Hello, I need some help on renaming the title on mi web pages!

Hello, I need some help on renaming the title on mi web pages! appear to be locked by the template and I would like to know if is posible rename each page with diferent title? Thanks,

@ Gary: No, there is no need to specify an editable region in the page title.
If you make a template from a page, by saving it as a template (using "save as template"), the page title is automatically made editable.
@ Jesus: if you look into the code of your template or of any childpage, it should read like this:
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<title>Mi PageTitle</title>
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
meaning that the page title is indeed editable.
If it does not look like this, something went wrong.
Maybe do a little test, save your page as a template and see if the code reads as above.
It is important that you keep your templates in the Templates folder in your root folder
Do not move the folder or change its name, otherwise it will not work.

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    Dear Sir/madam,
    I am having some difficulty with our website to disable or hide the scrollbar on our website.
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    Here is my CSS code file and html file
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Trend installatietechniek BV - Home</title>
    <meta name="Keywords" content="domotica, schakelaar, rookmelder, elektrische apparatuur">
    <meta name="Description" content="Domotica is een verzamelwoord voor het aan elkaar koppelen van verschillende systemen, zoals rookmelder, video-intercom en rookmelder.">
    <meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
    <meta name="revisit-after" content="1 month">
    <meta name="googlebot" content="noodp">
    <meta name="language" content="dutch, nederland, netherlands, nl">
    <meta name="author" content="trenbv.nl, Trend Installatietechniek BV">
    <style type="text/css">
    <link href="trendbv2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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    a:visited {
    color: #666666;
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    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
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    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
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    <strong>Trend Installatietechniek BV</strong><br />
        <br />
      Kazemat 33<br />
      3905 NR  Veenendaal
      <p><strong>E:</strong> <a href="[email protected]:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br />
      <strong>T:</strong> (0318) 51 63 02</p>
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    <div class="navigatiebovenaan" id="navigatiebovenaan">home       <a href="Tekenwerk.html">tekenwerk</a>       <a href="klanten.html">klanten</a>       <a href="ons bedrijf.html">ons bedrijf</a>      <a href="contact.html"> contact</a></div>
    <div class="broodtekst" id="tekstkolom">
      <p>Trend Installatietechniek is een specialist op het gebied  van elektrotechniek en bestaat sinds 1998. Inmiddels is Trend uitgegroeid tot  een gerenommeerd elektrotechnisch bedrijf met vestigingen in Veenendaal en  Assen.<br />
        <br />
        Trend Installatietechniek heeft sinds jaar en dag een  reputatie op het gebied van aanleg van datanetwerken en elektrotechnische  installaties.<br />
        U verwacht van een elektrotechnisch installateur vakmanschap  en kwaliteit. Naast kwalitatief hoogstaand werk onderscheiden wij ons door een  klantgerichte houding en korte levertijden. <br />
        <br />
        Wij voeren opdrachten uit voor klanten zoals het ZIGGO,  KNAW, de Universiteit van Amsterdam en KPN. Hierbij wordt veel  verwacht van onze monteurs. Daarom werken wij uitsluitend met ervaren, gediplomeerde  elektrotechnische monteurs. <br />
    <div id="tekstfoto1"><img src="Beelden/beeldhome2.png" alt="fotodomotica1" width="130" height="130" border="0" /></div>
    <div id="tekstfoto2"></div>
    <div id="hoofdnavigatieDomotica"><a href="Wat is domotica.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image5','','Beelden/hoofdnavigatieDomotica.png',1)"><img src="Beelden/hoofdnavigatieDomotica-kort.png" alt="Hoofdnavigatie Domotica" name="Image5" width="583" height="65" border="0" id="Image5" /></a></div>
    <div id="hoofdnavigatieData"><a href="Wat is Data.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image6','','Beelden/hoofdnavigatieData.png',1)"><img src="Beelden/hoofdnavigatieData-kort.png" alt="Hoofdnavigatie Data" name="Image6" width="472" height="65" border="0" id="Image6" /></a></div>
    <div id="hoofdnavigatieElektrotechniek"><a href="Wat is Elektrotechniek.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image7','','Beelden/hoofdnavigatieElektrotechniek.png',1)"><im g src="Beelden/hoofdnavigatieElektrotechniek-kort.png" alt="Hoofdnavigatie Elektrotechniek" name="Image7" width="356" height="65" border="0" id="Image7" /></a></div>
    <div id="hoofdnavigatieBeveiliging"><a href="Beveiliging en camerasystemen.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image8','','Beelden/hoofdnavigatieBeveiliging.png',1)"><img src="Beelden/hoofdnavigatieBeveiliging-kort.png" alt="Hoofdnavigatie Beveiliging" name="Image8" width="245" height="65" border="0" id="Image8" /></a></div>
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    CSS file:
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    Start by remvoing the code in RED.
    #body {
    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 1;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    background-image: url(Beelden/achtergrondbody.png);
    height: 100%;
    background-repeat: repeat-y
    Browser scrollbars appear by default in all pages requiring them.  You don't need to do anything to make them appear.  I don't think you understand Fixed positioning well enough to be using it so much in your CSS.  It has a purpose but probably not what you think.
    See position:fixed sticky text demo.
    Nancy O.

  • Hello  I need your help with installing the flash drive into my laptop

    I am Rachel Friedman asking for your help with installing the flashdrive player into my laptop.

    To give you any useful advice, I'm going to need to know more about your computer and browser:

  • Someone said to add the title on each web page on the main text box. Which is that?

    I read in the discussion items that you should not bother with meta tags but just wirte the title in your main text box on each page with the word image in the beginning. Where in the main text box? The first one on the page? That has my web page title. Help. Judy

    iWeb uses the textbox in the Header layer of an iWeb page as the title in the browserwindow.
    Do not remove the original textbox, as you cannot replace it other than by selecting another theme and then change it back to the original theme again. Ruining the layout in the process.
    If the textbox in the Header is missing, iWeb uses a textbox down the page in the Content layer. If that textbox is also missing, it uses another textbox. If that fails it uses the pagename in the Sidebar.
    Sometimes you may want a different text in the titlebar and not display it on the page itself. Or not display it at all.
    So use that textbox in the Header layer. Type your text. Then select the textbox. In the Inspector choose T, click a color to open the color palette and drag the opacity slider to 0 (zero).
    Do Command-T to open the font palette and make the font smaller. (Or do Command--(minus)) Also use a font that doesn't change to an image. Arial is a good font. Perhaps do it first before making the text invisble.
    Resize the textbox. You may want to change the height of the Header layer.
    Do Command-Shift-B to move the textbox to the back, possibly behind other objects.
    Next add a optional second textbox to the Header layer and use that one to display text on the page.
    If you want to move the textbox to the front again to make changes, but can't remember the location on the page, drag the area with the mouse to select the objects.
    Deselect objects you do not want to move forward by Command-dragging the mouse over these objects.
    Next do Command-Shift-F to move the textbox to the front. Repeat the steps in reverse order to make the text visible.

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    There is a link to download App Builder when you sign in to the DPS Dashboard (http://digitalpublishing.acrobat.com). There is also a link on the DPS install help page.
    http://helpx.adobe.com/digital-publishing-suite/help/installing-digital-publishing-tools.h tml

  • Need Some Help Here From The Pros....

    Hi all...Im new here you see. I have some questions here..
    1) May I ask if anyone could just tell me how to actually create a partition like Windows do in Mac OS? I need the partition to do my backups and save some of my important documents.
    2) Can we actually create a password to secure certain of my files so that anyone wants to browse it will have to enter the password? Is it possible to do that?
    3) Im also trying to use Visor(i cant remember the name, it's a software to enable Mac to run windows without the boot camp) but i tried on my friend's Macbook, I cant use the MSN camera function... Anybody have any idea??? Or it's not compatible with the camera built-in.
    4) I want to use "3D Studio Max", its it compatible with Mac OS??? and will it be laggish if i uses macbook 13" white?
    Please help....

    1) May I ask if anyone could just tell me how to actually create a partition like Windows do in Mac OS? I need the partition to do my backups and save some of my important documents.
    With your external drive attached, open Disk Utility, found in Applications/Utilities. Choose your drive on the left, and use the Partition tab to set up the number and type of partitions. Partitioning will delete all data on the drive.
    2) Can we actually create a password to secure certain of my files so that anyone wants to browse it will have to enter the password? Is it possible to do that?
    Don't forget that the Mac, just like Windows, is multi-user. You can set up a user for yourself and one for guests or specific people. Nobody can see anybody else's files. You can lock your computer when you go away from the desk if you want absolute privacy.
    Or, you can create an encrypted disk image (also using Disk Utility) to store private files if you really want to stick with one user account.
    3) Im also trying to use Visor(i cant remember the name, it's a software to enable Mac to run windows without the boot camp) but i tried on my friend's Macbook, I cant use the MSN camera function... Anybody have any idea??? Or it's not compatible with the camera built-in.
    Do you mean VMWare Fusion? I believe iSight support is included in the VMWare Tools - when you're running Fusion, there's a menu option to install/update those tools.
    4) I want to use "3D Studio Max", its it compatible with Mac OS??? and will it be laggish if i uses macbook 13" white?
    I believe it's Mac only, so you should check the Windows specs (RAM requirements, graphic card VRAM, etc) to see if you can run it within a virtual Windows on your Macbook.

  • Need some help clearing up the footage

    ok, after 5 days straight of staying up all night and day to figure this program out (i dont have much prior experience with such a complicated program) i finally made my first dvd complete with a menu and all... only 1 problem, why is my video so choppy on the tv? is there some setting i can change to fix this? i am not to familiar with some of the terminology used in the books that came with the program and to be honest i don't really know what I am looking for sometimes when i have a question for the book... anyone have any advice on how to un chop this footage?

    hmmm, i compressed the footage at like 4 this morning so bare with me a sec... ok, i think by preview i mean the preview i see in dvd studio pro when i preview my menu, i clicked on one of the videos and watched a bit of it and it was kinda choppy... i dont think i veiwed the video before i compressed it... when i was done cutting up teh films i exported to compressor and compressed all the videos ina batch. about 14 short videos... i used the setting Best Quality: 120 minutes 4:3 MPEG-2 5.0Mbs 2-pass 4:3 .... dont know exactly why i chose this one but i know that i needed to burn in MPEG-2 format in order to play it on a dvd player.... is this helping? sorry guys if i am not clear about this...

  • I need some help to develop the action class.

    my total concept is , browse a file and upload then after i want save that file in some folder in my system with same formatte (if u browse a 1.txt file then i want to save that file same c: temp/1.txt same formate )how can i do that? i know i have to develop the code in action class but what kind of code i have to develop.
    i suceed to upload the file but i dont have the idea to save that file in my system. but i dont know how can i save my file in the c:temp folder.?
    please help me.

    The authentication is something you can do with either https (secure the transport) or with WS-Security (Secure the message). You can add that with JDeveloper by using the context menu on a webservice.
    To create a webservice:
    - specify the xsd
    - create the wsdl
    - Generate a Java webservice using JDeveloper
    - implement the class to return the content of the request.

  • TS3694 hello i need some help please

    i need help with my iphone as when i reset it , it is give me an error message could you help me pls

    Can't help if you do not tell us the error message

  • I need some help on installing the new flash

    I have  ADD  and can get off topic but i will try my best. I have a couple of questions. I am running windows xp home 32 bit. I have IE8, opera and firefox. Is flash version the newest flash?  If so then two questions. One when i test my flash with IE it tells me tthe newest version and i'm able to go to the adobe site to upgrade to the right version. However on firefox it does the same thing but then takes me to version I don't know why but i think it happened the last upgradeand i upgraded with opera. So I can update with opera but it doesn't give my the full version numberof the upgrade. Question is are the links you offer, are they for version and if so where do they end up being downloaded to? I'm a pain in the butt but I always have problems when I'm upgrading flash and I decided to ask questions.

    Hello John,
    Welcome to Adobe Flash Player Forums,
    Download and Run Adobe Flash Player uninstaller from here :
    Direct link for Flash Player 11 (Internet Explorer)
    http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_playe r_11_active_x_32bit.exe
    Direct link for Flash Player 11 (Other Browser)
    http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_playe r_11_plugin_32bit.exe
    Download both the setups and run them one by one
    Note : Make sure no browsers are running when you are running these .exe files
    Hope this helps.

  • Need some help on updating the KDE wiki page (for KDE 4.4)

    Could somebody help on updating it ? Especially for deprecated sections.
    Thank you very much.

    You have a significant number of code errors (65) which makes trouble shooting layout issues nearly impossible.
    [Invalid] Markup Validation of http://www.getouttohunterdon.com/Things%20to%20Do%20in%20Hunterdon.html - W3C …
    Also, DO NOT USE SPACES in file or folder names. They are invalid in HTML5 and on the web, spaces are converted to %20 characters which can lead to link errors. Use DW's Files Panel (F2) to rename your files without spaces.  You can use underscores_ hyphens- or dots. but no other special characters.  Allow DW to update links for you.  Then fix the remaining code errors. If that doesn't resolve your layout issues, post back with your cleaned up page and we'll take another look at it.
    Nancy O.

  • Hello, i need some help on how to validate input

    hi, i'm doing my java homework and i need help on a simple problem.
    i need to convert celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa. the user need to type in either C or F to begin. and Q to quit
    this is what i got so far
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class convert
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Char Input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter C or F to begin Celsius or Fahrenheit Convert");
                   if (Input == 'C')
                             String Input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a value to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit");
                             int c = Integer.parseInt(Input);
                             double f = ((c * 9)/5 + 32);
                             System.out.print("Celsius to Fahrenheit" + " " + f);
    how do you validate what user input C or F and print error message if they did otherwise.
    thank you

    you already did the first part of validating. You have already found out, if it was a "C" the user typed in. Now do the test on "F" and if it was neither "C" nor "F" print an error message.
    Continue like this:
    if (Input == 'C')
      //conversion from celsius to fahrenheit and output
    else if (Input == 'F')
      //conversion from fahrenheit to celsius and output
      //print error message

  • Hello i need some help with adobe app builder

    i just had an issue where i could not get my app move to app builder said (error could login failed)
    now i removede the app builder from applications and are trying to install new one but i cant find it anywhere.

    There is a link to download App Builder when you sign in to the DPS Dashboard (http://digitalpublishing.acrobat.com). There is also a link on the DPS install help page.
    http://helpx.adobe.com/digital-publishing-suite/help/installing-digital-publishing-tools.h tml

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    Hi everybody  i have a little doubt about the "Linear Fit .vi"; i see the help page and i undestand that it takes a set of value X and Y and makes out the best fitting of the Y value. I tried to use it in a project and: In the first block (the upper

  • IllegalStateException in setRollbackOnly

    Hi, We are using weblogic6.0 sp2, sometimes we got the following exception in ejbStore's setRollbackOnly, but sometimes, the setRollbackOnly passed smoothly. I checked ejb specification, they do not restrict call on setRollbackOnly in ejbStore. Any c


    Does anyone know why DR SMOKE of XLAB fame suggests that the external volume i create as a bootable clone of my current emac hard drive should be 1.5 - 2 x bigger than the current size ? It's just, with space at such a premium, if i follow his instru