I spoke with the Apple Store people today as well.  They suggest I spend $100 and sign up for one on one support and bring the whole **** set up in to the store and let them work on it. Seeing as how I am using a G5 tower, and we are talking about a digi 002 board, that is going to be alot of fun to lug across the mall.   I am just about that desperate though.  Any thoughts on one on one support in store?
    LOL!!! they just want your money, and will most defniintely screw up your system. They'll update wrong, install stuff you don't want, and re-configure your system to THEIR liking. Stay away from the genius Bar. When it comes to Pro audio, they really know little or nothing. As an example, I went to my local Apple store recently and asked for a copy of Logic Pro. the helpful guy there responded "Logic what? we don't have that kind of software here."
    Thanks for the help.  Again.
    You're welcome. Hopefully soon you'll have it up and running.

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    Well, I from my view,
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    If its not an entirely different situation with regard to Logic Pro 8/Logic Pro 9, Apogee makes a few interface options at different price ranges. The Duet is a quality interface as their mid range price option. I have had experience running Logic sessions with the Duet and have had relatively few problems. Also, Apogee typically does a good job integrating their specs/design for Logic users.

  • Interface for Logic

    Please offer suggestions for interface with Logic. I need many i/o at least 12 but I do not need preamps. I do not have money for Appogee AD and DA 16 which is over €10.000 (7000$ US) but maybe much under half that. I need very reliable operation for 10.5 Leopard and Logic. Thank you.

    Well under half of €10.000 is still quite a bit and could get you some seriously nice kit.
    Check out Prism Sound's Orpheus:
    the Apogee Ensemble:
    the RME Fireface 800:
    and see if they are in your budget. If not then perhaps a MOTU 828MK3:

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    As you're already using a Lynx, it makes sense to use their [AES16e|].

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    If Midi connectivity is important: Focusrite Saffire 6 (USB). Check out the User Guide:
    Otherwise, I would strongly recommend Mackie's Onyx Blackjack, especially when also out gigging. Check out the product page and you can also download an Owner's Manual:
    I use the Mackie . User Guides/Manuals are a great way of checking out detail about a product when deciding what to buy.
    I thought that Sennheiser were well known for headphones, not microphones.

  • Lowest latency Firewire audio interface for Logic... which should I choose?

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    I'm about to replace my trusty Yamaha n12 with a dedicated firewire audio interface.
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    - Apogee Ensemble
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    Thanks heaps guys, can't wait to hear some opinions!
    Cheers and thanks,

    Thomjinx wrote:
    If yeloop is using BFD, then direct monitoring isn't going to help him. That is for audio in.
    FWIW, on MOTU Ultralites, I get a little (less than 1 ms) less latency with the Mk 1 rather than the Mk 3.
    Perhaps the built-in DSP slows the Mk 3 down?
    Interesting--thanks for the info (one more reason not to upgrade MOTU, frankly...)!
    It is still 4.3 ms at 32 samples with the Mk 3. For MIDI controlled VIs, it would be less than that.
    I think I measured 3.9ms with my Traveler mk2 at 44.1k with a 32 sample buffer. So, it's a bit faster than the mk3. At 96k I can use a 32 sample buffer to get 2.5ms latency, but I can't run BFD2 with a 32 sample buffer. Best I can do with BFD2 is a 64 sample buffer at 96k... 3.16ms.
    But, you're exactly right, Thomjinx: with a VI, you won't hear that full amount of latency. Assuming the MIDI latency is negligible, the VI response time will be roughly 1/2 the full analog audio latency. (Logic reports both of the these figures--output latency and full roundtrip latency--if you click on the latency info in the Audio preferences. Be aware, though, that some devices report this information correctly, while others do not. For instance, with the Apogee and Metric Halo products I've used, the numbers reported by Logic are exactly correct, while with MOTU, the numbers shown in Logic are lower than reality: with a 64 buffer at 44.1k the Traveler mk2 indicates 4.3ms roundtrip latency with Logic, but I measured it as 5.6ms... so you may be misled if you try to use the latency values reported by Logic to compare products... in that regard, MOTU seems to cheat, while Apogee and Metric Halo follow the rules

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    edit: I discovered my video card is an ATI Radeon 9800 XT, so its indeed a different card. Sorry about that, but it is still a PCI video card. Does this make a difference?
    Message was edited by: Jonathan Timpe
    Message was edited by: Jonathan Timpe

  • USB or Firewire Interface for Logic

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    Many thanks

    What you've probably heard is that the firewire bus is shared, not the actual port. All firewire ports on all Macs share the same bus. What this means is that if you are running a FW800 device and a FW400 device, the entire bus will only be running at 400.
    I'd personally recommend going firewire. You can always daisy-chain your devices and the firewire connection is better suited for audio in terms of consistent speed.
    There are plenty of posts throughout the board that talk about which ones are the most recommended. A simple search should yield an abundance of information on which interfaces are the best suited for what you want to do.

  • RE: interface for logic.

    Hi I'd like to know which interface is good for professional sounding recordings: (1) Presonous Firepod; (2) Mbox2 Pro; (3) Mackie PROFX8. I run the Mackie via usb straight into logic. I'm doing some recording using some highend mics/preamps. Just want to make sure that the audio quality is top notch.

    Well under half of €10.000 is still quite a bit and could get you some seriously nice kit.
    Check out Prism Sound's Orpheus:
    the Apogee Ensemble:
    the RME Fireface 800:
    and see if they are in your budget. If not then perhaps a MOTU 828MK3:

  • Audio Interface For Logic?

    Im looking to get a interface but Im hearing that only Motu Interfaces only work with Logic if your running Leopard. Is this true.

    DeQuan Smith wrote:
    Im looking to get a interface but Im hearing that only Motu Interfaces only work with Logic if your running Leopard. Is this true.
    This is absolutely positively UNTRUE. I have been using a MOTU Ultralite for a couple of years with Logic 7 and TIGER, and for about 5 months with Logic 8 and TIGER. I have never had a single problem with their drivers with any operating system, they are ROCK SOLID.
    I also have an M-Audio Firewire 410, and their drivers for TIGER are OK, but for LEOPARD (especially 10.5.3) are very unpredictable for me.
    MOTU Ultralite is an AWESOME piece.

  • Audio interface for Logic 9

    Hi all,
    I'm looking into upgrading my home-studio gear, abandoning my Tascam FW-1884 (no LCD, too much space, 2 dead faders) in favor of a new control surface + interface combo. My DAW will not change, still using Logic. I'm trying to catch up with what's been around in the last couple of years, which I've spent mostly away from Logic, tracking old-style on my Yamaha AW2400. Logic has evolved, too... time for a change.
    For the control surface, I'm pretty much set on the Euphonix MC Mix, even though there are apparently some problems still. The only other option (in my budget) seems to be the Mackie Control which is just as huge (physically) as the Tascam.
    Since I'll be separating the control surface from the interface, I will be needing, well, an interface. After reading tons of stuff on the web about the recent products within my budget, I've narrowed down the options and I would be happy to have some advice, knowing that I compose and record mainly alone, sometimes using guest musicians for some instruments that I don't play (violin) and vocals. A MIDI port would be nice but is not essential, as I'm running everything through my Fantom X6's USB port. Portability is no concern.
    I wanted to get an Apogee Ensemble, but then I saw the Focusrite Saffire 56 which is almost a fourth of the price. What I don't get is the difference in price: the Saffire is priced almost the same as the Duet, which only has 2 input channels, no Word Clock, no ADAT or S/PDIF... I know the Apogee preamps are supposed to be unbelievable, but I'm not sure I will be hearing the difference (I'm recording with an AKG C4000 and listening through a couple of KRK V6s). Preamps are important, of course, but most of what I work with are AU instruments (Kontakt and Synful, essentially).
    There also seems to be the option of a RME Fireface 400 which has very good reviews but which is not a recent product (I know it's a silly reflex to always get the newest thing, but I'm not immune to silliness).
    I know almost everything there is to know technically about the Apogee devices and their tight integration with Logic. However, I'm used to be surrounded by gear and software, and I don't mind a trip to an external applet (Focusrite mixer or RME TotalMix) to handle routing. I'm just trying to find the best interface I can find for my money. I'm not too excited about the "Power Trio" hype from Apple, Apogee and Euphonix, since from what I read in the forums there are issues with every Logic update and the integration is not that wonderful.
    Any ideas are welcome.

    I use the Power Trio and it works great. There have been a few software issues along the way but what software doesn't have issues. My best advice is to check it out for yourself. The duet is a great interface the sound is fantastic. Based on it's performance and sound I would get the Ensemble if I needed more in's and out's.
    I replaced the older Mackie Control with a MC mix and couldn't be happier. My MCU never worked right from the non calibrating faders to the fact it needed it's own midi interface to work properly. I'm sure the new MCU works a lot better but it's still huge.The space on my desktop where the MCU would sit is now taken by MC MIX, MC Transport, 4 Hard drives,Akai MPD 24,FirewireUSB hub, Ethernet Desktop switch. The MC MIx is a gem, plug and play. I'm really starting to dig in to pulling up plugins on it and tweaking them from the MC Mix and controlling duet from the MC Mix also.
    I went with these products based on their reputation for making quality stuff and plug in play operation with Apple but if it didn't work I would return it.

  • Audio interfaces for Logic

    i want to take my recording a step further.
    i currently have a presonus firebox.
    i want to start doing some multi channel recording from my mpc2000xl.
    does anyone have any suggestions about which brands i should look at that work well with logic?

    I have MOTU 828 (Firewire) and 2408 (pci card), both allow 8 audio in/out and digital options to increase that.
    I bought the 2408 cheap on e-bay with an obsolete pci card then updated the pci card with Motu on their website
    the 828 is a very useful box as it is firewire (works with laptop) has 2 mic ins with phantom power, 2 6mm jack ins for line in, spdif, ADAT optical and comes with software to control internal mixes.

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