Have you tried statistics? (CS3 Extended)...

a.k.a. the people remover.
An article in the March Photoshop user talks of Statistics, (File>Scripts>Statistics).
In it the author Jim DiVitale took multiple images of an airport corridor/concourse with people randomly walking through the scene. The images, six in all, were put into a folder and the script chosen from the file menu -- in the resulting dialog, the the folder with the six images were chosen from Use: drop down menu and Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images checked and Median was chosen under Stack Mode:
The images are processed and whatever is different in the images is eliminated (result is a Smart Object). Pretty amazing. As a photographer I can see some practical use for this.
Here is a web link for a page I found that (better) describes what I'm talking about.
Check it out. Pretty cool.
Edited by ps1: guess the link (href tag still not use usable)

Try resetting your Photoshop preferences by holding down the control-alt-shift keys simultaneously on the way into Photoshop.
Try doing a System Restore back to a day and time just prior to when this issue first occured.
Try uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop.

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    Hi Lori,
    I meant a CD or DVD burned from within iPhoto 5.
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         [http://java.sun.com/javaone/sf/media_shell.jsp?id=FRdamp267672] You can find other videos of JavaOne keynote sessions here:

    I tried VisualVM on windows server 2003, 64 bit, on jdk 1.6.06 64bit vm.
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    (it supports to be the Tomcat6 process, I can validate this by checking hsperfdata_Administartor folder)
    However in right panel, I cannot monitor this Tomcat6 process. I got a 'not supported for this JVM' in the JVM arguments tab.
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    Quote from: David J on 18-May-09, 03:15:41
    You asked Mike, but in layman's terms smart fan is a fan that will automatically adjust its rpms based on the system's temperature. S3 is an industry standard for when the computer goes to "sleep" in order to save energy.
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    And my system sounds like a rocket ship, LOL, fans are LOUD.
    hope someone can help ,me.

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    does not have integrated TRIM support.
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    - run the power provided by the Mac Mini's (5V) integrated PSU
    - don't require TRIM support to manage garbage collection on the hardware level.
    So far, i've only 2 candidates:
    - Crucial RealSSD
    - Kingston V100+
    Which one will you shell out for and why?
    Additional question:
    - If i remove the superdrive on my mac mini, can i get a external USB superdrive? is there such a thing at all?

    theres no reason why it should not work, plug in the HDMI cable, select the Source input on LCD(HDMI 1/2), if still no picture on the Mini open System Pref>Display : Resolution> it should show 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p and other lower resolutions, just select 1080p and to your right select 60hz. Hope this helps.

  • Have you tried running Oracle Graphics demo in 6i? Urgent

    I have tried old OGDEMO package which perfectly runs with Forms
    4.5 and Graphics 2.5 the same with og.pll library after
    recompiling in 6i, giving errors like og-01629 and og-00609.
    Drill Down demo example is not working and so many others.
    Please guide.
    Thanking You

    I have followed your suggestion and did as per the instructions in the demo.
    Please find below the details :
    1. I have copied the 'Demos 11g' folder in the folder which contains the 'Forms' folder. (meaning my Forms and Demos 11g are in the same location)
    2. In the application definition in the formsweb.cfg file - I have added the FormsGraph.jar. Check the below line.
    3.Then I copied the FormsGraph.jar file into the forms/java directory.
    4.I have also made the below entry in the formsweb.cfg
    * I was able to execute the Graph.fmb and could see the Graph. *
    But in the layout editor i got this error :
    FRM-13008 Cannot find JavaBean with the name 'Oracle.forms.demos.bigraph.FormsGraph' .
    To resolve this I updated my CLASS_PATH (env variable in the system - control panel)
    And the above error was resolved. :-).
    But the sad part is that now when i execute the Graph.fmb , I CANNOT SEE the graph :( :(
    I reverted back the change that I made with the CLASS_PATH variable but still the graph is not visible.
    Please help.
    PS: sorry for such a long post.
    Edited by: 883955 on Sep 13, 2011 8:03 PM

  • Have you tried Dmail?

    I installed it last week and also use Virtru.  They both seem to have a limited use case for me though.  They can't really 'self destruct' a message because someone can take a screen shot of it or write it down, so there is that.  Sometimes I use it email credentials or other sensitive data, but really the same things applies where the recipient can write it down on a sticky and leave it on their desktop and all the encryption and self destruct options don't help.
    So the best use case I can think of for myself is to email an untrusted vendor/customer some credentials or other sensitive data and tell them the email will be destroyed after some hours, but even then I don't feel I have gained much..

    Just got wind of a new Chrome plugin that makes it easy to send self-destructing messages to people. It's not exactly a new concept (a few other tools do this), but I thought I'd share: 
    I could see this being handy if I needed to send someone login credentials or things of that nature, but is this something you could see yourself using? 
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

  • WiFi Hotspot - have you tried it?

    I tried using my Droid X as a WiFi Hotspot this weekend at my son's house. Previously I had a feature phone and frequently used it to provide Internet access for my laptop with no difficulty. The WiFi hotspot was another matter entirely. At first it stayed connected for a long time - probably over an hour. Then it just shut off and I had to click on the application to get it to start the hotspot again. The time it would stay up got shorter and shorter until I got to the point where I could only load one page before it would drop. At times it reported that the service was unavailable. This was at the same time that a MiFi and Verizon USB modem both worked flawlessly.
    Signal conditions probably couldn't be better. I could look out the window and see the Verizon antenna and the phone reported 3G/4 bars at all time. This is out in the country so the cell towers probably operate at a higher power than where they are spaced closer in the city.
    I spoke with a Verizon tech and she suggested pulling the battery while the phone was on to force a full restart of the OS. That took me from a page at a time to about 20 minutes of uptime. (Interesting - the Droid X hotspot commercial just came on TV. ) This morning I just gave up as the link dropped repeatedly in the middle of downloading a batch of podcasts.
    The performance of the WiFi Hotspot is a huge disappointment and bordering on unusable at times, even in locations with a superior signal.
    I'm curious if anyone else has used the hotspot feature and if so, how did your experience compare.

    I looked at using btrfs as it is one of the few file systems in linux with built-in compressed read/write support, but find its compression implementation too poorly executed to use at the moment...
    When I do a df on my root partition when mounted with reiser4 (which I use chose to use after trying btrfs) I get:
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 463M 393M 71M 85% /
    Which is fine, and when I start using more space the amount of available slowly decreases to 0 (at which point you can run into kernel oops type issues :-s ) which is faily logical...
    But when trying to do the same with btrfs I get:
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/loop0 490M 322M 169M 66% /mnt
    which looks really good (ie heaps better compression performance etc), however when I try and put more files on the btrfs filesystem I get out of space errors after copying on only another 20mb and df reports:
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/loop0 490M 328M 163M 67% /mnt
    implying there's a whole pile of space there to use even though there's not... Which is difficult to deal with... (read as crap to deal with :-p )
    I can also fit a little over 100mb (of randomly installed packages) more on the partition with reieser4 than with btrfs which is a big bonus imo (or big negative of btrfs)....
    Their compression setup seems quite flawed to my eye, and compression is something very important to my choice of filesystem...
    So in my experience btrfs isn't as yet polished enough to fulfil its potential (just for what I use it for though, I know btrfs is designed to do a whole pile of things reiser4 isn't)...
    Last edited by bruce (2010-09-09 04:54:48)

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