Help Blank Router Page

I have a WRT54GS router.  Every time I log into the router setup page:, I get a blank router page.  I only see WRT54GS up in the right hand corner.  I also see a question (?) mark which I can click on and I get a page that I quess (?) is for port forwarding.  I have tried IE7, Firefox and Opera, all of them show the same thing.
What is wrong??  I would really like some help with this.

do u have any firewall installed on the computer??  if yes , disable the firewall and then try to access again... or else go to and download the tftp.exe file ... also , go to and download the firmware for the coressponding version number of the router..
run the tftp file ... here , the server is router's ip address...password is router's password..and browse the firmware file and then click upgrade...
after the firmware upgrade is done , reset the router and reconfigure it...

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    (1) WRT54G Router
    (1) Desktop WinXP Pro SP2 machine, hardwired to router
    (2) WinXP Pro SP2 laptops, wireless - one with built-in wireless, one with a Linksys WPC11 Instant Wireless Network Adapter, version 3.
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    What I've tried:
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    As far as settings-side, I've tried changing just about every setting I can that wont break the system; I've tried changing channels, changing the encryption, changing the IP of the router... and nothing seems to fix the problem.
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    Message Edited by on 07-29-2007 12:34 PM
    Message Edited by   on 07-29-2007 12:35 PM

    I have this exact same issue. I'm using the WRT54G v8 with Firmware Version: v8.00.2 (latest version)
    The log feature of mine was turned on, so I've turned it off.
    As for the P2P, 2 of the 5 computers connected to my network are using it. Are there any suggestions to resolve/help the P2P problem?
    I've also noticed that when the 'no setup page' problem happens, if I do an LAN port scan of the router, port 80 is no longer open. Very wierd.
    After chatting with the Linksys Tech support, they say to take it back to the store (although I'll try these options first)

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    I tookyour suggestion and SUCCESS!  I can now access the Itunes Store.  A simple fix, and thanks so much!!.
    Below is the advice you forwarded:
    I found a solution to my problem.
    > start menu
    > accessories,
    > right click on the command prompt icon and choose "run as administrator".
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    You appear to have the latest version 7.1 of imtranslator. Maybe one of your other plugins or extensions is interfering. Or maybe you have some security related software that is blocking imtranslator.
    Try creating and using a new Firefox profile. In the new profile: remove all extensions other than imtranslator, use only the default theme, and disable all plugins. Will imtranslator work in the new profile ?
    * see [[Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles]]
    As a stopgap measure you could try using Google.Translate or some alternative addon such as one of these
    * FoxLingo:
    * Translate This!:

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    In your WordPress administrative panel, try deactivating the WP Super Cache plugin to bypass any problems with cached pages. Similarly, scrutinize your other plugins to see whether any of them are not absolutely necessary, in case there is a conflict.
    Then clear your Firefox browser cache and try again.
    Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > Network > "Clear Now"
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    Nightly is a pre-release testing version of Firefox: bleeding edge and not necessarily stable. It is Firefox -- a rose by any other name, and all -- but it is buggy, as all testing software is (I'm using it right now). New Firefox versions are born from Nightly, so when a 64-bit version of Firefox is released, it will have come from Nightly development. Use it for general browsing and send feedback (Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> General) and you will be helping to beta test a new baby Firefox.

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    please can u help me in this
    waiting for u r responses,
    Edited by: pasumarthi shilpa on Dec 15, 2008 7:40 AM
    Edited by: pasumarthi shilpa on Dec 16, 2008 5:16 AM

    Check the user Authorization in R/3 and Portal also..
    In portal, Content Administration-->Portal Content -->Your folder(i.e. Role) -->Give a Every one Group Permissions with Read to that folde and check the Enduser check box.

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    You can do that by using an add-on such as:
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    See this old question:
    *[ /questions/982051#answer-517878]

  • Blank first page

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    2. How do I get rid of the blank page?

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    Unlike other spreadsheet programs, Numbers doesn't have wall-to-wall tables. Tables have a finite size and wherever there is a table a page will print, whether there is content in the cells on that page or not. To prevent the sheets without content from printing, you need just reduce the size of the tables to what you actually are using. If you select a cell in your table and scroll to the lower right corner of the table, you will find a large handle that when dragged will change the number of Rows and Columns. Drag the handle up and to the left until it encounters content. It will stop there on its own.
    Now go to the Print View mode: View > Show Print View. You will see all the pages with content and adjacent non-printing pages will be grayed-out.
    Hope this helps.

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    Please help.

    Do you see any errors listed in the output panel?

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    This seemed to be a property that is causing an additional page to be printed.. If you can send the form to [email protected] , I can have a look at it..

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    Don't believe the hype that html5 will replace Flash any time soon. It's not even half baked yet, at least, not for our purposes. It's not that they don't know how to do it; they just want more milk. And, with all due respect, you must be too naive to believe anything you view on YouTube; but you may want to check this out.|22173|phone%20gap||S|b|19887958843&ef_id=UMrbOwAABPDoCr@1:20121214075435:s

Maybe you are looking for