Hallo everyone! I'm new in mac.

Hallo again!
I'v made a web with iweb last year. I'v saved it in a forlder for securiti. Now I have iLife 11 the web has disapered from iweb.
Actually I have yet de saved folder in my documents.
Can anybody help me to bring the folder (and the web) back to iweb???

You can't bring the folder back into iWeb because iWeb has no import facility so cannot open a previously published site - html and css files.  That is why saving your site to a folder is not security at all, because if it is the published version of your site, then iWeb can do nothing with it.
You need to find your domain.sites file which is always located under your User/Library/Application Support/iWeb/domain.sites.  Find this file and double click it and iWeb will open it.  It is the data file where everything you produce in iWeb is saved before you publish and get your html files.

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    Hiiiiii and thankyou for the welcome!!
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    hey there xxchester, welcome to Discussions.
    i've had several Macs for several years & not encountered your issues, but have you called Apple Care? you get 90 days of free phone support. being new to Macs i suggest you take full advantage of it. i'm not blowing you off, we're all users here like you & maybe no one has encountered your issues.

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    I dare say I dont know a single Mac user that doesnt have VLC installed......  Its free and wonderful.
    It digests almost everything out there (media wise)
    Congrats on the new macbook AIr

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    If he can afford it, I would recommend putting 2-1G modules in there. OS X loves RAM and will call for even more running apps under Rosetta.
    How To Determine Your Memory Needs >>
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    There is no question that you can find a PC notebook cheaper than a MacBook and it would appear that for that lower price you'd get a better machine. Obviously, we Mac owners are stooges for spending more money than we need to, right? Uh, not quite. Here's my own experience based on 20 plus years of work in the information technology field as well as my years as Mac, Windows, and *nix user.
    The initial price of a product is a lousy way to judge how much an item will cost you, even if you are comparing items that are virtually identical. (When you are comparing a $799 HP notebook to a $1100 Mac notebook you are not comparing virtually identical items. But lets pretend you are.) Over the life of that computer, how much extra money will you spend on software and hardware upgrades? How much time will you spend keeping it running? How much money will you spend on repairs? And when you replace it, how much will the computer be worth? Speaking of the computer's life, how long with the two computers last? This is the Total Ownership Cost and in this arena the Mac is less expensive than a Windows computer almost every time - and when I say almost I mean at least 90%.
    For a number of reasons, Macs have high resale value. I've seen 5 year old Macs sell for as much as 50% of their initial retail value while I've seen 2 year old PCs sell for less than 20%. The longer you intend to keep your computer, the better value a Mac becomes. At work, when we pass out those inexpensive PC notebooks we expect that 50% of them will be out of service at the 2 year mark. We expect 80% of the Macs to be in service after 4 years. Quite a difference and one that keeps us buying those 'expensive' Macs.
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    The added value of a Mac goes beyond total ownership costs. With the Mac you'll get the iLife suite which really is a sweet set of software. Microsoft can't touch it and neither can Goggle's free software. You get one stop technical support. What drives me crazy is when Windows is acting up and the computer manufacturer passes me off to Microsoft or some other vendor while Microsoft (or the other vendor) sends me right back to the manufacturer. With Apple, as long as you are dealing with a hardware/operating system issue, there is no passing the buck. The computer and the operating system was designed in Cupertino and that's where the buck stops.
    Do I sound like an Apple fanboy? Fair assessment. But ask yourself this: how did a *nix & Windows using IT specialist become an Apple fanboy? Simply put: While Microsoft promises the world to everyone, Apple delivers a reliable product.

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    Some of us do find time to sleep.

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    I had the same problem when I first used Mac OS X. I wanted to rezize the finder window and alter the view etc. What I did was open up a window and customize it exactly how I wanted it, then hit command-N to get a new window. Usually this turned out to be how it used to be, but sometimes (maybe if you just change one thing at a time with a single drag or click or something) then the new window would be the changed version. Then close the finder windows making sure your changed one is the last one you close.
    This is by no means an exact science for doing this, but it seems to work occassionally just by fiddling around changing things then opening/closing windows.
    Hope this helps in some way!

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    I just got my MBA yesterday and no issues at all. .   Here are the support contacts. Perhaps give them a call first at and save yourself a trip to store if it is something obvious.Have you installed any "new" software on it ? I have also have MBP and no issues for 1 year.
    You can check the hardware as documented here:
    MacBook Air: Using Apple Hardware Test

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    How do I assign my storage to the MEDIA Partition once I am booted in either OS?
    Can I place a folder on my desktop so I can read/write ALL my media to?

    Why not? Make a folder in your media partition and put an alias folder (shortcut) on the desktop of each partition/ OS. You can right click on the folder in the media partition and click on "make alias".
    If you want to direct your iTunes media to point to the media partition, google "move iTunes library to external disk" and follow the steps; the instructions should be the same for a seperate partition as it is for an external drive.

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    Is it possible to install my old i-tunes library on my new i-mac ?

    Welcome to the forums SteadyOn
    Two articles that should help you :
    http://lifehacker.com/software/itunes/geek-to-live--how-to-move-an-itunes-librar y-from-a-pc-to-mac-and-back-242468.php
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/moving-your-itunes-library-to -a-new-hard-drive
    If you have more questions after reading those, come back and ask.

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    While running iPhoto you'll need to select the pictures you want to use for eBay and then select Export from the File menu. The Export Dialog box has several options and I believe the second option is File Export - that's the option you want to choose. Now you can select the picture quality, size, and export. The file selector will appear so you can indicate the folder you want the pictures to be exported into. Now you can take the next step, sending them to eBay.

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    Have a look at this thread which may answer your question:

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    Why do you use always 2 cables? There's a lot that can go wrong.
    1.) Hardware:
    - Use only one cable, best an HDMI->HDMI cable. It doesn't need to be an expensive one, they've proven to be no worse than those "esoteric", expensive ones.
    - Set the monitor to the HDMI input.
    - The modes you are listing are only "picture modes" changing color/brightness/contrast settings, not resolution or the likes, so pick the one you like best later, or enter your own settings under Custom.
    2.) OS X:
    - Usually the Mac detects the screen itself and chooses the best settings, so by default you need to do nothing than make a proper hardware connection to get a decent image.
    - However, there have been issues with new Mac Minis and particularly their HDMI ports. But reportedly they have been fixed with a software update. So, launch the App Store and check under Updates if there is one for you to install. If so, do it; otherwise you should be good to go.
    - If you require, go to System Preferences -> Displays. In the Dispaly tab, by default, "Best for display" should be selected, and that is typically true. If you want, select "Scaled" and 1920x1080, plus a frequency from the list (where higher is usually better, but just pick the one that works best for you). If you can't see a change to the better, you best go back to "Best for display".
    - If you are not happy with the colors on your screen, you'll find eventually more than one choice in the Color tab, though your particular screen should be in the list and its Display Profile should get you the best result. (Double-check picture modes on your display: if you're far off there, you won't make it much better with the Mac's settings).

  • Need Advice: New Intel Mac Mini Still In The Box

    Okay.. I know... I have several posts going here as I have several issues I am trying to solve rather simultaneously. Thanks for being patient with me.
    I have my old 1.25 Ghz PowerPC Mac Mini running 10.4.11 and all was well and happy. Then Security Update 2007-009 happened and all went to ....well... you know and, yes, it was bad! Went to Apple, got it running of sorts as they re-installed the OS, but they used an old version of OS X. (10.4.7. Can you believe that?) This caused other problems. It continues to have all sorts of difficulties, as I have had to get applications to re-recognize that the computer is back up to 10.4.11. Currently, I am struggling with trying to get iTunes to access it's music folders on the external hard drives. Realized that I hadn't even gotten around to figuring out whether or not some of my other applications work, like some of the games and third party, etc.
    The thing is I got a new Intel Mac Mini for Christmas and it's still in the box because as I suspected I need to get my old mac perfect again before I can even think about migrating stuff over to the new Mac. But.. here's the thing... it's starting to look pretty much like 2008 will come and go before I can get the old Mac ready enough to take the new Mac out of the box. This really is rather silly!
    Now... I can't get the old Mac to see the music and it made me think. I have all of my iTunes music and iPhoto backed up on an external hard drive (I used Apple's "Back-up" software to do it) and in addition to this two complete copies of the iTunes music and iPhoto photos albums on two separate external hard drives. Should I just forget using migration assistant? Can I get my music and my photo albums into the new mac directly from the external hard drives?
    Or...can I use "back up" to restore the music and photos into the new Mac?
    I am starting to think that the best way to get my new Mac running is not risk it by attaching it to my old Mac. What do you think?
    Thank you so much for any advice or experiences you can give. -Charlotte

    I know that I am vacillating back and forth as to what to do. Thanks so much for being patient with me. All of your advice is really appreciated and I am at least closing in on deciding on my strategy. Probably will follow your first response advice, especially considering that some of the third party apps may not have updates to handle Leopard quite yet. Anyway... it's a good strategy since everything is on the externals anyway.
    You can say that fine.
    Ha ha ha.... yes, I've been messing around with computers since my parents bought our first Apple computer back in 1979. Just like you, I've never had a serious problem with any of the computers and we've had them all, running all sorts of things from the Original Apple and Apple IIc (which my parents still have and it still runs!) to the Commodore and all the Windows permeations and then on to the Macs running Jaguar, Panther and Tiger, probably because we've always been careful with the machines and what we install in them and how we update them. I have always kept my computers on UPS' and un-plug them when storms brew outside. As it is I am still using my eight year old Windows 98 computer, (for games mostly) and it still runs quicker than most peoples windows pcs and it's only a 740 Megahertz.
    I haven't had to re-install anything, especially on this lovely little Mac Mini until now and wouldn't have in this situation, had I known more. I had taken the little Mac Mini in for a Procare "Tune-Up," only four days before the big up-date disaster. Not sure what they did to my mac in the tune-up but the guy gave me back the machine assuring me that the computer was perfect with no problems in answer to my asking "were they sure?" Even after the Genius Bar techs at the Apple Store re-installed the OS to fix the big problems it seems that no one ever thought to run verify disk. Had the Genius Bar techs at the time of the tune-up done this, or at least told me to do this, the last security update would not have wrecked so much havoc. It was only after I got the machine back from Apple that second time that I found that the directory had been corrupted when I ran disk verify. Actually it is amazing that I have had this little Mac Mini for so long and so not have had any problems on it that I would be able to go so long without having to know this really pretty important aspect of keeping one's mac in good running shape. I had been running maintenance scripts and permissions verify and repair and thought that was all there was to it. Silly! You know... that really is a testimony of how nice these little machines are.
    Anyway... experience is a good teacher and I have learned so much it's actually been great! This stuff is pretty interesting.
    Now... on to Leopard!
    Thanks so much and you have a great New Year! -Charlotte

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