Group Output

This is my first time doing something like this ... any help
would he GREAT!
So here is the code that I am using to show some actual $
values and also display trends. My problem is that I am getting
multiple records for each sales manager and I need only row per
person. Basically I need to group the info for each person.

There are two ways to group stuff - in the query and in the
In the query it goes something like this:
select manager, sum(amount) theamount
from sometables and subqueries in this case
where whatever
group by manager.
In the output, it goes something like this:
select manager, amount, something_else
from sometables and subqueries in this case
where whatever
order by manager
<cfoutput query="aquery" group="manager">
#amount# #something_else# <br>
Pick the one that is most appropriate to your page and work
out the details.

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  • HOw Do I count and identify the number of groups in a groups output.

    I have a query that reads like this..
    SELECT s.spec_Sort,s.spec_ID, s.spec_Name, b.bus_Name,
    FROM (tbl_businesses as b INNER JOIN tbl_SpecBusRel as sb ON
    b.bus_ID = sb.specbus_busid) INNER JOIN tbl_specialties as s ON
    sb.specbus_specid = s.spec_ID
    ORDER BY s.spec_Sort, b.bus_Name
    and then I am outputing like this...
    <cfoutput query="rsGetSpecialties" group="spec_Name">
    <cfif THIS IS WHAT I
    <h2><a class="specialty" href="javascript;"
    <div id="#spec_ID#" style="display:none">
    This displays in this manner...
    What I am trying to do is find out how many specialties there
    are, figure out where the middle is so I can insert a new table
    data cell and start a new column.
    Basically - two columns with the data divided in half by
    specialty NOT by the number of dealers.
    I hope that makes sense. Of course I am trying to do it w/ as
    little query action as possible. My only solution may be to have
    more than one query and the second only finds a list of the
    sepcialties that contain the dealers and then find the middle one
    and simply say if current specialty = middleSpecialty then start a
    new column.
    Thanks all,

    Thanks for the replies. I don't need the number of occurances
    of each specialties - I simply need to know how many specialties
    there are and then split them in half.
    This may be the long way around -but it is what I did...
    <cfquery name="rsGetSpecialties" >
    SELECT s.spec_Sort,s.spec_ID, s.spec_Name, b.bus_Name,
    b.bus_ID, b.bus_Pcity, b.bus_PState
    FROM (tbl_businesses as b INNER JOIN tbl_SpecBusRel as sb ON
    b.bus_ID = sb.specbus_busid) INNER JOIN tbl_specialties as s ON
    sb.specbus_specid = s.spec_ID
    ORDER BY s.spec_Sort, b.bus_Name
    <cfset specs = valuelist(rsGetSpecialties.spec_ID)>
    <cfquery name="rsListSpecialties">
    SELECT spec_ID,spec_Name
    FROM tbl_specialties
    WHERE spec_ID in(#specs#)
    ORDER BY spec_Name
    <cfset middle = int(rsListSpecialties.recordcount/2)>
    <cfset specs = valuelist(rsListSpecialties.spec_Name)>
    <cfset middle = listgetat(#specs#,middle)>
    then displayed like this...
    <td valign="top" width="50%">
    <cfoutput query="rsGetSpecialties" group="spec_Name">
    <h2><a class="specialty" href="javascript;"
    <div id="#spec_ID#" style="display:none">
    (#bus_PCity#, #bus_PState#)</a><br /></cfoutput>
    *****This is the line that does the splitting *****
    <cfif spec_Name EQ middle></td><td
    valign="top" width="50%"></cfif>
    As for removing the extraneous cfoutput --> I thought that
    I needed that in order to show the material within the grouped
    data. HOw does CF know what data to repeat and what data to not
    repeat in a grouped output? I will have to look this one up some
    thanks for the help

  • Grouped output required based on input group :No one???????

    Hi to all,
    I want grouped output based on input group.
    SQL> select * from test_data;
    10 rows selected.
    Now I want grouped output like this
    When I give input set (a,b) then output should be :
    When I give input set (a,e) then output should be :
    I want a query regarding this , I know this is possible through Pl/SQL, but the requirement is through query.....

    I want grouped output based on input group.
    I want a query regarding this
    test_data as
    ( select substr(p, instr(p, ',', 1, level) + 1, instr(p, ',', 2, level) - instr(p, ',', 1, level) - 1) as field
        from (select ',' || 'a,b,c,d,e,a,e,c,d,e' || ',' as p from dual)
        connect by level <= length(p) - length(replace(p, ',')) - 1
    input_set as
    ( select distinct substr(p, instr(p, ',', 1, level) + 1, instr(p, ',', 2, level) - instr(p, ',', 1, level) - 1) as field
        from (select ',' || 'a,d,e' || ',' as p from dual)
        connect by level <= length(p) - length(replace(p, ',')) - 1
    group_count as
    ( select min(count(i.field)) as group_cnt
        from test_data t, input_set i
        where i.field(+) = t.field
        group by t.field
        having count(i.field) > 0
    test_data2 as
    ( select field,
          row_number() over (partition by field order by null) as group_no1,
          row_number() over (                   order by null) as group_no2
        from test_data
    input_set2 as
    ( select field, row_number() over (order by field) as item_no
        from input_set
    select max(fields) as fields
      ( select
            replace(sys_connect_by_path(decode(level, 1, group_no2), '-'), '-') as group_no,
            ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(t.field, ','), ',') as fields,
            level as lvl
          from test_data2 t, input_set2 i, group_count
          where i.field(+) = t.field
          start with group_no1 > group_cnt or item_no = 1 or item_no is null
          connect by prior group_no1 <= group_cnt and group_no1 = prior group_no1 and item_no = prior item_no + 1
      group by group_no
      order by max(lvl) desc, fields
    6 rows selected.

  • Alt row color in grouped output

    I've always used the following code to alternate row colors
    in a table of CFOUTPUT:
    <tr bgcolor="#IIf(query.currentRow Mod 2, DE('cfcfcf'),
    However, when I use this code in a table with grouped output,
    I get unpredictable row colors. For example, the first two rows
    will be color1, the next two color2, then the next few rows will
    alternate like I want.
    I'm attaching the code I'm currently working on.
    Any ideas how to get the alt row colors to display properly?
    Thanks in advance...

    Sorry, my initial search to find the answer came up nill.
    When I searched again I found the answer which I'm pasting below.
    It worked great.
    when you use the GROUP attribute of CFOUTPUT, your data is no
    longer being output in the same order in which it was retrieved.
    the CURRENTROW variable is no longer in chronological order (you're
    displaying the first grouped element, then 1-n members of that
    group, then repeating).
    you'd need to set an iterating variable.
    <cfset myRowCountVar = 0 />
    <cfoutput query="q_remnts_f3" group="req_Cat">
    <cfset myRowCountVar = myRowCountVar + 1 />
    (now use 'myRowCountVar' to key off of to determine the
    background color rather than currentrow)
    charlie griefer (CJ)
    @ #coldfusion / DALnet

  • Group output on date

    Hi all,
    I have a series of records stored in an Access table, each of them including a date/time.  I am attempting to output my records grouping them on my date/time column, but because each time is unique, I get a separtate group for each record. Is it possible in my CF query to eliminate the time and just pull the date info?  If so, how?  For example, I want all records dated 3/15/2013 to be grouped, instead of 5 different records for 3/15/2013 grouped 5 different ways because of their varying times.
    Thank you in advance!

    When you run your query, add a string constant to the select clause.
    select blah, blah, MyDateTimeField, 'update later' GroupField
    from etc
    order by MyDateTimeField
    Then loop through your results and use querysetcell to set GroupField to DateFormat(MyDateField, 'mask of your choice').

  • Split the incoming data into multiple grouped output records

    I have three fields in the source, Student ID, Student name and Student Marks. I need to map the details in the destination, by grouping the data on the basis of marks obtained. Each time there's a new mark , the corresponding details of names and student
    ID is saved under the a new mark group that is created. how do i come about it when there are n number of new marks?

    for your scenario i used below xml as input,
    <ns0:Students xmlns:ns0="http://BTSTempProj.StudentDetailsIn">
    and here is the output, hope this is what you are looking for. 
    <ns0:Students xmlns:ns0="http://BTSTempProj.StudentDetailsOut">
    Please find the below xslt which you can use, it is basically based on the Muenchian grouping suggested by Ashwin
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:var="" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl var s0" version="1.0"
    xmlns:ns0="http://BTSTempProj.StudentDetailsOut" xmlns:s0="http://BTSTempProj.StudentDetailsIn">
      <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" method="xml" version="1.0" />
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="/s0:Students" />
      <xsl:key name="groups" match="Student" use="StudentMarks"/>
      <xsl:template match="/s0:Students">
          <xsl:for-each select="Student[generate-id(.)=generate-id(key('groups',StudentMarks))]">
            <xsl:sort select="StudentMarks" order="ascending"/>
              <xsl:value-of select="StudentMarks/text()"/>
              <xsl:for-each select="key('groups',StudentMarks)">
                  <xsl:value-of select="StudnetName/text()"/>
                  <xsl:value-of select="StudentID/text()"/>
    Regards, Amit More

  • Group output data with cftable

    I can group data with breaks between each group with the
    following syntax:
    <cfoutput query="GetResults" group="site" >
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >
    <tr align="left">
    However, can I also do it with the cftable tag, how would I
    need to change the following to make it display in groups with
    breaks inbetween the groups:
    <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
    <cftable query="GetResults" colspacing="0" colheaders>
    <cfcol header="tag" text="#tag#">
    <cfcol header="SN" text="#serialnumber#">
    <cfcol header="Site" text="#site#">
    <cfcol header="Program" text="#department#">
    <cfcol header="Type" text="#type#">
    <cfcol header="Brand" text="#brand#">
    <cfcol header="Model" text="#model#">
    <cfcol header="Date" text="#DateFormat(purchasedate,

    tables mara.
    begin of IT_mseg OCCURS 0,
    matnr like mara-matnr,
    mblnr like mseg-mblnr,
    end of IT_mseg,
    s_matnr for mara-matnr.
    select matnr into W_MATNR
    from mara
    matnr in s_matnr.
    select max( mblnr ) from mseg
    into IT_MSEG-MBLNR
    matnr eq W_MATNR.

  • Groups Output

    Dear all
    Am trying to take the print out of Invoice Lists, am grouping the two invoice Lists in VG01 and trying to take the print out
    I have i have created the Access sequence in the combination of Group type Ex: R and Sales organization Ex 1000
    but in the Access sequence field Document structure is not coming and document field also and giving the red light there because of this I not able to print.  Please i need your inputs.
    Thanks in advance

    More Inputs Please

  • Grouping output

    I have tried so many ways of doing this that I have become
    confused. What I am trying to do is this;
    I am reading record for an employee from a database and group
    them by empl name, then if the date in the record is NOT THURSDAY,
    write the record to the screen and increment the total hours var by
    the hrs value and get the next record.
    if the date asociated with the record IS thursday write the
    record, increcment the total hours, write the weekly total, reset
    the weekly total to 0 ge the next record.
    I used <cfif><cfelse> to handle the logic and
    datepart() to determine the day. This worked to a point. If there
    are multiple entries for the same thursday they are all written as
    individual weeks (yes, I know that is what the code says to do) and
    if the last record in the record set is not thursday I don't get a
    weekly total.
    I tried to address the group of thursday entries by adding a
    date comparison in there but I couldn't get it to work either (I
    was missing some thing an could not put my finger on it).
    My next shot will be loops, but Im sure which would be the
    best way to go.
    Here is the code, I have modified it tweeked it,ripped
    sections out and replaced section.
    Can someone help me straighten it out.
    <cfparam name="st_hrs" default="0">
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <cfoutput query="getDetail" group="staffLname">
    <td class="lablesW"
    colspan="4"><strong>#staffLname#, #staffFname#
    <table width="100%">
    <td width="10%"> </td>
    <td width="90%">
    <table width="100%">
    <th scope="col" class="lables"
    <th scope="col" class="lables"
    <th scope="col" class="lables"
    <th scope="col" class="lables"
    width="50%"><strong>Description *
    <table width="100%">
    <cfoutput >
    <cfif #dayofweek(DatePart('W', wkEndingDTD))# neq 5
    ><!---Development Note:: if the day is not THURSADY write the
    record to the screen--->
    <td class="lables">
    #dateformat(wkEndingDTD, 'mm/dd/yyyy')#
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <td scope="row" class="lables"
    <td class="lables" width="12.5%">#hrs#</td>
    <td class="lables" width="12.5%">#cr#</td>
    <td class="lables" width="50%"><cfif crDscr is
    </cfif><!-- Development Note:: always display a
    description, either the CR descr OR the charge number -->
    <cfset T_hrs = #st_hrs# + #hrs# ><!-- Development
    Note:: sum of hours for the week -->
    <cfelse> Development Note:: If the day is Thursday
    write the record to the screen
    <cfif #dayofweek(DatePart('W', wkEndingDTD))# Neq
    <td class="lables">#dateformat(wkEndingDTD,
    'mm/dd/yyyy')# </td>
    <td> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0"
    <td class="lables"width="25%">#catChrgNum#</td>
    <td class="lables"width="12.5%">#hrs#</td>
    <td class="lables"width="12.5%">#cr#</td>
    <td class="lables" width="50%"><cfif crDscr is
    </cfif></td><!-- Development Note:: always
    display a description, either the CR descr OR the charge number
    <cfset T_hrs = #st_hrs# + #hrs# >
    <td> </td>
    <td >
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <td class="lablesW" width="25%"><strong>Weekly
    Total </strong></td>
    width="12.5%"><strong> </strong></td>
    width="50%"><strong> </strong></td>
    <cfset T_hrs = 0 ><!-- Development Note :: reset
    weekly total to zero-->
    </cfoutput> </table>
    Thanks, I have another idea I want to try while you all are
    looking at this.

    Thanks for the input, unfortunately it didn't work.
    Copy the code below and view it in your browser. this is what
    I am trying to accomplish. problems I am having, 1.) i can't get
    the thursdays to group and total, 2.) I cant get a total if the
    last record in the record set is not a thursday.
    <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0"
    <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
    <td colspan="5"><strong>Tester
    <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
    <td><strong>Charge Number
    <td> spr Testing</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td>Weekly Total</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td> </td>
    <td>spr testing</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td>Weekly Total</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td> </td>
    <td>spr Testing</td>
    <td>spr Testing</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td>Weekly total</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td> </td>
    <td> </td>
    <td>weekly total</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td> </td>

  • Enhance output of Target Group in segment builder

    Hello Experts,
    We are implementing SAP CRM Lean Marketing using CRM 7.0. Our business requirement is to do segmentation based on Company attributes and Relationship Category. The output of the target group should enlist the persons related to the Company based on the relationship category selected while doing the segmentation.
    Using standard InfoSet CORM_MKTTG_BP_ORG_CDE and while creating data source selecting BUT000_PER-PARTNER_GUID in the field business partner, we are able to get the list of persons matching the segmentation query (based on the relationship category e.g. Has Supplier, Has Contact Person, etc) . But the issue is , the output of the target group (shown as an ALV grid , when the target group is opened in segment builder) only enlists matching Persons, it does not enlist the related company ID /name in front of the Person ID in the output of the target group. And this Company BP ID is not available if I try to modify the output layout. So business is unable to understand the Person enlisted in TG belongs to which Company. Can we enhance this ALV grid output of the target group displayed in segment builder ? if yes , how can it be achieved ? If this is possible and we are able to add related company BP ID/ name in front of every person enlisted in the target group then our issue gets resolved. Or is there any alternative solution to resolve this issue ?
    Highly appreciate your early response in order to resolve this critical issue.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: AMBAR ADHAV on Sep 10, 2011 11:53 AM
    Edited by: AMBAR ADHAV on Sep 10, 2011 2:22 PM

    Hello Experts,
    We tried implementing BADI CRM_MKTTG_SEG_MEM_EX in order to add Company ID/ Name , but the issue is the BADI gets Input as persons BP id, nothing else, due to this if a person is having relationships with multiple companies, the BADI is unable to identify which company to choose as Relationship Category is not available to the BADI. And further issue is if a Person is having same relationship category with 2 companies e.g. Supplier for company A and for Company B too , in this case too the BADI is unable identify correct Company to return to the target group output
    Is there someting in the Infoset that can resolve our issue ? How can I make available the fields in the infoset to the ALV output of the target group. Using SQ02 I am able to add fields to the field groups for selection in segmentation, but can anyone guide, how to make the field available in the output list ?
    Please provide your technical assistance

  • Customer Account Group with Output Procedure assignment

    Hi Gurus,
    Is there any assignment is possible between Customer Account Group & Output Procedure? What is the function of Output procedure DB0001, I mean how its works. How in Customer Master Output box will get open. Please give details as much as possible.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Dear Savi,
    Yes it is possible to assign the output determination procedure to the account group.
    IMG path to assign output determination procedure
    SPRO>Financial accounting>Account recievables and Account payables>Customer accounts>Master data>Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data>Define Account Groups with screen layout (Customers) select account group then go in to details here you can find the field Output determ.proc. under general data tab.
    If you assign the output determination procedure to the account group, the output box will open in the customer master record in the Sales area data as Documents tab here you can enter the output types which are related to you.
    I hope it will help you,

  • Output proposed  from customer master

    Hello SDN!
    I could not find output info in customer master.
    Can I check with you if output can be proposed from the customer master when creating a sales order?
    Or the only way output is determined is from output determination procedure where customer code can be one of the key condition record fields?

    Please go through the below Configuration process for Outputs
    Output is a form of media from a business to one of its business partners. Ex: Printouts, Faxes, Telexes, E u2013 mails and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The Output determination component offers output functions for Sales, Shipping and Billing to help in manage sales transactions with our customers and within the organization.
    Output can be sent to any of the partners defined in the document.
    Outputs are usually in the form of order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices and shipping notifications.The output determination component offers output functions for sales, shipping transportation and billing to help in manage sales transactions with our customers and with in the organization.
    We can create output.We can group output.Employers can send/receive output.
    Output directly linked to the corresponding sales transaction Ex: Trough EDI.
    System automatically proposes output for a sales and distribution document.
    System uses condition technique to determine output.
    We use output type to control how the output should be transmitted.
    Ex: Via EDI, be printed.
    We can determine output for all kinds of objects in SAP u2013 SD. Ex: For sales activities sales documents delivery documents and billing documents.
    We can determine output, we can process output, and we can send output.
    SAP uses condition technique to determine output.Output types can be Inquiry, Quotation, Order confirmation, Shipping document, Billing document, etc.The output can be sent through transmission mediums.
    Ex: Local printer, Fax, Telex, E u2013 mail, SAP inbox or even to SAP.
    Output determination closely integrated with technical module as technical consultant prepares the output format in SAP script or smart forms.
    Configuration settings:
    Output determination for sales documents: Transaction code: V/57
     IMG
     Sales and distribution
     Basic functions
     Output control
     Output determination
     Output determination using the condition technique
     Maintain output determination for sales documents
     Maintain condition tables
     Maintain output condition table for sales documents
    Save and Exit
    Maintain output types: Transaction code: V/30
    We define output types for output type records. Out put type represents different output.
    Ex: Quotation, Order confirmation, etc.
     IMG
     Sales and distribution
     Basic functions
     Output control
     Output determination
     Output determination using the condition technique
     Maintain output determination for sales documents
     Maintain output types
     Check different output types existed or not
    Ex: AF00 = Inquiry
    AN00 = Quotation
    BA00 = Order confirmation
    LP00 = Scheduling agreement
    MAIL = Internal message
    RD03 = Cash sales invoice
     Click on change/display icon
     Choose u201CBA00u201D
     Click on copy icon (press ENTER till 28 entries copied) and rename it
     Select our output type
     Check u201CMail titleu201D and u201CTextu201D control button whether mail and texts are existed in all languages or not
     Check processing routines for all transmission mediums are existed or not
     u201CProgramu201D, u201CFORM routineu201D, u201CFormu201D are maintained and provided by technical consultants.
     Check partner functions has been assigned to transmission mediums in partner functions control button
     Save (press ENTER up to u201CSAVEu201D request disappears)
     Come back
     Go to details icon
     Assign access sequence [ ] (create access sequence in next step)
     In general data section
    Check access to conditions
     In default values section
    Maintain dispatch time as u201Csend immediatelyu201D
    Transmission medium: u201CPrint outu201D
    Partner function: SP
     In time section
    Check timing: 1
     Save and Exit
    Maintain access sequence
     IMG
     Sales and distribution
     Basic functions
     Output control
     Output determination
     Output determination using the condition technique
     Maintain output determination
     For sales documents
     Maintain access sequences
     Go to new entries
     Define your access sequence
     Select it and click on accesses icon
     Go to new entries
     Specify access sequence No. 10
    Table No. Ex: 001
     Save and Exit
    Assign output types to partner functions
     IMG
     Sales and distribution
     Basic functions
     Output control
     Output Determination
     Output determination using the condition technique
     Maintain output determination for sales documents
     Assign output types to partner functions
     Check whether the system has copied output types with relevant transmission mediums and partner functions
     Save and Exit
    Maintain output determination
     IMG
     Sales and distribution
     Basic functions
     Output control
     Output determination
     Output determination using the condition technique
     Maintain output determination for sales documents
     Maintain output determination procedure
     Choose standard output determination procedure u201CV10000u201D
     Copy and rename it
     Save and select our output determination procedure
     Click on control data button and change output type u201CBA00u201D as ours Ex: SREE
     Save and Exit
    Assign output determination procedure
    Allocate Sales Document Header: Transaction code: V/43
     IMG
     Sales and Distribution
     Basic functions
     Output control
     Output determination
     Output determination using the condition technique
     Maintain output determination for sales documents
     Assign output determination procedure
     Assign Sales Document Header
     Choose sales document type u201CORu201D from position button
     Assign out output determination procedure (ours) Ex: SREE
     Save and Exit
    Sales Document Item: Transaction code: V/69
     IMG
     Sales and Distribution
     Basic functions
     Output control
     Output determination
     Output determination using the condition technique
     Maintain output determination for sales documents
     Assign output determination procedure
     Assign Sales Document Items
     Choose item category as u201CTANu201D form position button
     Assign our output determination procedure
     Save and Exit
    Maintain condition record: Transaction code: VV11
     Logistics
     Sales and distribution
     Master data
     Output
     Sales document
     VV11 u2013 Create
     Specify our output type Ex: SREE
     Click on key combination
     Maintain the details like below
    Customer No. Partner
    Message transmission medium
    Dispatch date Language
    1001007 SP 1 18 u2013 02 u2013 06 EN
     Select condition line item
     Click on communication
     Specify outputs devise [LP01]
     Check print immediately
     Save and Exit
     Go to VA01 and raise the sales order
     Go to Extras  Output  Edit  Check condition record values are copied or not
     Save and Exit
     Go to VA02  Extras  Output  Header  Print preview
     Check the result
    1. Put the fields into the field catalog that you will need.
    2. Create the condition tables.
    3. Create the access sequence
    4. Assign the condition tables to the access sequence
    5. Create the condition types
    6. Assign the access sequence to the condition type
    7. Create the determination procedure (if necessary) and assign the condition types to it.
    8. Assign the determination procedure.
    9. Create your condition records.

  • EDQ  Deduplication Output Report Format

    My questions pertains to the outputs that can be generated from the Deduplication processor.  For our project, we are looking at duplicate records based on numerous rules.  We will then need to analyze the relationships of the dedupe process to figure out if various records are a Match or No Match.  Now the only thing that we will be doing in EDQ is having someone go into the tool and specify relationships to be No Match.  We will never go in and say Match as this is being done behind the scenes by inactiving a duplicate account.  By doing that, it will then (99%) of the time never turn up on the new report when we re-run the process again.  With that being said, the business has informed me that they don't like the Relationships Output as it is confusing and when numerous relationships occur for 1 or more records, it can be cumbersome (see attachment).  They do however like the Match Groups Output.  However, to do get a report for the Match Groups Output you need to specify relationships to be Match which they will not be doing.
    With that being said, is there a way that we can generate an output that looks like the Match Groups Output even though we will never actually go in and Match within EDQ?  Let me know if this makes sense or if additional information is needed.

    There is also a Review Group Id, which will be common for all linked records in a review group, whether linked by Match or Review decisions. Obviously as soon as a decision is No Match, the match groups output changes.
    Are you using Match Review to make the No Match decisions?

  • Query group in cfformgroup

    I can't figure out hvor to group output from a query like you
    can in the cfoutput tag with the group option.
    q1 = queryNew("id,firstname,lastname");
    querySetCell(q1, "id", "1");
    querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Rob");
    querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Smith");
    querySetCell(q1, "id", "2");
    querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "John");
    querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Doe");
    querySetCell(q1, "id", "3");
    querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Jane");
    querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Doe");
    querySetCell(q1, "id", "4");
    querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Erik");
    querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Pramenter");
    querySetCell(q1, "id", "4");
    querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Jane");
    querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Jiggy");
    querySetCell(q1, "id", "4");
    querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Jane");
    querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Bush");
    From the above I would like to populate a tabnavigator using
    the id and each page populated with firstname and lastname
    Can anyone please help?

    Hi ScareCrow,
    I just made a slight modification to your code by moving the
    cfoutput inside the inner most cfformgroup like this;
    <cfform format="flash">
    <cfformgroup type="tabnavigator">
    <cfoutput query="q1" group="id">
    <cfformgroup id="tab_#q1.currentrow#" type="page"
    label="Tab #q1.currentrow#">
    <cfinput type="text" name="firstname_#q1.currentrow#"
    <cfinput type="text" name="lastname_#q1.currentrow#"
    and it works like charm, thank you!
    I did fiddle around with a cfoutput inside the form before I
    had to give up and post my question here. After your post I
    realized that the name of my query "q1" was probably the reason I
    couldn't get my output loop to work, as "q1" and "ql" looks very
    similar. Lesson learned, I have now changed my query name to "qq".

  • How i can see the share point of any Group ?

    Hi everybody !
    First, sorry for my bad english…
    I wish to see everybody Share Points affected on a Group.
    It's possible ?

    Hi Gilles,
    Thank you very much for your pointing and suggestion and I am sorry for my delay response.
    I understand there are two kind of CLI on CSM depend on using CSM mode or RP mode.
    - show command begins with "show ip slb" when using CSM mode (ip slb mode csm)
    - show command begins with "show mode csm x" when using RP mode (ip slb mode rp)
    And "show mod csm x sticky config" command can be done on RP mode only.
    So I tried to "show ip slb sticky config" command on CSM mode, but I could not find
    "config" argument as follows,
    ct65svf1#sh ip slb sticky ?
    client sticky associated with a specific client IP address
    groups list configured sticky groups
    | Output modifiers
    ct65svf1#sh ip slb sticky
    So I think, on CSM mode, I can not calculate the amount of sticky entry by executing one
    show command.
    Is my understanding correct ?
    Best regards,

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