Hash Function used by oracle

I am working on partition tables.
I want to know more abt how hash partitioning works.
I want to know the exact hash function used by oracle.
I searched a lot, but couldn't find an exact answer on the net.
Plz assist.
Thanks in advance.

EdStevens wrote:
Justin Mungal wrote:
saratpvv wrote:
This file contains port list
$ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.iniHey... neat... I didn't know about that.
But I would still go with netstat just to be sure, as previously suggested. The portlist.ini file listed the EM and EM Agent ports, but didn't list the listener port... tsk tsk portlist.ini!Because you are expecting portlist.ini to be used for something that it is NOT used for ...
I can't find the documentation now, but it seems I remember reading that oracle uses its portlist.ini file to track what ports it has assigned to various (but not all) of its services. But it is NOT used to actually configure those services. THAT is done with various .config or .xml files. See http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/install.112/e24321/app_port.htm#sthref841 for some additional insight.
Roger. I haven't actually used it, as I had only just heard about it. Thank you though.

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    I use BDB 4.5.20 and tried to use a DB_HASH access method providing my own hash function, since I have very specific keys. Keys are UUID, and they all have the same length (16 bytes) and specific binary representation which can be used to generate hash code. After I set own hash function using Db::set_h_hash() I get the call of this function during database open with a very strange data I was not expected.
    Backtrace is:
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    Db::set_h_hash() documentation says nothing about behaviour like this.
    Why BDB calls my hash function during database open while I do not put()/get() any data?
    Firstly I was implemented hash function aborting the application if key length is not equal 16, because it looks like application internal error, and for sure application was aborted because of that.
    How should I treat this data and do I have to return any hash code at all in this case?

    A quick look at the code indicates that this call is to run the hash function against a known value ("%$sniglet^&") to store the result in the DB file (or to compare the result against a result stored in the file, if the file already exists). Since a failure of this comparison prints "hash: incompatible hash function", I think we can assume that this is done to ensure the hash function being used is compatible with the hash function used when the DB file was created.
    So you need to be able to provide some form of hash output for this.

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    Sure, is possible. You can use an JDBC Adapter (receiver or sender type).
    Take a look here:
    The option to use is an your chose, in according to your requirement.
    Usually, I use a StoredProcedure, except for very simple requirements.

  • Hash function not use MessageDigest

    Anyone knows which implementation method of SHA Hash function does not use MessageDigest?

    If you don't want the MessageDigest interface to a JCE provider, you'll need to reference instead a class based on MessageDigestSPI.
    Sun currently allows using directly the "SHA" class in the "sun.java.security" package (as it is based on MessageDigestSPI, you already have a documented API for it:
    public class SHA extends MessageDigestSPI
        implements Cloneable {
        public SHA();
        public int engineGetLength(); // returns 20
        public void engineUpdate(byte value);
        public void engineUpdate(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length);
        public byte[] engineDigest() throws java.security.DigestException;
        public void engineReset();
    }Also this class implements Clonable, meaning that you can preserve its internal state before calling engineDigest() that will (before returning the final value) reset the internal state and clear the internal "evidence data" in the instance.
    To use it:
    import java.security.*;
    SHA state = new SHA(); // pass argument (0) if you want the deprecated SHA-0 algorithm instead of SHA-1
    byte b = ...;
    byte[] buffer = ...;
    state.engineUpdate(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
    byte[] digestBytes = state.engineDigest(); // implicitly calls state.engineReset() before returning

  • How to use the update function using oracle eway

    Hi All,
    I have to update one column in the table i.e table1 using the oracle eway otd for which I have written the code like below.
    otdRISKBLOCKVALUES.getRISKBLOCKVALUES().update( sUpdate );
    As show above Iam setting the value to the setbalance_amount method and later calling the update method passing the where condition through the string sUpdate.
    But Iam getting an error as shown below.
    [#|2008-03-12T12:04:42.389+0530|SEVERE|IS5.1.3|STC.eWay.DB.Oracle.com.stc.connector.oracleadapter.base.ResultSetAgentImpl|_ThreadID=17; ThreadName=Worker: 5; Context=project=prjDataXform,deployment=dpDataXform,collab=svcRisk,external=eaFileIn;|updateBigDecimal() failed - No current row|#]
    [#|2008-03-12T12:04:42.389+0530|SEVERE|IS5.1.3|STC.eWay.DB.Oracle.com.stc.connector.oracleadapter.OracleSession|_ThreadID=17; ThreadName=Worker: 5; Context=project=prjDataXform,deployment=dpDataXform,collab=svcRisk,external=eaFileIn;|ErrorCode=17082, SQLState=null, Message=No current row|#]
    could any one Pl.thow some input on this.
    Thanks & regards in Advance

    You need to specify the row you want to update first.
    The following code is taken from an example in the Oracle eway user guide:
    otdOracle_1.getDb_employee().update( "WHERECLAUSE" );
    while (otdOracle_1.getDb_employee().next()) {
       otdOracle_1.getDb_employee().setLAST_NAME( "Krishna" );
       otdOracle_1.getDb_employee().setFIRST_NAME( "Kishore" );
    }Replace WHERECLAUSE with the desired condition.
    Hope it helps


    i need help!!
    i have to create a program in java in which i want to compare passwords by using hash function.More specifically,the parameters of hash should be like this hash(password,salt).
    which is the library that i have to use and how can i call it in main function?
    thank you!
    plz respond as soon as possible!

    The same way you would call it in any other method :) You should start with the JCE develop guide and go from there. The more reading you can do on cryptography the better. If you understand the concepts, the Java code will become easier to write.

  • Hash function algorthim

    I want to use hash function for my DB to retrive data quickly...please help..

    Use cost-based optimizer for hash function. Hash Join builds a hash table from the rows in the driving table and uses the same hash formula on each row of the driven table to find matches.
    Please look into tuning doc for more at below link


    작성날짜 : 2004-08-16
    10g Standard Edition(10.1.0) 이상 부터 Function-based Index 기능이 지원된다.
    1. 개요
         Function-based index는, 함수(function)이나 수식(expression)으로 계산
    된 결과에 대해 인덱스를 생성하여 사용할 수 있는 기능을 제공한다.
         질의 수행 시 해당 함수나     수식을 처리하여     결과를 가져 오는 것이 아니라,
         인덱스 형태로 존재하는 미리 계산되어 있는 결과를 가지고 처리하므로
         성능 향상을 기할 수 있다.
    2. 제약사항
    1) aggregate function 에 대한 function-based index 생성 불가.
    (예 : sum(...) )
    2) LOB, REF, nested table 컬럼에 대한 function-based index 생성 불가.
    3. 주요 특징
         1) cost-based optimizer에 의해 사용됨.
         2) B*Tree / bitmap index로 생성 가능.
         3) 산술식 (arithmetic expression), PLSQL function, SQL built-in
    function 등에 적용 가능.
         4) 함수나 수식으로 처리된 결과에 대한 range scan 가능
         5) NLS SORT 지원
         6) SELECT/DELETE를 할 때마다 함수나 수식의 결과를 계산하는 것이 아니라
         INSERT/UPDATE 시 계산된 값을 인덱스에 저장.
         7) 질의 속도 향상
         8) object column이나 REF column에 대해서는 해당 object에 정의된
         method에 대해 function-based index 생성 가능.
    4. 생성 방법
         CREATE [UNIQUE | BITMAP ] INDEX <index_name>
         ON <tablename> (<index-expression-list>)
         <index-expression-list> -> { <column_name> | <column_expression> }
         * Function-based index를 생성하기 위해서는 QUERY REWRITE 권한이
         부여 되어 있어야만 한다.
    5. Function-Based Index 사용을 위한 사전 작업
         1) Function-based index는 cost based optimizer에서만 사용 가능하므로,
         테이블에 대해 미리 analyze 해 주는 것이 바람직하다.
         그리고 init 파일에서 OPTIMIZER_MODE 를 FIRST_ROWS 나 ALL_ROWS 등으
    로 지정하거나 HINT 등을 사용하여 cost based optimizer가 사용되도록
         2) init 파일에서 COMPATIBLE 파라미터 값을 8.1 이상으로 설정되어 있어야
         ( 예 : COMPATIBLE = 8.1.6 )
         3) session/instance level 에서 QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED 값이 TRUE 지정
    되어 있어야 한다.
    6. 예제
         1) init 파라미터에서 다음과 같이 지정
         compatible = 8.1.6 (반드시 8.1이상이어야 한다)
         query_rewrite_enabled = true
         query_rewrite_integrity = trusted
         2) SCOTT 유저에서 function_based_index 생성
         create index idx_emp_lower_ename
         on emp
         ( lower(ename) ) ;
         3) EMP table analyze
         analyze table emp compute statistics ;
         4) PLAN_TABLE 생성
         @ ?/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql
         5) Cost based optimizer 선택
         alter session set optimizer_mode = FIRST_ROWS ;
         6) Query 실행
         explain plan set statement_id='qry1' FOR
         select empno, ename
         from emp
         where lower(ename) = 'ford' ;
         7) PLAN 분석
         SELECT LPAD(' ',2*level-2)||operation||' '||options||' '||object_name query_plan
         FROM plan_table
         WHERE statement_id='qry1'
         CONNECT BY prior id = parent_id
         START WITH id = 0 order by id ;
         -> 결과
    7. 결론
    Function-based index는 적절하게 사용될 경우 성능상의 많은 이점을 가져
    온다. Oracle8i Designing and Tuning for Performance에서도 가능한 한
    Function-based index를 사용하는 것을 권장하고 있으며, LOWER(), UPPER()
    등의 함수를 사용하여 불가피하게 FULL TABLE SCAN을 하는 경우에 대해서도
    효과적으로 처리해 줄 수 있는 방안이라 할 수 있다.
    Reference Documents

    From the Oracle8i Administrators Guide:
    "Table owners should have EXECUTE privileges on the functions used in function-based indexes.
    For the creation of a function-based index in your own schema, you must be
    granted the CREATE INDEX and QUERY REWRITE system privileges. To create
    the index in another schema or on another schemas tables, you must have the
    Hope this helps.

  • Is it possible to create a tree with drag-and-drop functionality using ajax

    I saw these samples;
    Scott Spendolini's AJAX Select List Demo
    Building an Ajax Memory Tree by Scott Spendolini
    Carl Backstrom ApEx-AJAX & DHTML examples;
    Do you think is it possible to create a tree with drag-and-drop functionality using ajax and apex like this sample; http://www.scbr.com/docs/products/dhtmlxTree/
    Thank you,
    Kind regards.

    Sure you can build it, I just don't think anyone has, you could also use their solution as well in an APEX page it's just a matter of integration.

  • How to encrypt password with hash function in Java?

    Hello, everybody!
    I will need to store user passwords in a database, but for stronger security I want to store these passwords hashed, so I know I will need a column for the password and for the salt value.
    So, I'd like that you indicate me a very good article or tutorial (preferable from Sun) that shows me how to use Java to encrypt and decrypt passwords with hash. It doesn't necessarily need to deal with database. I can implement this part myself after seeing how Java manage encryption with hash functions.
    Thank you very much.

    I will tell you more precisely what I want to get better for you to help me.
    As I said I implemented in .NET what I need to implement in Java now. In my
    database I have a table with this structure (I omitted that columns that are not
    necessary to our discussion):
    PASSWORD VARCHAR(40), -- password encrypted
    HASH_SALT VARCHAR(10) -- salt value used to encrypt password
    So, in the table I have a column to store the password encrypted and a column to
    store the salt value.
    Below is a little utility class (in C#) that I use to generate the salt and
    the hashed password.
    public static class PasswordUtilities
        public static string GenerateSalt()
            RNGCryptoServiceProvider encoder = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[5];
            return Convert.ToBase64String(buffer);
        public static string EncryptPassword(string password, string salt)
            string encryptedPassword =
                password + salt, "SHA1");
            return encryptedPassword;
    }As you can see, the class is fairly simple. It only has two methods: one to
    generate the salt value that will be used to encrypt the password and another
    one to encrypt the password. The method HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile of
    the FormsAuthentication class is what really hash the password with the salt
    value. This class belongs to the .NET library, so we can't see its source code,
    but it doesn't matter for our discussion as I know that we can implement
    something similar in Java.
    Below is a little sample code showing the use of the utility class above to
    encrypt a password.
    public class Encrypt
        public static void Main(string args[])
            string password = "Secret";
            string salt = PasswordUtilities.GenerateSalt();
            string encryptedPassword = PasswordUtilities.EncryptPassword(password, salt);
            // now I store 'encryptedPassword' in the PASSWORD column and 'salt'
            // in the HASH_SALT column in the EMPLOYEES table.
    }To verify if a password is correct I can use the code below:
    public class VerifyPassword
        public static void Main(string args[])
            string password = GetPasswordFromUser();
            // Let's assume that employee is an instance that corresponds to a row
            // in the database and the properties HashSalt and Password correspond
            // to the HASH_SALT and PASSWORD columns respectively.
            Employee employee = GetEmployeeFromDatabase(1);
            string salt = employee.HashSalt;
            string encryptedPassword = PasswordUtilities.EncryptPassword(password, salt);
            bool passwordMatch = employee.Password.Equals(encryptedPassword);
    }The only thing that interest me in this discussion is the PasswordUtilities class.
    As you saw its code is in C#, using the .NET framework libraries.
    What I want is to have this same little class coded in Java, to generate the salt
    value and to encrypt the password passed in using salt value generated. If you could
    help me to do that with articles that have what I want or with code that already do
    that I would really appreciate.
    Thank you in advance.

  • Can i create any procedure or function inside a oracle reserve package?

    Can i create any procedure or function inside a oracle reserve package. Suppose, I want to create a function called x in the dbms_output package. Can i do that? Or can i extend the features of this package and create/derived a function from it like we extend any class in JAVA. I'm not sure - whether this is at all possible. I'll be waiting for your reply.
    Thanks in advance.
    Satyaki De.

    No, but you can write a wrapper package and use that instead of using the Built-In package directly. So, instead of calling DBMS_OUTPUT, you call your own Package.
    Steven Feuerstein wrote a wrapper for DBMS_OUTPUT, called P:

  • One way hash function in java

    Simply i want to save a password entered to a java program and save it in a MySQL database
    Here I want to encrypt that password and save it in the database.... I prefer one way hash function encryption because it fulfills my need.
    SHA-1 is the best in java now as I read from a article, is it?
    What I need is that if someone can post a complete code which uses SHA-1 (if it is the best preferred one).
    I've tried some codes published in the web but didn't work
    one code worked very well but when I entered characters like "@#$%%" it failed.
    Thank You!!!

    797241 wrote:
    I've search using your key terms and got a good code that works ("java sha-1 example")
    thanks for that
    I didn't got that when i was searchingHard to believe.
    So suggesting that working link was enough though you've put some other annoying comment tooIt is considered extremely bad mannered just to ask for code. If you have presented code that has problems and ask for help in fixing the problems you will normally get help but just to ask for code implies you are very lazy.
    thanks for that too
    I would rather prefer if you would have written "You are not going to get an answer, get the hell out of here!!!"Now that would have invoked the wrath of the moderators!
    P.S. Just using a SHA-1 digest is insecure as the result is open to a dictionary attack. You should use a randomly seeded digest with both the random value and digest value being stored in the database.

  • Demonstrating PL/SQL Functions Using SQL Developer

    Good afternoon,
    I'm starting to write some PL/SQL functions to replace some of the SQL that I use most frequently.  A couple of very simple examples would be:
    create or replace function func_test (p_1 number) return number
    x number;
    y number;
    x :=1;
    y :=2;
    return p_1 * x * y;
    end func_test;
    create or replace function func_test2 (p_1 varchar2) return varchar2
    return_val varchar2(10);
    select p_1 into return_val from dual;
    return return_val;
    end func_test2;
    However, at my workplace I haven't been granted create function privileges yet until I can demonstrate some examples, which is understandable.
    For the time being, without these privileges, is there a way I can build/test functions in principle locally using SQL Developer without the need to write the functions to our database? I.e. can I demonstrate the above in SQL Developer, but without wrapping in create or replace syntax?
    I hope this isn't too vague.
    Using Oracle 11gR2 (not logged in to workplace database at the moment for specific version no.)
    SQL Developer 3.4

    sb92075 02-Nov-2013 19:12 (in response to TinyPenguin)
    populating test DB with data is a solvable problem.
    You don't need client data to test code (functions).
    You only need sample test data; which generally is less than a few dozen records per table.
    Absolutely, of course. Our client database is pretty messy though, and includes data prior to the implementation of more recent business rules that I need to take account of. Useful perspective though, thanks.
    rp0428 02-Nov-2013 19:14 (in response to TinyPenguin)
    Sure, but then I wouldn't have access to all the data in our client database to test functions under various circumstances.
    Huh? Why not? It's your database so what keeps you from creating a database link to your client database where all the data is?
    Also, I suppose it's not good practice to constantly write/replace/drop functions to/from a database when developing them? Better to test the function in principle and then write to the database?
    Huh? Why not? What you think a dev database is for if not for development?
    Based on your two posts so far in this thread it's understandable why they don't want to give you privileges yet. Those sample 'functions' you posted are NOT a good use for functions.
    In sql developer you can just create and save the queries you use most often. There is no need to create functions for that.
    But if you do need an anonymous function now and then just create one using sql*plus syntax:
    Our IT department are pretty sensitive about how they allow access, even to the dev environment. As you've identified, I'm not naturally a programmer so the option to play around with the data to develop some representative examples about how we can simplify and devolve SQL reporting to more members of staff is useful to me. I just wrote those two function quickly for the purpose of posting some sample data, which I thought would be helpful. Thanks for illustrating how to return their output using an anonymous block.
    FrankKulash 02-Nov-2013 19:13 (in response to TinyPenguin)
    The obvious solution is to get the privileges.  If your employer really wants you to do something, they need to give you the necessary privileges to do it.  It's silly for them to tell you to do something, but refuse to let you do it.
    Failing that, you can install Oracle on your own machine, as suggested above.  It's free and legitimate if you're only using it for learning and developing.  Oracle Express Edition is very easy to install.
    As a last resort, you can write functions and procedures that are local to an anonymous block, like this:
    Thanks Frank. Yeah I'm going to speak with our DBA next week about privileges. I've got XE/SQL Developer installed on my own computer - I wrote those sample functions using them - I just wasn't sure how to call/return anonymous blocks as both you and rp identified to develop at work as an interim solution.
    Thanks a lot All,

  • Help with Hash Function in Properties

    Hi, I need to know the algorithm of the Hash Function that is used by Java in its HashMap, Properties, etc... classes.
    Can I get it somewhere or is it private? I need it for documentation purposes.

    You can download the source for the entire JDK from the usual download locations, so you can see the details of the implementation there. If you're looking for a higher level description, I don't know where you'd find that, other than a few pages which document general ways to get well distributed hashes; look at http://java.sun.com/developer/Books/effectivejava/Chapter3.pdf for an example of this - a chapter from the mighty Joshua Bloch's 'Effective Java'.

  • Sorting technique used by oracle for "order by" clause.

    Hi All,
    it could be very help to me if you provide some information about sorting technique used by oracle engine for order by clause.
    Issue i am facing :
    Table : xx
    Line Date
    1 05-06-2013 00:00:00
    2 05-06-2013 00:00:00
    when we query above table using order by date, it is returning line 2 prior to line 1. we would like to know why it is returning line 2 first?

    it could be very help to me if you provide some information about sorting technique used by oracle engine for order by clause.
    Well ok - but be warned that many people wind up being sorry they ask that question. Hopefully Hemant's answer is what you really wanted.
    See 'Linguistic Sorting and String Searching' in the Oracle® Database Globalization Support Guide
    Sorting will be controlled by the settings of NLS_LANGUAGE, NLS_SORT and NLS_COMP.
    Here is the doc page for NLS_SORT
    NLS_SORT specifies the type of sort for character data. It overrides the default value that is derived from NLS_LANGUAGE.
    NLS_SORT contains either of the following values:
    NLS_SORT = BINARY | sort_name
    BINARY specifies a binary sort. sort_name specifies a linguistic sort sequence.
    And the one for NLS_COMP
    The value of NLS_COMP affects the comparison behavior of SQL operations.
    You can use NLS_COMP to avoid the cumbersome process of using the NLSSORT function in SQL statements when you want to perform a linguistic comparison instead of a binary comparison. When NLS_COMP is set to LINGUISTIC, SQL operations perform a linguistic comparison based on the value of NLS_SORT. A setting of ANSI is for backward compatibility; in general, you should set NLS_COMP to LINGUISTIC when you want to perform a linguistic comparison.

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    Hai everybody, I need to send an extranal e-mail from R/3, I have a alv list and need to send to my extranal mail address(yahoo). SMTP configured in SCOT. and i tried to send mail from sapconnect but when i chek my inbox,not getting any mail if anyon

  • Cannot view content of pages created with WPC

    Hello everyone, When I create a page with WPC, I can only view the content with my super admin account. I have set read authorizations for everyone on the KM folders and for PCD with no result. The rest of the users cannot view the content. They can

  • Colors of the datgrid cell change on scrolling

    Hi, This issue is regarding datagrid. I am working on a functionality which involves the coloring of datagrid cell. When the user clicks a cell, a dropdown appears having the color names. This dropdown is a separate component which has been set as th

  • Where do my scans go?

    I am scdanning slides with a HP Scanjet G4050 scanner to a HP desktop using Windows 8.  I have it set up to scan to file.  With my preferences set to save as a tiff file, only the first slide of 16 slide scans appear in the designated file folder.