Having trouble signing in?

I just re-downloaded Adobe Premiere Elements 12 onto my Windows Desktop. Whenever I click on the program to open it, it asks me to sign in with my Adobe ID. So, when I click on "Sign in Now," it loads for a while before a screen pops up and says we can't connect to the internet. Which doesn't make sense because I'm connected to my internet, clearly.
Anyone have a similar issue or a solution?

In 2014 I had several problems with my Premiere Elements 12/12.1 Windows and Sign In after an uninstall/reinstall.
Please see if any of these solutions work for you
ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE12: Sign In Failure (Connect to Internet or Fix Computer Clock)
ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE12: Premiere Elements 12 Editor Will Not Open
We will be looking forward to your follow up.
If any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you.

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    asdfjava-er wrote:
    The book that I'm using said it wasn't necessary for this because it's supposed to just make sure everything is working properly--which it's not.OK, if you want to ignore my advice, so be it, but please don't complain that it is not going to work without even trying it yourself.
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