HD Video Youtube Adding Graphics

Hi everyone,
Again I will award you with 10000 karma points for your help on this one!
I have been filming in ADHD and have recently added graphics - while I love the look of the video the file size is - you guessed it - MASSIVE... and the graphics when played back on HD format are a little scratchy and bumpy. So what I am thinking is to convert the HD video into Youtube format and THEN add the graphics to the video -- however... I would like to know if ANYONE out there knows the size in pixles that my video background (graphic) should be to blend with the newly converted YouTube format?
Again Karma points people

Ummm Hi John,
I still dont understand what was written on that link that you sent me - I just want to know what the pixle size of a frame is for a video that has been exported from HD into YouTube settings? Forget my ignorance I am completely and utterly new to Premiere Pro and honestly value the patience that you guys have with me on these forums. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Or if there is another way to do what I want to do then please contact me or reply here. I basically want the video to be in a smaller format (Ideally for YouTube) and then want to add graphic to the video so that both the graphics and the video play back smoothly.
- Again thank you all soooooooo much for your time and attention

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    Hi all,
    I hope you can help! Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I'm struggling to find the best place to put this.
    1. a summary of your issue
    Crackling/substandard sound in flash videos (YouTube etc) regardless of video quality setting.
    2. the type of computer you use—Mac or PC?
    Desktop PC.
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, all updates installed.
    3. steps you've already taken to troubleshoot
    The problem occurs after installing Adobe Flash Player 15 Plugin to any browser (I mainly use FireFox). It's listed as Adobe Flash Player 15 ActiveX when I installed it for Internet Explorer.
    Before installing it, I can hear the videos fine but I am limited to a maximum of 720p quality on YouTube.
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    a) Generic PnP monitor Troubleshoot tab - Change Settings button is greyed out (whether or not I have the real/generic/universal graphics drivers installed). Can't find a way through nVidia control panel to do this either.
    b) Disabled hardware acceleration in FireFox - no change.
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    I recently reformatted and re-installed my PC, it was working fine before I did this (maybe I had an old Flash release installed?).
    I'm at my wit's end... please help!

    Sorry, it's all sorted now. After re-installing the sound drivers, decided to tinker with the settings one by one. I had my Creative sound card in Game Mode, thus it was assuming 2.1 speakers aka headphones. Put it in Entertainment Mode and it recognised all the 5.1 speakers for flash videos. Doh!

  • All of a sudden (video) files added to my iTunes library after a certain date aren't playable on other devices.

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    This is the situation so far:
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    I encode my videos with Quicktime 7 Pro using the following settings:
    H.264 (current frame rate, key-frames:automatic, re-order frames, automatic bitsize)
    Medium Quality
    current resolution (which is always 1280 X 720)
    AAC sound
    44.100 kHz
    I'm using the Mountain lion 10.8.2 and iTunes 10.7 Mountain lion got updated a few days after 19th of september and iTunes i think as well. Both versions were released after this issue seemed to pop up.
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    So I wonder if there is somebody out there that can tell me what might have happened here and how I could fix this issue.
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Seraphiel07.
    I have a very similar issue. Hardware involved:
    Apple MacMini (Mid 2011) - OSX 10.8.2. iTunes 10.7. Home Sharing enabled.
    Apple TV (3rd Generation). Home Sharing (access) enabled.
    Apple MacBook Pro (15" Mid-2009). OSX 10.8.2. iTunes 10.7. Home Sharing enabled.
    Apple iPad 2 (Wifi only). iOS 6
    Apple iPhone 4S. iOS 6
    All connected through:
    Apple Time Capsule 8.0211n (4th Gen)
    I have an iTunes library on the MacBook Pro, shared over "Home Sharing" and another (duplicate content, different library name) iTunes library on my MacMini, which is also accessed through the Apple TV.
    All software is current (as of Sep 26th).
    All movies are iTunes purchases. 80 in total.
    All files are purchased (and home shared) under one account.
    My last two iTunes purchases both HD movies on 09/17/2012 and 09/05/2012 refuse to appear on any device accessing either of the two Libraries over Home Sharing. It should be noted that every other movie (the other 78) all show up and play correctly. I therefore know it is not an issue with connectivity, otherwise I would see zero movies available.
    I have:
    1. Removed all content from each Library and re-added
    2. Upgraded the OS on the MacMini 10.8.2
    3. Tested viewing the two missing movies on other Apple devices and no luck.
    4. Turn home sharing on and off within iTunes and also on each device.
    It would appear to me that the issue is with the files themselves, rather than the devices as different devices and different versions have been tested.
    All comments welcome.

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    Agreed it is a shame. This is the second time to hear of this glitch. I do not know if it constitutes a bug however.
    If you want to report it to Apple's engineers, send a bug report via its Bug Reporter system. To do this, join the Mac Developer Program—it's free and available for all Mac users and gets you a look at some development software. Since you already have an Apple username/ID, use that. Once a member, go to Apple BugReporter and file your bug report. The nice thing with this procedure is that you get a response and a follow-up number thus starting a dialog with engineering.
    Message was edited by: leroydouglas

  • Embed video youtube in LiveCycle Designer ES

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    Was du vorhast ist bislang nicht möglich.
    Acrobat / Reader X unterstützen zwar schon XFA 3.3, das es ermöglicht Flash-Dateien in XFA-Formulare einzubetten, aber bislang gibt es noch keine Version des LiveCycle Designer, die diese Funktion unterstützt.
    Du wirst auf die nächste Version warten müssen, wann immer die auch veröffentlicht wird.
    Youtube-Videos müsstest du dann aber auch immer erst in Flash umwandeln.

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    merci a tous pour les nombreuses réponse. j'ai dû mal a les lire vue que je ne lit que le français. je vous remercié encore une fois amicalement. Blanchette 2.
    Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:50:19 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: I'm having problems with Flash Videos (Youtube and ESPN)
    What I meant is Hardware Acceleration off (disabled).

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    Model number PSC12C-05U00S
    Serial number XXXXXXXXX
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    Go to Solution.

    I tired this and it worked:
    Adobe Flash Player plug-in
    Adobe Flash Player is directly integrated with Google Chrome and enabled by default. Available updates for Adobe Flash Player are automatically included in Chrome system updates.
    If you want to use Adobe Flash Player in other browsers, you’ll need to separately download the Adobe Flash Playerfor those browsers.Enable or disable Adobe Flash Player
    These instructions apply to Google Chrome on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS.
    Type chromelugins in the address bar to open the Plug-ins page.
    On the Plug-ins page that appears, find the "Flash" listing.
    To enable Adobe Flash Player, click the Enable link under its name.
    To disable Adobe Flash Player completely, click the Disable link under its name.
    Note: If you've previously installed Adobe Flash Player separately, you'll see two files listed for the plug-in. If both are listed as enabled, the version bundled with Chrome will be used. To enable a specific version of Adobe Flash Player, clickDetails in the upper-right corner of the page. Then click the Enable link for the version of Adobe Flash Player you want to enable. The table below shows the filename for the version that is integrated with Google Chrome. more at the link above ..... 

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    Repair permissions.
    Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the menu bar, quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.
    If that didn't help, install the v10.5.8 combo update.
    Mac OS X 10.5.8 Combo Update

  • It seems that the installation is complete,but it is not working,i still can't watch videos @ youtub

    while installing the flash player 10.1,i have followed all the instructions properly & it seems & it shows that the installation is done.but i still couldn't find the programme in my 'control panel'..... & still can't watch videos @ youtube etc. it shows a message that i have to upgrade my flash player & have to download version 10.1. i have reinstalled it 5-6 times . but the problem has not been solved yet. could anyone please help me what should i do??? how will i be able to watch videos @ youtube??

    Try the following
    download the FP uninstaller from http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/141/tn_14157.html (save to disk);
    download the FP installer(s)
    for Internet Explorer http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_ax.exe (save to disk);
    for all other browsers http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player.exe (save to disk);
    now close all browser windows and run the downloaded uninstaller;
    reboot Windows;
    go to C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash and delete any files left in there;
    now run the downloaded installer(s).
    Can you see the Flash animation at http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ ?

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    Windows 7 ultimate, Firefox 6.0.1

    Did this just start recently? Since you are running Firefox 6, I don't think it's due to a change in Firefox, but it could be related to a Flash player update. There are some compatibility issues between the latest Flash player and some Firefox add-ons or settings. Could you see whether anything in this article helps: [[Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox]].

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    What I really need is a sample program that shows how to link a graphic to the text.

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    I cannot see any video ( youtube etc ) on firefox. Using mac osx 10.5.2. All other browsers OK.
    I cannot see any video ( youtube etc ) or anything with video when using firefox 4.0.1. I am using a macbook running mac osx 10.5.2. This has suddenly occured but I can get video on safari 3.0.4 and Chrome so I know its not my laptop. Have not changed any settings recently.

  • Iphone 5 in the apple official video is 3d graphic?

    I recently read the article about shooting commercials of apple product.
    http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/8/4311868/the-illusion-of-simplicity-photographer -peter-belanger-on-shooting
    Surprisingly, photos of commercials or homepage are not just a 3D rendering.
    What I need to know is, whether the images of iphone 5 in the "iphone 5 official video" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNM8XyMH5qw) which was played in 2012 special event, september, is also "real picture" or 3D rendering.
    I'm attatching screen shots of the video which I want to know if real picture or 3d rendering.
    Of course, I know it's been re-touched or color-adjusted after taken evenif it's real picture.
    What I want to know is whether the screenshots im attatching is based on "real" video of the product, or just totally 3D graphics which is made by computer without camera.
    ps, honestly I'm not sure this forum can help me with this issue.
          If it doesn't help with this issue, could you tell me which department I should ask to for help??

    Again: What is your technical support question for this community?
    Please read: https://discussions.apple.com/___sbsstatic___/apple/tutorial/tou.html

  • AIR for Android - StageWebView and Video (YouTube iFrame)

    Hey all,
    I've been converting an iOS tablet app over to Android and I've noticed the StageWebView has some curious limitations, especially with anything that accessed the GPU (video, etc).
    At first the embedded YouTube (iframe) videos would just show the first frame of the video dutifully with the usual play button. When pressed, the video went black and all I heard was audio. The reason I even mention this is it took quite a while to locate this Adobe page with a section entitled "Enabling Flash Player and other plug-ins in a StageWebView object". So I added in the application tag to enable the plugins with acceleration (<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true"/>) and now I can see video.
    The erratic thing is on ICS (Android 4.0.x) the video plays in the StageWebView but it horizontally closes to about 20% its normal width. The video player doesn't scale to 20% width, the iframe is just somehow collapsing to that narrow width removing the ability to see 80% of the video or use the controls (e.g. no fullscreen button visible).
    When tested on Jelly Bean (4.1.x) the video does not pinch horizontally, it (amusingly) plays horizontally backwards (mirrored) and upside down.
    Previously with hardwareAccelerated="true" missing I could press play and then toggle fullscreen and the video would work fine. After adding hardwareAccelerated="true" I can no longer use fullscreen, it crashes the devices after locking up.
    I also tried appending ?html5=1 to the YouTube videos to force GoogleAPI to choose a HTML5 player. This didn't do anything.
    Has anyone found the sacred tome of knowledge required to get an embedded YouTube video to play in a StageWebView iframe?

    Hi Sinuous.  Thanks for all your good help so far.
    I decided to go the ANE route.  I found an example ANE that plays videos, to follow, and I am getting on famously so far.  I can send a message from Javascript (in the SWV) to Flex (using the location trick), and from there I instruct the ANE to show and play the video, which appears on top of the SWV.  Huzzah.   I have two questions for you (or others listening).
    1.  My build has one platform:   <platform name="Android-ARM">
          Do I need another for Intel, or other architectures that Andriod supports?
    2.  My video appears full-screen.  How can I control the size and position of the video?  I've tried a couple
         of things that don't seem to work.  The code resembles this:
    //get the root container
              ViewGroup rootContainer = (ViewGroup)((ViewGroup)getActivity().findViewById(android.R.id.content)).getChildAt(0);
    //make a VideoView
              VideoView videoView = new VideoView(getActivity());
              videoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(getActivity()));
    //make a video container and add the video view
              ViewGroup videoContainer = new FrameLayout(getActivity());
              videoContainer(videoView, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
    //add the video container to the root container
              rootContainer.addView (videoContainer, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.CENTER));
    //set the video URL and start it

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