Hebrew macintosh keyboard

I need to get a keyboard that will work with a mac in hebrew for a present. Can anyone give me some ideas.

You might want to look at these sites:
Aramedia, CustomKeys, DataCal or Hooleon or SpeedSkin.

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    Have you tried a Google search on Hebrew USB keyboard? You should find a number of sites, including this:
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    Contact and Apple retail store and ask if they can make a special order for you.   I've not heard of anyone finding one in the US, but it is worth a try.

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    I can't help with Hebrew, but perhaps it works the same as on the English keyboard. If you type opt+e you get an accent aigu highlighted in yellow. You can then type another character that would have have that accent (a, e, o, etc). The combined letter will be formed.
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    Have you check under settings > language and input > settings icon to the right of Xperia keyboard > input language. 
    If you don't have Hebrew here it's unfortunately not possible to add as standard. Perhaps you can download a 3rd party keyboard with support for Hebrew from Google Play. 
    What are your thoughts about this forum? Let us know by doing this short survey.

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    Thanks in advance
    iMac G5, 2.1 GHz, iSight   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    It is very easy to learn and remember the accents on the Macintosh keyboard, unlike in Windows which are done as ALT- 000, where 000 is some forgetable number.
    You don't have to learn each specific instance, just the associated vowel which is most commonly used with it. The set of pre-keys works with the other vowels as well.
    So for example the umlaut ¨is most commonly seen on the German ü so just remember the associated cmd u followed by whatever vowel after to get:
    option u = ä, ë, ï, ö, ü
    option ` [under the esc key] = à, è, ì, ò, ù
    option e = á, é, í, ó, ú
    option i = â, ê, î, ô, û
    option n = ã, õ, ñ
    Some work more directly such as:
    option a = å
    option o = ø
    option s = ß
    option b = ∫
    option c = ç
    option d = ∂
    opton f = ƒ
    Some are more arcane but still memorable:
    option q = œ (think of an extended o)
    option w = ∑ (think of turning the w on its side)
    option r = ® (fairly obvious)
    option t = †
    option y = ¥
    option p = π
    option v = √
    option m = µ
    option = = ≠
    Usually the shift gets the capitalised version (doesn't work out 100% of the time).
    This is what I love about the remarkable clear headedness and forethought that went into Macintosh design. Fortunately most of this has survived the transition to OSX.
    Even if I don't specifically know which key does it a quick guess and try gets it for me.

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    *** !!
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    My 5+ year old keyboard has the F13 F14 F15 keys sitting all by their lonesome above the help, home, page up block of keys, and I set them to do the three Expose functions, so the system will use them (at least if you have the right hack). All the F keys used to be handier though, back in the OS 9 days, when I assigned them to do all sort of things.

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    Take a look at pages 57 & 58 of the Logic Pro 7 Reference Manual. It is all explained in detail there,

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    There are some references, over a period of time, for some vintage
    hardware models of Apple computers covering older software and
    the keyboard commands haven't changed all that much. Some are
    more directed at later OS X versions, in recent reference sites...
    •OS X Keyboard Shortcuts:
    •Magical Macintosh Keyboard Sequences: (2004)
    •TUAW Tip: keyboard shortcuts during OS X Startup: (2006)
    http://www.tuaw.com/2006/03/27/tuaw-tip-keyboard-shortcuts-during-mac-os-x-start up/
    Why were you trying to start in Single user mode or Command-line?
    Do you have the OS X system install-restore DVDs?
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    The Macintosh keyboard does not have a true "Enter" key any more - not on the MacBook Pro or the iBooks. Modifier keys do not seem to work either. I've turned on the System Prefs > Keyboard & made it appear in the top Menu Bar. From this menu choose "Show Keyboard Viewer" to see how keys + Return are displayed. Only the Function key changes the Return key. Function + Delete is a forward delete. But Function + Return is just another Return. So any highlighted text is deleted! Command + Return stays on the same line and selected text remains. I will try KeyRemap4MacBook utility then consider buying a USB numeric keypad. Urggh.

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    The Macintosh keyboard does not have a true "Enter" key any more - not on the MacBook Pro or the iBooks. Modifier keys do not seem to work either. I've turned on the System Prefs > Keyboard & made it appear in the top Menu Bar. From this menu choose "Show Keyboard Viewer" to see how keys + Return are displayed. Only the Function key changes the Return key. Function + Delete is a forward delete. But Function + Return is just another Return. So any highlighted text is deleted! Command + Return stays on the same line and selected text remains. I will try KeyRemap4MacBook utility then consider buying a USB numeric keypad. Urggh.

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    Make sure you are using a Mac version of World of Warcraft, otherwise your computer will not play it. Also, Macs rarely use autorun on games and applications. You may experience trouble using a Mac on a day-to-day basis without a Macintosh keyboard, as Windows keyboards do not have 'eject' keys, or keys for Expose or the Dashboard. If you are completely new to Mac I suggest you take a look at http://www.apple.com/findouthow/mac/ and watch all the tutorials. You have not specified which version of Mac OS you use.

  • Arrow freezes after starting

    I have an old iMac G4 (flat panel) with MAC OS9. When I try to start it, the arrow freezes immediately after starting. What can I do ? Thanks for your answer

    There are several things which may contribute to
    this symptom; corruption on the startup drive's
    sectors which have that data on them necessary
    for the computer to boot, is one of them.
    Some ideas and links to support documents may
    be available here in Apple Support Mac OS 9:
    Too full a hard disk drive, can cause problems;
    in that the system can become overwritten or
    corrupted by too many files and not enough free
    space on the hard disk drive for the OS to work.
    Have you tried starting the computer from the OS
    installer disc to see if you can boot it at all? This
    should be accomplished by inserting the 9.x OS
    bootable installer CD into the optical drive tray,
    and attempting to restart or start. There is a
    utility on the installer disc which may help fix
    the hard disk drive. Or if you have a bootable
    third-party disk utility for OS 9.2.2 or earlier,
    that may be an option instead of the system disc.
    This may not be an easy task; the disc may
    not wish to be inserted into the computer.
    You may also try various keyboard commands
    to try and make the computer start up; and if
    there is no damage to the hard disk drive, or
    the startup volume, it may work. Some are in
    the following links; and of those, a few are for
    Mac OS 9.x and earlier. Others are for OS X.
    Magical Macintosh Keyboard Sequences:
    Where to find Mac keyboard shortcuts - urlfan:
    Things such as resetting the PRAM or NVRAM
    could be of usefulness; depending on the cause
    of the issues your computer has going on inside.
    You can try to start with extensions disabled
    in OS 9.2.2 & earlier (to a point) by holding the
    Shift key down on startup. If that works, then
    you know there is a problem with those files
    known as extensions. An extension manager
    is a helpful thing in a pure OS 9.2 system. I
    used many utilities and tools in my pre-X days.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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