Hallo adapter

ik heb 2 vragen allereerst ben een leek, maar probeer het toch op mijn computer een hps5730 nl
bij apparaatbeheer staat een teredo adapter die werkt niet goed code 10.
2e vraag ik gebruik picasa voor foto;s iedere keer bij het aanvinken van een foto geeft de computer dat er geen gebruik gemaakt kan worden van Aero progamma en zet na gebruik het progamma weer hoop dat ik het goed uitleg , ik begrijp er niets van sorry , ik heb nu een ander progamma voor foto's corel paintshop pro x7 maar wil eerst weten of het dan weg is 
zodat ik niet met dit euvel blijf zitten , hoop dat iemand me kan helpen groet elles

Hello Elles65,
Thank you for visiting our English HP Support Forum. We are only able to reply to posts written in English. To insure a quick response it would be advisable to post your question in English. The following links are here to assist you if you prefer to post in the following Language Forum.
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Thank you!
I work for HP

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    I have wondered about that G5 support since others have had bad luck with Nvidia boards and the video adapter. e.g. it doesn't work with the 7800GT, which is a G5 board. All current ATI cards on their web-site show support for it but the MacPro card is not on ATI's site.
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    There is a very long thread on this topic here:
    The topic has mostly become quiet since 10.5.1 because that seems to have fixed most people's issue. But I see you are already running 10.5.1 so that is not helping in your case apparently. You might try reading the above thread backwards from the most recent posts to see if you get any other ideas for a fix. Good luck.

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    Thanks in advance,
    From the FAQ-List of file-adapter(Note 821267 , Question 27).
    Q: Which semantics does the File Sender Adapter apply to determine which files to retrieve from an FTP server?
    A: Up to and including SP13 the File Adapter will issue an NLST command (see RFC 959) with the configured source file name scheme as first parameter to the FTP server. It will try to retrieve any of the files returned by the FTP server in response to this command.
    Starting with SP14, the File Adapter will issue a LIST command with the configured source file name scheme as first parameter to the FTP server. If it is able to parse the returned result (which is the case for UNIX- and Windows-style directory listings), it will retrieve any of the returned files. If it cannot parse the result, it will fall back to the pre-SP14 implementation and use the NLST command as described above.

    We are on SP12 and have had problems with this and specifically, the FTP server on Solaris, not being fully RFC959 compliant.
    We've had to get a different FTP Server as we were returned *.xml no file or folder found instead of 550 *.xml no file or folder found.
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    We got round this by installing http://www.proftpd.org/

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        public SimpleTableModel getTableModel1() {
            if (tableModel1 == null) {
                // write pre-init user code here
                tableModel1 = new SimpleTableModel(new java.lang.String[][] {
                    new java.lang.String[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }}, new java.lang.String[] { "Exe", "S", "R", "W", "P" });
                // write post-init user code here
            return tableModel1;
        }This is what i tried:
    The simpleTableModel is already attached to the table, so i tried to "reconstruct" it with my data upon refresh event.
    Same constructor, different data values, ending array is the column headers.
    The following code is executed hitting a commandItem. (i used System.out.println to ensure the code is executed)
    tableModel1 = new SimpleTableModel(new java.lang.String[][] {
                    new java.lang.String[] { "6", "7", "8", "9", "0" }}, new java.lang.String[] { "Exe", "S", "R", "W", "P" });
    tableModel1.fireTableModelChanged();No compile nor runtime errors, but no changes!
    What am i doing wrong?
    I already googled for answers, but unsuccesfully.
    If you can head me to the right documentation, it is ok too... i just need to implement the refreshing tables...
    Thanks very much!

    First of all, you seem to be using some custom classes as there is no table and no SimpleTableModel in Java ME.
    That said,
    The simpleTableModel is already attached to the tableSo when you assign the variable reference tableModel1 to a new object, it is the earlier referred object that is still 'attached' to the table, not the newly constructed one.
    If you can head me to the right documentationThat would be available from wherever you got the classes.

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    And is it possible to change the file name?

    Use the Option 'Use Mail Package'. In this case the message will be sent out inside the mail.
    The mail package is a special message type you have to provide to the mail adapter. You have to do a mapping from your message to the mail package message type.
    Here is a sample XSLT for creating a mail package out of any XML Message:
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
      <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />
      <xsl:template match="*">
        <ns:Mail xmlns:ns="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Mail/30">
          <From>[email protected]</From>
          <To>[email protected]</To>
          <Content><xsl:copy-of select="/"/></Content>

  • Question about J2SE-File-Adapter

    i would send with the J2SE-File-Adapter a *.CSV to SAP XI.
    The structure in the SAP XI is:
    The *.csv File structure is:
    The configuration of the J2SE-File-Adapter is:
    ##File Adapter specific parameters (example, see docu)
    xml.documentName=ns:PlaintMaintenanceMessagetype xmlns:ns="http://doehler.com/sapxi/krausdemosender"
    But it not runing! Can anybody help me? Are any How to guide to send a *.csv with the J2SE-File-Adapter.
    Thanks laura
    With the XML File it works. But there are ofer 40000 records in the *.csv, and i will not create this in *.xml!
    The structure of the XML.File are:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns:PlaintMaintenanceMessagetype xmlns:ns="http://doehler.com/sapxi/krausdemosender">

    Hi Laura,
    You can navigate thru these links to get more information:

  • SOAP receiver adapter digest authentization

    I have scenario with SOAP receiver adapter configured as follow:
    Adapter Type: SOAP
    Transport Protocol: HTTP
    Message Protocol: SOAP 1.1
    Adapter Engine: Integration Serer
    Target URL: http://localhost:8099/webservices/test_v1_1_2
    Configure User Authentication
    User: ****
    but WS need digest HTTP authentication and SOAP adapter send in header Authentication: Basic.
    Hou can I change authentication method for SOAP protocol?

    I solved this problem by using AXIS framework. I hope that this short instruction help to someone.
    1. In SOAP receiver CC you have to set up Transport Protocol to HTTP(AXIS) and Message protocol to AXIS
    2. Now you can switch Authentication to Digest (NOW adapter will still send Basic!!!  Digest Authorization is Supported only by the following handler: com.sap.aii.adapter.axis.ra.transport.http.CommonsHTTPSender)
    3. On Module tabs in section Module configuration change type HTTPSender to CommonHTTPSender:
         (trp  handler.type  java:com.sap.aii.adapter.axis.ra.transport.http.CommonsHTTPSender)
    4. Save and Activate
    Before you start to use AXIS framefork you have to deploy necessary library.
    This thread help:
    Re: How to install SOAP Axis adapter and where is it available  ??
    Be carefull, for digest authorization you have to linked Optional library "Jakarta-Commons HttpClient" too.
    Good luck.

  • Calling Stored Procedure without JDBC-Adapter

    as it is not possible calling Stored Procedures with the parameter Typ Record in Oracle my question: It is possible connecting to DB using native java-code for example in Mapping?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Frank,
    Maybe you can use the DB look up using the JDBC adapter in your mapping.
    Just check this blog for the same,
    As for calling an Oracle Strored Procedure, it is possible using a RECEIVER JDBC adapter, but not a SENDER JDBC adapter.
    <i> import the jdbc-driver (oracle) in an archive in Designer.</i>
    Also, this imported archive should be under any Namespace, but, it should be in the same SWCV as the one in which the mapping is being executed.

  • JDBC-Adapter-Receiver Calling Stored Procedure with Input-Typ Record

    I´ m trying calling a stored-procedure with two input-parameter; one of typ record (oracle) and one of type tabel of records. Is this possible (I think there are only types like string, integer etc. possible)? When not is there another possibility to work with that type?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Frank,
    I think stored procedures will not take Array of Records as a Input. If you want to make a loop funtionality etc then JDBC adapter will work accordingly. You need to just call the stored procedure from the JDBC adapter. It will work for the array of records(multiple occurences).
    Receiver JDBC Procedures.
    Alternative option is you can make use of Java Proxy and from there you can call stored procedure ..I think it is possible.. not tried.
    Hope this helps

  • XI Soap Adapter: problems in parsing XML

    I call a Web Service using XMLSpy and this is the response (note tag <File>):
              <SOAPSDK4:ExpBaselineResponse xmlns:SOAPSDK4="http://tempuri.org/PRWBS_PRIMAVERA/message/">
                   <File>&lt;?xml version=&apos;1.0&apos; encoding=&apos;UTF-8&apos;?&gt;
    &lt;Dati:Parametri xmlns:Dati=&quot;Schema&quot;&gt;
         &lt;ELSAG xmlns=&quot;Schema&quot;&gt;
              &lt;BS_short_name&gt;FS0084AAAA01 - B1&lt;/BS_short_name&gt;
    If I call the same Web Service from XI, this is the response:
    <SOAPSDK4:ExpBaselineResponse xmlns:SOAPSDK4="http://tempuri.org/PRWBS_PRIMAVERA/message/" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAPSDK3="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAPSDK2="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAPSDK1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
         <File>&#60;?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?&#62;
    &#60;Dati:Parametri xmlns:Dati="Schema"&#62;
         &#60;ELSAG xmlns="Schema"&#62;
              &#60;BS_short_name&#62;FS0084AAAA01 - B1&#60;/BS_short_name&#62;
    In my flow, I use a java mapping to parse the content of tag <File> into a message.
    My mapping works correctly only with the first option.
    Is it possible to change XI Soap Adapter encoding for HTML?
    My java mapping uses this parser:
         public void execute(InputStream MyInputStream, OutputStream MyOutputStream)
                   throws StreamTransformationException {
              SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
              Document document;
              try {
                   document = reader.read(MyInputStream);
    this instruction generates an Exception only with XI message.
    Can anybody help me??

    I would suggest you go through this Pdf for the SOAP Adapter configuration:
    And also have a glance on the info for webservices given below,
    Just go through these links and they will surely help you learn more about Webservices:
    <a href="/people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/09/03/invoke-webservices-using-sapxi Webservices using SAPXI</a>
    <a href="/people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/05/23/communication-between-sap-system-webservice-using-proxies between SAP System & Webservice Using Proxies</a>
    You can Go through these links to get some info about accessing Webservices:
    Go through these links which will surely help you find an answer to your problem.....

  • Problem in file-Adapter during polling with u00E4,u00F6 etc.

    i have the problem described above. Is there any help?

    Please change the File Encoding in the sender file adapter to  <b>ISO-8859-1</b>.
    Please look into this link,.
    --> File Type.
    <i>File Type
    Specify the document data type.
    &#9675;       Binary
    &#9675;       Text
    Under File Encoding, specify a code page.
    The default setting is to use the system code page that is specific to the configuration of the installed operating system. The file content is converted to the UTF-8 code page before it is sent.
    Permitted values for the code page are the existing Charsets of the Java runtime. According to the SUN specification for the Java runtime, at least the following standard character sets must be supported:
    &#9632;       US-ASCII
    Seven-bit ASCII, also known as ISO646-US, or Basic Latin block of the Unicode character set
    &#9632;       <b>ISO-8859-1
    ISO character set for Western European languages (Latin Alphabet No. 1), also known as ISO-LATIN-1</b>
    &#9632;       UTF-8
    8-bit Unicode character format
    &#9632;       UTF-16BE
    16-bit Unicode character format, big-endian byte order
    &#9632;       UTF-16LE
    16-bit Unicode character format, little-endian byte order</i>

  • RFC via XI - SOAP-Adapter

    I have configured RFC-Sender and  SOAP receiver adapter. RFC-Sender has the entry for Applicationserver and Programmid. Programmid is unique on our system. On testing in R/3, execute z_bapixx with created destination (TCP/IP), I get a runtime error "lookup of alternativeServiceIdentifier via CPA-cache failed for channel" for sender channel. I checked  smgw, there is a entry with LU-sap2, TP-name BPIDSOAP, status-connected, sap-error , CPIC-error as 0 and symbolic destination <Java.
    CPA-cache has status green and there is no XML-msg in XI.
    Does someone have an idea that it to lie could or which is still missing?

    Try the following:
    1. Open the service holding the RFC adapter you are trying to use. On the top menu, goto Service -> Adapter Specific Identifiers..
    2. Check that the R/3 System ID is equal to the one specified in the SLD.
    3. In change mode, you will also have a button for comparing with system landscape.
    You should concider clearing the SLD data cache before the steps above.
    Remember that you can not define a RFC sender adapter for a Business service. You will need to configure it under a Business System defined in the SLD.
    Bjorn Espen

  • File adapter - Unexpected exception running file2xmbprocessor

    I've a fileadapter running and a couple of time the adapter is running fine.
    After a while I get the following exception:
    <i>Unexpected exception running file2xmbprocessor
    at java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator.nextEntry(TreeMap.java:1024)
    at java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator.next(TreeMap.java:1051)
    at com.sap.aii.messaging.adapter.File2XMBProcessor.processFileAccess(ModuleFile2XMB.java:1383)
    at com.sap.aii.messaging.adapter.File2XMBProcessor.run(ModuleFile2XMB.java:872)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    File adapter processing stopped</i>
    I have no idea whats wrong.
    Any idea
    Thanks harald

    Hi Prasad,
    sorry - but I can't understand what you mean.
    The file-adapter I'm talking about runs on a fileserver. This adapter read the files and send them to the XI-System where a java-mapping is running.
    Therefore I can't believe that the problem is the mapping.
    The way I see it is that the error must be in a part of the file-read-process because the exception says
    <b><u>[fileprocessor]</u> Error: Unexpected exception running file2xmbprocessor
    at java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator.nextEntry </b>
    Could you please explain what you mean.
    Thanks and best regards

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