HDS stream with delay

Hi all,
there is something to set in OSMF property, similar to the smooth streaming's "live backoff"?
In plain words something that allows to start the live video with delay, specially with HDS stream.
Thanks in advance

Only about 5% - 7% consumed by FLE
The rest is almost idle.
I allready switch to high priority and remains the same...
Message was edited by: eduardoluis2010

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  • HDS streaming is not working, error: problem with playback

    We have a problem to do HDS streaming in my FMS ...attached the screenshot showing error when i tried in my sample video player.
    Normally what could be the reason for it. RTMP is working without any probelms.
    Please advice where I can check the errorlogs for this issue.

    FMS version 4.5
    # cat Event.xml
    # cat Manifest.xml
    <manifest xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/f4m/1.0">
      <media streamId="livestream" bitrate="350" />
    # This is the main Apache server configuration file.  It contains the
    # configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
    # See <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/> for detailed information.
    # In particular, see
    # <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/directives.html>
    # for a discussion of each configuration directive.
    # Please see httpd.conf.orig for the configuration of a default
    # (non-FMS) installation of apache.
    Listen 80
    #Listen 8134
    # If you plan to run FMS as root on linux, you _must_ specify a
    # valid user, with access to the FMS installation direction, or
    # apache will not run.
    # If you've used the default installer, nobody (or whatever other
    # username you gave to the installer) will work here.
    # If you're running a developer build under your own home directory,
    # you should use your own username.
    User fms
    Group fms
    AccessFileName .htaccess
    ServerSignature On
    UseCanonicalName Off
    HostnameLookups Off
    Timeout 120
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    MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
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    ErrorLog logs/error_log
    LogLevel info
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
    CustomLog logs/access_log combined
    # Proxy rtmpt to FMS
    ProxyRequests Off
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        Allow from
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    #LoadModule usertrack_module modules/mod_usertrack.so
    #LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.so
    #LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
    # The following section enables caching of Just-In-Time packaged content     #
    # Use htcacheclean tool to manage the amount of data that is cached on disk. #
    # See Apache documentation for its usage.                                    #
    # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/programs/htcacheclean.html                #
    # Make sure the directory specified by the CacheRoot directive exists. The   #
    # default is a directory named cacheroot that is directly under the Apache   #
    # installation directory.                                                    #
    # For more information on content caching, see Apache documentation          #
    # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/caching.html                              #
    # Uncomment this to enable caching
    #LoadModule cache_module modules/mod_cache.so
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            CacheEnable disk /hls-vod
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            CacheMaxFileSize 10000000
            CacheLock On
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        AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/vnd.apple.mpegurl
        SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "^" dont-vary
        SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:vnd\.apple\.mpegurl)$ !no-gzip !dont-vary
        Header append Vary Accept-Encoding env=!dont-vary
    LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
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        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
    # Drop the Range header when more than 5 ranges.
    # CVE-2011-3192
    SetEnvIf Range (,.*?){5,} bad-range=1
    RequestHeader unset Range env=bad-range
    # map old style url to new (as of FMS 4.5), more compact url
    Redirect 301 /live/events/livepkgr/events /hds-live/livepkgr
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        HttpStreamingEnabled true
        HttpStreamingLiveEventPath "../applications"
        HttpStreamingContentPath "../applications"
        HttpStreamingF4MMaxAge 2
        HttpStreamingBootstrapMaxAge 2
        HttpStreamingDrmmetaMaxAge 2
        HttpStreamingFragMaxAge -1
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
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        HttpStreamingLiveEventPath "../applications"
        HttpStreamingContentPath "../applications"
        HLSMediaFileDuration 8000
        HLSSlidingWindowLength 6
        HLSFmsDirPath ".."
        HLSM3U8MaxAge 2
        HLSTSSegmentMaxAge -1
        HLSMaxEventAge 300
        HttpStreamingUnavailableResponseCode 503
    # Uncomment the following directives to enable encryption
    # for this location.
    #    HLSEncryptionScope server
    #    HLSEncryptCipherKeyFile "../phls/liveeventkey.bin"
    #    HLSEncryptKeyURI        "https://<ServerName>/hls-key/liveeventkey.bin"
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
    <Location /hls-vod>
        HLSHttpStreamingEnabled true
        HLSMediaFileDuration 8000
        HttpStreamingContentPath "../webroot/vod"
        HLSFmsDirPath ".."
        HLSJITConfAllowed true
    # Uncomment the following directives to enable encryption
    # for this location.
    #    HLSEncryptionScope server
    #    HLSEncryptCipherKeyFile "../phls/vodkey.bin"
    #    HLSEncryptKeyURI        "https://<ServerName>/hls-key/vodkey.bin"
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
    LoadModule jithttp_module modules/mod_jithttp.so
    <IfModule jithttp_module>
    <Location /hds-vod>
        HttpStreamingJITPEnabled true
        HttpStreamingContentPath "../webroot/vod"
        HttpStreamingJITConfAllowed true
        JitFmsDirPath ".."
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
    LoadModule ctrlplane_module modules/mod_ctrlplane.so
    <IfModule ctrlplane_module>
    <Location /ctrlplane>
                    SetHandler ctrlplane
                    HdsHttpStreamingLiveEventPath "../applications"
                    HlsHttpStreamingLiveEventPath "../applications"
                    MaxBootstrapAge 300
                    Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
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                Allow from all
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    #for HLS.
    #Include conf/httpd-hls-secure.conf

  • How does exactly AMS sync a video stream with another stream of audio only ?

    I have the following situation: 2 instances of FMLE on one machine and another machine with AMS Starter.
    The instances of the FMLE are:
    1. Video H.264 + audio MP3
    2. Audio only MP3 - track 1
    The application on AMS is a livepkgr/_definst_ and i am using HDS with a live event
    I have an OSMF based player to consume the streams and to do audio switch using late binding audio.
    When I consume the Video with the Default audio everything works just fine. The problem is that when I try to consume the Video with the other audio track, the audio tack has a 1 second delay compared to the video.
    I have tried to fix this by changing the configurations on the FMLE, but it doesnt seem to work. So I really want to know how does exactly AMS syncronize differents streams, in this case a video stream with a different audio stream.

    First, what is the file format, and its specs. for the remote recorder?
    Though the rates of modern cameras and digital recorders SHOULD match 100%, in the real-world, they seldom do. This make perfect syncing a labor intensive process.
    One should do tests between the cameras and the recorders, to find out the % or error. Then, adjust their Audio to match first. As an example, one user in the PrPro Forum tested his Panasonic cameras, and his Zoom recorders, and found that the Zooms were off by 0.04% constantly. To correct this, he used the Time Remapping (with Maintain Pitch checked), and would apply that adjustment to all of the Zooms' files - perfect sync.
    As for the Waveform not displaying for your remote recorder, did you allow those files to completely Conform (creation of the CFA and PEK files, the latter is the Waveform Display)? See this article: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/726693?tstart=30
    Also, you should be able to increase the vertical zoom of your Audio Tracks, and hence any Clips on them, by hovering the Cursor over the junction between Tracks, in the Track Header, and when it turns into a = sign, with up/down arrows, click+drag. Then, you should be able to find commonality in the beginning, to sync up to. Tip: for this critical work, toggle the Snap feature OFF, with the S key.
    Good luck,

  • Synchronize on video stream with mplayer

    I recently bought an EasyCap DC60+ USB adapter. It is an RCA -> USB adapter which is recognized as an USB webcam by the kernel.
    I installed the easycapd60 module and it works fine for video with no sound, but I can't get audio working correctly. It looks like my audio stream is 1 second late on the video stream (I get the sound one second after the image).
    The problem is that mplayer is synchronizing the playback on the audio stream (I think). That means that my video stream is delayed in order for it to be in sync with the audio stream. As I want to use this DC60+ adapter to play video games on my computer screen, I can't tolerate a 1 second delay.
    A solution to this problem would be to ask mplayer to synchronize on the video stream instead of the audio stream, then play with the A/V sync parameters to get the audio synchronized. But I can't find the parameter to do this in the mplayer manpage.
    So my question is the following : does this parameter exist ? And is there another solution I didn't think of which could solve my problem ?
    Last edited by delroth (2010-06-06 00:26:14)

    Did you have to do anything special to get the DC60+ to work?  I've got one installed using the em28xx driver and it eventually makes my USB mouse stop responding, and sometimes the whole system crashes after that.

  • Custom metadata in HDS stream bound for OSMF

    Can someone tell me which "BOX" (atom) type in a HDS stream I could use to embed custom timeline metadata?  I have access to, and can modify, the raw HDS stream.   MDAT, MOOF,etc....? The stream will be played back in OSMF, and presumably I can modify BoxParser and HHTPStreamingF4FFileHandler to parse the appropriate box.  Presumably this is how CuePoints and such are tunneled from AMS/FMS.
    -- Brad

    Another point to note is that once I start publishing to the
    recording app, I get the metadata of the stream with
    objMetadata = Stream.getOnMetaData("streamname");
    and trace the properties of the objMetadata object every 1/2
    second (this is purely for debugging purposes while I work out what
    the hell is going on). But for around the first 30 seconds, nothing
    is output! Then all of a sudden, the output starts tracing to
    screen. IF my customduration metadata is there, it has its initial
    value as indicated in my post above (for example 7), and never
    increments. But more interestingly, the duration metadata that FMS
    automatically inserts might say 39.076 once the traces start coming
    through! So I would at least think that my customduration would be
    around 39 give or take. Also the FMS duration says 39.076, but then
    it stays at the same value for a while, even though it's being
    traced every 1/2 a second, then it might say 71.200, then stays the
    same for about 30 seconds, then 104.863 and so on.
    This makes sense if this is only being updated in memory
    every 30 seconds or so (the docs state that the 'data keyframe is a
    special data message that can be added to a live stream and stored
    in the memory of the server'), but then it also means that when
    reading it, we will never know if this is actually correct! I mean
    if I connect and get the metadata and the duration says 71, I'm
    going to assume that I connected to the live stream 71 seconds in,
    but it could have been saying 71 for the past 20 seconds, and I'm
    really 91 seconds into the live stream!

  • Max buffer size for HDS streams

    How does OSMF (v2.0) compute the max buffer length for HDS streams (pre-recorded)?
    I have  mediaPlayer.bufferTime = 5 seconds, but I see that even on very good b/w connections, the buffer length does not exceed 7.5 secs. Is there a way to increase the maximum buffer length value, so that clients on higher b/w can accumulate a larger buffer?
    By comparison, for RTMP, the buffer length seems to go up to 60sec which is consistent with what the docs say here:
    - abey

    No. Did not find a way to set the maxBuffer value, but I was able to workaround the problem by setting the mediaPlayer.bufferTime dynamically (i.e different values for various stages of playback, like loading, seeking, buffering, normal playback etc.)..So setting bufferTime to 60 secs during normal playback allows the buffer to grow to a decent size.
    - Abey

  • Streaming with H.264 (jiggle)

    After streaming with Flash Media Encoder 3.1 and ManyCam/Splitcam with VP6 and 320x240,30fps (works good!!),
    I tried to stream HQ with H.264,30FPS,640x360,700kbps...
    Buter after pressing start,the both Windows (Input and Output) will jiggle very strong.(In the Justin.tv stream,too,of course)
    Looking in the Encoding Log,it shows me an Output with 11-12 fps.
    But where is the Problem? (PC,Internet...?)
    My System:
    Laptop Core 2 duo T5250@1,50GHz
    3GB RAM
    Windows Vista
    enough Harddisk
    ATI Mobility Radeon X2300
    DSL 20.000/1.024
    Thanks a lot =)

    Ithink the problem is that the H.264 codec needs more CPU resources compared to ON2 VP6.
    I tried 640x480, 25fps, 200Kbps with the 2 codec (VP6, and h264). I have the H.264 codec with a delay of 3 seconds and a delay vp6 less than 1 second.
    I think these should you need more CPU resources with H264
    the cpu works a lot with h.264 and this makes for more delay
    http://help.adobe.com/es_ES/Flash/10.0_UsingFlash/WS9222D73A-676D-41cd-9222-A4884858BBA3.h tml
    Enrique Figueroa

  • Live Stream - Huge Delay

    We have major issue with delayed video.
    The delay may reach up to 10-15 minutes. When we restart
    Flash Media Encoder (Stop/Start) the delay is reseted.
    We are using Flash Media Encoder for quite some time with
    Flash Media Server 2.0. Both are the newest version.
    Latency between Flash Media Encoder and Server is about
    200-300ms. I assume there is a bug and the video stream does not
    get synchronized.
    I can provide you an access to demo machine if you like.
    We observed this on several machines.

    You won't have much luck with gettng that delay down unless
    you have less than 100 ms of latency.
    My understanding is that because of a non optimal condition
    existing between the server and encoder the server will basically
    compensate by buffering longer. You could also see a stream with no
    delay inititally but if network conditions change the delay could
    grow and because the server doesn't "catch up" the delay will
    remain until the encoder is restarted.
    Hope that helps,
    Adam Walsworth

  • Strange behaviour of iPad Photos app/My Photo Stream with iOS 8.1 and Yosemite

    My requirement is surely simple and commonplace, yet is proving impossible to achieve thanks to Apple's weird design of the Photos app and the way My Photo Stream works.  I'm very technically savvy, but I'm quite prepared to admit I'm being stupid if someone can explain what I'm doing wrong!  I have an iPad Air running iOS 8.1 and a MacBook Pro Retina with OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).  I've enabled iCloud Drive on both.  iPhoto on the Mac is at v9.6.
    I have a selection of 109 photos from a recent holiday in a folder on my MacBook, which I would like in a folder on my iPad as a nice way to show them to friends.   iTunes may work but seems so incredibly clunky and old-fashioned I hoped I could do it over the network or via the cloud.  I would use (and often have used) Dropbox, which is reliable and logical but rather tedious as you have to save each photo one by one. 
    So, with a little research and playing around, I found that I could get them to the iPad using iPhoto on the Mac, with My Photo Stream enabled.  However, it doesn't seem to work.  The photos were all created yesterday so had yesterday's date (I'd removed EXIF data that contained various earlier dates).
    I've just done the following test:
    I deleted all photos from the iPad (using the Photos app)
    On the Mac, I deleted all photos from iPhoto
    In iPhoto Preferences on the Mac, I turned on “My photo stream”, with the two sub-options also enabled
    I imported the 109 photos into iPhoto
    On the iPad, in My Photo Stream, I saw the photos gradually appear over the next few minutes
    A  minute or two later, when no more seemed to coming, I found that 103 of the original 109 were in My Photo Stream.  So, strangely, 6 photos were missing
    Even stranger, in the “Photos” tab, under “Yesterday” 37 of them could be seen.  If I understand this correctly (which I may not), that means 37 of them had been copied from the My Photo Stream to the iPad itself.  Am I right?  Why only 37?
    On the iPad, I added a new Album called Summer 2014
    I selected all 103 photos from My Photo Stream to add to the album
    In the Summer 2014 album, I briefly see “103 Photos” at the bottom of the album, but this quickly changes to 66 as photos that briefly appeared now disappear, leaving only 66 left in the album
    Checking in Photos/Collections/Yesterday, I find there are now 66 photos (rather than 37 as there were earlier) - the same ones that are showing in my Summer 2014 album.
    If I attempt to manually add any of the missing photos to the album, nothing happens - the album refuses to allow any more than the 66 it has.
    In iPhoto on the Mac, if I click on the SHARED/iCloud entry on the left, I see all 109 photos, which I think means iPhoto has correctly shared them all, so I suspect the problem is with the iPad.
    Yesterday, when I was playing with this, the album allowed 68 photos.  I tried deleting one and adding one of the missing photos, but it wouldn't allow this either, so I don't think it's objecting to the number of photos so much as disliking particular ones.
    I've got 7.7GB free space on the iPad so I don't think it's a space issue.
    Can anyone help?  If it's a bug in iOS, iCloud or OS X, how can I report it, given that I'm out of my 3 months support for both my machines?
    Thank you!

    Well done lumacj! This is a good workaround. Forgive me if I offer a simplified version here (this works if original photos are in Photo stream):
    1. In "My photo stream", tap on select at top of screen
    2. Tap on each photo you want to send via WhatsApp (circle with "√" shows for each photo)
    3. Tap on square box with arrow at bottom of screen (Share) - NOT "Add To"
    4. Tap on "Save image(s)"
    5. Check that selected photos now appear on "Camera Roll"
    6. From WhatsApp, send photos as you would have normally

  • I have problem with delay in serial port

    I have problem with serial port. I have connected two computers by serial port and I need to create program in Labview for transfer strings using start bits and stop bits. My problem is that my program is working quite well ...when I press start bit it starts to concatenate strings and if i press stop bits it stops...this is the purpose of this program...but problem is that it working only with delay...and need that this program dont need delay, because it can only concatenating data depends on delay from start bit....I wana solved problem with delay...I dont want using delay process in my program, but allways when I try to delete this delay it stop works correct
    here is my program

    Ok this should be simple - if I understand you correctly.
    You have the VISA session initialized with read termination character enabled.  So reading the number of bytes at port is NOT the correct way to read from the port.  Set the read number of bytes to something large (say 4096) and the read will return as soon as a termination character is received (or timeout).
    You'll need to make sure the sending device is configured to send termination character on writes (you can set that with a VISA property node)  and that you are sending the correct termination character.  The default is 0x0A (newline).

  • How can I do live streaming with a Mac Book Pro 2011, using a new model of Sony HD camcorder which does not have firewire out/input? it comes only with a component video output, USB, HDMI and composite RCA output?

    I need to do live streaming with a Mac Book Pro 2011, using a new model of Sony HD camcorder (http://store.sony.co...ber=HDRAX2000/H) ..this camcorder model does not have firewire out/input ..it comes only with a component video output, USB, HDMI and composite A/V video output..
    I wonder how can I plug this camcorder to the firewire port of my laptop? Browsing on internet I found that Grass Valley Company produces this converter http://www.amazon.co...=A17MC6HOH9AVE6 ..but I am not sure -not even after checking the amazon reviews- if this device will send the video signal through firewire to my laptop, in order to live streaming properly? ..anyone in this forum could help me please?

    I can't broadcast with the built in iSight webcam... how would I zoom in or zoom out? or how would I pan? I've seem people doing it walking with their laptops but that's not an option for me... there's nothing wrong with my USB ports but that's neither an option to stream video because as far as I know through USB you can't connect video in apple operating systems ..you can for sure plug any video cam or photo camera through usb but as a drive to transfer data not as a live video camera...  is by firewire an old interface developed by apple that you can connect all sorts of cameras to apple computers... unfortunately my new sony HDR-AX2000 camcorder doesn't have firewire output...

  • I have two different iCloud accounts. I can't sign into photo stream with my personal account and have tried deleting from my iPhone first, then the MacBook Pro. Still won't let me sign in with the personal account. Please help.

    I have two different iCloud accounts - business and personal. I can't sign into Photo Stream with my personal account because it says my business account is my primary account. They are separate but equal accounts. I have tried deleting the iCloud account from my iPhone, then my MacBook Pro and signing in again on both devices. The iPhone says that my primary account ismy personal account (which is good) but my MacBook Pro still will not sign into that account so I can use Photo Stream.
    Any suggestions? This iCloud stuff is getting annoying.

    you have a ps cs4 license for mac and you have some way of finding your serial number.
    if yes, download an install the installation file.  if you already have the installation file, what is its name and file extension?  (eg, if it's one file, it should be a dmg file.)
    if you need the installation file,
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • I share a photo stream with a family member. Is there a way to make it so we have separate photo stream but still use the same apple id?

    i share a photo stream with a family member. Is there a way to make it so we have separate photo stream but still use the same apple id?

    You'll want a separate iCloud account for each user in addition to the main Apple ID used for purchases.
    Let's say you have a family of four (husband, wife, and two children). Here is what you will need:
    Main Apple ID for shared purchases in Tunes (everybody will be using this)
    iCloud (Apple ID) account for husband
    iCloud (Apple ID) account for wife
    iCloud (Apple ID) account for child 1
    iCloud (Apple ID) account for child 2
    Yes, you can have both an Apple ID and iCloud account setup on the same device. On each iOS device, setup the main Apple ID account for the following services:
    iCloud (Photo Stream and Backup are the only items selected here).
    Music Home Sharing
    Video Home Sharing
    Photo Stream
    Additionally, on each iOS device, add a new iCloud account (Under Mail, Contacts, Calendar) that is unique to each user for the following services:
    Mail (if using @me.com)
    Find My iPhone
    Find Friends
    On your individual Macs (or Mac accounts), use the main Apple ID in iTunes. Then, use the unique iCloud account in/for iCloud.
    Now that everbody is using separate iCloud accounts for your contacts, calendars, and other things, it will be all be kept separate.
    The only thing that is now 'shared' would be iTunes content (apps and other purchases), backups via iCloud (if enabled), and Photo Stream (if enabled).

  • How can I do live streaming with a Mac Book Pro 2011, using a new model of Sony HD camcorder ..that doesn't have firewire out/input?

    I need to do live streaming with a Mac Book Pro 2011, using a new model of Sony HD camcorder (http://store.sony.co...ber=HDRAX2000/H) ..this camcorder model does not have firewire out/input ..it comes only with a component video output, USB, HDMI and composite A/V video output..
    I wonder how can I plug this camcorder to the firewire port of my laptop? Browsing on internet I found that Grass Valley Company produces this converter http://www.amazon.co...=A17MC6HOH9AVE6 ..but I am not sure -not even after checking the amazon reviews- if this device will send the video signal through firewire to my laptop, in order to live streaming properly? ..anyone in this forum could help me please?

    I can't broadcast with the built in iSight webcam... how would I zoom in or zoom out? or how would I pan? I've seem people doing it walking with their laptops but that's not an option for me... there's nothing wrong with my USB ports but that's neither an option to stream video because as far as I know through USB you can't connect video in apple operating systems ..you can for sure plug any video cam or photo camera through usb but as a drive to transfer data not as a live video camera...  is by firewire an old interface developed by apple that you can connect all sorts of cameras to apple computers... unfortunately my new sony HDR-AX2000 camcorder doesn't have firewire output...

  • HT204053 i have 2 apple ids and one is from years ago when icloud wasnt a thought but now somehow it became my primary apple id and i cant photo stream with the apple id i use. Even if im signed into my old one the photo stream doesnt automatically go to

    i have 2 apple ids and one is from years ago when icloud wasnt a thought but now somehow it became my primary apple id and i cant photo stream with the apple id i use. Even if im signed into my old one the photo stream doesnt automatically go to my mac. Im not exactly technology savy but id love to figure this out.

    I have also noticed the same "problem".  I do not fully understand the impact of using the same ID on multiple computers and devices if I want to keep them all in sync.

Maybe you are looking for

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