Headphones - Etymotic 6, 6i or shure e2c

Looking to get some new headphones for my 60GB video ipod. Stuck between the etymotic 6 or 6i and shure e2c headphones. Want a pair thats really good at blocking out the sound but also gives good sound quality. Does anyone know the main difference between the etymotic 6 and 6i headphones. On some sites the 6i is more expensive and others less expensive. They say they offer 15-20 db of noise reduction.
The Shure ones are less expensive, but seem like they come from a very good make and people are raving about them. Is the sound damping and quality worse in these?
Anyone with experience would love to hear from you (pardon the pun).

I have the etymotic 6i's and am very happy. I listen to a wide variety of music from hip hop/rap to acoustical and all sound perfect. They block out almost all the sound, and fit comfortabley. I would definately recomend them over other headphones. By the way i havent tried the shures but i didnt get them because the cord goes up and over your ear and i thought that would be annoying.
As for the difference between the 6s and the 6i's the 6i's have more bass but a very small loss of sound quality.If you gonna go with the 6i's check out amazon i got them on sale for 89$ about 2 weeks ago. Here the link...
dell   Windows XP  
dell   Windows XP  

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    I have some vague memory of people solving this problem by putting a piece of clear tape with an appropriate hole in it over the headset jack. But, it's only a very vague memory. You might try searching the forums for older entries.
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    yes i know what distortion and clipping are - i don't hear them.
    anyway perhaps this website:
    has a solution that will work for you, it's at least worth a try.
    here's a sample:
    "All mp3 files have a default volume tag of around 95 to 105dB (decibels - a unit of loudness). When the iPod plays at this output volume, distortion does not occur. When you boost the iPod's bass however, with the equalizer, you are increasing the volume of the lower frequencies past this value (in order to make them more prominent amongst the other frequencies of the sound), and this, in turn, causes clipping and distortion. Basically, the iPod's amp is trying to output a volume that is greater than its inbuilt volume limit - so it serves crackling. By using MP3Gain to reduce the volume tag of your mp3 files to around 89dB, we can leave some headroom to further boost some frequencies without overdriving the iPod's amplifier."
    "For example: if you boost the 60Hz frequency (low bass) by around 10dB, the iPod will output that frequency at 99dB (89 + 10). At 99dB, distortion does not occur. If you boost a song playing at 105dB by 10dB, however, we get a total of 115dB which, no doubt, has passed the threshold of distortion. From experience, 105dB is about the limit; we need to reduce the volume tag value of our mp3's significantly below 105dB to avoid distortion. 89dB is the value recommended by MP3Gain developers, and I concur, as this value has eliminated all distortion on my iPod that used to result from boosting frequencies via equalizer presets."
    the other "fix" that comes up time and time again involves using higher impedance headphones. I think the basic idea is to go no lower than the stock buds, stick to 32ohm+. a lot of people report problems with 16-25ohm 'phones.
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    I enjoy my Shure e2c set. They are in-the-ear-canal type - but VERY comfortable.
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