Hard Drive Neeon vs. Flash Memory Nee

My new 6GB Zen Neeon with a hard dri've has the annoying 6 to 8 second pauses between each track and quite laggy performance while going through the menus with the scroll button. It takes several seconds to load music and to power down the player too. Would the flash memory version of the Zen Neeon be better in those reguards?
Why are there so few posts concerning the Neeon? Am I one of the only few here who owns one?

laurie_lu wrote:My new 6GB Zen Neeon with a hard dri've has the annoying 6 to 8 second pauses between each track and quite laggy performance while going through the menus with the scroll button. It takes several seconds to load music and to power down the player too. Would the flash memory version of the Zen Neeon be better in those reguards?
I've not got a Neeon, but all the hard disk players are similar to this. Particularly when first playing a song.
Why are there so few posts concerning the Neeon? Am I one of the only few here who owns one?
The Neeon was mostly only for sale in Asia Pacific, although it has come to the USA in small numbers. Hence not many owners, not a lot of posts.

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      /System/Library/Extensions/Seagate Storage Driver.kext/Contents/PlugIns
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    1. You can change security with cacls function. However if you do it in wrong way, you can cut the branch you are sitting on:
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    What happens when you drag it?
    Make sure the drive you are moving the files to has enough available space to receive the file:
    Click on the movie file and go to File >  Get Info and note the "size"
    Check the drive to which you are moving the file to make sure it has enough available space: https://idisk.me.com/madisonfile-Public/web/finder-drive-available-space-and-for mat.html
    Also note the format of the drive you are copying too.  If it is not Mac OS Extended or FAT (not recommended unless you are taking it to a windows computer) then that may be the issue.
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      Searching for Boot Record from IDE-0..not found
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    I generally turn virus protection off the moment I get a new motherboard.  I'm pretty sure it came disbaled by default, if not I'm sure I disabled it.  Even had it been on, though, any boot block corruption would have to be permanent damage to act like it has, since four subsequent OS installs should have overwritten the boot block four times over.
    It might be worth my time to drop a different HD in the primary master slot and see if it can boot from that.  I'll be real unhappy if I've toasted a perfectly good drive.

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    Go to Settings>Preferences>Advanced and make sure that the location of your media library is correct.

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    option discovered in preferences. Really this and any feature that moves deletes or edits a users data should as far as possible be OFF BY DEFAULT. It shouldn't by default and without the users specific say do this dangerous and unnecessary thing without even letting the user know what it's doing!!! And then cause me a few hours (as i'm new to mac) searching for the option so as to switch it off. If i hadn't noticed the status cage declaring that it was copying files then i might never have twigged that this insane thing was occurring. And if i hadn't of noticed i would have been left maintaining the contents of the folder i copied the files to, the folder which as far as i was informed and so believed was also the location of the music files i was playing. How does Apple justify this 'genius' piece of software non-design? Surely it will hurt no one if this was off by default for new users - overall at least i dare say it would cause a lot less distress in the future for the unsuspecting public at large. Thanks for the support.

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    What do I need to do to Server2003 to get this drive with my data on it to be read by my new server?

    Following is the System Requirements from Western digital’s website.
    Available USB port
    Windows 2000/XP/Vista®
    My Passport Essential 320GB USB 2.0 Hard Drives(WDMEB3200)
    Yes, generally speaking, if an external drive or flash drive can be recognized by Windows XP, it should work in Windows Server 2003. However, there is no guarantee.
    If possible, I recommend that you plug the “unrecognized” drive to some other Windows Server 2003 computers to test whether it works. If the issue continues, I suggest that you contact the vendor or the drive for more details.
    By the way, what’s the version of Windows Server 2003 you used? Please update it to the latest service pack to check whether they works.
    Best Regards,
    Vincent Hu

  • I want to use my second external hard drive as a "flash drive"

    Forgive my ignorance, but I would appreciate any input before I purchase and set up a second external hard drive....
    I have a MyBook that I use with Time Machine and it has been great. However, it's approaching more full than I want it to get and I need to dump all my pictures and music that I would like to keep forever onto a second external hard drive that I can access easily, take with me to friends houses to share music/photos, etc.
    My question is: do I want to set up Time Machine on the second "flash drive" external hard drive, or should I only use Time Machine on MyBook and use the manufacturer software on the second drive?
    I envision connecting both very frequently -- as I load new pictures, loading them quickly onto the second drive, but then back up on MyBook and Time Machine as I do know, every few days or so.
    How do other people navigate this?

    Well, you can certainly keep using one for Time Machine and use the other one to back up just your photos, files, videos, etc.
    If that is what you want to do, you don't need any included software at all. In fact, Disk Utility (Applications - Utilities) does a great job. Once you get the hard drive, plug it in (firewire is preferred - faster than USB), open Disk Utility. highlight the external hard drive and click on Partition tab. From there you can choose to keep it as is (one partition), or make more than one. Choose the format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled), and, under options, GUID partition table. Click Apply and let it do its thing.
    Once finished, your external is ready. You can simply drag and drop whatever files from your internal onto the external. You can also delete them from the external at a later time, copy new ones, etc, etc.

  • Can I safely move my iTunes library to an external hard drive, to free up memory?

    As an elementary music teacher, I have more than 10,000 songs in my iTunes library.
    I also have a lot of video footage of my students' performances.
    I need to free up memory and am wondering if there is a safe way to move the iTunes library to an external hard drive, and, if it is safe, how difficult will it be for me to access it from the external hard drive.
    On my school computer, one of the "techies" moved that iTunes library to an external drive and ended up quadrupling the size of it, so want to be sure that if this makes sense, that I do it the right way!!!
    Thanks so much!

    Can I move those songs to an external hard drive?
    Will that improve the speed of my computer?
    maybe. what is the total capacity of your boot drive and how much free space is left ?

  • Macbook Pro with Dual hard drives. Scratch Disk, Memory 64bit, Raid, Set Up Questions.

    Hello, this is my first post.
    I just upgraded from the original 2006 17" Macbook Pro to a refurbished 13" Macbook Pro 2.53GHZ 4GB Ram (2009 model).
    I bought the MCE Tech Optibay and installed it (if you dont know anything about it, ask me, its amazing.) So now I have 2x 500GB 7200RPM Seagate hard drives installed.
    I am running Snow Leopard, CS3, Lightroom 1.4.
    I have the main hard drive set up with Snow Leopard and all the Applications. I keep all my files on external firewire 800 drives, except files I am currently working on.
    The second hard drive is set up as a scratch disk for Photoshop CS3 and that is it.
    I am looking to upgrade to CS5 and Lightroom 3 here within this month or so. Or if I get anxious, tomorrow, haha.
    I want to know the best setup I can do with my current set up with CS3 and for my future setup with CS5.
    Any info will appreciated.
    -Would some kind of raid set up with my internal drives be better? How does raid work with scratch disks?
    -If I upgrade to 8GB memory in my macbook pro, would I even see a difference in performance if I didn't have a scratch disk? Since CS5 and Snow Leopard can use more memory in 64bit.
    I think thats all I have on my brain right now. I may have more questions, or I can guarantee I will have more later.
    Thanks alot.

    First the scratch. Like you said, most everyone has a different take on scratch discs but I'd guess you're wasting one heck of a lot of hard drive space using all 500 GB for Scratch, did I read that right? If I did read it correctly YES, partition it and get some use out of it!!
    I've got a unibody MBP 2.93GHz, OS 10.5.8, CS3 & PS 5 (running in 32bit mode), and 8 gigs of ram. I've partitioned the one 300 GB drive so 50GB is scratch, the other partition is for OS, & Apps, and documents (images).
    I use LR 2 first than export to PS 5 to finish up. My photos get to be 300MB to 500MB in size and both versions of PS work on this setup just fine. Using PS 5 in 64 bit mode is faster opening files but NON of my plugin's are 64 bit yet, that's why I'm still stuck in 32 bit mode.
    Not knowing what size or kind of files you work on makes giving advice a bit tough but try setting the status indicator (don't know the right name for it) in the bottom left corner of any PS open file to "Efficiency" and watch what happens when you process your files. I rarely see mine drop below 90%, I've got the usable RAM in PS Prefs set to it's max suggested, cut way back on History and Cache.
    Can't wait for NIK and others to offer their plugin in 64 bit, later this year is what I was told.
    There used to be an old "rule of thumb" with old version of PS about Scratch disc size. I don't remember exactly but it may have been 3 to 5 times the size of your biggest file??
    Good luck, Alan

  • Mac Book Pro 15" mid 2009 after installing new hard drive and 8 gb memory, start up disk is still full, start up from power off is very slow, and programs open immediately after start up EX. word, excel.  Help?

    I installed a new 1tb WD hardrive in my mid 2009 macbook pro along with upgrading from 4gb to 8 gb.
    My start up disk is still almost full, booting up is extremely slow, and programs open up by themselves once booted up ex:word, excel.
    New TB drive shows up alng with 8 GB but, new hard drive not updating somehere?  What am I missing?  See screenshots below

    Thanks for the response, but I'm looking for answers to a few of the other answers before I look at completeing the steps above.
    1.  Whyis the new TB drive recognized in image 1 but still have the original 256GB size still recognized(and almost full) in image 1 also?  The HD should now be 1 TB, not 256 correct?  If this were the case, the HD, would only be fraction of full capacity,  Where is the disconnect between reconizing the installed tb HD but, it not being used?
    2.Image Number 2 shows once again that the new tb internal HD is recognized.  However, in image 3, the HD 256GB drive is still shown underneath the new HD.  Does this show that I am misssing something, some step, related to confirming the new HD should be fully reconized instaed of this old 256 that still remains?
    3.  In image 4, the SATA heading, shows the TB hardrive,  However, in image 5, the 256GB drive is still being shown under the storage heading?  Once again, seems like I've missed some simple step to make this all the same?
    4.Why is the start up from boot up soooo slow now.  I was never even close to this slow(slower than PC startup slow) before the new HD was installed.  IS this common when updraging to a new HD?  Doesn't seem right?
    5.  Why now all of a sudden when the computer finally boots up are certain programs automatically opening up, word, excel, when they have never opened up like this before?
    Summary:  1. New memory issues, 2. Very slow start up, 3.  Programs opening up automatically at startup.
    Until I address these issues, I'm not going to worry about loking through and deleting heavy folders.
    All responses welcomed!

  • Click on any Hard Drive - Icon Starts Flashing/Blinking - No Question Mark

    After starting my MAC, any hard drive I click on (internal/external) - it starts blinking/flashing continously and cannot access the drive. Cannot access Disk Utilities, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

    What happens when your boor from your install DVD and run your Disk Utility?
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  • Moving Iphoto and Go Pro videos to external hard drive to free up memory on my MAC

    My Mac memory is nearly full, mostly from Go Pro Videos and photos, I have dragged my iphoto library to my 1TB external hard drive but when I go to delete from my iphoto library it also deletes from the iphoto on the external hard drive? I am looking to keep Iphoto and Go Pro vids on my external to free up space on the MAC, but want to access and edit them as normal when the external hard drive is plugged in?
    Many thanks

    Hi klatham15,
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you want to move your iPhoto Library to your external hard drive so you can remove it from your internal drive and free up internal hard drive space.
    Please make sure you have followed the steps in this article and "re-linked" iPhoto to the new location.
    iPhoto: How to move the Library folder to a new location - Apple Support
    Of course when it is properly pointing to the external hard drive, deleting content from iPhoto will delete it from the external drive.
    Take care,

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