Grouping Problems

Hi All,
I have two main problems with grouping objects in Animate Edge:
1. opening and closing a group in the timeline:
Generally the objects within a group are all visible in the timeline - so I can't close the group in the timeline, only in Elements. However, sometimes the group suddenly closes, but in a way, that I can not even open it to see and edit the objects in the timeline. It seems to be fully accidential, I can not tell why it opens and closes.
Does anyone have an idea, how to control this "function"?
2. grouping repositions objects straggly
When I group some already animated objects, some of these objects will be repositioned. So the result is a mess on the stage, the objects seem to be repositioned accidentally.
I understood that grouping objects without animation works good, they stay at their place. Hence I have figured out, that this repositioning is somehow influenced by animations, but I don't know how, and how I could avoid it.
I would really appretiate any idea or guidance!

Hi Joe,
Thanks for the answer.
I have no idea regarding opening and closing a group - I really tought, that it is a kind of function, that I don't understand yet. Can it be a bug?
As for repositioning, I have made some tests, and something turned out: This is influenced by which corner I select as a basis point for the animation (under Properties in 'Position and Size'), and in cases when the object is resized during the animation.
Top left corner is set as a basis in generall. But when I change it to bottom left corner, then this object changes its place once grouped with other objects. However, when I group the objects first, and change the basis corner only afterwards, everything works perfectly. I still don't understand this behaviour, but at least, I can avoid this repositioning issue now.

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    Hi Eugene,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    Since this forum is discuss the VS test issue, so
    I’m afraid that it is not the correct forum for this issue.
    As you said that the report design grouping problem, I suggest you could try to consult this issue directly to the VS Report Controls forum: , maybe you will get better support.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    hello, firefox 22 is now respecting the pixel density you've set on a system level in the windows control panel > appearance > display. more information about that is availbale at
    if you want to set the text size/pixel density in firefox different from that of your system's settings like it was handled in prior versions, enter '''about:config''' into the firefox address bar (confirm the info message in case it shows up) & search for the preference named '''layout.css.devPixelsPerPx'''. double-click it and change its value to '''1.0''' (or any other zoom factor that fits your purpose; 0.8 equals 80%, 1.15 is 115% and so on..., -1.0 is the default value and will adhere to the system settings).

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    Are you using JDeveloper or
    If so, you are probably running into BC4J bug 3214032. In the JHeadstart release notes the following info is included:
    3214032: JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation and ORA-1722 INVALID NUMBER IF PARENT VO ROW IN VIEW LINK REORDERS ATTRS. This bug can occur if you are using the BC4J libraries of JDeveloper or (or 9.0.5 Preview) and in one of your View Objects the Primary Key attribute(s) have a different index number than the Primary Key attribute(s) in the corresponding Entity Object. For example: in the Entity Object the primary key is the first attribute, but in the View Object the primary key is the last attribute. If this occurs, a workaround is to change the order of the View Object attributes.
    So, you can try to reorder your attributes, or to use the BC4J libraries of JDeveloper
    We have been in close contact with BC4J product development about this bug, and they promised to publish a one-off patch for this bug on metalink as soon as possible. So keep your eye on metalink, you can also read the bug report there.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

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    If these all the POs were created before you delete the release group and created new than system will not take new release group
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    better to ask this question in the BI Publisher Forum than here in the Oracle Reports Forum:
    BI Publisher

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    2 – Frontend 2013 servers (5.0.8308.556)
    Sonus SBC1000 voice gateway, 1 PRI
    Stuff that works – Direct calling inbound to end users works great!
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    For about 15mins response groups work great! After about 15mins response groups stop working and calls to response groups are no longer picked up. This also affects chat with response groups.
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    TL_INFO(TF_COMPONENT) [1]3784.356C::04/14/2014-14:24:54.627.018e2f49 (RgsCommonLibrary,RgsLogMessage.ReportMessage:2111.idx(227))
    Direction: Incoming
    From: tel:+15555555555
    To: sip:[email protected]
    Message: CALLCONTROL: Call declined because CallControl is not started
    WorkflowId: 08d328a20de8419caad0dee898586051
    TL_ERROR(TF_COMPONENT) [1]3784.356C::04/14/2014-14:24:54.627.018e2f4a (RgsHostingFramework,CallControlManager.HandleAudioVideoCall:2049.idx(619))
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    the application for this pool.
    I am willing to try just about anything to get this to work.  Any ideas out there? Thanks for all your help! 

    Please check if the application server is active(lync control panel--Topology--status--double click your FE SERVER--applicationserver).
    If the application server is not started, please start it. If it is started, restart it.
    If issue still exist, use following steps:
    use following command Get-CsApplicationEndpoint
    And check for messages in "Yellow"
    Locate the Identity in Active Directory using ADSIEdit
    And Delete the "CN" located at the end of the Identity String
    And try and add your Line URI or Response Group SIP Address.
    Also you can refer below link
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"
    Mai Ali | My blog: Technical

  • Grouping problem

    Hi all,
    I am trying to make a report in reports 2.5 where i am calculating a customer wise outstanding amount. Based on customer outstanding, we have some funding done by bank base on the credit limit of customer.
    for e.g customer a has outstanding balance of 500000
    the credit limit of customer is 350000 only so the bank funds us with 350000
    if a customer has outstanding of 50000 and credit limit is 100000 bank funds us with full 50000 amount.
    so in a formula column we calculate the amount which can be funded by bank.
    in the end of report we have to show a summary of currency wise outstanding and fundable amount.
    the problem is that when i do a customer wise currency wise grouping and the customer has more than 1 currency the summary total shows a different figure.
    the case is that the customer has credit limit of 350000
    invoices in USD are of 250000
    invoices in EUR are of 250000
    the customer should only have a fundable value 350000 out of 500000 outstanding but as the currencywise total is less than 350000 it takes the full amount of 500000 in summary.
    can anybody please suggest me a way out.
    Thanks a lot in advance
    warm regards
    Vivek Bajaj

    Hard to guess data model at your site, still you should have created currency wise groups in data model. I suggest you to keep amount and currency in seperate group and create summary item which will sum amount.
    This way you will get result.
    Adinath Kamode

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    " FATAL main  Exception while OGS Server start up: CTMRegistry::startRegistryServer() : Can't find/start registry server "  and
    " CTMRegistry::startRegistryServer() : Can't find/start registry server ".
    What is the reason for copying this devices and is there some other underlying problem?

    it seems that the errors you see correlate with regular stopping/starting of the LMS processes (dmgtd) so this would be a normal behaviour.
    Can you provide a screenshot of the problem you describe and also the rule for the group Switch-HO-access and Router-Branch

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    PS I use B1 2007version

    Hi Istvan
    I think you are right and there may be a problem here which I am trying to understand. The issue is as follows:
    1. There are 3 places where you can set Default Valuation method
    a. System Init/Company Details/Item Group Valuation method
    b. In System/Setup/Stock Management/ Item Groups
    c. In Item Master Data
    It seem to me that b overwrites the a setting and, c ovewrites a and b
    In other words one can set in Item Master Data different valuation method to any Defaults set in a or b. This does not sound quite correct to me since on should value stock consistently at whatever the Company policy may be.
    The question is that once you have movement on a stock item and you want to change the valuation method, it cannot be changed (forever?). We would like to have ALL items valued at FIFO and now we have a mixture because we did not understand SAP b1
    What do you think is the right solution to this issue
    Your input is much valued on this topic
    PS To confuse matters ever further, I have a Stock Item that has movements (Invoice In) but it allows me to change the valuation method in the Stock Data tab. In all other items this option is grayed out.

  • Grouping Problem in Crystal Reports

    Looking for help on Crystal Report design, the issue is - 
    I have a group on Country, If I check  "Keep Group Together" option, then I'll often get a page with only one short group, the rest of the page blank because a big group starts on the next page.
    If I uncheck "keep Group Toghter" option, then I am getting a blank row on next new page. Even I tried by checking "Keep Together" option in "Section Expert", but no luck.
    I need to print records without blank spaces in between groups.
    Appreciate your help to fix the issue. Thanks in advance.

    I had similar problem.I had a Group and corresponding details and group footer.On printing the report i got blank space between two groups.I adjusted the height (Decreased) of the Group footer and it solved my problem.Once try doing the same it may solve your problem.
    Rohit Y

  • Logon Load Balancing / Configuring Logon Groups problem

    In existing system setting:
    One Logon group (PUBLIC) and point to one instances.  This setting is work and SAP LOGON default clinet no is 320.
    I try to install one more instances on other server and add to same Logon group (PUBLIC).
    Install compent as below:
    SAP ERP 2005 Support Release 2 -> SAP systems -> MS SQL, Server -> High available system -> Base on ABAP System -> Dialog System
    The instance has been installed and start and stop this instance is successful.
    Add instance into logon group (PUBLIC)
    Logon system via logon group, the logon redirect to new instanace server. But the default client no has been changed from 320 to 001. Change client from 001 to 320 and logon. But no response from new instance server.
    Any suggestion to solve this problem.

    I found the profile in profile directory as below:
    COQ_D02_BSSPI11   (New Instance)
    START_D02_BSSPI11  (New Instance)
    COQ_DVEBMGS02_bssco11     (existing Instance)
    START_DVEBMGS02_bssco11  (existing Instance)
    I strat the new instance and add to Public group and logon successful.
    The problem is in transaction RZ10.
    I cannot select COQ_D02_BSSPI11  and START_D02_BSSPI11  profile from Profile field.
    how to fix it.

  • URGENT : Record Group Problem

    hello all
    i have a problem regarding record group.
    i want to populate my record group with a dynamic clause which is
    "and main_code not in ('02725','02868')"
    and my record group query is
    "select mt.main_number from main_table mt,main_parent mp
    where mt.main_code = mp.main_code
    and mt.main_code not in (:parameter.param_main_code)"
    now i am adopting the following method for populating the
    LOV(list of values) which is attached to a text item:
    assigning values i.e. '02725','02868' to my parameter object i.e. :parameter.param_main_code but the record group is not giving changd results according to my criteria i.e.'02725','02868'...
    does any body knows the solution for this problem..kindly help him with it..logically the record group query should work and return a changed results for the LOV..
    please help me with this.....
    thank you.

    I thing you can't able to do what you are trying to do, but you can achive this by using dynamic record group.
    Create the dynamic record as same struncture of design time then populate it by the coding.
    Sample Code is
         l_rec_name RecordGroup;
         l_rec_col GroupColumn;
         l_rec_col1 GroupColumn;     
         cursor l_ename is select ename from emp;
         l_row number(12):= 1;
         l_rec_name := create_group('rg_dynamic',Form_scope, 100);
         l_rec_col := add_group_column(l_rec_name,'ENAME',char_column,30);
         l_rec_col1 := add_group_column(l_rec_name,'EMPNO',number_column,6);     
         for i in l_ename
              add_group_row(l_rec_name, end_of_group);
    set_group_char_cell(l_rec_col,l_row, i.ename);
    set_group_number_cell(l_rec_col1,l_row, l_row);
    l_row := l_row+1;
         end loop;
         :parameter.num_rows := l_row -1;
    I hope this will help you to solve this problem.
    [email protected]

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