Has anyone used PhotoFlow?

Hi guys
Does anyone know how to use actionscript in the photoflow
component to load a different flash movie when an image is
selected? Thanks in advance..

Can anyone help with this? Thanks

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    private PasswordCallback strPass;
    private CallbackHandler myCB;
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               public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, Map sharedState, Map options)
                           //SET SUBJECT
                             subj = subject;  //NOTE: THIS GIVES YOU REFERENCE
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                             strPass = new PasswordCallback("Password:", false);
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                      } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }
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              System.out.println( "PRIOR TO AUTHENTICATION, SUBJECT HOLDS: " +
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    I think what needs to be done, is the client needs to have the stubs for our
    LoginModule, LoginContext, CallBackHandler, CallBacks. Then they can put
    their info into those, and everything is handled server-side. So they may
    not even need to send a Subject across anyways (but they may want to as
    Please let me know if anyone sees this problem too, or if I am just completely
    off track with this one. I think figuring out how to do JAAS as though
    everything were local, and then putting RMI (or whatever) on top is the
    first thing to tackle.

    Send this to:
    newsgroups.bea.com / security-group.

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    Hi 4judy,
    If you are looking to use an external display with your MacBook Pro, you may find the following articles helpful:
    Apple Mini DisplayPort adapters: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
    OS X: How to use multiple displays with your Mac in Mountain Lion and earlier
    - Brenden

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    Port Forwarding.....or Port Mapping....as Apple calls it is a difficult and complex configuration method for most users. Because there are so many variables involved in this type of setup, it is not possible to provide a step by step guide that will work for everyone with all devices.
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    Hi Don
    I'm using Aperture 2.0 with the 8800GT. My system is the new MacPro 8 core 2.8GH with 10GB RAM. I'm shooting Nikon D3 lossless compressed RAW files. Approximately 12-14MB each.
    I do not need to use the quick preview mode. Images open instantaneously,either fit to screen or 100%. All the image adjustments are shown with no time lag. My D2X uncompressed raw files,19MB, display in approximately one second with quick preview turned off.
    I'm no MAC hardware expert so I don't know how much the speed is the result of the 8800GT but I'm just one happy camper.
    Hope this helps
    John Blake

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    Are you using the NI-IMAQ for USB functions or are you calling the QuickUSB libraries from LabVIEW?  Unless the USB camera is DirectShow compliant, then it will not work with the NI-IMAQ for USB driver.  You can use the Code Interface Node in LabVIEW to call external dll's, and it looks like from QuickUSB's website that is the best way to go.  Hope this helps.
    Jason N 

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    Not personally:
    The german computer-magazine c't tested the Promise Pegasus R6 Thunderbolt and found it speedwise way ahead of USB 3.0 and eSATA.
    As a RAID-Level 0 with 6 x Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 (7.200 U/min, 1TB each) and MBP 13" 2011 OSX 10.6.8:
    Write - 693 MByte/s
    Read - 721 MByte/s
    Read AND Write - 323 MByte/s
    Time Machine -capable and OS X Bootable.
    0.8 Sone when active
    61.6 W active - 48 W when not used.
    Sadly the article is not avaibale other than Printed.

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    yes. I migrated a server frm lion to mavericks following these notes a while back:
    OS X Server: Upgrade and migration from Mountain Lion
    i do not recall having any problems with it.

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    I have now used Everweb to transfer a website from iWeb & am now working on transferring a second website.
    I cannot recommend Everweb highly enough. I am an amateur, so iWeb was the easy option for me. Everweb is just as easy to use and very similar to iWeb. New features are being added every few days.
    I am extremely impressed by the excellent and prompt service from both the forum and support. All my questions have been answered (& there have been many of them!)
    Everweb is complimented by an excellent site Everweb codebox which has developed more widgets and codes to add to Everweb. Roddy from Everweb codebox has been invaluable by answering questions on the forum & generally complimenting the Everweb team.
    I have purchased the Everweb program & Hosting. This gives my 1 click updating and works seamlessly. The price is competitive and the support exemplary.
    All in all, I am delighted with Everweb, excellent program & excellent support!! I would not hesitate in recommending it to anyone.
    In answer to your question...buy it!!!!

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    Has anyone used this before that may be able to help ? Is there any SDK sample of some sort ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Partner automation. The user wants to use an asp.net form instead of using biztalk admin console, in order to create and update a large party database, the total count rounding between 300 to 500 partners, so, we have already a webform with all business
    related information and we've add some port related information that will ultimately end up as the party information. With that info, this library should be able to accomplish everything we normally do from the console.
    We are not migrating from a previous version, so the party migration tools is a no-go. We explored the idea of creating a binding-like file that would be loaded from BtsTask, but ultimately, we end up with the idea of using this obscure library to perform
    all those so called duties of handling party related information on biztalk server.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Has anyone used the appscript modual for python rather than streight AS?

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    To me it seems to be a perfect solution to the clutter that AS seems to be... at least from someone coming from more traditional languages.

    In startMovie, you need to register the xtra
    on startMovie
    axRegister(serial code here)
    Then, on your Record Button, something like this:
    on mouseUp me
    --start recording session - using 400k as maximum here
    --see if there is an error
    put errOpen
    --save the new audio as a file
    --see if there is an error
    put errRecord
    then make sure you close the recorder in stopMovie
    on stopMovie
    You can also make a Stop Recording button that has code like
    on mouseUp me
    put errStop

  • Re: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?

    We are making use of interfaces extensively and have never had the
    slightest problem. Interfaces do not cause any overhead, since they are
    mainly a means to support type checking by the compiler. At run-time the
    interface does not appear any more.
    Using Forte 3.0.F.2
    General wrote:
    We are embarking on the analysis phase of a large pay/personnel project. =
    We have been advised to use interfaces wherever possible, because they =
    promote flexibility and reusability. I am fairly well convinced of the =
    benefits of using interfaces - they appear to have a lot of advantages, =
    and no drawbacks. However, I do wonder whether Forte's implementation of =
    interfaces is stable and usable (..it was only introduced in version 3). =
    If not, we may be better advised to use standard techniques.
    If you have used Forte interfaces I would be interested to hear how you =
    got on.
    Tim Kimber--
    Dr. Thomas Kunst mailto:[email protected]
    sd&m GmbH & Co. KG http://www.sdm.de
    software design & management
    Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 Muenchen, Germany
    Tel +49 89 63812-221 Fax -444
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    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    You are correct, "manipulate anAIFace object" is not really the correct
    way of thinking about what is happening. We are really manipulating an
    instance of an object through an interface.
    In regards to your other statement: "if Project C needs visibility to B,
    it must have B as a supplier Plan." Forte does not force this to happen
    when you are using interfaces, which is what causes the problem. Let me
    expand on my initial example and add enough detail so that you can create
    the problem, which surfaces as a deserialization error:
    Project A (No Supplier Plans)
    Defines Interfaces: UnitIFace with method GetValue() which returns an
    Project B (Contains A as a Supplier Plan)
    Defines Class: Unit with attribute _Value as an integer and method  
    GetValue() which returns _Value.  Implements interface UnitIFace.
    Project C (Contains A as a Supplier Plan)
    Defines Class: Square with method Calculate which accepts an
    UnitIFace as an input parameter and returns an integer. This class needs
    to be setup as a distributed object so that I service object can be
    defined using this class.
    Defines Service Object: SqaureSO using the Square class.
    Project D (Contains B and C as Supplier Plans)
    Defines a class or uses a window that creates an instance of Class B
    and passes it to the SquareSO service object that sqaures the value and
    returns an integer.
    Once this is setup, use the running man to run everything locally. This
    will run fine because the dependencies for the local partition end up
    including Projects A, B, C and D. Next, run distributed and move the SO
    to a remote partition. Now when you execute you will receive a
    deserialization error. This happens because the dependencies for the
    remote partition only included project A and C. The partition did not
    have the necessary information to deserialize the underlying instance of
    Class Unit that is referenced through the inteface UnitIFace.
    The problem can be resolved by either adding Project B as a supplier plan
    to Project C or ensuring that the interface and class are declared in the
    same project as I suggested in my previous message. In either case, this
    must be resolved by the programmer since Forte is not yet smart enough to
    correctly resolve the project dependencies, even though all of the
    information needed to establish the correct dependency hierarchy is
    Bradley K Wells
    [email protected]
    Strong Capital Management, Inc
    From: Eric Pereira
    Sent: Friday, July 31, 1998 5:57 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?
    Thanks for that descriptive note on interfaces.
    I do have a observation : in that example you gave us, if Project C
    needs visibility to B, it must have B as a supplier Plan. Therefore, I
    don't quite understand how partioning classes in C would end up with a
    run-time errror in distributed mode, given that B supplies C (something
    you've perhaps missed out in your example ?).
    Also, is it really possible to "manipulate AIFace objects" ? Interfaces
    are'nt really objects, they just help implement a compile-time type
    Eric Pereira
    Forte Consultant
    Project A - Contains AIFace
    Project B - Contains Class B which implements AIFace, depends on Project
    Project C - Contains Classes manipulating AIFace objects, depends on
    Project A
    This can run fine locally since the local partition has knowledge of all
    the classes in A, B, and C. Now as soon as you throw a service object
    classes on Project C and push them into a remote partition, your
    application starts failing because that partition does not contain the
    information form project B since there is no dependency on that project.
    The partition needs the information from project B though since it
    contains the definitions for the actual implementation objects, however
    there was no way for Forte to determine that need when it generated the
    This problem is initially eliminated by keeping the interfaces in the
    same project as the underlying business objects. But once you start to
    have interfaces implemented by multiple classes from multiple projects,
    then this won't cover all the bases either. In any case, it is an issue
    that you will need to consider at some level when using interfaces.
    Good luck!
    Bradley K Wells
    [email protected]
    Strong Capital Management, Inc
    From: "Ngai, Stuart" <[email protected]>
    Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:10:50 -0400
    Subject: RE: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?
    With version 3G, you can not create an array of interfaces. I believe
    will have that feature in version 4 (which is scheduled to be in
    at the end of next year).
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Thomas Kunst [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, July 30, 1998 8:52 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: General
    Subject: Re: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?
    We are making use of interfaces extensively and have never had the
    slightest problem. Interfaces do not cause any overhead, since theyare
    mainly a means to support type checking by the compiler. At run-timethe
    interface does not appear any more.
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    Has anyone used the Canon 5D with CS4?
    Do the files open ok?
    Just wondering as I am going to hire the camera for a day as the footage is amazing!
    Best wishes,
    scott mackenzie

    There are plenty of great threads on this material. As John points out, most will pop right up. Be sure to read replies by Jeff Bellune and also PaulieDC. This ARTICLE has some links to useful info on this camera.
    Good luck,

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