Hearing weird sounds intermittently from my new retina display MBP..

sound is something like sound of whiplash in pocket whip app. But its not from any app..nor its one of the notification alert sound. (i played n checked all)
i read in some old forum that it might be because i'm making some errors while using mac & hench the sound. If that is the case, i would like to know how to disable it.
if its not because of that, i would like to know why am I hearing these sounds repeatedly?
Reply would be appreciated.

I too concur on this. I hear frequent sounds from my MBP (non-retina) 13", which sounds like a whip-lash. And sometimes it keeps repeating very frequently, annoying me and everyone around. Upon checking the Preferences -> Sound, there is no such 'sound' listed. Also, surprsingly this seems to be the only article I found on the internet where someone has raised the issue.
Would really appreciate for any resolution for the same.

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    You bought iPhone from AT&T ? Right.
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    Ed S

    You should also ask this in the MacBook Pro forum. This is the forum for the 13” white and black plastic MacBooks that were discontinued in 2010. You should also post this question there to increase your chances of getting an answer.

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    I can not advise you on iPhoto since I have not used it for about 4 years.  All my pictures are linked to Aperture in some way.
    With respect to Aperture and Aperture Libraries I have several configurations on my iMac, depending on the life cycle
    A bit about structure
    For each year, I generate a nested folder structure that looks like this:
    2013 Pictures
        January 2013
        February 2013
        thru to December 2013
        Misc Pictures 2013
        Misc Libraries 2013
        photo.net to hold pictures upload to this site
        facebook to hold pictures upload to this site
       and etc
    Inside each monthly folder there will project date folders that have this general structure (YYMMDD) so inside the January 2013 folder one might the following
       January 2013
               130106 NEF (the folder that holds my RAW files)
               130106 JPEG (things that I upload or transmit to clients)
              130110 NEF (the folder that holds my RAW files)
              130110 JPEG (things that I upload or transmit to clients)
    and etc.  For any images related to the project, I usually store in their respective folder.
    In fact I have 2011, 2012 and 2013 pictures on a single 6 TB Thunderbolt drive.  The 2011, 2012, and 2013 Aperture libraries reside on my internal iMac drive.  This libraries are referenced and point to the 6 TB Thunderbolt drive.  This drive is getting full so when 2013 is over, I will move all of the Aperture Libraries over to the Thunderbolt drive.  Those libaries already know where the pictures are so typically I don't have to do much more than drag and drop the libaries to the Thunderbolt drive.
    I will pick up a 3 8TB Thunderbolt drives and start building a new collection starting with 2014 pictures.  I will likely last through 2016 or 2017. These new Aperture libraries will reside on my internal iMac drive since I have moved older libraries to the external drive.
    Earlier this year, I consolidated my pictures from 2001-2010 on to a single 8 TB Thunderbolt drive (called 2001-2010 Pictures).  They were spread out over 5 or 6 different disks.  I still have those disk just in case, but I only had to do the following:
    I dragged and dropped each years picture folder to the 2001-2010 Picture drive.  So 2001 Pictures, 2002 Pictures, 2003 Pictures and etc.  Then I dragged and dropped each yearly Aperture Llibrary over to the 2001-2010 Picture drive: 2001 Aperture Library, 2002 Aperture Library and etc.  At this point, the Aperture Libraries do NOT know where the pictures are located since I have moved the pictures from their original drive to a new drive.  BUT, open a particular years Aperture Library, go to File: Locate Referenced Files and point the library to one correct picture (I may have 30-40,000 pictures in a particular year) in the appropriate Pictures folder and select connect all.  Aperture will do all the work to reconnect all of the referenced images back to their master pictures. 
    One last step: Verify that all of your pictures are reconnected.  Go to the search icon in the Aperture Library and 'Add Rule:File Status' and make sure all of pictures are reconnected to the library.  Occasionally, I will find a picture that is not connected but will a little bit of work, I can find the original and move it into the library so they can be connected again.
    So when I want to find a picture from the time frame 2001-2010, I mount the 2001-2010 Picture drive, open the relevant Aperture library and I have my picture of interest.  This works pretty well, if you keyword your pictures as you go along. 
    Lastly, I have not had any difficulty running Aperture Libraries (either referenced or managed) on external drives (USB 2.0, USB 3.0, FW or Thunderbolt).  In fact, nearly all of my editing is on USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 passport drive, before I bring them into the master yearly library.
    As I said at the beginning, I don't have recent experience with iPhoto, but I would assume similar strategies would work.  But I suspect that using both iPhoto and Aperture makes your work flow more complicated than it needs to be.  What functionality does iPhoto give you that can not be found in Aperture?
    Good luck and remember: backup, backup, backup.

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    No idea what his is - I already had the Main Logic Board replaced and it didn't help, so it must be another component up there underneath the F1-F3 keys.
    Any expert advice? Thank you.

    hi Andy
    ok i've just learned how to operate the console...
    and the noise just happened at 8.52 though there is no record at 8.52 !
    17/11/2013 18:51:34.945 coreservicesd[67]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
    17/11/2013 18:51:34.946 coreservicesd[67]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
    17/11/2013 18:51:34.946 coreservicesd[67]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
    17/11/2013 18:54:20.530 Console[1851]: setPresentationOptions called with NSApplicationPresentationFullScreen when there is no visible fullscreen window; this call will be ignored.
    17/11/2013 18:55:56.802 xpcd[177]: restored permissions (100600 -> 100700) on /Users/davidjones/Library/Containers/com.apple.Notes/Container.plist
    17/11/2013 18:55:58.545 WindowServer[1674]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Notes" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    though i did scroll back earlier and though i can't be certain it was happening at the this time i saw this suspicious entry repeated hundreds of times.  i'm a complete novice on console - this is just on the start-up screen - not tried any of the side menus.
    will try in safe mode next unless you think anything below is the culprit!
    17/11/2013 17:07:43.009 coreaudiod[169]: kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess : inFramesToProcess=1115, mMaxFramesPerSlice=512
    17/11/2013 17:07:44.007 coreaudiod[169]: kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess : inFramesToProcess=1115, mMaxFramesPerSlice=512
    17/11/2013 17:07:45.006 coreaudiod[169]: kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess : inFramesToProcess=1115, mMaxFramesPerSlice=512
    17/11/2013 17:07:46.004 coreaudiod[169]: kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess : inFramesToProcess=1115, mMaxFramesPerSlice=512

Maybe you are looking for