Group by on excluded column

Hi Friends,
We have created a report with privote table views with two view selctors and we excluded one columns (Product name). We are getting some worng results due to group by on Product name.
Do we have option to elimnate the group by on Product name in the Physical query.

didn't understand your question properly..
Are you using product name in one view and another view you're not using that column ??
It shouldn't be a problem at all. try change aggregation rule to sum in pivot measures

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    I Just have a checkbox in report, and I dont need to see it in export result.
    APEX 4.1.
    Thanks !
    Edited by: go0ze on Sep 28, 2012 1:40 AM

    Set condition type PL/SQL Expression to column and enter to Expression 1
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    It's kind of a lot of code... but here goes!
    This all goes into a separate JS file:
    (Tip, to copy this code chunk, it's easiest to start your selection outside the code block)
    var js_MultiFilter = (function () {
    function js_MultiFilter(listName, site) {
    this.document = document; f (typeof listName == "undefined") { listName = 'Documents'; }if (typeof site == "undefined") { this.useCurrentSite = true; }else { this.useCurrentSite = false; }this.listName = listName;this.listRootfolder = ""; = site;this.notificationEnabled = true;this.filterFields = []; this.filterNames = []; this.selectModes = []; this.filterValueLists = []; this.displayFields = []; this.displayNames = []; this.displayModes = []; this.items = []; this.potentialFilters = []; this.queryFields = []; this.selectedFilters = []; this.sortField = "Title"; this.sortDesc = false; this.selectMode = "checkbox"; this.filterHeadingClass = "js_MFFilterHeading"; this.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable"; this.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn"; this.innerFilterColumnClass = "js_MFInnerFilterColumn"; this.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell"; this.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter"; this.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable"; this.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow";
    this.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader"; this.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell"; this.filterLabelClass = "js_MFFilterLabel"; this.filterLabelHoverClass = "js_MFFilterHoverLabel"; this.filterLabelSelectClass = "js_MFFilterSelectLabel"; this.filterLabelUnusedClass = "js_MFFilterUnusedLabel"; this.resultCountClass = "js_MFResultCount"; this.maxResultHeight = "270px"; this.rowLimit = 100; this.divId; this.evenColumnWidths = true; this.evenFilterColumnWidths = true; this.resultsId = "js_MultiFilterResults1"; this.showMetadataGuids = false; this.maxFilterHeight = 13;
    /*Methods*/ this.containsString = containsString; this.getIndexOf = getIndexOf; this.addDisplayField = addDisplayField; this.addStaticDisplayField = addStaticDisplayField; this.addFilterField = addFilterField; this.bindToDiv = bindToDiv; this.onQuerySucceeded = onQuerySucceeded; this.onQueryFailed = onQueryFailed; this.getValueAsString = getValueAsString; this.showLoading = showLoading; this.removeLoading = removeLoading; this.toggleAndApplyFilter = toggleAndApplyFilter; this.applyFilter = applyFilter; this.insertDefaultCss = insertDefaultCss; this.get_defaultCss = get_defaultCss; this.isPageInEditMode = isPageInEditMode; this.HoverFilterLabel = HoverFilterLabel; this.DeHoverFilterLabel = DeHoverFilterLabel;
    /*Interface Functions*/
    function isPageInEditMode() { return (document.forms[0].elements["MSOLayout_InDesignMode"].value == "1") }
    function addFilterField(fieldName, displayName, selectMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = fieldName; } if (typeof (selectMode) == "undefined") { selectMode = this.selectMode; } this.filterFields.push(fieldName); this.filterNames.push(displayName); this.selectModes.push(selectMode.toString().toLowerCase()); var filterValueList = []; this.filterValueLists.push(filterValueList); var potFilterValueList = []; this.potentialFilters.push(potFilterValueList); if (!this.containsString(this.queryFields, fieldName)) { this.queryFields.push(fieldName); } }
    function addDisplayField(fieldName, displayName, displayMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = fieldName; } if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } this.displayFields.push(fieldName); this.displayNames.push(displayName); this.displayModes.push(displayMode); if (!this.containsString(this.queryFields, fieldName)) { this.queryFields.push(fieldName); } }
    function addStaticDisplayField(displayText, displayName, displayMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = displayText; } if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } this.displayFields.push("@" + displayText); this.displayNames.push(displayName); this.displayModes.push(displayMode); }
    function insertDefaultCss(RevertToDefaultStyles) { var js_style = this.document.createElement("style"); js_style.type = "text/css"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js_style); var newCss = this.get_defaultCss(RevertToDefaultStyles); if (typeof js_style.styleSheet != "undefined") { js_style.styleSheet.cssText = newCss; } else { js_style.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(newCss)); } }
    function bindToDiv(divId) { /* Causes the control to appear in the specified div.*/ if (typeof (divId) != "undefined") { this.divId = divId; } if (this.notificationEnabled) { showLoading(this); } var clientContext; if (this.useCurrentSite) { clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); } else { clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(; } var web = clientContext.get_web(); var lists = web.get_lists(); var list = lists.getByTitle(this.listName); var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery(); var descending = ""; if (this.sortDesc) { descending = " Ascending='False'"; } var camlString = '<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'' + this.sortField + '\'' + descending + '/></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit>' + this.rowLimit + '</RowLimit></View>'; camlQuery.set_viewXml(camlString); this.collListItem = list.getItems(camlQuery); var strFields = "ID,"; if (containsString(this.displayModes, "fileref", true)) { strFields += "FileRef," }
    for (var i = 0; i < this.queryFields.length; i++) { strFields += this.queryFields[i] + ","; } strFields = strFields.substring(0, strFields.length - 1); this.listRootfolder = list.get_rootFolder(); clientContext.load(this.listRootfolder); clientContext.load(this.collListItem, "Include(" + strFields + ")"); clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed)); }
    function showLoading(parent) { parent.notifyId = SP.UI.Notify.addNotification("Loading...", true); }
    function removeLoading(parent) { SP.UI.Notify.removeNotification(parent.notifyId); }
    function getValueAsString(fieldValue, activeHyperlinks, showLinkUrl, displayMode, additionalFieldValue) { var localNull = null; if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } /*wraps hyperlink text in <a> tag*/ if (typeof (activeHyperlinks) == "undefined") { activeHyperlinks = false; } /*causes hyperlinks to display URL by default instead of description*/ if (typeof (showLinkUrl) == "undefined") { showLinkUrl = true; } var returnValue = []; var isArray = false if (typeof (fieldValue) == "object" && fieldValue != localNull) { if (fieldValue[0] != localNull) { if (fieldValue.length) { for (var i = 0; i < fieldValue.length; i++) { returnValue.push(this.getValueAsString(fieldValue[i])); isArray = true; } } } } if (!isArray) { if (fieldIsText(fieldValue)) { if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "link") { returnValue = '<a href="' + fieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; }
    else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "display") { returnValue = '<a href="' + this.listRootfolder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + '/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "edit") { returnValue = '<a href="' + this.listRootfolder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + '/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "fileref") { returnValue = '<a href="' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else { returnValue = fieldValue; } } else { if (fieldValue == localNull) { returnValue = ""; } else { if (fieldIsDate(fieldValue)) { returnValue = fieldValue._toFormattedString(); } else { if (fieldIsHyperlink(fieldValue)) { var desc = fieldValue.get_description(); var url = fieldValue.get_url(); if (showLinkUrl) { if (url != localNull) { returnValue = url; } else { if (desc != localNull) { returnValue = desc; } } }
    else { if (desc != localNull) { returnValue = desc; } else { if (url != localNull) { returnValue = url; } } } if (activeHyperlinks && url != localNull) { returnValue = '<a href="' + url + '">' + returnValue + '</a>'; } } else { if (fieldIsLookup(fieldValue)) { if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "link") { returnValue = '<a href="' + fieldValue.get_lookupValue() + '">' + fieldValue.get_lookupValue() + '</a>'; } else { if(fieldValue.get_lookupValue() == ""){ /* When doing a lookup count, the lookup ID is used */ returnValue = fieldValue.get_lookupId(); }else{ returnValue = fieldValue.get_lookupValue(); } } } else { returnValue = ""; } } } } } } return returnValue; }
    function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) { var listItemEnumerator = this.collListItem.getEnumerator(); while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) { var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current(); var localNull = null; var item = new Object(); item.filterValues = []; item.displayValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var filterValue = []; /*Collect all filter values*/ var rawValue = this.getValueAsString(oListItem.get_item(this.filterFields[i])); if (typeof (rawValue) == "string") { filterValue.push(rawValue); } else { filterValue = rawValue; } for (var k = 0; k < filterValue.length; k++) { /*if this value hasn't been encountered before, add it to our filter value list for this filter field*/ var thisvalue = filterValue[k]; if (this.showMetadataGuids == false) { if (thisvalue.indexOf('|') != -1) { thisvalue = thisvalue.split('|')[0]; } } if (!containsString(this.filterValueLists[i], thisvalue)) { this.filterValueLists[i].push(thisvalue); } } item.filterValues.push(filterValue); }
    for (var j = 0; j < this.displayFields.length; j++) { var initialValue = this.displayFields[j]; if (initialValue.startsWith("@")) { initialValue = initialValue.substring(initialValue.indexOf("@") + 1); } else { initialValue = oListItem.get_item(this.displayFields[j]) } /*Collect all display values*/ if (this.displayModes[j] == "fileref") { var displayValue = this.getValueAsString(initialValue, true, false, this.displayModes[j], oListItem.get_item("FileRef")); } else { var displayValue = this.getValueAsString(initialValue, true, false, this.displayModes[j], oListItem.get_item("ID")); } item.displayValues.push(displayValue); } this.items.push(item); } var filterSelectBoxes = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var selectbox = this.document.createElement("div"); selectbox.className = this.filterColumnClass; selectbox.setAttribute("index", i); var heading = this.document.createElement("div"); heading.className = this.filterHeadingClass;
    heading.innerHTML = this.filterNames[i]; selectbox.appendChild(heading); var columnContainer = document.createElement("div"); selectbox.appendChild(columnContainer); var innerColumns = []; for (var j = 0; j < this.filterValueLists[i].length; j += this.maxFilterHeight) { var innerColumn = document.createElement("div"); innerColumn.className = this.innerFilterColumnClass; innerColumns.push(innerColumn); columnContainer.appendChild(innerColumn); } this.filterValueLists[i].sort(); for (var j = 0; j < this.filterValueLists[i].length; j++) { var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = this.selectModes[i]; input.className = this.filterCheckboxClass; var checkboxText = this.filterValueLists[i][j]; input.setAttribute("name", this.filterFields[i]); = "js_mf_" + i + "_" + j; var labelid = "label_" + i + "_" + j; input.setAttribute("label", labelid); input.value = checkboxText; var checkboxlabel = document.createTextNode(checkboxText); var checkboxlabelspan = document.createElement("span");
    checkboxlabelspan.className = this.filterLabelClass; = labelid; checkboxlabelspan.setAttribute("checkbox",; checkboxlabelspan.appendChild(checkboxlabel); var parent = this;
    /*ADD EVENT HANDLER*/ if (input.addEventListener) { /*chrome, firefox, and new IE*/ input.addEventListener("change", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); input.addEventListener("click", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("click", function (element) { parent.toggleAndApplyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (element) { parent.HoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("mouseout", function (element) { parent.DeHoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); } else { /*legacy internet explorer*/ input.attachEvent("onchange", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); input.attachEvent("onclick", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onclick", function (element) { parent.toggleAndApplyFilter(element, parent) });
    checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onmouseenter", function (element) { parent.HoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onmouseout", function (element) { parent.DeHoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); } var currentColumnIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < innerColumns.length; k++) { if (j >= k * this.maxFilterHeight) currentColumnIndex = k; } var currentColumn = innerColumns[currentColumnIndex]; currentColumn.appendChild(input); currentColumn.appendChild(checkboxlabelspan); currentColumn.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } filterSelectBoxes.push(selectbox); } var htmlToWrite = document.createElement("div"); htmlToWrite.className = this.filterTableClass; for (var i = 0; i < filterSelectBoxes.length; i++) { htmlToWrite.appendChild(filterSelectBoxes[i]); }
    /*clear the loading image and add our filters*/ document.getElementById(this.divId).innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById(this.divId).appendChild(htmlToWrite);
    /*Create the div to display the results*/ var detailsDiv = document.createElement("div"); detailsDiv.className = this.displayOuterClass; var detailIdstring = "Details"; iterator = 0; var detailsId = detailIdstring + iterator; while (this.document.getElementById(detailsId) != localNull) { iterator = iterator + 1; detailsId = detailIdstring + iterator; } = detailsId; this.resultsId = detailsId;
    /*create a div for a row within the results table*/ var detailDiv = document.createElement("div"); detailDiv.className = this.displayRowClass; detailDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<img src='/_layouts/images/loading.gif' />")); detailsDiv.appendChild(detailDiv);
    /*Add the results below the filters*/ document.getElementById(this.divId).appendChild(detailsDiv); for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var selectedFieldArray = []; this.selectedFilters.push(selectedFieldArray); } if (this.notificationEnabled) { this.removeLoading(this); } applyFilter(null, this); }
    function DeHoverFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else if (sourcelabel.getAttribute("unused") == "unused") { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelClass; } }
    function SelectFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; hover = false; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } }
    function HoverFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; var hover = true; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else if (sourcelabel.getAttribute("unused") == "unused") { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; } else if (hover) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelHoverClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelClass; } }
    function toggleAndApplyFilter(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); var select = false; if (el.checked) { el.checked = false; } else { el.checked = true; select = true; } parent.applyFilter(el, parent); if (select) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelHoverClass; } }
    function applyFilter(el, parent) { var localNull = null; var resultcount = 0; if (el != localNull) { var element = el.srcElement; if (typeof (element) == "undefined") { element = el; } SelectFilterLabel(document.getElementById(element.getAttribute("label")), parent); var filter = element.value; var parentNode = element.parentNode; var tempElement = element.parentNode; while (tempElement.getAttribute("index") == localNull) { tempElement = tempElement.parentNode; } var fieldIndex = tempElement.getAttribute("index"); var elements = document.getElementsByName(element.getAttribute("name")); for (var inc = 0; inc < elements.length; inc++) { var thisel = elements[inc]; if (typeof (thisel.getAttribute("label")) != "undefined") { DeHoverFilterLabel(document.getElementById(thisel.getAttribute("label")), parent); } } if (element.checked) {
    if (parent.selectModes[fieldIndex] == "radio") { /*remove all other filters in this field.*/ parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex] = []; } if (!containsString(parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex], filter)) { parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex].push(filter); } } else { var index = getIndexOf(parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex], filter); if (typeof (index) != "undefined") { parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex].splice(index, 1); } } } var resultsOuterDiv = document.createElement("div"); resultsOuterDiv.className = parent.displayTableClass; document.getElementById(parent.resultsId).innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById(parent.resultsId).appendChild(resultsOuterDiv); var resultsHeaderDiv = document.createElement("div"); resultsHeaderDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; for (var i = 0; i < parent.displayNames.length; i++) { var headerCell = document.createElement("div"); headerCell.className = parent.displayHeaderClass; headerCell.innerHTML = parent.displayNames[i]; resultsHeaderDiv.appendChild(headerCell); }
    resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(resultsHeaderDiv); for (var i = 0; i < parent.potentialFilters.length; i++) { parent.potentialFilters[i] = []; /*initialize an array of empty arrays (one per filter)*/ } for (var i = 0; i < parent.items.length; i++) { /*for each item...*/ var itemfields = parent.items[i].filterValues var itemContainsAllSelectedValues = true; for (var j = 0; j < parent.selectedFilters.length; j++) { /*for each filter field*/ for (var k = 0; k < parent.selectedFilters[j].length; k++) { /*for each selected filter value*/ if (parent.selectedFilters[j].length == 0) continue; /*skip it if nothing is selected.*/ var thisvalue = parent.items[i].filterValues[j]; /*check if the item has that value within that field*/ if (!containsString(thisvalue, parent.selectedFilters[j][k], this.showMetadataGuids)) { itemContainsAllSelectedValues = false; break; } if (!itemContainsAllSelectedValues) break; } }
    if (itemContainsAllSelectedValues) { resultcount++; var rowDiv = document.createElement("div"); rowDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; for (var j = 0; j < parent.items[i].displayValues.length; j++) { var cellDiv = document.createElement("div"); cellDiv.className = parent.displayCellClass; cellDiv.innerHTML = parent.items[i].displayValues[j]; rowDiv.appendChild(cellDiv); } for (var j = 0; j < parent.items[i].filterValues.length; j++) { for (var k = 0; k < parent.items[i].filterValues[j].length; k++) { parent.potentialFilters[j].push(parent.items[i].filterValues[j][k]); } } resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(rowDiv); } } if (resultcount == 0) { var rowDiv = document.createElement("div"); rowDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; var cellDiv = document.createElement("div"); cellDiv.className = parent.displayCellClass; cellDiv.innerHTML = "No results were found for the specified criteria."; rowDiv.appendChild(cellDiv); resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(rowDiv); }
    /*Stylize dead-end filter options*/ for (var i = 0; i < parent.filterValueLists.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < parent.filterValueLists[i].length; j++) { var labelid = "label_" + i + "_" + j; var checkboxid = "js_mf_" + i + "_" + j; var filterCheck = document.getElementById(checkboxid); var fieldValue = parent.filterValueLists[i][j]; var tempElement = filterCheck.parentNode; while (tempElement.getAttribute("index") == localNull) { tempElement = tempElement.parentNode; } var fieldIndex = tempElement.getAttribute("index"); if (!containsString(parent.potentialFilters[fieldIndex], fieldValue, parent.showMetadataGuids)) { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; document.getElementById(labelid).setAttribute("unused", "unused"); } else { if (document.getElementById(checkboxid).checked) { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelClass; }
    document.getElementById(labelid).setAttribute("unused", "false"); } } } var resultCountId = "js_mf_resultcount"; var resultCountDiv; if (document.getElementById(resultCountId) == null) { resultCountDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "js_mf_resultcount"; resultCountDiv.className = parent.resultCountClass; document.getElementById(parent.divId).appendChild(resultCountDiv) } else { resultCountDiv = document.getElementById(resultCountId); } if (resultcount == 1) { resultCountDiv.innerHTML = resultcount + " result"; } else { resultCountDiv.innerHTML = resultcount + " results"; } }
    function onQueryFailed(sender, args) { this.removeLoading(this); this.document.getElementById(this.divId).innerHTML = 'The page was unable to populate the data this time.' + '<br/><span style="color:white">' + args.get_message() + '</span>\n'; }
    function get_defaultCss(useTheseClasses, includeStyleTags) { if (typeof useTheseClasses != "boolean") useTheseClasses = true; if (useTheseClasses) { this.filterHeadingClass = "js_Heading"; this.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable"; this.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn"; this.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell"; this.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter"; this.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable"; this.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow"; this.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader"; this.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell"; this.filterLabelClass = "js_MFFilterLabel"; } if (typeof includeStyleTags != "boolean") includeStyleTags = false; var openstyletag = ""; var closestyletag = ""; if (includeStyleTags) { openstyletag = "<style>"; closestyletag = "</style>"; } var leftright_padding = "padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;"; var tableLayoutFixed = ""; var filterTableLayoutFixed = ""; if (this.evenColumnWidths || this.dockResultHeaders) { tableLayoutFixed = "table-layout:fixed; "; }
    if (this.evenFilterColumnWidths) { filterTableLayoutFixed = "table-layout:fixed; "; } return openstyletag + "." + this.filterHeadingClass + "{font-weight:bold;background:#DDDDDD;text-align:center;}." + this.filterTableClass + "{background:#EEEEEE;display:table;width:100%;"+filterTableLayoutFixed+"}." + this.filterColumnClass + "{ display:table-cell;border-left:1px solid #CCC; border-right:1px solid #CCC;}." + this.filterCheckboxClass + "{padding-left: 5px;}." + this.displayOuterClass + "{height:" + this.maxResultHeight + "; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #CCC;}." + this.displayTableClass + "{display:table; " + tableLayoutFixed + "width:100%; text-align:left;}." + this.displayRowClass + "{width:100%;text-align:left;display:table-row;border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE;}." + this.displayHeaderClass + "{background:gray;color:white;display:table-cell; padding:5px; font-weight:bold;}." + this.displayCellClass + "{border-right:solid #CCC 1px; " + "border-left:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE;"
    + "display:table-cell;padding:5px;}." + this.innerFilterColumnClass + "{float:left;}." + this.filterLabelClass + "{margin:1px; cursor:pointer;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelHoverClass + "{cursor:pointer; margin:1px;text-decoration:underline;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelSelectClass + "{background: #555; color:white; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #555;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelUnusedClass + "{color:#bbb;margin:1px;cursor:default;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.resultCountClass + "{text-align:right;font-weight:bold;}" + closestyletag; }
    function fieldIsLookup(field) { return (typeof field.get_lookupValue == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsDate(field) { return (typeof field._toFormattedString == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsHyperlink(field) { return (typeof field.get_url == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsText(field) { return (typeof field == 'string'); }
    /* Helper function to imitate Array.contains() method */ function containsString(strArray, text, showMetadataGuids) { if (typeof (showMetadataGuids) == "undefined") { showMetadataGuids = true; } var contains = false; for (i in strArray) { if (strArray[i] == text) { contains = true; break; } else if (showMetadataGuids == false) { if (strArray[i].indexOf('|') != -1) { if (strArray[i].split('|')[0] == text) { contains = true; break; } } } } return contains; }
    /* Helper function to imitate Array.indexOf() method */ function getIndexOf(strArray, text) { for (i in strArray) { if (strArray[i] == text) return i; } }
    return js_MultiFilter;})();
    Then you can reference the JS file and put the filter control on your page like so:
    <div id="js_MultiFilterExample"><img src="/_layouts/images/loading.gif"/></div>
    <script src="/[wherever you saved your js file]/js_MultiFilter.js"></script>
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(newInstance, "sp.js");
    function newInstance(){
    var mf = new js_MultiFilter("Library Name"); // pass the list display name
    //// Optional Parameters
    //mf.maxResultHeight = "100%"; // set the max height of the results (default: "270px")
    mf.sortField = "FileLeafRef"; // specify internal name of field to sort results by (default: Title)
    //mf.sortDesc = true; // sort descending (default: false)
    //mf.evenColumnWidths = false; // equal result column widths (disable at own risk) (default: true)
    mf.evenFilterColumnWidths = false; // equal filter column widths (default: true)
    //mf.rowLimit = 500; // increase the result row limit imposed on the query (default: 100)
    //mf.notificationEnabled = false; // show the fly-out Loading notification (default: true)
    //mf.selectMode = "radio"; // Specify the default select mode i.e. checkbox or radio (default: checkbox)
    //mf.showMetadataGuids = true; // Do not trim the GUID suffix from managed metadata filters (default: false)
    //mf.maxFilterHeight = 20 ; // Specify the maximum number of options to display in a column before adding another column (default: 13)
    //// Filter and Display Fields
    mf.addFilterField("Category","Category","radio"); // (internal name, display name (optional), select mode (optional))
    //// addDisplayField() displays an additional field from each list item
    //// addStaticDisplayField() adds a column that displays the same text for every item
    mf.addDisplayField("FileLeafRef","Link to Doc","fileref"); // (internal name, display name (optional), display mode (optional))
    mf.addStaticDisplayField("View Properties","Display Form","display"); // (display text, display name (optional), display mode (optional))
    mf.addDisplayField("Author","Created By");
    //// Valid display modes are: default (display value as text), link (treat the value as a hyperlink),
    //// display (link to library display form), edit (link to library edit form), and fileref (link to document)
    //// CSS classes used by the control
    //mf.filterHeadingClass = "js_MFFilterHeading";
    //mf.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable";
    //mf.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn";
    //mf.filterInnerColumnClass = "js_MFInnerFilterColumn";
    //mf.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell";
    //mf.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter";
    //mf.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable";
    //mf.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow";
    //mf.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader";
    //mf.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell";
    //mf.filterLabelHoverClass = "js_MFFilterHoverLabel";
    //mf.filterLabelSelectClass = "js_MFFilterSelectLabel";
    //mf.filterLabelUnusedClass = "js_MFFilterUnusedLabel";
    //mf.resultCountClass = "js_MFResultCount";
    Uncomment anything you need to change!

  • GROUP BY: determinstic function column of group by expression 10g vs 11g

    The following works in 10g but now fails in 11g.
    Simple description: If I create a view of a number and subtract 2 from that number
    and I group by the first column and include the 2nd column, it works in 10g and gives "not a group by column" in 11g.
    It seems that 10g knew the 2nd column was derived by the first column so grouping by the 1st column gave an automatic pass to the 2nd column.
    11g seems to be more strict (though I don't know why, if the 2nd column's function is purely deterministic as you would expect subtracting by 2 would be. Same is true for UPPER())
    Is there a reason for this change in behaviour in 11g?
    Is there some explicit reason for the change in functionality?
    Exact versions and results below
    Line: -----
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    SQL> drop view v1;
    View dropped.
    SQL> drop view v2;
    View dropped.
    SQL> create view v1 as
    2 select '0' c1, 0 c2 from dual
    3 union all
    4 select '1', 1 from dual
    5 union all
    6 select '2', 2 from dual
    7 union all
    8 select '3', 3 from dual;
    View created.
    SQL> create view v2
    2 as select c1, upper(c1) c1u, c2, c2-2 c3
    3 from v1;
    View created.
    SQL> select c1, c1u
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1;
    C C
    1 1
    3 3
    0 0
    2 2
    SQL> select c1, c2, c3
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1, c2;
    C C2 C3
    1 1 -1
    3 3 1
    2 2 0
    0 0 -2
    -- =============================================================================================
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> drop view v1;
    View dropped.
    SQL> drop view v2;
    View dropped.
    SQL> create view v1 as
    2 select '0' c1, 0 c2 from dual
    3 union all
    4 select '1', 1 from dual
    5 union all
    6 select '2', 2 from dual
    7 union all
    8 select '3', 3 from dual;
    View created.
    SQL> create view v2
    2 as select c1, upper(c1) c1u, c2, c2-2 c3
    3 from v1;
    View created.
    SQL> select c1, c1u
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1;
    select c1, c1u
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    SQL> select c1, c2, c3
    2 from v2
    3 group by c1, c2;
    select c1, c2, c3
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    Edited by: joriotis on Jul 25, 2011 11:01 AM
    Edited by: joriotis on Jul 25, 2011 11:03 AM

    Just 4 hours ago, someone else had a very similar question:
    Group by fails on ORA-00979
    Personally, I consider that a bug in Oracle 10. When you do a GROUP BY on a view, you can't expect the SQL engine to look at the view definition, and determine if one of the columns can be derived from another.
    In practice, it's easy enough to add c1u to the GROUP BY clause, or to use MAX (c1u) instead of c1u, to make your query work.

  • Group by for one column

    there is a scenario in informatica..where we can select more than one rows and group by on only one row..its possible in informatica..
    so can any one tell how to sql for those type of scenarios
    For example there are
    HE IS SELECTING ALL THE COLUMNS AND GROUPING BY ON SAT_ID do any one tell how to write sql in that scenario

    in oracle you can have groupings without having to group all of the columns in the select clause by using an analytic query.
      select a.*
        from (select sequence_id,
                     row_number() over (partition by mfg_id order by sold_dt) rn
                from <table>
               where <conditions>) a
       where a.rn = 1
    try to post some sample data and output. we might be able to come up with some simple query that might be compatible or supported by informatica queries.

  • Error in nested group function used with column name.

    Hi Team,
    If i used nested group function with column name its not working. Could you please any one suggest me.
    How to use it.
    Please find Spool ........
    SQL> select user_name,max(max(CNT)) from (select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    2 group by user_name,CNT;
    select user_name,max(max(CNT)) from (select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00937: not a single-group group function
    SQL> select max(max(CNT)) from(select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    2 group by user_name;

    Venkat wrote:
    Hi Sayan
    Its giving output like below, but not given maximum CNT.
    SQL> select user_name,max(CNT)from (select USER_NAME,count(*) CNT from v$open_cursor group by USER_NAME)
    2 group by user_name;
    USER3 339
    DBUS 106
    VEL_USER 37
    SYS 597
    6 rows selected.Check it - Re: Error in nested group function used with column name.
    and previous post

  • GROUP BY with multiple columns.

    I have little query about GROUP BY clause.
    Sometimes we will give multiple column names in GROUP BY .If it behaves in the same way as ORDER BY (multiple columns) i would love to have an example where I can use GROUP BY multiple columns. Anyways howsoever it behaves it will be really appreciated if anyone can explain a scenario where GROUP BY with multiple columns can be used.
    I know about the usage of aggregate functions with GROUP BY but using only one column.

    Group by is used for grouping of same records. check this bellow scenario
    SELECT registrationid, dateofbirth, age FROM prawin62 WHERE registrationid = 22;
    22     1/23/1975     54
    22     5/18/2011     66
    22     5/18/2011     66
    22     5/18/2011     66
    22     5/18/2011     66
    22     5/18/2011     66SELECT registrationid, sum(age) FROM prawin62 WHERE registrationid = 22 GROUP BY registrationid;
    22     384SELECT registrationid, dateofbirth, sum(age) FROM prawin62 WHERE registrationid = 22 GROUP BY registrationid, dateofbirth ;
    22     5/18/2011     330
    22     1/23/1975     54Thanks,

  • How do calculate the average of a group of percentages excluding percentages listed as zero on Numbers?

    Hey all
    This is driving me crazy!
    I need to calculate the average of a group of percentages excluding cells listed as '0%'.
    Please see screen print below, numbers highlighted need to be averaged, when the table is filled out correctly some will remain '0%' whilst others will have a value, I want the average to be calculated only using numbers with a value greater than '0'.
    FYI I am looking for the result to display in 'X2'
    Thanks :-)

    you can use the averageif() function. Here is a simple example to get you started:
    In this example the average if() function averages values that are non-zero
    this is shorthand for select cell C2, then type (or copy and paste from here) the formula:

  • Repeat group header in multiple columns

    I have a group and the details section is set to format with multiple columns.  I have the repeat group header on each page option checked but I also want it to repeat group header if the group spans multiple columns.  Does anyone know how to do this?

    Thanks for your reply but I'm not sure how you copy a group header into another column if the data that is displayed there is dynamically displayed.  Please advise.  Thanks

  • Can we exclude column  from well configured streaming

    Hi Guys,
    Is it possible to exclude some columns from a table level replication?If yes , how ??
    Any help is highly appreciable.

    Yes you can using rules based transformations to exclude columns from LCRS.
    Depending on the version you can us Declarative Rule_Based Transformations as
    or you could come up with an alternative if you are on an older version.

  • Grouping By a Calculated Column Issue

    I have 2 issues when I try to group by a view using a calculated column:
    It will show the number of items under each group but you expand is not showing any items at all
    It will show the item reproduced 333 times.
    The first one it happens to all the lists and libraries on SharePoint 2013. However the second issue happened only in a document library that holds the employee Documents. The view is grouped by Document type column and the Employee column ( which is the
    calculated column). It shows multiple versions of the same document as stated above.
    Any help is very much appreciated.

    According to your description, there is an issue when grouping by Calculated column.
    It was a known issue in the early build version of SharePoint 2013, it is already fixed in the August 2013 CU:
    I suggest you install August 2013 CU or the later versions and then create new list for a test.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How  to exclude columns dynamic using group functions or any other function

    i have a select that look like this
    SELECT *
      FROM (SELECT DISTINCT gruposcomerciales.cod_gcomercial,
                            DECODE (:0,
                                    'OFICIAL', pbeoficialesjerarquia.oficial_id,
                                   ) oficial_id,
                            DECODE (:0,
                                    'BANCA', NULL,
                                   ) id_cluster,
                       FROM grupos_comerciales gruposcomerciales,
                            clientes clientes,
                            clientes_oficiales clientesoficiales,
                            pbe_oficiales_jerarquia pbeoficialesjerarquia,
                            bancos_clientes bancosclientes
                      WHERE gruposcomerciales.cod_gcomercial =  bancosclientes.cod_gcomercial
                        AND clientes.ID = bancosclientes.cliente_id
                        AND clientes.ID = clientesoficiales.cliente_id
                        AND bancosclientes.cliente_id = clientesoficiales.cliente_id
                        AND bancosclientes.entidad_id = clientesoficiales.entidad_id
                        AND clientesoficiales.oficial_id = pbeoficialesjerarquia.oficial_id
                        AND gruposcomerciales.cod_gcomercial <> 'SINGRUPO100'
                        AND clientesoficiales.tipo_oficial = 'PRINCIPA'
                        AND bancosclientes.estado_clientes_ibs = 'ACTIVO') qrslt
    WHERE (cod_banca = :1 AND id_cluster = :2 AND oficial_id = :3)This SQL duplicate rows so i use a distinct to exclude duplicate rows and decode to set null for columns that not are interested at runtime to avoid duplicate rows
    I use decode to dynamicly set null (a way fo not show duplicate rows from colums)
    If :0 is OFICIAL its show 3 columns values for oficial_id,cod_banca,id_cluster
    if :0 is CLUSTER its show 2 columns values for cod_banca,id_cluster
    There is a way to group by columns without take in consideration duplicate rows of other columns

    If i do my query passing pameters to [b]OFICIAL_ID, ID_CLUSTER, AND COD_BANCA get this info
    ==============  ===========                          ========== ========== =========
    GRUPOALC1149     GRUPO ALCAP                          JESS329     39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOANA649     GRUPO ANA MARIA CHEN                 JESS329     39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOANC253     GRUPO ANCON                          JESS329     39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOARI104     GRUPO ARIAS Y DE LA GUARDIA          JESS329     39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOATL813     GRUPO ATLAS CORPORATION              JESS329     39        BANCAEMP
    IF I pass parameters to ID_CLUSTER, AND COD_BANCA i get
    ==============  ===========                          ========== ========== =========
    GRUPOALC1149     GRUPO ALCAP                                    39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOALQ533     GRUPO ALQUILERES NACIONALES                    39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOANA649     GRUPO ANA MARIA CHEN                           39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOANC253     GRUPO ANCON                                    39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOARI104     GRUPO ARIAS Y DE LA GUARDIA                    39        BANCAEMP
    GRUPOATL813     GRUPO ATLAS CORPORATION                        39        BANCAEMP
    IF I pass parameters to COD_BANCA i get
    ==============  ===========                          ========== ========== =========
    GRUPOALC1149     GRUPO ALCAP                                            BANCAEMP
    GRUPOALQ533     GRUPO ALQUILERES NACIONALES                            BANCAEMP
    GRUPOANA649     GRUPO ANA MARIA CHEN                                   BANCAEMP
    GRUPOANC253     GRUPO ANCON                                            BANCAEMP
    GRUPOARI104     GRUPO ARIAS Y DE LA GUARDIA                            BANCAEMP
    GRUPOATL813     GRUPO ATLAS CORPORATION                                BANCAEMPMy decode on select do this functionality of set null to columns because there are sometimes in wich oficial_id or id_cluster get rows
    that i dont need take in consideration.
    this get overhead on my select and on 10g using inline views by dblink not work fine
    this decode on my select do this functionality
    decode('OFICIAL', 'OFICIAL' , pbeoficialesjerarquia.oficial_id, NULL) oficial_id,
    decode('OFICIAL', 'BANCA' , NULL, pbeoficialesjerarquia.id_cluster) id_cluster,
    So i know oracle has a lot off grouping function some of this should help me to get this work
    Tnx Warren

  • How to do a count on one column with a group by on another column

    Hello there
    I have one report that I need to generate. On that report there are several measure columns. Column A is number of calls, column B is type of calls.. Now I need a new column which is column C, and C need to be a count (A) group by B..
    I know how to do that in OBIEE, but how would I be able to do that in BIP template builder? I can use calculation function "count" on column C, but how would i defined it is grouped by column B?
    Please help

    Let's say a given XML structure is as following
    *<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>*
    - <-Quote>
    - <service>
    - <service>
    - <service>
    - <service>
    - <service>
    How would I be able to count "account" and group by "account" in a new column so for:
    Account Flag ACCOUNT ID Type
    ATAHU N BMP8 Customer
    In the RTF template It will become:
    Account ACCOUNT count other columns
    ATAHU 3
    BOOOT 2
    Please advice
    Edited by: user7276913 on Sep 16, 2009 12:47 AM

  • How do I group by only one column in a SELECT statement?

    Hi everyone,
    Here is my novice question:
    I would like to run a query where I select (display) several columns from my table, yet group (categorize) by one of these columns.
    For example:
    FROM TableX
    I realize now that this is not valid. My first question is why? Doesn't it make sense that you would want to group by only one of the columns? To me, it seems natural that you would most often want to categorize by one attribute, which is why it seems odd that this is not valid. I realize that I can remove column B, but I do want to display that info. I could also change the last statement to GROUP BY A, B to avoid errors, but this will also not display what I am looking for.
    In addition to understanding why Oracle is set up this way, I guess I also need to know how I can legally accomplish this query, grouping by A but also displaying the values of B.
    Thank you very much for your help!

    Hi everyone,
    Thank you for your responses... very interesting and useful. Since I came across inline views in my reading, I tried the approach recommended by g feng, although I am eager to try the other approaches too.
    I ended up using an inner join simply to get more descriptive info. on the column that was being counted. With Y representing this second table, Y.B being the column containing the descriptive info., and A being the common key between X and Y, here is the simple code I came up with.
    SELECT Y.B, V.*
    FROM Y,
    FROM X
    ) V
    WHERE V.AV = Y.A
    Does this seem correct... anything I need to watch out for?
    Thanks again to everyone for your help!!

  • Count(*) , group by with multiple columns from multiple tables involved

    Hi all,
    I am relatively new to SQL.
    Currently I have these few requirements, to display quite a number of fields from 3 tables for display of report.
    In my query I need to:
    1.) count(*)
    2.) select quite a number of fields from table 1,2,3
    However when count(*) is used, grouped by has to be used to.
    How do I actually use group by with so many columns to be selected?
    I have actually used the query below, but the count(*) returns 1, the correct output should be 3 instead.
    select count(*), table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3, table2.col3, table2.col4, table2.col6, table3.col1, table3.col4, table3.col5
    from table1, table2, table3
    group by table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3, table2.col3, table2.col4, table2.col6, table3.col1, table3.col4, table3.col5
    I know this group by statement looks very unrefined. How can I select multiple fields from different tables, and yet get the count(*) correctly?
    Thank you so much for your time.

    Hmm yes it actually does return count as 1 for each row. But there are 3 rows returned. E.g.
    ctr table1.col1 table1.col2 ..........
    1 value1 value1
    1 value2 value3
    1 value3 value4
    If I put the count(*) outside, it returns 3 , the correct output
    select count(*) from
    select table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3, table2.col3, table2.col4, table2.col6, table3.col1, table3.col4, table3.col5
    from table1, table2, table3
    group by table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.col3, table2.col3, table2.col4, table2.col6, table3.col1, table3.col4, table3.col5
    Thus I was wondering if it was the group by of multiple colns that resulted in the count stucked at value 1.

Maybe you are looking for