Hash & SHA-256

Does java card 2.2.2 support SHA-256 hash algorithm? In thejava card api there is MessageDigest class and ALG_SHA property. Which algorithm does it really represents? SHA-1 or SHA-256?

From MessageDigest in JC2.2.2:
public static final byte ALG_SHA_256 = 4;Cheers,

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    What version of SQL Server support ssl connection with TLS. 1.2 (SHA-256 HASH).
    if support already,
    how can i setting.
    plz.  help me!!! 

    The following blog states that SQL Server "leverages the SChannel layer (the SSL/TLS layer provided
    by Windows) for facilitating encryption.  Furthermore, SQL Server will completely rely upon SChannel to determine the best encryption cipher suite to use." meaning that the version of SQL Server you are running has no bearing on which
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    So the question then becomes which versions of Windows Server support TLS 1.2.  The following article indicates that Windows Server 2008 R2 and beyond support TLS 1.2.
    So if you are running SQL Server on Windows Server 2008 R2 or later you should be able to enable TLS 1.2 and install a TLS 1.2 certificate.  By following the instructions in the following article you should then be able to enable TLS 1.2 encryption
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    I hope that helps.

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  • Adobe reader x, and win7, sha-1 instead of sha-256

    Good afternoon,
    i have a problem similar to that posted at
    i try to sign the pdf (enable for signing with adobe livecycle ES, Right Managements)
    but it always is signed with hash algorithm SHA-1
    The hardware vendor of the smartcard, says that the problem is an adobe problem, because signing the file with its legacy software all works fine, and with its software the digest is SHA-256 (but the produced file is obviously not a signed pdf..)
    For italian law the supported digest is SHA-256, and NOT SHA-1
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    could be this the problem?
    So, before signing the pdf it just contains an adobe SHA-1 sign (coming from livecycle web service)
    With regards

    Hi GP,
    It's the smart card (or more correctly the software on the smart card) that is the bottleneck to getting to SHA-256. Here's what happens:
    NOTE: When I say Acrobat I really mean both Acrobat and Reader
    •    The user initiates the signing operation
    •    Acrobat asks the user to pick a digital ID
    •    The user select a digital ID from the drop-down list on the Sign Document dialog and then clicks the Sign button
    •    Acrobat needs to write the file to disk for security purposes (another issue) and puts up the Save As dialog
    •    The user selects a file name and save location and Acrobat writes the file to disk and it's at this time two things happen:
        o    The signature appearance is created so it can be part of the signed data (what you see in the signature field is not the signature, but rather a pictorial representation of the signature)
        o    A hole is created in the file and filled with zeros as a place holder where the actual signature will be written
    •    Acrobat computes the digest over the file, excluding the hole filled with zeros. By default Acrobat is using the SHA-256digest method
    •    Acrobat needs to get the digest encrypted (signed) by the private key associated with the signers digital ID
        o    If Acrobat has access to the private key it calls on the RSA library to do the encryption,
        o    If Acrobat doesn't have access to the private key it sends the SHA-256 digest to the software that does have access to the private key... In your case that's the cryptographic software residing on the smart card
    •    It's up to the cryptographic software to feed the 32 byte SHA-256 digest into its encryption algorithm and have the private key encrypt the digest
    •    The software on the smart card cannot handle a digest as large as 32-bytes, so it returns an error
    •    In Acrobat 9.0.0 and earlier once the error message was returned the signing process was aborted and signature did not get created. Starting with version 9.1 if a PKCS#11 (the specification for smart cards) error is returned  Acrobat falls back to re-computing the digest using SHA-1 and starts the process again. It's here where the smart card software is getting the 20-byte SHA-1 digest and can get it encrypted using the private key.
    •    Once the encrypted SHA-1 digest (this is really the digital signature) is computed the smart card sends it back to Acrobat
    •    Acrobat in turn writes the signature into the hole it created in the PDF file, overwriting the zeros with actual hex values.
    And that’s how you get a digital signature based on the SHA-1 digest method. If you absolutely need to use SHA-256 your only option is to get a newer smart card that can handle the larger digest.

  • How can I at-a-glance review a server's SHA-256 fingerprint in Thunderbird?

    All my IMAP sessions are created via SSL/TLS tunnels to the respective servers.
    Thunderbird dutifully highlights that the connection is encrypted with the small grey padlock icon in the folder pane. This is helpful.
    However, I would like to check the SHA-256 finderprint of the server's certificate on a regular basis, at a glance. Is there a way I can easily do this in Thunderbird?

    Hi ITBobbyP,
    If I understand correctly, you want to load data from multiple sheets in an .xlsx file into a SQL Server table.
    If in this scenario, please refer to the following tips:
    The Foreach Loop container should be configured as shown below:
    Enumerator: Foreach ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator
    Connection String: The OLE DB Connection String for the excel file.
    Schema: Tables.
    In the Variable Mapping, map the variable to Sheet_Name, and change the Index from 0 to 2.
    The connection string for Excel Connection Manager is the original one, we needn’t make any change.
    Change Table Name or View name to the variable Sheet_Name.
    If you want to load data from multiple sheets in multiple .xlsx files into a SQL Server table, please refer to following thread:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Windows 7 Comparability for SHA-256 (Code Signing)

    Dear All
       I want to know when the update for windows 7 (SHA-256 Code Signing Comparability -- for Kernel driver) will be available?

    I'm not sure whether you know this update KB 2949927, Microsoft is announcing the availability of an update for all supported editions of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 to add support for SHA-2 signing and verification functionality.
    Microsoft Security Advisory 2949927
    This blog can also be helpful
    Microsoft Security Advisory 2949927
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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    You can get in touch with Oracle Weblogic Support and give this bud id : bug8422724
    WLS 10.3.1 and above support certificates signed by sha256withRSA.

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    I think that it is best to keep the discussion in one thread, so I locking the other two that you created.
    Please continue here: [[/questions/976999]]

  • SHA-256 on ISE 3315 ?

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    I have no experience with those systems.
    Version information of installed applications
    Cisco Identity Services Engine
    Version     :
    Build Date   : Fri Oct 26 21:10:35 2012
    NAME: "ISE-3315-K9       chassis", DESCR: "ISE-3315-K9       chassis"
    PID: ISE-3315-K9       , VID: V01 ,
    Total RAM Memory: 4018932 kB
    CPU Core Count: 4
    CPU 0: Model Info: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU   Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
    CPU 1: Model Info: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU   Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
    CPU 2: Model Info: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU   Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
    CPU 3: Model Info: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU   Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
    Hard Disk Count(*): 2
    Disk 0: Device Name: /dev/sda
    Disk 0: Capacity: 250.00 GB
    Disk 0: Geometry: 255 heads 63 sectors/track 30401 cylinders
    Disk 1: Device Name: /dev/sdb
    Disk 1: Capacity: 250.00 GB
    Disk 1: Geometry: 255 heads 63 sectors/track 30401 cylinders
    NIC Count: 4

    Yes it should work with either SHA-1 or SHA-256. Reference.

  • Set Signature Algorithm to SHA-256 in CSR

    running 8.4(5) on ASA5550
    im trying to renew the certificate for webvpn, however we have a new requirement that  the signature  Algorithm should be SHA-256 but when i create the new RSA keys and enroll the trust-point to generate the CSR, i cant find where to change the signature Algorithm and it show
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    any advice..

    You can't change that on the ASA .  Check with your CA the one who is signing the request for you .

  • ADT error : SHA-256 digest algorithm not available

    Hello everyone!
    I'm trying to do a real test with my Adobe air projet (wich is working fine on ADL), but when i'm trying to compile it with ADT, I get this error, whatever I write..
    Exeption in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: SHA-256 digest algorithm not available
                             at com.adobe.air.AIROutputStream.<init><AIROutputStream.java:37>
                             at come.adobe.air.AIRPackager.newUCFOutputStream<AIRPackager.java:383>
                             at come.adobe.ucf.Packager.<init><Packager.java:30>
                             at com.adobe.air.ADT.main<ADT.java:37>
    How can I fix this bug?

    Here is the command I am using to creat myself a new certificate :
    adt –certificate -cn SelfSigned 1024-RSA sampleCert.pfx samplePassword
    I get this error even if I only write "adt". It's very strange..
    Thanks for your help !

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    Would anybody know what is the signature hash algorithm being used by Apple Mail ?
    And can be selected ?
    As NIST recommends the use of SHA-2 in 2011.
    I have searched quite a while but no information is found in this area.
    Thanks your help in advance !

    I've had the same problem now for approximately 6 months. Many of the senders in my inbox are wrong. I haven't changed anything other than upgraded to OS 10.7. It only effects some emails and not all. It is a problem when I search as well because the sender details can't be found
    Please help!!!

  • Hash() - SHA-512 clarification

    Does anyone know what algorithm is used in the SHA-512 option for the Hash function?
    The CF docs state "SHA-512: Generates an 88-character string using the SHA-1 algorithm specified by FIPS-180-2."
    I'm assuming this is a typo, since 256, 384, etc. all state that they use the corresponding algorithm... but can anyone say for sure?

    It's most definitely a typo because SHA-512 is part of the SHA2 family
    of hash functions.

  • HASH SHA not working or?

    I am trying to return a hash conversion of a string with
    SHA-1 algorithm. I expect to see 28-character string but I am
    getting 40 character string (probably a hexadecimal)
    code is very simple:
    <cfset x=hash('a','SHA')>
    <cfdump var="#x#">
    the output is: 86F7E437FAA5A7FCE15D1DDCB9EAEAEA377667B8
    What am I doing wrong?

    The documentation seems inaccurate. 40 char string is normal.
    You can read the comment by
    Hallow said on Jan 7, 2006 at 3:26 PM :
    on this page.
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/7/htmldocs/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?cont ext=ColdFusion_Documentation&file=00000503.htm

  • Where's the MD5 or SHA-1 or SHA-256 etc. for the beta downloads?????

    there are no links to the checksums on the beta downloads page. Loads of advertising though. The difficulty of entering this support information would thwart over 95% of all feedback. This is so obvious but what is also continuously obvious to me is the incompetence of software organizations (commercial or open source). PULL YOUR HEADS OUT. Never make someone search for duplicate bugs on a bug submission page. You people make spyware CHROME look viable!!!

    '''Other issues needing your attention'''
    The information submitted with your question indicates that you have out of date plugins with known security and stability issues that should be updated. To see the plugins submitted with your question, click "More system details..." to the right of your original question post.
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.3"
    **New Adobe Reader X (version 10) with Protected Mode just released 2010-11-19
    **See: http://www.securityweek.com/adobe-releases-acrobat-reader-x-protected-mode
    *Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
    #'''Check your plugin versions''': http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update Adobe Reader (PDF plugin):'''
    #*From within your existing Adobe Reader ('''<u>if you have it already installed</u>'''):
    #**Open the Adobe Reader program from your Programs list
    #**Click Help > Check for Updates
    #**Follow the prompts for updating
    #**If this method works for you, skip the "Download complete installer" section below and proceed to "After the installation" below
    #*Download complete installer ('''if you do <u>NOT</u> have Adobe Reader installed'''):
    #**Use the links below to avoid getting the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager and other "extras" you may not want
    #**Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the appropriate link below
    #**Click "Save to File"; save to your Desktop (so you can find it)
    #**After download completes, close Firefox
    #**Click the installer you just downloaded and allow the install to continue
    #***Note: Vista and Win7 users may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #**'''<u>Download link</u>''': ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/
    #***Choose your OS
    #***Choose the latest #.x version (example 9.x, for version 9)
    #***Choose the highest number version listed
    #****NOTE: 10.x is the new Adobe Reader X (Windows and Mac only as of this posting)
    #***Choose your language
    #***Download the file
    #***Windows: choose the .exe file; Mac: choose the .dmg file
    #*Using either of the links below will force you to install the "getPlus" Adobe Download Manager. Also be sure to uncheck the McAfee Scanner if you do not want the link forcibly installed on your desktop
    #**''<u>Also see Download link</u>''': http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/
    #**Also see: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Adobe+Reader+plugin+with+Firefox (do not use the link on this page for downloading; you may get the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager (Adobe DLM) and other "extras")
    #*After the installation, start Firefox and check your version again.
    #'''Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download and SAVE to your Desktop so you can find the installer later
    #*If you do not have the current version, click on the "Player Download Center" link on the "'''Download and information'''" or "'''Download Manual installers'''" below
    #*After download is complete, exit Firefox
    #*Click on the installer you just downloaded and install
    #**Windows 7 and Vista: may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #*Start Firefox and check your version again or test the installation by going back to the download link below
    #*'''Download and information''': http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
    #**Use Firefox to go to the above site to update the Firefox plugin (will also install plugin for most other browsers; except IE)
    #**Use IE to go to the above site to update the IE ActiveX
    #*'''Download Manual installers'''. Note separate links for:
    #**Plugin for Firefox and most other browsers
    #**ActiveX for IE

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