HELP!  A FOURTH way to make volume louder??? Cant hear it at the gym...

Aside from 1) the obvious volume adjustment feature on face of ipod, 2) downloading high quality songs and 3) moving the volume adjustment notch to 100% in the OPTIONS tab of each songs' "get info" section, is there ANY OTHER WAY TO MAKE THE songs on IPOD play LOUDER?
It logically makes sense that there should be a way to do that, doesnt it?
I've tried different headsets.... just cant hear the ipod very well at the gym. Anyone else have this problem or a solution?

If you cannot hear it, cranking it up will simply increase the volume level (re. more likely to damage your hearing).
Better off getting set of earphones to block the outside noise levels and keep the iPod volume at acceptable levels.
Check out

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