H264 playback

I'm trying to burn a H264 movie exported from Premier Pro onto CD.  As there are usualy playback issues, I am thinking of embdeding AMP onto CD.  Anyway of doing this and how to create an autorun to start AMP on CD?
If cannot embed AMP, any suggestions on how to embed any player for H264 or mp4 files on CD would also help.

No idea, and there is an alternative too...
x264Codec.component a.k.a. X264 QuickTime Codec 1.0
This component does not enable playback of H.264 video within mov files, Apple's QuickTimeH264.component (included with QuickTime 7) which resides in /System/Library/QuickTime handles H264 within mov containers.
Provides the following 'things':
imco:avc1:x264 "H.264 (x264)"

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    Bjørn Rustberggard

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  • H264 playback - white screen in QT 7.12

    A question that has been posted often, but i still haven't found a satisfactory answer, so I appologize in advance, maybe i'im just missing something.
    I am attempting to play a show that was encoded with x264 on my macbook, using Quicktime player 7.12. h264. I get a white screen, but I do get audio.
    all support pages i get to say to load the proper codec, but i was able to play some of the h264 stuff from the quicktime site...
    I can successfully play the file using VLC.
    So, i can play the file, but i'm presuming that quicktime player is what is used with iLife and i'd like to be able to access it via my remote.
    A bit picky to be sure, but i also don't like having difficulties playing stuff in quicktime when it is supposed to be a natively supported codec... If it is a "non-standard" version of encoding i supose that would a reason? but then why would VLC be able to play it?
    Thanks again

    VLC allows playback of many file formats not supported by QuickTime Player.
    Many "PC" versions of H.264 (your x264 files) are not supported as they uses different video codecs.
    Use the Movie Info window to show what codec is used in the file. Search the Internet for a compatible version.

  • Clitching H264 Playback on 2nd monitor - 17" MacBook Pro/NVIDIA

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    I usually give clients a copy of the latest VLC player - http://www.videolan.org - so they can see whatever I send them.
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    Worse case sit with them and install it for them.

  • Poor H264 video playback

    Constant motion jitter/stuttering is observed in h264 content
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    Here's a webpage with more info:
    And a sample 360 camera pan showing the jerkiness:
    Hope someone from Adobe can look into this and verify the

    Update: I downloaded VLC last night and it works fine.  Mostly the problem seems to be with Quicktime, and most of the videos I am testing come from my iphone 4gs.  I say most because some vid play just fine in QT.

  • Flash-Based BBC h264 Videos Freeze After 8 Seconds

    I like to view BBC news videos since March on my new Desktop Windows 7 64 bit Pro system.  For about 2 weeks now, I've been having trouble viewing about half of these videos.  Half play all the way through fine and the other half freeze after 8-10 seconds.  I have a CAT 5e 7 mbit cable modem connection so speed is not an issue.  My Wi-Fi connected Windows 7 Home Premium laptop uses the same router and can play the same videos with no problems.
    On my Desktop, this freezing happens on both FireFox 12 and Internet Explorer 9.  I did all the usual things to try to fix the problem.  I cleared the caches on both FF12 and IE9.  Yesterday, I uninstalled both the Adobe Flash FF12 plug-in and IE9 Active-X versions and reinstalled with the latest version, 11,3,300,262.  Today, I upgraded to the latest version, 11,3,300,265.  Nothing has solved the problem.
    Here are the specs for the BBC Flash-based player:
    Problem Videos:
    URL:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-18819815
    EMP v.3.1.0.r749603_749269_749444_5
    18819815 | 800kbps | h264 | AK 4.5 (1) | 640x360
    URL:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-18733664
    EMP v.3.1.0.r749603_749269_749444_5
    18733664 | 800kbps | h264 | AK 4.5 (1) | 640x360
    URL:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-18818139
    EMP v.3.1.0.r749603_749269_749444_5
    18818139 | 800kbps | h264 | AK 4.5 (1) | 640x360
    This video plays OK:
    URL:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18801596
    EMP v.3.1.0.r749603_749269_749444_5
    18801601 | 800kbps | h264 | AK 4.5 (1) | 640x360
    The only difference I noticed was the initial screen size of the video.  On the problem videos, the size is bigger than the OK one.  I assume the BBC videos are h264 encoded.  On both my Desktop and my laptop, I have 2 msmpeg2vdec.dll files.  1 in C:\Windows\System32 and another in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.  They are both v6.1.7140.0.  On both my Desktop and laptop, the sizes are different, 2.52 MB & 2.03 MB.
    I am using the latest nVidia driver v301.42 which I installed 5/30/2012, over a month ago.  The only recent change which happened to my system on 7/4/2012 was my Norton Internet Security 2012 subscription expired.  NIS2012 then disabled itself and activated the built-in Windows firewall.  3 days ago I uninstalled NIS2012.  I also used the Norton Removal Tool.  I then installed a new NIS2012 with a new legitimate key.  However, I am still getting this freezing and I don't remember if I got this freezing before 7/4/2012.
    On both FF12 and IE9, I can play Hulu, YouTube, Yahoo!, and Amazon videos with no problems.  When you right-click on any of these other flash players, nowhere does it say "h264."
    My questions are:
    1)  does the Adobe Flash Player, for both the FF12 plug-in and IE9 ax players, use the Windows7 CODEC?
    2)  Which file is the h264 CODEC, is it msmpeg2vdec.dll or something else?
    3)  Will installing a new CODEC pack fix this problem?
    4)  Is there anything else I have overlooked?  Is there anything else I can do to fix this problem?

    Interestingly, the advertisement plays correctly.  When you right-click on the ad, it does not say h264.  I have 2 video cards and several monitors on my Desktop.  It might have something to do with that.  Otherwise, perhaps one of my other apps did something to the Flash Player h264 playback.
    I'm thinking maybe if I upgraded the h264 CODEC, maybe it will play correctly again.  CODEC GUIDE has a codec package which I already downloaded but haven't installed yet.  I downloaded the "Basic."  Unless you really need to, I don't recommend anyone install it.  If you want to install a CODEC package, just install the "Basic" package and not one of the bigger packages.  I think they make changes to your system.  Before installing it, be sure to make a full backup of your Windows system.

  • Nokia C2-00 H264 Video Support

    I've converted mp4 vid
    eos to 3gp with this option using ffmpeg
    h264 video codec, profile constrained baseline, level 1, 176x144 resolution, bitrate 128k, 15 FPS
    video quality is impressive the only problem, is that the video stop playing randomly on my nokia c2-00 v3.99, mpeg4 didn't have a problem like this, but i want to used h264 as it has a better picture quality than mpeg4 in a lower bitrate, hope nokia will make some improvements in h264 playback for nokia c2-00

    There you go …
    It should be printed on the microSD: 4, 6, 10. If not, it is a 2. Then, you should try a faster one (4 or 6). Nevertheless, could be a software bug in the Nokia C2-00. I have given-up on H.264 and went for MPEG-4 Simple-Profile.

  • H.264 playback on E75

    The official specifications state that this phone (Nokia E75) supports H.264 video playback. However I am unable to get any videos using this format (H264 or AVC1) to play.
    "Video playback file formats: .Flash Video, mp4, .3gp; codecs: H.263, MPEG-4 VSP, RealVideo, H.264 and WMV9"
    I have tried several resolutions (176x144, 320x240, 640x480), bitrates and profile levels. In all cases, the video fails to play however the audio will play.
    What are the exact requirements for H264 playback on Nokia E75? It would really suck if the phone doesn't have an advertised feature!
    Any help would be appreciated

    I've experienced similar problems and found that if you simply pause the playback then resume it often corrects the problem. This may seem overly simplistic but it has worked for me. It's worth a try anyway.

  • News FLASH!, N91 supports h264

    Hello fellow board memebers.
    I just wanted to share the news. While encoding some videos I came across some table suggesting that the N91 supported H264 video playback.
    After some testing I managed to do it and I can confirm it DOES play h264 videos.
    There is one issue, though, you MUST use the native resolution of 176x144. I've tried most other resolutions with the result that it only plays the audio.
    I used both Super and ImToo to encode to h264 (in Imtoo you need to use the Expert setting of codec to 0 zero instead of 1).
    It even plays 30 fps, at a bitrate of 200kbps. Which is very good in h264.
    If you don't know the benefit of h264. Let me just say that if you have an MPEG-4 video and you encode it into h264 with the same quality the resulting size it's almost half.
    Also at very low bitrates (64 kbps) H264 looks like MPEG4 at > 400 kbps.
    I have the latest SW in the N91, so make sure you have at least 2.00.052 before you try.
    Feel free to contact me if you need more information.
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

    Interestingly, the advertisement plays correctly.  When you right-click on the ad, it does not say h264.  I have 2 video cards and several monitors on my Desktop.  It might have something to do with that.  Otherwise, perhaps one of my other apps did something to the Flash Player h264 playback.
    I'm thinking maybe if I upgraded the h264 CODEC, maybe it will play correctly again.  CODEC GUIDE has a codec package which I already downloaded but haven't installed yet.  I downloaded the "Basic."  Unless you really need to, I don't recommend anyone install it.  If you want to install a CODEC package, just install the "Basic" package and not one of the bigger packages.  I think they make changes to your system.  Before installing it, be sure to make a full backup of your Windows system.

  • PPro CS4.1.0 comments

    Just installed 4.1.0 upgrade.
    Tried VOB import with PAL VOBs.  Picture fine.  No audio.  Anyone else done any better?
    Tried still image export - great improvement not having AME open, but I would prefer if there was an option to automatically import the still into the PPro project.
    1080p 30fps H264 footage from my Canon SX1 IS still camera still plays back very hesitantly from the timeline with intermittent audio (Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz + Win XP Pro SP3 in 2Gb RAM).  OK if I render back to 25fps.
    Depending on others' comments, I'll submit a bug/enhancement report.

    Thanks, Hunt, for the nudge about the origin of the VOB files.  I've just tried again with some of my own and their audio works just fine.
    It looks as though VOBs with AC3 audio work OK on the 4.1.0 timeline, but those with MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio are silent.
    I've submitted a feature request for an option to auto-import exported stills.
    As for Harm...  silly snide remarks do you no credit. Since I've been using Premiere and related software since 1996, I think I am able to judge by now whether it meets my requirements or not.  It is a perfectly good editing technique to export stills for subsequent use on the timeline for freeze-frames etc, which is why I want to have auto-import.   And one of the items enhanced by 4.1.0 is H264 playback, which is why I found it disappointing that there seems to be no improvement in handling the type of H264 footage that I generate with my still camera, which takes extremely good 1080p footage at 30fps.

  • Final Cut Pro unexpectedly quits when scrubbing in the viewer

    Hello there!
    I am scrubbing an H264 clip in the viewer window and suddenly, FCP quits! I tried trashing the FCP prefs already, repairing the disk permissions, but to no avail.
    What seems to be the problem?

    Thanks for the tip. Tried using other formats like the prores codec worked fine.
    It turned out that Final Cut Pro had problems scrubbing with H.264 files. I have tried using the H.264 clips with both versions 5 and 6, and yielding the same problem.
    H264 playback issues with Final Cut Pro 6.0.1 was resolved by Apple a couple of months ago. See link below:
    I presume that scrubbing, on the other hand, has not been resolved by Apple yet.

  • Transitioning to Java from Quicktime...

    Hi :)
    I am seriously thinking of transitioning all of my cross platform projects to Java from Quicktime wired media.
    an examples:
    Will Java [Swing?] allow me keep custom shapes/skins and communicate with my php/mysql server ? How does Java behave cross platform ? Are there some cross platform Java examples similar to what I have done above ?
    many thanks as I need to know more :)

    the point is...that it is no longer enough :)
    I need SSL,md5,Post, utf-8, sockets,File Upload, video chat capability, and a whole slew of other things that QT is never going to provide.....
    QT is a dying/nearly dead platform anyway. I just want to make sure I can take custom skins with me.
    Also, it appears that Java is going to support h264 playback without needing QT.
    It appears that Java Swing would be a more powerful programming language than Qscript [QT programming language]. It also appears I can keep my php/mysql back end system. I am not keen on switching to Flash because Macromedia forces you to buy all of their products to make a complete system.
    So, are there any good example of a java coded media player with a custom skin ?
    make sense ?

  • "Could not load movie" with YouTube videos.

    Hi there,
    In both the past and present I have had much difficulty with playing many YouTube videos on my iPod touch 4. This happens to be the case no matter if I am in the YouTube app or on the mobile YouTube site in safari. I will try to play a video to watch it and often times I blue box will pop up saying 'could not load movie'. This makes video viewing and sharing quite difficult! Please help! Thank you very much!
    - Samuel Amos

    Here is an explanation for you for the "could not load movie" error, which I have also received on my iPad.
    If you run across this error on your iDevice, keep the following in mind:
    This is taken from another site, so I will quote:
    "Most of the time its due to the age of the video upload, this one for example was done back in 2009 which was 2 years ago now. YouTube as you know relies heavily on Flash for video playback which is not compatible with the iOS range.
    However to combat this, YouTube did work on converting chunks of videos to H264 playback, but by default the entire backlog of videos did not go through this conversion process...so you will find the odd video out there that does not play.
    I believe though (and please someone correct me here if i am wrong) YouTube by default now encodes uploads in H264 as well as flash and a few other formats for multi-platform enjoyment :-) "

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