Has anyone managed to get Authorware 7 Content Working on the Web

Hi I get this message when I try to get the web player working
Can anyone help!!
[email protected]

I used classes12.jar with a 9.2 database without any problems. JDBC calls, XA Datasources as well as CMP calls worked fine.
I think the ojdbc14.jar is required for use with a 1.4 JDK.
Of course, there might be features in 9.1 that might require the new jar.
Just mentioning that the jar did not pose me problems. Adding this information so it might help the OP narrow down the source of error.

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    It dawned on me what the problem was, in my Actionscript, I am using a XML sheet to call the pictures in the gallery. The XML sheet is located in the same folder as the actionscript, but not in the same folder as the html page, hence the Flash working when it is directly called but not when it is somewhere else. Once this dawned on me, I remembered that I used "short" urls for the images thinking of them all being in the same folder as the actionscript, but not thinking about their relative link from the location of the HTML page. So, I believe that if I change the relative urls to fit the location of the HTML instead of the location of the SWF page, it should work.

  • Has anyone managed to get HP Warranty Information into SCCM?

    Has anyone managed to get HP Warranty Information into SCCM?
    I have tried a few scripts that I found on the net but none of them seem to work as I believe HP updated there site this year..

    OK, I played around a bit (scripting from a web page isn't way beyond me) but... a few caveats.  My lab isn't available right now; so all I could test was that the script ran on an HP laptop.  A single HP laptop.  and created the regkeys in
    (in my case) HKLM\software\wow6432node\CompanyName\WarrantyInformation.  So... one single test on one single workstation, and no testing of the mof edit means... I'll need your help to confirm it works.
    Anyway, below is the script.  Other caveats:  It drops a log, and then continuously adds to the log file in %temp% (of the SYSTEM, which is using %windir%\temp).  So depending upon what you want/need--you may want to change the EnableLogging
    = True to EnableLogging = False (once you confirm it works on all/most of your boxes).  The other caveat, of course, is to change the sCompanyname = to be your Company Name; although I suggest you don't have spaces or special characters in it.  Short
    'n' sweet.  Then, naturally, once you have a box with the regkeys, use Mark Cochrane's RegKeytoMof 3.0 or higher to build the mof edits for you to paste to the bottom of your configuration.mof and sms_def.mof.  In that blog above Eric Schloss was
    using DCM as the delivery method to deliver the script to populate the regkeys--that worked for him and I see no reason it wouldn't work for everyone--so once you've tested the script interactively from a psexec -s -i cmd.exe shell on an hp box (to see it
    create the regkeys) I'd make a DCM like Eric did and target a collection with a few HP laptops or desktops and confirm it works via the DCM. 
    Anyway, give this a try--again... only tested on 1 single, lonely little HP laptop.  Needs a bigger test base!
    Edit:  and... even using Regkeytomof sometimes regkeys can be tricky.  If the mof edit doesn't work right to pull the data back, post what you've added.  someone here can usually spot if there's something not right about it and help you fix
    the mof edit.
    Edit #2: removed bad space, and bad copy/paste job as discovered by sevengs.  Thanks!
    on error resume next
    EnableLogging = True
    sCompanyName = "CompanyName"
    Set oShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    strTemp = oshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")
    If EnableLogging Then
    Set oLogFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTemp & "\WarrantyInfo.log", 8, True)
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
    End If
    WriteLog "Beginning warranty information lookup."
    sWebServiceHost = "http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport"
    sWebServiceURL = "WarrantyResults.jsp"
    sWebService = sWebServiceHost & "/" & sWebServiceURL
    'Get the system's serial number from WMI
    Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
    Set colItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select SerialNumber from Win32_BIOS",,48)
    For Each objItem in colItems
    sSerialNumber = objItem.SerialNumber
    WriteLog "Serial number of system is " & sSerialNumber
    'Get the Product ID from WMI
    Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 16
    Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = 32
    lFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly
    strService = "winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}//./root/HP/InstrumentedBIOS"
    strQuery = "select * from HP_BIOSSetting"
    Set objWMIService = GetObject(strService)
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery,,lFlags)
    sProductNumber = ""
    For Each objItem In colItems
    If objItem.Name = "SKU Number" Then
    sProductNumber = objItem.Value
    End If
    If objItem.Name = "Product Number" Then
    sProductNumber = objItem.Value
    End If
    If Len(sProductNumber) = 0 Then
    WriteLog "ERROR: Product Number could not be determined."
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
    WriteLog "Product number of the system is " & sProductNumber
    End If
    Set colItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select AddressWidth from Win32_Processor",,48)
    For Each objItem in colItems
    sAddressWidth = objItem.AddressWidth
    WriteLog "Operating system is " & sAddressWidth & " bit."
    'Define the parameters string to send to the web site
    sParameters = "nickname=&sn=" & sSerialNumber & "&country=US&lang=en&cc=us&pn=" & sProductNumber & "&find=Display+Warranty+Information+%C2%BB&"
    WriteLog "Opening the web site URL " & sWebService & "?" & sParameters
    'Define and call the web site
    Set oHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlhttp")
    oHTTP.open "GET", sWebService & "?" & sParameters, False
    'oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    If oHTTP.Status = 200 Then
    WriteLog "Successful response from the web site."
    'WriteLog oHTTP.ResponseText
    Process oHTTP.ResponseText
    WriteLog "ERROR: the web site returned status code " & oHTTP.Status
    WriteLog "Returning exit code 1."
    nExitCode = 1
    End If
    If EnableLogging Then
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
    End If
    WScript.Quit (nExitCode)
    Function Process (HTML)
    WriteLog "Processing the HTML returned from the site."
    intSummaryPos = InStr(LCase(html), "serial number")
    If intSummaryPos = 0 Then
    Process = ""
    Exit Function
    End If
    intSummaryTable1Start = InStrRev(LCase(html), "<table", intSummaryPos)
    intSummaryTable1End = InStr(intSummaryPos, LCase(html), "</table>") + 8
    intSummaryTable2Start = InStr(intSummaryTable1End, LCase(html), "<table")
    intSummaryTable2End = InStr(intSummaryTable2Start, LCase(html), "</table>")
    table1 = getStr(intSummaryTable1Start, intSummaryTable1End, html)
    table2 = getStr(intSummaryTable2Start, intSummaryTable2End, html)
    const HKLM = &H80000002
    Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
    sKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\" & sCompanyName & "\WarrantyInformation"
    WriteLog "Registry key path is HKLM\" & sKeyPath
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sKeyPath
    WriteLog "Processing the first table from the web page."
    arrGeneral = processTables(table1,1)
    'arrGeneal should be in the form Serial Number, Product Number, Product Line, Product Description, Warranty Check Date
    WriteLog "Processing the second table from the web page."
    arrContracts = processTables(table2,2)
    'arrContracts should be in the format Warranty Type, HW Warrenty Start Date, HW Warranty End Date, HW Warranty Status, Setup Warranty Start Date, Setup Warranty End Date, Setup Warranty Status
    WriteLog "Setting registry values."
    WriteLog "SerialNumber is " & arrGeneral(0)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "SerialNumber", arrGeneral(0)
    WriteLog "ProductNumber is " & arrGeneral(1)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ProductNumber", arrGeneral(1)
    WriteLog "SerialLine is " & arrGeneral(2)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ProductLine", arrGeneral(2)
    WriteLog "SerialDescription is " & arrGeneral(3)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ProductDescription", arrGeneral(3)
    WriteLog "WarrantyCheckDate is " & CStr(CDate(arrGeneral(4)))
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "WarrantyCheckDate", CStr(CDate(arrGeneral(4)))
    WriteLog "WarrantyType is " & arrContracts(0)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "WarrantyType", arrContracts(0)
    WriteLog arrContracts(1)
    WriteLog "HardwareWarrantyStartDate is " & CStr(CDate(arrContracts(1)))
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "HardwareWarrantyStartDate", CStr(CDate(arrContracts(1)))
    WriteLog "HardwareWarrantyEndDate is " & CStr(CDate(arrContracts(2)))
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "HardwareWarrantyEndDate", CStr(CDate(arrContracts(2)))
    End Function
    Function getStr(startpos, endpos, data)
    Dim tmp
    'Get the substring
    tmp = Mid(data, startpos, endpos - startpos)
    ' Remove end of line
    tmp = Replace(Replace(Replace(tmp, VbCrLf, ""), vbCr, ""), vbLf, "")
    getStr = tmp
    End Function
    Function processTables(table, ttype)
    ' Remove HTML Tags and replace with "|"
    Set re = New RegExp
    re.Pattern = "<[^>]+>"
    re.IgnoreCase = True
    re.Global = True
    table = re.Replace(table, "|")
    table = Replace(table, "&nbsp;", "")
    table = Replace(table, ":", "")
    table = Replace(table, " ", "")
    ' Remove excess |
    re.Pattern = "[|]+"
    table = re.Replace(table, "|")
    ' Clean up a bit more
    re.Pattern = "\|\s+\|"
    table = re.Replace(table, "|")
    ' Remove | from start and end of string
    re.Pattern = "^\||\|$"
    table = re.Replace(table, "")
    arrTable = Split(table, "|")
    arrTmp = ""
    If ttype = 1 Then ' General Info Table
    i = 1
    For Each cell in arrTable
    Select Case LCase(Trim(cell))
    Case "serial number"
    sSerialNumber = arrTable(i)
    Case "product number"
    sProductNumber = arrTable(i)
    Case "product line"
    sProductLine = arrTable(i)
    Case "product description"
    sProductDescription = arrTable(i)
    Case "date of warranty check"
    sCheckDate = arrTable(i)
    End Select
    i = i + 1
    arrTmp = sSerialNumber & "|" & sProductNumber & "|" & sProductLine & "|" & sProductDescription & "|" & sCheckDate
    ElseIf ttype = 2 Then ' Contract Info
    i = 0
    For Each cell in arrTable
    cell = Replace(cell," ","")
    if Instr(lcase(trim(cell)),"wty hp hw maintenance onsite support") > 0 then
    cell = "wty hp hw maintenance onsite support"
    end if
    if Instr(lcase(trim(cell)),"wty hp hw maintenance offsite support") > 0 then
    cell = "wty hp hw maintenance offsite support"
    end if
    if Instr(lcase(trim(cell)),"wty hp support for initial setup") > 0 then
    cell = "wty hp support for initial setup"
    end if
    Select Case LCase(Trim(cell))
    Case "warranty type"
    sWarrantyType = arrTable(i+8)
    Case "wty hp hw maintenance onsite support"
    sHWStartDate = arrTable(i+1)
    sHWEndDate = arrTable(i+2)
                        sHWStatus = arrTable(i+3)
    Case "wty hp hw maintenance offsite support"
    sHWStartDate = arrTable(i+1)
    sHWEndDate = arrTable(i+2)
    sHWStatus = arrTable(i+3)
    Case "wty hp support for initial setup"
    sISStartDate = arrTable(i+1)
    sISEndDate = arrTable(i+2)
    sISStatus = arrTable(i+3)
    case else
    End Select
    i = i + 1
    arrTmp = sWarrantyType & "|" & sHWStartDate & "|" & sHWEndDate & "|" & sHWStatus & "|" & sISStartDate & "|" & sISEndDate & "|" & sISStatus
    End If
    ' Remove | from start and end of string
    re.Pattern = "^\||\|$"
    arrTmp = re.Replace(arrTmp, "")
    'wscript.echo arrTmp
    arrResult = Split(arrTmp, "|")
    Set re = Nothing
    processTables = arrResult
    End Function
    Function WriteLog (sText)
    If EnableLogging Then
    oLogfile.WriteLine Now() & " " & sText
    End If
    End Function
    Standardize. Simplify. Automate.

  • Has anyone managed to get a 3TB dynamic disk on Windows 2003 Server?

    I just got a pair of new 3TB disks that I wanted to put on my Windows 2003 server enterprise x64 system, SP2, all updates installed.
    When I first tried to convert to dynamic, I got the error "The operation did not complete" as described in this KB article
    It says there is a patch, but there is not one for x64, just x86 and ia64
    I found another technet discussion here:  https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverfiles/thread/cb62238c-b3d0-4989-b45a-ae6de6701a7b?stoAI=10
    However its best suggestion is to use a product from AOMIE, but I tried that and it didn't even recognize the disk.  It also suggests that one needs a better version of diskpart.exe and to try to the 32 bit version.  Anyone have any experience
    with that?
    I also tried creating moving the disk to Windows 7 x64, making it dynamic there, but when I move the disk back to 2K3 it does not recognize it, and goes back to a 2TB partition.  I also saw something about needing a 512 block size for 2K3, but W7 does
    not allow anything smaller than 1K.

    During my research, if found the following artcle which also mentioned a 3TB disk should be supported in Windows 2003 SP1:
    Has anyone managed to get a 3TB dynamic disk on Windows 2003 Server?
    So I contact the author about this issue. He said it could be caused if your hard disk is a 512e drive as the 3TB drives on the market today are normally 512e drives.
    However manufacturers stopping identifying this, and if the controller is old, FSUtil will not able to identify a 512 drive but recognized it as a normal 512n drive.
    Thus please provide the drive model so we could search on manufacturer's website for exact information.
    Also please paste the screenshot in your reply which Satish mentioned if available.
    In addition, here is an article Robert provided:

  • Can I get my InDesign work to the web or to Dreamweaver?

    I am helping a production company with their web sites.  At present, a staff member there has created hundreds of pages for print in InDesign.  He also went so far as to create how they want the web sites to look and he did all of his work in InDesign.  Now, we need to get all of that InDesign work to the web, hopefully without having to create it all again in Dreamweaver.
    So, how can I get all of these hundreds of pages that are already done in ID, over to DW without having to recreate them all?
    In ID, I DO NOT SEE an export to Dreamweaver like so many forums state.
    Also, I do not see a PACKAGE --- Export feature as I saw on another post.  So, I must be missing something.  I'm working in CS5 Design Premium.
    We tried copy and paste and we tried export (that got us the text but nothing else) and we've tried everything else we can think of.
    Any ideas?  I know lots of people have to have tons of stuff in ID that needs to go to the web after the fact.
    A little help here...

    I'd be one of the last people to suggest that it's a good idea to use InDesign for Web design, but if that is where you're starting from, with CS5.5 it isn't entirely hopeless. You can use the Edit All Export Tags command on the paragraph styles fly-out menu to map styles to sensible HTML tags (headings to h1, sub-headings to h2, ...) and add classes where appropriate to hang some styling on. Provided that your documents use a consistent set of styles, you'd then just have to create a single CSS stylesheet that you could use for every HTML document you exported. You could import the mappings into all the documents so you'd only have to do it once.
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    Hi everybody,
    I am on a standalone oc4j
    I want to be able to access a private resource using form based authentication
    and I would like to use JAAS from with a custom login module.
    The authentication part works just fine but the authorization doesn't seem to happen.
    Both login() and commit() from my LoginModule are called and after authentication takes place, the subject is populated with the right Principals, in my case "testers".
    This Subject then it should be matched against the <security-role> defined in my application's web.xml
    This is the part from my application's web.xml which holds the security information.
    <description>Online User</description>
    <web-resource-name>access to the private application</web-resource-name>
    <!-- authorization -->
    Has anyone faced this scenario before?
    Any advices much appreciated
    thank you.

    I can't see what am I missing if I'm missing something.
    This is my orion-application.xml
    <orion-application xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oracleas/schema/orion-application-10_0.xsd">
    <jazn provider="XML" jaas-mode="doAsPrivileged" location="">
    <property name="role.mapping.dynamic" value="true"></property>
    <property name="custom.loginmodule.provider" value="true"></property>
    <!-- <class>jaas.SampleLoginModule</class> -->

  • Has anyone managed to get play count/last played to sync?

    I can live with the podcasts being borked, it's prompted me to use an app (hello iCatcher!) which I had been planning to do for a while. I'm still learning its ways, but it feels a lot more comfortable already.
    The thing that I absolutely cannot understand is how ratings, playcount and last played times are not synchronising. I've a number of smart playlists based on these attributes and I haven't been able to get them to sync up since I enabled Match on my iPhone.
    So I've got an iPhone which I sync with iTunes on a Mac. Everything's patched up to the latest version.
    Has anyone successfully had any successful syncs? The smart playlists are just a joke - I'd expect the track listings to be comparable between devices, but they just aren't.
    This is a beta product which some glaring functionality holes. How Apple can think it's worth paying for is beyond me. The smart playlist functionality has been working seamlessly for years on iTunes ... but it's broken. And I paid for the product that broke it. I'm feeling very let down.

    I haven't managed to get any playcount, ratings etc to sync. There are so many issues with this version of iTunes Match I cannot believe Apple released it.
    The order of tracks in playlists doesn't match iTunes on my Mac, selecting a folder of playlists in iTunes on my iPhone hangs the phone and sometimes crashes it, metadata doesn't sync, some albums are split into 2, etc.
    Looking forward to an update soon.

  • Has anyone managed to get icloud to synchronise properly with outlook calendar?

    I have an iphone 5 and am running outlook 2010 on windows 7 32 bit.
    I can get icloud to do the intial upoload of the calendar but then after that it won't synchronise new calendar entries.
    The phone and icloud syc, but icloud won't sync with outlook whether the entry is put in outlook or in icloud.
    I have spoken with Apple support and over many weeks have de-installed and re-installed icloud several times.
    I have sent various diagnostiocs and screen shots.
    The icloud outlook addin does not appear in the outlook add-ins section, although I can see what might be the add-in sitting on the c drive in the apple folder.
    Support have also told me that there is no way to download the icloud add-in seperately.
    Apple support are now telling me that I need to de-install and re-install outlook to try and get the add-in to install correctly.
    That would be a real pain and I can see on this forum that other people have already tried that without success.
    They also say that if that doesn't work I will need to completely re-install the OS.
    I don't think they know what the problem is and are just trying anything that might work.
    I really don't want to lose all my business data from outlook and certainly don't want to trash my whole PC.
    Has anyone any idea where the problem might be?
    Many thanks

    Do I gather by the lack of answers that nobody has?

  • Anyone manage to get ColdFusion to work under Apache on OS X 10.10 Yosemite?

    Hi all I'm having great difficulty getting ColdFusion10 to work under Apache with OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
    Here is a description of what I've faced and a little of what I've done to solve my problem
    Problem 1
    Apache httpd.conf file gets messed up
    Solution: copy original httpd.conf file from /etc/apache2/original/ to /etc/apache2/
    Problem 2
    No Java Virtual Machine is installed!
    Solution: install Java (version 6 or 7 is better) you may only be able to install version 8
    Problem 3
    ColdFusion doesn't know where your Java installation is so find and update your ColdFusion configuration files
    change the source to whatever your current Java is and where it's located
    for example if you have version 7 installed:
    if you have version 8 installed:
    Problem 4
    INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: YOUR PATH HERE!
    Solution:Still working on this one!

    I think you should try Pacifist http://www.charlessoft.com/
    It's a .pkg installer for OS X, I used it several times to install software that Apple's Installer can't install. After installing Xsan 1.0 from your CD, just launch Apple's software update to upgrade to version 1.3. I think it should work (I didn't try it with Xsan, but this procedure works with other software).

  • Has somebody managed to get cpufreqd to work in duke(2007.05)?

    I have attempt several times to get it to work, but it fails.
    And how can i se if it works correktly?
    I have an core duo e6400 cpu

    fernux wrote:I have attempt several times to get it to work, but it fails.
    Any error messages? It's working fine for me (used the wiki page to set it up: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SpeedStep)
    fernux wrote:And how can i se if it works correktly?
    You can look at your current governor, current frequencies, available frequencies, scaling driver, etc... in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{0,1,...}/cpufreq
    fernux wrote:I have an core duo e6400 cpu
    Are you using the acpi_cpufreq module?
    Last edited by arbrown (2007-06-05 04:16:54)

  • Manage On Demand Does Not Work on the Web Site

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    I've had same problem for 3 months.They've been to the house twice about this issue and still no fix.They won't pay attention until enough of us cancel and that is exactly what I plan to do

  • Getting Applets to Work on the Web

    Last semester, I took a Java programming class. While polishing up my resume recently, I decided that a couple of assignments I did for the class would look good in my porfolio, and attempted to upload them to my website.
    Unfortunately, the class I took focused exclusively on getting applets to run on you local machine. Nothing I did for the class works in a web browser. This leads me to two questions:
    1) IMO, Java that doesn't work in a web browser pretty much defeats the purpose of using Java. Since my local college's Comp Sci program is obviously failing in this regard, what are good resources to learn the Right Way to program in Java (ie, the way that works in web browsers)?
    2) Are any of the things I did in class salvagable by any means short of starting over from scratch? Below is a cut-n-paste of a typical applet we wrote for the class, using the teacher's reccomended methods. If someone could point me in the right direction for getting this to work in a browser, I'd be very grateful.:
    // Java Programming - CSCI-267
    // Assignment for week # 13
    // Filename AutoDatabase
    // Written by Mike 'siece' Gilmore
    // Written on Nov. 23 2k3
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class AutoDatabase extends Frame implements ItemListener, ActionListener{
    Connection conEmployees;
    Statement cmdEmployees;
    ResultSet rsEmployees;
    boolean blnSuccessfulOpen = false;
    Choice lstVehicle = new Choice();
    TextField txtInvID = new TextField(10);
    TextField txtMan = new TextField(10);
    TextField txtModName = new TextField(9);
    TextField txtYear = new TextField(14);
    TextField txtVID = new TextField(14);
    TextField txtCost = new TextField(14);
    Button btnAdd = new Button("Add");
    Button btnEdit = new Button("Edit");
    Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel");
    Button btnDelete = new Button("Delete");
    Label lblMessage = new Label(" ");
    public static void main(String args[])
    AutoDatabase thisApp = new AutoDatabase();
    public void createInterface()
    setTitle("Java Class Week 13 Assingment");
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event)
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    Panel pnlTop = new Panel(new GridLayout(2,2,10,10));
    pnlTop.add(new Label("Inventory ID"));
    lstVehicle.insert("Select a Vehicle to Display", 0);
    pnlTop.add(new Label(" "));
    add(pnlTop, "North");
    Panel pnlMiddle = new Panel(new GridLayout(7,2,10,10));
    pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Inventory ID"));
    pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Manufacturer"));
    pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Model Name"));
    pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Year"));
    pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Vehicle ID"));
    pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Cost"));
    Panel pnlLeftButtons = new Panel (new GridLayout(0,2,10,10));
    Panel pnlRightButtons = new Panel(new GridLayout(0,2,10,10));
    add(lblMessage, "South");
    setSize(400, 350);
    else {
    System.exit( -1);
    public Insets insets()
    return new Insets(40, 15, 15, 15);
    public void loadDatabase()
    catch(ClassNotFoundException err)
    catch(ClassNotFoundException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Drivers did not load properly");
    conEmployees = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:AutoDatabase");
    cmdEmployees = conEmployees.createStatement();
    rsEmployees = cmdEmployees.executeQuery("Select * from Vehicle;");
    blnSuccessfulOpen = true;
    catch(SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Error: " + error.toString());
    public void loadNames(ResultSet rsEmployees)
    catch(SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Error in Display Record." + "Error: " + error.toString());
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
    String strInventoryID = lstVehicle.getSelectedItem();
    rsEmployees = cmdEmployees.executeQuery(
    "Select * from Vehicle where [InventoryID] ='" + strInventoryID + "';");
    catch(SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Error in result set." + "Error: " + error.toString());
    public void displayRecord(ResultSet rsEmployees)
    String strFormat;
    float fltCost;
    NumberFormat fmtCurrency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
    NumberFormat fmtDecimal = NumberFormat.getInstance();
    fltCost = Float.valueOf(rsEmployees.getString("CostValue")).floatValue();
    strFormat = fmtCurrency.format(fltCost);
    catch (SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Error: " + error.toString());
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    Object objSource = event.getSource();
    if(objSource == btnAdd && event.getActionCommand()=="Add")
    else if(objSource == btnAdd)
    else if (objSource == btnEdit)
    else if(objSource == btnDelete)
    else if(objSource == btnCancel)
    public void setTextToNotEditable()
    public void setTextToEditable()
    public void clearTextFields()
    public void Add()
    lblMessage.setText(" ");
    public void Save()
    if (txtInvID.getText().length() == 0 || txtModName.getText().length() == 0)
    lblMessage.setText("The Inventory ID or Model Name is blank");
    cmdEmployees.executeUpdate("Insert Into Vehicle"
    + "([InventoryID], [Manufacturer], [ModelName], [Year], [VehicleID], [CostValue])"
    + "Values('"
    + txtInvID.getText() + "', '"
    + txtMan.getText() + "', '"
    + txtModName.getText() + "', '"
    + txtYear.getText() + "', '"
    + txtVID.getText() + "', '"
    + txtCost.getText() + "')");
    catch(SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Error: " + error.toString());
    public void Edit()
    int intIndex = lstVehicle.getSelectedIndex();
    if(intIndex == 0 )
    lblMessage.setText("Please select the record to change");
    String strInventoryID = lstVehicle.getSelectedItem();
    cmdEmployees.executeUpdate("Update Vehicle "
    + "Set [InventoryID] = '" + txtInvID.getText() + "', "
    + "[Manufacturer] = '" + txtMan.getText() + "', "
    + "[ModelName] = '" + txtModName.getText() + "', "
    + "[Year] = '" + txtYear.getText() + "', "
    + "[VehicleID] = '" + txtVID.getText() + "', "
    + "[CostValue] = '" + txtCost.getText() + "' "
    + "Where [InventoryID]= '" + strInventoryID + "';");
    catch(SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Error during Edit. " + "Error: " + error.toString());
    public void Delete()
    int intIndex = lstVehicle.getSelectedIndex();
    String strInventoryID = lstVehicle.getSelectedItem();
    if(intIndex == 0)
    lblMessage.setText("Please select the record to be deleted");
    "Delete from Vehicle where [InventoryID] = '" + strInventoryID + "';");
    lblMessage.setText("Record deleted");
    catch(SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Error during Delete." + "Error: " + error.toString());
    public void Cancel()
    public void stop()
    if(conEmployees != null)
    catch(SQLException error)
    lblMessage.setText("Unable to disconnect");

    1) Applets that run in web browsers used to be "hip" in at one point in the dark 1990's. That time is forever gone and good riddance. Today big enterprise applications and sophisticated special purpose desktop applications are the Right Way&trade; to go with Java.
    If you want action in your browser, look into Macromedia's Flash technology.
    If you want to deploy your application easily in an applet-like fashion (one click from a browser), look into Java Webstart.
    Demos: http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/demos.html
    Documentation: http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/developers.html
    2) It's a trivial task to write a launcher applet for any given application so that the applet starts the application in a new window. The security restrictions imposed on applets ("sandbox") might make it impossible to use the application; for instance you cannot write or read files on the local hard drive or make network connections to other servers than where the applet was loaded from. You cannot call System.exit to quit the virtual machine.
    At its simplest the lancher applet code would look ilke:public class Launcher extends java.applet.Applet {
        public void start() {
    }and in the html you would write:<applet code="Launcher" height="1" width="1">
    </applet>See the "Writing applets" tutorial for further information http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/applet/index.html

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