HELP!! BB 8320 - Pictures

Hello everyone!  I'm new to the BlackBerry family and I need your help.  Can anyone please tell me what's the easiest way to print the pictures that I have stored in my bb?  I bought a MicroSD card and I transfered all my pictures there hoping that I could take the SD card to a Walmart or something and print them out but that didn't work.  I also tried to print them with the USB cable and didn't work. 
How can I print my pictures?

Greetings, and welcome to the Support Forums.
You will need to get the images to your PC to print them.
On your BB > Options > Media Card > Enable Mass Storage.
Connect your BB to the PC via the USB, then under MY COMPUTER find the BlackBerry as a removable drive and copy the files from your Pictures folder to the PC. 
Or email them to a Flickr account or such, to store and print from.
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    You should post in the forum for iWeb 1, iWeb (Previous to iWeb '08) which will have users who are more familiar with the older version.

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    Highlight the song or songs you want to add the artwork to.
    Click the Artwork button in the lower-left corner of the iTunes window (4th icon in).
    The Artwork box will open.
    Open the folder with the pictures in it from Windows Explorer
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    These links may be helpful.
    How To Create Photo Albums
    How to Add New Albums in the Photos App on the iPad & Add Photos to the Album
     Cheers, Tom

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    Cane star
    Welcome to the Apple user to user assistance forums
    deleting photos from albums does not delete them from your library - if all you did was delete them from the albums then they are still in the events and all you have to do is remake the albums
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    Message was edited by: LarryHN

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    That's still doable, but will need a bit of work.  I don't know what version of Photoshop you are using, so the following is for CC. 
    Open the image, and drag a selection across the the central darker area. Make the selection the full height of the image, and try to intersect the transition from light to dark.  Feather the selection.  This is just a starting point, but something like 5 pixels would work.
    Now open a Curves Adjustment layer.  The layer mask in this layer will automatically have a suitable mask in place from your selection.
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    Unlink the layer mask in the Curves Adjustment layer. (click on the chain icon to the left of the layer mask.)
    Make sure the layer mask is selected (it should have a heavy white outline), and nudge the mask left or right to get the best seamless transition.  You will also need to adjust the feather.  If you click between the mask and curves icon on the layer, it will change between Curves and Mask properties.
    When you get the left edge as near as possible, you are going to have to fine tune the right edge using the paint brush in the layer mask. Set brush opacity to 10%, and with black as the foreground colour, and using a fairly large fully soft brush, build towards the best match a stroke at a time.  If you go to far, swap to white and reverse it.
    You can improve the result of the above process using the Patch tool.
    Select the highest layer in the stack, and add a copy merged layer (Shift Ctrl Alt e or Shift Cmd Opt e)
    Select the Patch Tool and make sure it is set to Source in the Options bar.
    Make a select around the transition from light to dark, but just of the sky.  Don't get too close to the horizon.
    Now drag the selection to the right, keeping it abutted to the upper frame edge, and let it go.  This will merge the selected area.
    Note: your selection will have needed to cover a reasonable area each side of the dark to light transition.
    To fix that huge step in the horizon on the right, drag a selection around everything to the right of the step,, and copy to a new layer (Ctrl j or Cmd j)
    Now use Free Transform, or Liquify to match the horizon as close as possible, so you can finish off with the Clone tool.
    Note: If you use Free Transform, hold down the Ctrl (Cmd) key while dragging handles to give best control.  If this leaves a gap in the sky, select it and fix with Content Aware Fill (Shift F5)

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    While calling the pop up clear, refresh  all the variables and pass the new values.
    I guess when you are calling the Image for first time you are not getting any delay or previous image.
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    Hi LaLaMelodic,
    If you are having issues restoring your iPhone from a backup in iTunes, you may find the following articles helpful:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    iOS: Troubleshooting encrypted backups
    - Brenden

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    Given that there are very few mind readers or remote viewers in the user help community it probably would be useful for you to provide a bit more information
    What has changed between your first photo book and now?
    what theme did you use for the first one and what theme are you using now?
    As to the options available with iPhoto '09 themes Liz Castro has done an amazing job in documenting all of the available layouts for each theme here -
    What there is is what there is - you can not do anything to change that

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