Guys Im tryin to make things run smoother

Today, i started cleaning my computer of useless stuff::: LIBRARY folder is using a total of 17 gigs...and application supp. is using 8 gigs. What dont i need in there... Garageband is 3 gigs..can on rewire garageband inside Logic...if not its useless to me...also...Are there any useless folder on my comp that I dont need that are huge? thanks

Yeah I have done that already thank you. I can get messages from my mac on my phone. But say I was having a conversation on my phone in work with someone and then came home to my mac and opened messages it would not be on my mac unless I had previously spoken with somebody on the mac before.
If I had spoken on the mac with the person before then I will get a notification for every message they sent me while on my phone.
Make sense?

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    As my iMac is now a month old and has been burdened with a number of trials, shareware demo, open source, video tutorials and general clutter; what are the basic rules for keeping things running smoothly? My 'log in' is certainly a lot slower although I don't have any apps loading and finder has become much slower with less spring in it's tail. Are there any caches etc that need dealing with? I'm afraid to say I was a bit of a pro at hammering my windows setups till they came to a stand still and I can't bare to see the Mac going the same way. Have I got to be ruthless and limit the number of apps I have installed? The quality of what is available just on makes it hard for a software addict to stop downloading Any help or just a reality check would be much appreciated....rob

    Mac Maintenance Quick Assist:
    Great advice here from, "Klaus1" regarding a clutter free Desktop:
    Mac Tune-up: 34 Software Speedups
    Tuning Mac OS X Performance
    The Top 7 Free Utilities To Maintain A Mac.
    Mac OS X: System maintenance
    A good disk utility to empty caches:
    Use Onyx once a week, run the Maintenance and Cleaning scripts and that will help speed your Mac up pronto.
    Run Disk Utility (Applications/Utilities) once a week and Repair Disk Permissions:
    Launch Disk Utility. Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select FirstAid, then click: Repair Disk Permissions. Quit DU when it's finished and reboot.
    *Tip... very important: Run Disk Utility BEFORE and AFTER all software updates. That will save you headaches down the road.
    You do not need to limit the number of apps installed but one thing to bear in mind. A Mac needs a minimum of 10% available disk space just to boot and it's all too easy fill up a drive and before you know it, you can't open apps, or they open and freeze up, or you can't install software. A good way to keep an eye on available space: Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon on your Desktop, then click: Get Info. In the Get Info window, click the black arrow next to: General so it faces down. You will see: Capacity and Available ... Best best is to always have 15% free drive space.
    Back up your important data every day. If you have a system failure and need to either do an Archive and Install or completely wipe the drive and reinstall your system software, you'll be glad you did.
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software.
    Retrospect Desktop (Commercial - not yet universal binary)
    Carbon Copy Cloner (Donationware)
    SuperDuper! (Commercial)
    I hope I didn't inundate you with too much too soon, but just do maintenance, keep your Desktop clutter free, and back up your files daily. Once you get into the habit of doing this, it only takes a few minutes a day.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Make project run smoother

    Hello all,
    A general question on a finished project. I'm using Captivate 5 on an "average" PC running XP.
    I have a project of around 90 slides, most with audio but with simple animations. Pictures fade in and out and some instructions on how to use a system in general. Nothing advanced so to speak.
    I feel the project runs a bit slow when I have published it and click through it. When I click a button it takes a while for it to jump to the disired slide and so on.
    I set the preloader to 100% and also added a "loading-slide", that doesn't do anything, in the beginning of the project to let it set.
    Any ideas on how I can make it run better?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,

    Thanks for the replies.
    On the "home screen" of the presentation which is also the first slide, you have a lot of different options on what you would like to click on, so it's more branching than linnear.
    One thing I noticed is that the option in the top left corner, which most people are probably gonna click first is in the very end of the project in Captivate. So you reckon it would flow better if I perhaps moved that to the first couple of slides in Captivate?
    I'm mosty using "jump to slide", is that an issue as well?
    The project has a coupel of text animations, but mostly png.-files fading in and out.
    Thanks for the help.
    Kind regards

  • How to make photoshop run smoother on a macbook pro?

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      Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core i5
      Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
      Number of Processors: 1
      Total Number of Cores: 2
      L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
      L3 Cache: 3 MB
      Memory: 16 GB
    For some odd reason, Photoshop isn't running smoothly on my mac despite going beyond the minimum requirements.
    Wilnesse Dericer

    The problem was, I had moved the Aperture 1.0 application into a new folder (it is placed by default at the top level of the APplications folder), and it seems that the 1.5.2 update installer doesn't recognize it in other locations.
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    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Any links to good articles and videos on the subject would be great.

    Yeah I have done that already thank you. I can get messages from my mac on my phone. But say I was having a conversation on my phone in work with someone and then came home to my mac and opened messages it would not be on my mac unless I had previously spoken with somebody on the mac before.
    If I had spoken on the mac with the person before then I will get a notification for every message they sent me while on my phone.
    Make sense?

  • FAQ: How do I make Photoshop run faster, or How do I increase performance?

    Why doesn't Photoshop run faster?
    There are many factors that contribute to the responsiveness of Photoshop. From hardware to software, there a nearly an infinite number of combinations that can boost or hinder Photoshop as it tries to work. Considering factors like how much RAM you have only begins to scratch the surface. Then you have to look at how fast the RAM is and how fast the motherboard will be in supporting it. A computer can only run as fast as its slowest components. Additionally, the hardware resources must be split between all of the running applications. And while you may only be running a web browser at the same time as Photoshop, what about all of the applications running in the background? Security software such as antivirus remains hidden, operating behind the scenes, but it still takes up CPU cycles and RAM. And what about the files you are working with? What are their pixel dimensions? File size on disk? Number of layers, smart objects, styles, and adjustments?
    To start, though, you must make sure you meet or exceed the minimum system requirements:
    Tech specs
    What can I do to make Photoshop run more efficiently?
    There are many factors to take into consideration and may steps that can be taken. Here are a list of resources that go into great detail.
    Optimize performance | Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6
    How to tune Photoshop CS6 for peak performance
    Photoshop CS6: The Need for Speed
    What about Photoshop taking advantage of the power of my video card?
    With each new release of Photoshop, it will take more advantage of you GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), which can process display information much faster than your CPU. You video card also has its own separate RAM (known as VRAM) for storing this information. However, not all video cards are equal, even if they have the same amount of VRAM. There are different display processing technologies that all video cards do not have access to. These include technologies like OpenGL, OpenCL, and Shader Model. And these technologies have different versions that your video card may or may not have.
    For more information on Photoshop's use of GPU, please review:
    Photoshop CS6 GPU FAQ
    FAQ: What features use the GPU and how do I troubleshoot GPU issues?
    What other performance boosts has Photoshop gained recently?
    While Photoshop tends to gain overall performance upgrades by cleaning up the code to make things run more smoothly with each release, there are a couple new technologies that Photoshop has taken advantage of:
    Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine
    64-bit OS benefits, limitations | Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6

    Good day!
    Please read this:
    Optimize performance | Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6, CC
    If you have follow-up questions please read this (specifically »Supply pertinent information for quicker answers«):

  • Running smoothly?

    just got my new macbook pro
    are there any tips to keep my computer running smoothly? on windows i had to defragment the hard drive? should i be concerned about storing large amounts of data on my drive space?

    are there any tips to keep my computer running smoothly?
    Well, I consider myself to be a fairly knowledgeable user (perhaps knowing a little more than the average person) and I'll tell you exactly what I do to keep my MBP running smoothly...
    Nothing at all!
    Honestly, I used to Repair Permissions and all that jazz fairly routinely on my older iMac (in say, 2003) but I don't think that stuff is at all necessary anymore. The truth is that I've had this MBP for 7 months now and I have not repaired permissions a single time or run any other maintenance software, for that matter. And, it still runs exactly the same as it did on the first day I got it.
    The trick, I think, is to just use the machine. OS X is smart enough to do what it needs to do to keep things operating smoothly by itself. It automatically defragments files on the fly (as you use them) and does its own maintenance during the night (or when you turn it on if you don't leave it running).
    I would say you should just use the machine. Charge it when it needs to be charged, close it when you aren't using it, and open it when you want to use it. No need to shut it down at all unless you need to conserve battery power over a longer period of time. Just open, use, and close. You can start forgetting all those worrisome things from Windows now!
    And, no, you shouldn't worry about storing data on the drive... it was made to store large amounts of data! Go for it, but as Luke says, leave 20% or so free. OS X needs that space to keep things running smoothly.
    Keep asking questions if you have any!

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    First thing to do, and the cheapest, is more RAM. It's not cool to recommend retailers, etc....but you really want to get the right stuff. Macs can be finicky about RAM. You can get the right stuff in many places...IF you know what you're doing. That being said, most 'pros' here in Discussions recommend (OWC) and because you'll get the right stuff at decent prices. Both have memory 'advisors', where you type in your machine type and get recommendations for the correct memory. Do that yourself, even if you're not ready to buy today. has 512mb for about $30. Crucial wants $60; dunno why; they used to be comparable. One plan, on your limited budge, would be to get one 512mb stick; then save up and buy THE SAME product when you've saved up $30 more. I wouldn't mix. It can be done but you'll save yourself some grief just buying the same sticks from the same place. You'll see a pretty good improvement if you go to 1GB+.
    You'll also see pretty good performance if you limit the number of apps you install, particularly "third party plugins". Keep your Mac lean and mean and it'll perform well for years. Be sure to run Permissions Repair EVERY TIME you install an app. I say this because that 60GB HD will fill up pretty fast. Maybe it'd be better just to get the one 512MB stick, giving you 1.5GB RAM. Then, save up for a bigger HDD. You'll need those two upgrades before even thinking of a CPU upgrade.
    Get the free utility Macaroni and let it run daily, weekly, monthly tasks. Read thru other posts here in the 'Using ur PMac G4' and "Exanding ur PMac G4".
    Please come back if you have any more questions. HTH

  • Is there a way to make PP recognize all info in the timeline, so that everything runs smoothly?

    Rendering doesnt cut it. Currently I'm working with 4 seperate files, ranging from 500mb to 3gb (MP4), and they lag to such an extend I can't get the editing done.
    I've already posted my aging system on here earlier:
    3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (64-bit) - 16gb 1067 MHz RA
    I was adviced to get a second driver. I haven't done this, because it'd be excessive and depressive to connect it to this system . I would rather get a stronger machine when I'm done working on the project I'm working on now and throw this machine in the garbage.
    Anyway the question I'd like to get answered: Is there anything I can do that will make the 4 files easy to work with, instantly? Or something simple I should acquire. The rest of my project has been running smoothly.
    Thanks, open for any suggestion.

    1st, more information will help people help you... Information FAQ
    2nd, did you do as directed in next link, to be sure your sequence and video match?
    See 2nd post for picture of NEW ITEM process
    -and a FAQ on sequence setting
    3rd, what... exactly... are you editing?
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing
    For PC or
    For Mac
    4th, buying a 2nd hard drive now does not mean you can't move that drive to a new computer is a good drive

  • Any tips to mak your MAC run smoother?

    hi all, just wanted to know any tips on how to make your mac run smoother. Your help is much appreciated

    I agree with Macjack, if it ain't broke... but there you can do maintenance that can help keep a Mac happy: <--- Tuning Mac OS X Performance
    7 top utilities for a Mac: <a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">
    Avoid a cluttered Desktop:
    Run Disk Utility and Repair Disk Permissions before and after any software installation. Keep an eye on your free drive space. Control click your MacHD icon on your Desktop. Click: Get Info Under the General category you will see: Capacity and Available. Make certain your free drive space never falls below 15%... (some day 10%).
    Hope this helps... and Happy Holidays!
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Project run smooth when compiled but run slow in flash player

    Hey guys,
    I have an interactive clip i made for a band.
    The clip is compound of mini games and videos.
    When I compile the project is FlashDevelop - everything runs smooth and nice at 24 fps.
    When I run the swf through the flash player (10.1 r52) the clips runs very slow (1-5 fps).
    Does anyone encountered anything like this?

    1.  update your flash player
    2.  make sure you have no trace statements in your swf
    3.  make sure there are no debug options selected when you publish your swf.

  • Will FCP X Run Smoothly On This iMac?

    I am thinking of purchasing the 27" 3.1 GHz iMac with 12GB RAM (default 2x2 with an additional 2x4).  Will FCP X and Motion 5 run smoothly on this or would I need to upgrade to 16GB RAM, 3.4 GHz, and the AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB?

    This is my pet checklist for questions regarding FCP X performance. It should help you set things up correctly if you decide to go for FCP X - a truly amazing application.
    Make sure you're using the latest version - FCP X 10.0.3 runs very well on my 2009 MacPro 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with 16 GB RAM and ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB. I run it with Lion 10.7.3.
    First, check that you have at least 20% free space on the Hard Drive that your System and your Media, Projects and Events are on.
    Check the spec of your Mac against the system requirements:
    Check the spec of your graphics card. If it's listed here, it's not suitable:
    If you are getting crashes, there is some conflict on the OS. Create a new (admin) user account on your system and use FCP X from there - if it runs a lot better, there's a conflict and a clean install would be recommended.
    Keep projects to 20 mins or less. If you have a long project, work on 20 min sections then paste these into a final project for export.
    Create Optimised media - most camera native files are highly compressed and need a great deal of processor power to play back - particularly if you add titles, filters or effects. ProRes 422 takes up much more hard drive space but is very lightly compressed. It edits and plays back superbly.
    If you are short of drive space, use ProRes 422 Proxy (FCP X Preferences > Playback) - but remember to select High Quality when you export your movie.
    Hide Audio Waveforms at all times when you don't need them (both in Browser and Storyline / Timeline). They take up a lot of processor power. (Use the switch icon at the bottom-right of your timeline to select a format without waveforms if you don't need them at the moment, then switch back when you do).
    Create folders in the Project and Events libraries and put any projects you are not working on currently, in those folders. This will help a lot.
    Move your Projects and Events to an external HD (make sure it's formatted OS Extended - with journaled on or off) and run from there.
    Unless you cannot edit and playback without it, turn off Background Rendering in Preferences - this will help general performance and you can always render when you need to by selecting the clip (or clips) and pressing Ctrl+R.
    The biggest single improvement I saw in performance was when I upgraded the RAM from 8 GB to 16.

  • Can i make Aperture run faster ?

    To help those struggling to understand why their computer is running Aperture slowly, let me add a few thoughts to help out. I've been using the application since 1.0, bought a G5 quad to run it (launched on same day) with the stock video card. My Photographic interest was Landscape and macro work in film (hobby) and been using digital since 94 and now turned Pro adding Portrats and Weddings to my interest.
    How do i run Aperture at a decent speed ?
    1. Invest in good hardware. In any of Apple's product line max-out the graphics card option (except perhaps expensive Quadro fx4500), max out CPU option then the RAM. Invest as much as possible in the non-upgradeable components. Over time you can add more ram, but don't underestimate the importance of RAM in OSX. Keep your boot/application and data drives below 70% capacity as above this they start to slow down.
    2. Use the vaults and backup the library (don't forget any referenced images).
    3. When editing images, don't whang the sliders freely left to right. Be a crafstman, use the number adjustment arrows, with the modifier keys for fine tunng SHIFT and ALT. This is faster.
    4. If an image has a lot of spot'n'patches, do this first before any other adjustments (or untick their box in the HUD). Similarly for strighten, do this before H&S or exposure mods.
    5. Switch off previews, for marginal improvements.
    6. Don't use full-screen mode, its lovely, but with my awful graphic card it kills it when adjusting. Remove the projects window W and control bar D. Toggle the adjustments with I. Real estate is arranged better with the browser on LHS.
    7. Try culling the rejects with the viewer off V and maximise the thumbnail size. Suprisingly fast and effective when only going for rejects.
    8. After culling use the auto stack feature to reduce the number of images your viewing into 'like' shots. Helps when choosing your story for output.
    9. Setup some presets for varying degrees of edge sharpen and White balance as this helps get you get in the vacinity of where you want the adjustment. eg. I have five increasing degrees of edge sharpening intensity and six white balance settings (daylight, cloudy, shade, flash, tungsten, flourescent) which gets me closer to a good WB faster than playing with multiple sliders.
    10. Learn the keyboard shortcut.
    11. Use Aperture feedback. If your unsatisfied with anything then tell apple as well as the forums. So far we have seen big improvements in Aperture, some were really alpha/beta issues but it is clear Apple is serious about investing in this young Application. I hope they invest in the pixel-pushing, local editing, masks and layers abilities, but do it true to an intuitave workflow platform that Aperture has become.
    12. RTFM as well as buy a book - invest in your skills, become better, faster and ultimately more productive.
    13. Don't believe in bad luck !
    The reason for Aperture running sluggish when using specific adjustments is because i need to upgrade my video card. Fortunately, i can, but might invest in a MP for more storage.

    If You go to the Aperture site page for basic requirements needed to run it, It will state a Powerbook in fairly basic design will run the Application.
    And before I purchased Aperture, and as you can see I updated my RAM to 2 GB.
    I ordered this laptop with the top line of all hardware possible.
    So I could run also run a 20" screen.
    And no, I didn't pack the 20" in my suitcase.
    It's amazing how far you have to make sure people don't take one word and run with it.
    Not ONLY Aperture, but DDP (Digital Photo Professional), as I hate when people only use abbreviations for everything, and the person trying to learn something is slammed out the door for even looking.
    But both applications run pig azz slow. So much so, and I also use the Activity Monitor to keep watch over things in realtime.
    When things run this slow to the point you can't see a live change in the view,
    You don't learn much, and you can't complete a simple project.
    Like one person suggested earlier, just tweak the image one mark at a time.
    Well hey, we don't have 6 hours to make one adjustment.
    The processor is running at 100% and never backs off till you kill the application.
    Making the move from Canon G5, to a Canon 30D and a few thou in lenses, is about the biggest joke while in Europe. Yea, drag all this stuff you don't see to Europe, with 2 portable hard drives to keep the Mac hard drive happy.
    It all adds up to roughly a $7000 dollar mistake.
    The ads are a total farce. Get this, and do stuff beyond the norm.
    Yea Right, like your going to bring a G5 tower in a suitcase.
    Oh sure, I'll struggle with the software till get through with 20 images, and
    what if you have 300?
    Now, one question... Who's next , as far as an application that runs RAW images with no lag. With out all the BS.
    Power Book G4-1.67-2GB, Bluetooth Mouse & Keys   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   20" screen for dual view.

  • Youtube required constant mouse movment to run smoothly. looked for a fix, now youtube no longer works.

    I have Firefox 18.0.1, Adobe Flash 11.5.502.146, and Java 7.11
    My Youtube required me to constantly move my mouse over the youtube window to get it to run smoothly (pretty annoying). so I came here for help, and it said disable all plugins. did so.
    I also updated all of them as well at the same time.
    Now when ever I start youtbe it says this
    I have been and updated them all again, and still nothing. (Infact I dont think they even update as seen here)
    It appears I have two problems.
    1. Updates dont work/install.
    2. Youtube is stuffed and no longer works at all (which plugins do I need enabelled, I have done the top 3 seen here, but they nothing happens)
    I have also restarted and started my computer many many times and still nothing..

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • The sample rate in my code is too low. Is there a way to make it run faster?

    Dear Sir,
        I am a LabVIEW customer, and just have a question about LabVIEW.
        We are running a code of "Wirebonder Project", but find the sample rate is too low. I'm wondering if there is a way to make it run faster. (I have
    attached the code here.)
        Thank you very much!
    Yours Sincerely,
    Xian Zhang
    Attachments: ‏169 KB

    Hi Xian,
    What system are you running this code on and are you using the LabVIEW Real-Time Module? There is a presentation online on Optimizing and Benchmarking Real-Time code with useful related links as well as other articles in the DevZone on things like Benchmarking an Application Using LabVIW Real-Time and DAQmx.
    As you can see, this is not a simple question, so take a look at the information in these links and see if you can narrow down what in your code is running slowly and how much you might be able to improve the speed.
    Regards,Stephen S.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineering

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