Help compiling R using Solaris Studio

I am trying to compile R 2.14 using the Solaris Studio. The configure command works, with some tweaking ;-), but it I get a lot of "symbols not found" error messages (see below).
Has anyone been able to compile R with the Solaris Studio? Which libraries or files am I missing and how should I specify them.
thanks in advance!
cc -m64 -xopenmp -L/opt/sunstudio12.1/lib/amd64 -o R.bin Rmain.o libR.a -library=sunperf\
-R/opt/solstudio12.2/lib/amd64 -R/usr/local/bin/R-2.14.0/lib64 -R/user/openwin/lib -lfai -lfui -lfsu -lsunquad -lsunmath -lmtsk -lm -lnsl\
-lsocket -lrt -ldl -lm -licuuc -licui18n
cc: Warning: Optimizer level changed from 0 to 3 to support parallelized code.
Undefined               first referenced
symbol                in file
cg_ libR.a(registration.o)
ch_ libR.a(registration.o)
rg_ libR.a(registration.o)
rs_ libR.a(registration.o)
Rz_uncompress libR.a(connections.o)
bincount libR.a(registration.o)
Rz_inflate libR.a(connections.o)
pnbinom_mu libR.a(arithmetic.o)
qnbinom_mu libR.a(arithmetic.o)
rnbinom_mu libR.a(random.o)
dnbinom_mu libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_df libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dt libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pf libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pt libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qf libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qt libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_rf libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rt libR.a(random.o)
R_ProcessEvents libR.a(errors.o)
Rz_crc32 libR.a(connections.o)
chol_ libR.a(registration.o)
do_syssleep libR.a(names.o)
R_zeroin2 libR.a(optimize.o)
R_EditFiles libR.a(platform.o)
R_getProcTime libR.a(memory.o)
lzma_lzma_preset libR.a(connections.o)
lzma_end libR.a(connections.o)
R_ExpandFileName libR.a(platform.o)
R_OpenInitFile libR.a(main.o)
R_getClockIncrement libR.a(memory.o)
BZ2_bzDecompress libR.a(dounzip.o)
R_ReadConsole libR.a(main.o)
Rf_initialize_R Rmain.o
call_dqags libR.a(registration.o)
call_dqagi libR.a(registration.o)
Rf_lchoose libR.a(arithmetic.o)
R_ChooseFile libR.a(platform.o)
Rz_deflateInit2_ libR.a(connections.o)
lzma_code libR.a(connections.o)
N01_kind libR.a(RNG.o)
do_machine libR.a(names.o)
R_max_col libR.a(registration.o)
R_ClearerrConsole libR.a(scan.o)
do_dataviewer libR.a(names.o)
Rf_InitEd libR.a(main.o)
pcre_maketables libR.a(grep.o)
tre_regaparams_default libR.a(agrep.o)
libintl_gettext libR.a(main.o)
libintl_textdomain libR.a(main.o)
lzma_stream_decoder libR.a(connections.o)
R_Busy libR.a(main.o)
Rf_dnf libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dnt libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pnf libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pnt libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qnf libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qnt libR.a(arithmetic.o)
BZ2_bzRead libR.a(connections.o)
Rf_choose libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Brent_fmin libR.a(optimize.o)
BZ2_bzDecompressEnd libR.a(dounzip.o)
Rf_dbinom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dchisq libR.a(arithmetic.o)
R_cumsum libR.a(registration.o)
Rf_dgamma libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dhyper libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dlogis libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dlnorm libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dnbeta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dnorm4 libR.a(arithmetic.o)
fft_factor libR.a(fourier.o)
lzma_stream_encoder libR.a(connections.o)
Rf_fround libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_ftrunc libR.a(arithmetic.o)
tre_regawexec libR.a(agrep.o)
Rz_compress libR.a(connections.o)
do_addhistory libR.a(names.o)
Rf_pbinom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pchisq libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pgamma libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_phyper libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_plogis libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_plnorm libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pnbeta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pnorm5 libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qbinom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
R_pretty libR.a(registration.o)
R_cpolyroot libR.a(complex.o)
Rf_qchisq libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_ptukey libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qgamma libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qhyper libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qlogis libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qlnorm libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qnbeta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qnorm5 libR.a(arithmetic.o)
bakslv libR.a(registration.o)
Rf_rbinom libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rchisq libR.a(random.o)
Rf_qtukey libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_rgamma libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rhyper libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rlogis libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rlnorm libR.a(random.o)
R_rowsum libR.a(registration.o)
str_signif libR.a(registration.o)
Rf_pcauchy libR.a(arithmetic.o)
dchdc_ libR.a(registration.o)
do_system libR.a(names.o)
do_X11 libR.a(names.o)
dpbfa_ libR.a(registration.o)
dpbsl_ libR.a(registration.o)
dpoco_ libR.a(registration.o)
dpodi_ libR.a(registration.o)
dpofa_ libR.a(registration.o)
dposl_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrcf_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrdc_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrls_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrqy_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrsl_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrxb_ libR.a(registration.o)
dsvdc_ libR.a(registration.o)
dtrco_ libR.a(registration.o)
dtrsl_ libR.a(registration.o)
wilcox_free libR.a(registration.o)
fdhess libR.a(optimize.o)
R_ShowFiles libR.a(platform.o)
BZ2_bzReadGetUnused libR.a(connections.o)
tre_regaexecb libR.a(agrep.o)
BZ2_bzReadOpen libR.a(connections.o)
R_zeroin libR.a(optimize.o)
pcrevalid_utf8 libR.a(util.o)
machar libR.a(platform.o)
Rf_pnchisq libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pnbinom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
lzma_crc64 libR.a(util.o)
optif9 libR.a(optimize.o)
rcont2 libR.a(random.o)
R_pretty0 libR.a(engine.o)
setulb libR.a(optim.o)
Rf_qcauchy libR.a(arithmetic.o)
R_tabulate libR.a(registration.o)
tre_regncompb libR.a(grep.o)
tre_regnexecb libR.a(grep.o)
Rf_pwilcox libR.a(arithmetic.o)
libintl_dngettext libR.a(errors.o)
find_interv_vec libR.a(registration.o)
Rf_qnchisq libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qnbinom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_bessel_i_ex libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_bessel_j_ex libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_bessel_y_ex libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_bessel_k_ex libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rz_inflateEnd libR.a(connections.o)
Rz_deflateEnd libR.a(connections.o)
Rf_rcauchy libR.a(random.o)
Rf_trigamma libR.a(arithmetic.o)
do_saveplot libR.a(names.o)
pcre_free libR.a(grep.o)
pcre_exec libR.a(grep.o)
Rf_beta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dexp libR.a(arithmetic.o)
tre_regcomp libR.a(platform.o)
tre_regexec libR.a(platform.o)
tre_regfree libR.a(platform.o)
Rf_pexp libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qexp libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_rexp libR.a(random.o)
Rf_sign libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qwilcox libR.a(arithmetic.o)
R_ReadClipboard libR.a(connections.o)
BZ2_bzWriteOpen libR.a(connections.o)
bincode libR.a(registration.o)
R_CleanTempDir libR.a(main.o)
R_access_X11 libR.a(platform.o)
norm_rand libR.a(optim.o)
Rf_rnchisq libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rnbinom libR.a(random.o)
R_running_as_main_program Rmain.o
Rf_psigamma libR.a(arithmetic.o)
ch2inv_ libR.a(registration.o)
BZ2_bzWrite libR.a(connections.o)
BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress libR.a(connections.o)
Rz_inflateInit2_ libR.a(connections.o)
Rf_rwilcox libR.a(random.o)
R_CleanUp libR.a(main.o)
Rf_dsignrank libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_psignrank libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_rsignrank libR.a(random.o)
Rf_qsignrank libR.a(arithmetic.o)
BZ2_bzDecompressInit libR.a(dounzip.o)
Rf_dcauchy libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rz_deflate libR.a(connections.o)
R_Suicide libR.a(main.o)
libintl_bindtextdomain libR.a(main.o)
stemleaf libR.a(registration.o)
Rf_digamma libR.a(arithmetic.o)
do_sysinfo libR.a(names.o)
Rf_dnchisq libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dnbinom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
do_edit libR.a(names.o)
pcre_study libR.a(grep.o)
R_ShowMessage libR.a(startup.o)
dqrdc2_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrqty_ libR.a(registration.o)
dqrrsd_ libR.a(registration.o)
Rf_InitFunctionHashing libR.a(Rdynload.o)
R_FlushConsole libR.a(plot.o)
lzma_alone_decoder libR.a(connections.o)
Rf_dwilcox libR.a(arithmetic.o)
rmultinom libR.a(random.o)
tre_regwcomp libR.a(agrep.o)
tre_regwexec libR.a(grep.o)
Rf_dbeta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dgeom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dpois libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_dunif libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_fmin2 libR.a(plot3d.o)
Rf_fmax2 libR.a(relop.o)
Rf_fprec libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_imax2 libR.a(printutils.o)
Rf_lbeta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
tre_regcompb libR.a(agrep.o)
do_savehistory libR.a(names.o)
tre_regerror libR.a(agrep.o)
tre_regexecb libR.a(dcf.o)
Rf_pbeta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_pgeom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_ppois libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qbeta libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_punif libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qgeom libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qpois libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_rbeta libR.a(random.o)
Rf_qunif libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_rgeom libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rnorm libR.a(random.o)
Rf_rpois libR.a(random.o)
Rf_runif libR.a(random.o)
do_loadhistory libR.a(names.o)
tre_regaexec libR.a(agrep.o)
R_WriteConsoleEx libR.a(printutils.o)
Rz_inflateReset libR.a(connections.o)
do_dataentry libR.a(names.o)
lzma_raw_encoder libR.a(connections.o)
BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress libR.a(connections.o)
Rf_lgammafn libR.a(random.o)
BM_norm_keep libR.a(RNG.o)
Rf_gammafn libR.a(arithmetic.o)
libintl_dgettext libR.a(main.o)
libintl_ngettext libR.a(printarray.o)
fft_work libR.a(fourier.o)
lzma_raw_decoder libR.a(connections.o)
Rf_pweibull libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_qweibull libR.a(arithmetic.o)
Rf_rweibull libR.a(random.o)
Rf_dweibull libR.a(arithmetic.o)
pcre_fullinfo libR.a(grep.o)
R_WriteConsole libR.a(printutils.o)
R_ResetConsole libR.a(errors.o)
BZ2_bzWriteClose libR.a(connections.o)
signrank_free libR.a(registration.o)
pcre_compile libR.a(grep.o)
BZ2_bzReadClose libR.a(connections.o)
ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors. No output written to R.bin

R 2.14.2 built just fine on S11 with Studio 12.3. I had to have GNU iconv installed and then I had to build without readline as the native one has some problems/features WRT linking to n/curses that I was not in the mood to play with.
./configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--without-readline \

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    "SampleConsumerCPP.cpp", line 36: Error: Could not open include file<xms.hpp>.
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    Compilation aborted, too many Error messages.
    The compiler does not recognize the "make" command either.
    Find below my PATH settings.
    where /data/mqapi contains the XMS installation.
    Any pointers to solve this issue will be highly appreciated.

    I have downloaded and installed "IBM Message Service
    client for C/C++" (in Solaris 5.8) ...
    mqm$ CC SampleConsumerCPP.cpp
    "SampleConsumerCPP.cpp", line 36: Error: Could not
    open include file<xms.hpp>.You probably don't want to be running CC on its own.
    The compiler does not recognize the "make" command
    Find below my PATH settings.
    where /data/mqapi contains the XMS installation.You need to set your path in your shell. Make sure that /usr/ccs/bin is in your PATH.
    Have you really installed Studio 11 in "/data/sunstudio10" - that looks a bit confuding to me!

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    - go to jk/native2 dir
    - run ./
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    could not find /space/home/akhidir/xampp/bin/apxs
    configure: error: You must specify a valid --with-apxs2 path
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    no apxs given
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    checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl
    configure: error: Invalid location for apxs: '/space/home/akhidir/xampp/bin/apx3'
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    Perl 5.8.3
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to setup apache (bundled with Xampp) to work with tomcat through the jk connector. My server is Solaris SPARC 10. I couldn't find the binary distribution of mod_jk2 for Solaris 10 on the net (any one have it ????),
    Iam trying to compile it from source but Iam getting this problem when trying to execute the following:
    - unzip the source
    - go to jk/native2 dir
    - run ./
    - run ./configure --with-apxs2=APACHE_HOME/bin/apxs
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    checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl
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    configure: error: You must specify a valid --with-apxs2 path
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    checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl
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    Apache 2.2.0
    Perl 5.8.3
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  • Use of __typeof__ in Solaris Studio 12.4

    Solaris Studio 12.3 had a __typeof__ operator similar to decltype in C++11.  This is available in a portable wrapper using the Boost macro BOOST_TYPEOF_TPL.  It looks like the Solaris Studio team contributed the modification to Boost which added this in ticket 5745.
    Now Solaris Studio 12.4 has a C++11 mode which supports decltype.  However, is __typeof__ still supposed to work in Solaris Studio 12.4's C++03 mode?  It doesn't seem to work as well as it used to.
    The following program deduces the return type of operator() using __typeof__:
    #include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp>
    #include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <typeinfo>
    // Helper to deduce the result type from a member function pointer.
    template<typename T>
    struct member_function_result_type
    template<typename T, typename R, typename A1>
    struct member_function_result_type<R (T::*)(A1) const>
        typedef typename boost::remove_reference<R>::type type;
    template<typename T>
    struct function_result_type
        typedef BOOST_TYPEOF_TPL(&T::operator()) F;
        typedef typename member_function_result_type<F>::type type;
    template<typename R, typename A>
    struct function_result_type<R (*)(A)>
        typedef typename boost::remove_reference<R>::type type;
    struct my_functor
        float operator()(float numerator) const
            return numerator / 2.0f;
    int main(int, char **)
        typedef typename function_result_type<my_functor>::type my_type;
        my_functor f;
        my_type ret = f(5.0f);
        if (typeid(my_type) == typeid(float))
            std::cout << "As expected " << ret << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Oh dear " << ret << std::endl;
        return 0;
    If you build this with Solaris Studio 12.3 as follows:
    CC -m64 -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_54
    then it compiles and running a.out shows the return type of float has been correctly deduced.
    However, with Solaris Studio 12.4 the same command:
    CC -m64 -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_54
    results in:
    "", line 23: Error: Unexpected type name "F" encountered.
    "", line 42: Warning: "typename" must be used within a template.
    1 Error(s) and 1 Warning(s) detected.
    Now, obviously Solaris Studio 12.4 has a C++11 mode and it is possible to get this program to work by changing BOOST_TYPEOF_TPL to decltype and building with:
    CC -std=c++11 -m64 -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_54
    But Solaris Studio 12.4's C++11 mode has other problems, so is there any way to somehow get a working __typeof__ or equivalent in Solaris Studio 12.4's C++03 mode?
    (In case it makes any difference this is on Solaris 10 x86.)

    I couldn't see that any of the items listed in the "Enforcement of C++ rules" section of the documentation would affect this program.
    Here's a cut down version of the test program that doesn't use Boost:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <typeinfo>
    // Helper to deduce the result type from a member function pointer.
    template<typename T>
    struct member_function_result_type
    template<typename T, typename R, typename A1>
    struct member_function_result_type<R (T::*)(A1) const>
        typedef R type;
    template<typename T>
    struct function_result_type
        typedef __typeof__(&T::operator()) F;
        typedef typename member_function_result_type<F>::type type;
    template<typename R, typename A>
    struct function_result_type<R (*)(A)>
        typedef R type;
    struct my_functor
        float operator()(float numerator) const
            return numerator / 2.0f;
    int main(int, char **)
        typedef function_result_type<my_functor>::type my_type;
        my_functor f;
        my_type ret = f(5.0f);
        if (typeid(my_type) == typeid(float))
            std::cout << "As expected " << ret << std::endl;
        return 0;
    Interestingly this doesn't compile with either Solaris Studio 12.3 or Solaris Studio 12.4, but each gives different errors:
    Solaris Studio 12.3:
    CC -m64
    >> Assertion:  unexpected type_builder::visit_unspec (../lnk/, line 1636)
        while processing at line 39.
    Solaris Studio 12.4:
    CC -m64
    "", line 20: Error: Unexpected type name "F" encountered.
    1 Error(s) detected.
    So Solaris Studio 12.4 is basically failing in the same way as the original test program that used the Boost wrappers.  Solaris Studio 12.3 is failing with an assertion error that doesn't occur when the Boost wrappers are used.
    It turns out that __typeof__ was only used in one place in our codebase (wrapped by Boost), so I've just removed it and implemented that code in a different way.  So this isn't blocking upgrade of Solaris Studio, and we don't even have __typeof__ in our codebase any more, but I just thought you might be interested to have this program as a test case for future development.
    It works fine with clang++ in C++03 mode on Mac OS X so I doubt the problem is caused by the source code not conforming to standard:
    As expected 2.5
    This case may be particularly tricky for a compiler to handle due to __typeof__ being applied to a pointer to a const member function.

  • Compiling / Linking error in Solaris Studio 12.3 C++ Compiler

    I downloaded Solaris Studio 12.3 (SolarisStudio12.3-solaris-x86-pkg.tar.bz2) & unpacked and installed on the default directory (in non-interactive mode) of local machine running Solaris 10 10/09 s10x_u8wos_08a X86. Also applied all the required patches by running the "" after running "".
    My application has make files to take care of the building the whole application. I made necessary changes to the make files to pick up the latest Solaris 12.3 C++ compiler. I could see that it has picked up for compiling.
    While building the whole project, the source files are compiled to object files successfully but when it is creating shared object (.so) files it stops at the below error:
    /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/bin/CC -mt -i -library=stlport4 -zdefs -ztext -G -h -Lpic/lib/debug/sol32 -L/MyHome/open_source/abc/lib/sol32 -L/MyHome/open_source/mno/lib/sol32 -L/MyHome/open_source/pqr/lib/sol32 -L/MyHome/open_source/xyz/lib/sol32 -g -lc -lCrun -lumem -m32 -o debug/
    *usage: CC [ options ] files. Use 'CC -flags' for details*
    Some third party open source libraries are being used in the project. Those libraries are not built using Solaris Studio 12.3 compilers.
    Tried changing lot of options and re-ordering the switches/options but no luck. But on changing as mentioned below the shared library DID build successfully
    - Added space after '-L' option, added '*' at the end of path like "-L/MyHome/open_source/pqr/lib/sol32/*".
    +1) I tried compiling a separate small program into object files using Solaris 12.3 C++ compiler but got the above error/problem when linking the experimental libraries (shared object) with most of the options used in the above command.+
    +2) The same project gets built successfully in Solaris Studio 12.1 (studio12.1-091123) and Solaris Studio 12 (studio12-070724) but the same is failing in Solaris Studio 12.3.+
    Can someone please help me to understand the issue and resolve it? Let me know if any more information is needed.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: 974820 on Dec 4, 2012 7:05 PM

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for the valuable input on the -xdebugformat option. Every suggestion of yours is helping me to proceed further to some extent. This time too, after removing the "-xdebugformat=stabs", I am able to go past the previous error.
    BUT this time I am running into -xarch option problem. I am not sure if this is a application design or compilation options issue or compiler issue. Posting it here to get some inputs to understand more on this before raising any service request with Oracle Support.
    The error details and workarounds used with their result._
    NOTE: All these compilation were passed in earlier Studio versions.
    ORIGINAL - with -xarch=sse2
    /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/bin/CC -errtags=yes -Kpic -mt -errwarn -xdepend=yes -DUSING_STUDIO11 common/xm2/x86/common/inc/ -D__EXTENSIONS__ -g -xarch=sse2 -Icommon/xccolor/inc -Icommon/xm2/x86/include -Icommon/xm2/x86/assembly/inc -Icommon/xm2/x86/common/inc -Iinclude -Icommon/xm2/x86hbc/expander/inc -Icommon/xm2/x86/jpeg/inc -Icommon/xm2embedded/host/x86/hbc/inc -Icommon/xm2/common/inc -Iimg-drv//include -Icommon/xm2/config/inc -Icommon/Utilities/include -Iimg-drv/ipshared/include -Icommon/cpp/inc -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/poco-1.3.6p2/include -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/boost_1_49_0/include -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/ACE-6.0 -I/workspaces/osnl/include -I/workspaces/osnl/SunOS/include -m32 -c common/xm2/x86/hbc/src/hbc_jpeg.c -o artifacts/common/xm2/x86/obj/debug/sol32/hbc_jpeg.o
    "/tmp/yabeAAAIaaOxX", line 294 : Syntax error
    Near line: " maskmovq %mm0,%ebp"
    "/tmp/yabeAAAIaaOxX", line 1175 : Syntax error
    Near line: " maskmovq %mm0,%ebp"
    Failure in /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/bin/fbe, status = 0x7f00
    Fatal Error exec'ing /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/bin/fbe
    common/xm2embedded/host/x86/src/hbc_jpeg.c:1062 Warning: mmextract_epi16 intrinsic requires -xarch=sse4_1.*
    cc: acomp failed for common/xm2/x86/hbc/src/hbc_jpeg.c
    gmake[1]: *** [_artifacts_/common/xm2/x86/obj/debug/sol32/hbc_jpeg.o] Error 2
    gmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    AFTER CHANGING -xarch=sse2 to -xarch=sse4_1
    /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/bin/CC -errtags=yes -Kpic -mt -errwarn -library=stlport4 -DCPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DDSP_LITTLE_ENDIAN -xarch=sse4_1 -DTIXML_USE_STL=1 -erroff=doubunder -g -Icommon/xm2/xm2util/src -Icommon/xm2/xm2util/inc -Icommon/xm2/common/inc -Icommon/xm2/config/inc -Icommon/xm2embedded/host/utils/inc -Icommon/xm2/imageutil/inc -Icommon/xm2/x86hbc/include -Icommon/include -Iinclude -Icommon/xcc/inc -Icommon/cpp/inc -Icommon/Util/include -I/workspaces/open_source/poco-1.3.6p2/include -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/boost_1_49_0/include -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/ACE-6.0 -I/workspaces/CP.00_compiler/docusp/osnlayer/include -I/workspaces/osnl/SunOS/include -m32 -c common/xm2/xm2/src/JPEGHelpers.cpp -o artifacts/common/xm2/xm2/src/obj/debug/sol32/JPEGHelpers.o
    "common/xm2/xm2/src/JPEGHelpers.cpp", line 918: Error, nostructsym: Variable table is not a structure.
    "common/xm2/xm2/src/JPEGHelpers.cpp", line 919: Error, nostructsym: Variable table is not a structure.
    "common/xm2/xm2/src/JPEGHelpers.cpp", line 926: Error, nostructsym: Variable clear_high2bits is not a structure.
    "common/xm2/xm2/src/JPEGHelpers.cpp", line 927: Error, nostructsym: Variable clear_high2bits is not a structure.
    "common/xm2/xm2/src/JPEGHelpers.cpp", line 1223: Error, unassigned: The variable clear_high2bits has not yet been assigned a value.
    "common/xm2/xm2/src/JPEGHelpers.cpp", line 1224: Error, unassigned: The variable table has not yet been assigned a value.
    6 Error(s) detected.
    /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/bin/CC -errtags=yes -Kpic -mt -errwarn -library=stlport4 -DCPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DDSP_LITTLE_ENDIAN -xarch=sse4_1 -DTIXML_USE_STL=1 -erroff=doubunder -g -Icommon/xm2/xm2/src -Icommon/xm2/xm2/inc -Icommon/xm2/common/inc -Icommon/xm2/config/inc -Icommon/xm2/utils/inc -Icommon/xm2/imageutil/inc -Icommon/xm2/x86/include -Icommon/xm2/include -Iinclude -Icommon/xcc/inc -Icommon/cpp/inc -Icommon/Util/include -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/poco-1.3.6p2/include -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/boost_1_49_0/include -I/workspaces/3rd_Party/open_source/ACE-6.0 -I/workspaces/osnl/include -I/workspaces/osnl/SunOS/include -m32 -c common/xm2/xm2/src/Color.cpp -o artifacts/common/xm2/xm2/src/obj/debug/sol32/Color.o
    "common/xm2/xm2/inc/JPEGStripsImage.hpp", line 85: Error, badinitlval: Initializing std::vector<unsigned, xm2::XM2Allocator<unsigned>>& requires an lvalue.
    "common/xm2/image/inc/ISelector.hpp", line 36: Error, badinitlval: Initializing std::vector<unsigned, xm2::XM2Allocator<unsigned>>& requires an lvalue.
    "common/xm2/image/inc/RasterSelectorImage.hpp", line 53: Error, badinitlval: Initializing std::vector<unsigned, xm2::XM2Allocator<unsigned>>& requires an lvalue.
    3 Error(s) detected.
    6 Error(s) detected.gmake[1]: *** [_artifacts_/common/xm2/xm2/src/obj/debug/sol32/JPEGHelpers.o] Error 2
    gmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    3 Error(s) detected.gmake[1]: *** [_artifacts_/common/xm2/xm2/src/obj/debug/sol32/Color.o] Error 2
    Thank you.

  • Solaris Studio 12.4 ccfe signal 11 with boost::unordered_set in C  11 mode

    Using Solaris Studio 12.4 on Solaris 10 update 10 x86, the following program crashes ccfe:
    #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
    #include <string>
    int main(int, char **)
        boost::unordered_set<std::string> strSet;
        std::string str("test");
        return 0;
    Assuming the code is saved to, build it in C++11 mode using:
    CC -v -std=c++11 -m64 -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_54
    The output is:
    ### CC: Note: NLSPATH = /opt/solarisstudio12.4/bin/../lib/locale/%L/LC_MESSAGES/
    ###     command line files and options (expanded):
    ### -v -std=c++11 -m64 -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_54
    /opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/ccfe -xarch=amd64 -std=c++11 -D__SunOS_5_10 -D__SUNPRO_CC=0x5130 -D__unix -D__SVR4 -D__sun -D__SunOS "-D__builtin_expect(e,x)=e" -D__x86_64 -D__x86_64__ -D__amd64 -D__amd64__ -D_LP64 -D__LP64__ -D__BUILTIN_VA_STRUCT -Dunix -Dsun -D__SUN_PREFETCH -D__SUNPRO_CC_COMPAT='G' -include /opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/include/CC/gnu/builtins.h -include /opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/include/CC/gnu/builtins-def.h -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_54 -I-xbuiltin -I/opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/include/CC/gnu -I/opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/ -I/opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2//backward -I/opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/i386-sun-solaris2.10/amd64/ -I/opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/include/cc -I/usr/include -I/opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/lib/gcc/i386-sun-solaris2.10/4.8.2/include// -ptf /tmp/ccfe.1422033660.29374.03.%1.%2 -ptx /opt/solarisstudio12.4/bin/CC -ptk "-v -std=c++11 -m64 -I/usr/local/include/boost-1_54 " -compat=g -xdebuginfo=%none -xdbggen=dwarf+usedonly+incl -xF=%none -xbuiltin=%none -xldscope=global -xivdep=loop -O0 -xarrayloc -o /tmp/ 2> /tmp/ccfe.1422033660.29374.02.err
    /opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/stdlibfilt -stderr < /tmp/ccfe.1422033660.29374.02.err
    >> Signal 11:
        while processing at line 0.
    rm /tmp/ccfe.1422033660.29374.02.err
    rm /tmp/
    I know Boost 1.54 is not the most recent version, but the only changes to unordered_set.hpp between 1.54 and the current master branch in Boost's Git repository are Visual Studio 2013 workarounds, so I strongly suspect the same problem would occur with Solaris Studio 12.4 and more recent versions of Boost.
    This problem can be avoided by using std::unordered_set instead of boost::unordered_set.  However, since the compiler actually suffers a SEGV rather than giving a nice error message I thought I'd report this in case it's a sign of a problem in the compiler that might occur under other circumstances too.

    Thanks for the help.  Yes, sorry, I should have made clear that this is after trying to use Boost in C++11 mode.  I agree that the problem doesn't occur when using Solaris Studio in C++11 mode but Boost configured not to use any C++11 features.
    I made quite a few edits to the Boost code, including the ones Steve posted in this thread.  The edit that causes this problem to occur is the one to boost/config/compiler/sunpro_cc.hpp that removes all the BOOST_NO_CXX11_* macros.
    It sounds like I should just hold off trying to use Boost in C++11 mode until the next version of Solaris Studio is out.
    The pstack from the ccfe core dump is:
    core 'core.1503' of 1503:       /opt/solarisstudio12.4/lib/compilers/ccfe -xarch=amd64 -std=c++11 -D__
    ffff0000 ???????? (8041218, 8, fcf58e0, 0)
    082b7713 __1cPtemp_name_substKsubstitute6MrknQfull_syntax_name__1_ (8041260, 8041180) + 163
    082be63d __1cKexpr_substKvisit_name6MpnJname_expr__v_ (80413c0, ad65da8, 8041348, 8275d73) + fd
    082bc775 __1cKexpr_substKsubstitute6MpknEexpr__p1_ (80413c0, f2cab18, 80413a8) + 35
    082b858b __1cPtemp_name_substQsubst_single_arg6MnPtemplate_actual__k1_ (80415d0, 8041b10, f2cab18, 103, 8041570, 0) + 2fb
    082b8e10 __1cPtemp_name_substUsubstitute_temp_args6MrknbBtemplate_actuals_collection_pknXtemplate_parameter_list__1_ (8041890, 8041b10) + 150
    082ba050 __1cPtemp_name_substPvisit_temp_args6MrknbJsyntax_name_with_template_arguments__v_ (8041b10, fc9dd80, 8041ac0, 8041964) + 30
    082ba2c8 __1cPtemp_name_substFvisit6MrknQsyntax_name_impl4eInSsyntax_name_sort_t____v_ (8041b10, fc9dd80, fcf5610, 0) + 18
    082b76d1 __1cPtemp_name_substKsubstitute6MrknQfull_syntax_name__1_ (8041bf0, 8041b10) + 121
    082b526b __1cPtemp_type_substUvisit_name_dependent6MpnEtype_pnTname_dependent_type__v_ (8041eb0, f2e1aa4, f2e1a58, f2e21f0) + 5b
    082b3930 __1cPtemp_type_substTsubstitute_ret_type6MpnJfunc_type__pnEtype__ (8041eb0, f2e2178, 8041d08, 8041d60) + 30
    082b3c2c __1cPtemp_type_substKvisit_func6MpnEtype_pnJfunc_type__v_ (8041eb0, f2e21a0, f2e2178, f2e21f0) + 25c
    082ba941 __1cPtemp_type_substTexpand_in_func_type6MpnJfunc_type__2_ (8041eb0) + 31
    0816b754 __1cIfunc_symRnew_template_spec6kMrknbBtemplate_actuals_collection_rknIposition__pnDsym__ (f2e21f0) + c4
    082c941b __1cQtemplate_matcherIgen_func6M_pnIfunc_sym__ (8042050, ad62d58, ad65960, 0) + 59b
    0828af3f ???????? (80420f4, ad65940, 80421a0, 0, ad62c50, 0)
    0828b2c9 __1cNoverload_call6FpnJcall_expr_rknJsym_array_4brknbBtemplate_actuals_collection_nEtypeKtype_class_b_2_ (8042198, ad65940, 804219c, 80421a0, 0, ad62c50) + 99
    08204c38 ???????? (ad65940)
    082086ff __1cLtypify_call6FpnJcall_expr_I_pnEexpr__ (ad65940, 4, 0, fd33148) + 9bf
    081e36a5 __1cXtypify_dispatch_visitorKvisit_call6MpnJcall_expr__v_ (8042530, ad65940, 0, 0) + 15
    081e4529 __1cGtypify6FpnEexpr_I_1_ (ad65940, 4, 0, 0) + c9
    082b1e0a __1cJexpr_stmtOpass_thru_expr6MpnEexprHvisitor__v_ (ad659a0, 80425b0, 0, 83bb23e) + 1a
    081e3cd1 __1cXtypify_dispatch_visitorPvisit_statement6MpnOstatement_expr__v_ (8042660, ad62b28, 8042608, 83bbbe9) + 71
    081e4529 __1cGtypify6FpnEexpr_I_1_ (ad62b28, 0, 8759ec0, fc9b740) + c9
    08266956 __1cWstore_inline_func_body6FpnIfunc_sym_pnFscope_bb_pnEexpr__ (fd2fc80, fc9b740, 1, 1) + 426
    082700c8 __1cSinline_bookkeepingOprocess_inline6MpnIfunc_sym_pnJcall_expr_pnEexpr__6_ (8d61508) + 268
    08270542 __1cSinline_bookkeepingNexpand_inline6MpnJcall_expr_pnEexpr__4_ (8d61508, ad5ecf8, 87594a8, 0) + f2
    081e10e3 ???????? (ad5ecf8, 80005, 8043208, 85a44ab)
    081d673e __1cWbind2_dispatch_visitorKvisit_call6MpnJcall_expr__v_ (8043220, ad5ecf8, fd1e6b8, fcb9a40) + 9e
    081d7662 __1cHbind2erKbind2_body6FpnEexpr_I_2_ (ad5ecf8, 80005, 8043288, 0) + a2
    082a94e7 ???????? (ad5ecf8, 0, 0, 0)
    082aaaf3 __1cRstmt_bind_visitorKvisit_expr6MpnJexpr_stmt__v_ (8043350, ad5ed58, 80432f8, 804337c) + 93
    082a8f2f __1cRstmt_bind_visitorOstmt_list_bind6MpnJstatement__2_ (8043350, ad5ed58, 2211, 7fefefef) + 8f
    082b06b5 __1cRstmt_bind_visitorPvisit_statement6MpnOstatement_expr__v_ (8043350) + b5
    082a9294 __1cJstmt_bind6FpnOstatement_expr_b_v_ (ad5bef0) + b4
    081df9c6 ???????? (ad5bef0, 0, 8043428, 8272a37)
    081d6e18 __1cWbind2_dispatch_visitorPvisit_statement6MpnOstatement_expr__v_ (8043420, ad5bef0, 8043448, 8043494) + 98
    081d7662 __1cHbind2erKbind2_body6FpnEexpr_I_2_ (ad5bef0, 0, 8043488, 81710d5) + a2
    082726f0 __1cSinline_bookkeepingQfinish_expansion6MrnbDfunction_definition_interface_pnEexpr__4_ (8d61508, fd2b46c, ad5bef0, 0) + 160
    081e10f9 ???????? (ad4b210, 80005, 8043528, 82759da)
    081d673e __1cWbind2_dispatch_visitorKvisit_call6MpnJcall_expr__v_ (8043520, ad4b210, 0, fcb9a40) + 9e
    081d7662 __1cHbind2erKbind2_body6FpnEexpr_I_2_ (ad4b210, 80005, 8043578, ad55cc0) + a2
    082a94e7 ???????? (ad4b210, 0, 0, 0)
    082aaaf3 __1cRstmt_bind_visitorKvisit_expr6MpnJexpr_stmt__v_ (8043650, ad4b270, fd1e668, 874cef8) + 93
    082a8f2f __1cRstmt_bind_visitorOstmt_list_bind6MpnJstatement__2_ (8043650, ad4a7b0, 1, 7fefefef) + 8f
    082b06b5 __1cRstmt_bind_visitorPvisit_statement6MpnOstatement_expr__v_ (8043650) + b5
    082a9294 __1cJstmt_bind6FpnOstatement_expr_b_v_ (ad4a520) + b4
    081d6e18 __1cWbind2_dispatch_visitorPvisit_statement6MpnOstatement_expr__v_ (8043720, ad4a520, 8043748, 8043794) + 98
    081d7662 __1cHbind2erKbind2_body6FpnEexpr_I_2_ (ad4a520, 0, 8043788, 81710d5) + a2
    082726f0 __1cSinline_bookkeepingQfinish_expansion6MrnbDfunction_definition_interface_pnEexpr__4_ (8d61508, fc7b144, ad4a520, 0) + 160
    081e10f9 ???????? (ad035e8, 80005, fd1e368, 85a4400)
    081d673e __1cWbind2_dispatch_visitorKvisit_call6MpnJcall_expr__v_ (8043820, ad035e8, acffdb8, fcb9a40) + 9e
    081d7662 __1cHbind2erKbind2_body6FpnEexpr_I_2_ (ad035e8, 80005, 8043878, 0) + a2
    082a94e7 ???????? (ad035e8, 0, 0, 0)
    082aaaf3 __1cRstmt_bind_visitorKvisit_expr6MpnJexpr_stmt__v_ (80439c0, ad03648, ad03668, 8759ec0) + 93
    082a8f2f __1cRstmt_bind_visitorOstmt_list_bind6MpnJstatement__2_ (80439c0, acf9468, 0, 82d7323) + 8f
    082afb6b __1cRstmt_bind_visitorWvisit_function_variant6MpnNfunction_stmt_b_v_ (80439c0, ad04358, 1, 8043a30) + 46b
    082afe10 __1cRstmt_bind_visitorOvisit_function6MpnNfunction_stmt__v_ (80439c0, ad04358, ad04378, 8759ec0) + 40
    082a916f __1cUstmt_bind_and_expand6FpnJstatement__1_ (ad04358, 3, fc55f4b, 80443c4) + 11f
    08257545 __1cMfunc_contextJpostamble6MrnbDfunction_definition_interface_pnNfunction_stmt__v_ (871cc98) + d5
    082e879d __1cTimmediate_func_body6FpnIfunc_sym__v_ (fbd3840, fbd3390, 8044dd0, 821b71f) + 3fd
    08266428 __1cMparse_inline6FrnbDfunction_definition_interface__v_ (fbd385c, fbd38cc, 8044eb0, 95a38d4) + 188
    084db8c8 __1cLemit_inline6FpnIsym_list__v_ (fca5328, fca5328) + 2d8
    084d88f1 __1cQcompilation_unitFclean6M_b_ (8759310) + a1
    084dd507 __1cIfinalgen6F_v_ (8c3ffa8, 8759178, 8046eb8, 815db68, 1, 8c41eb8) + 67
    082f533b __1cGanalys6Fb_v_ (1, 8c41eb8, 8046eb8, 815d5d7) + db
    0815db68 __1cHtmcplus6Fri0bpnHoptions__nHsym_set__ (8046f00, 8046ef8, 8046efc, 1, 8c4ced8, 86417b1) + 2be8
    082e5943 main     (34, 8047360, 8047434) + 283
    08153f22 _start   (34, 8047514, 804753e, 804754b, 8047556, 8047565) + 72

  • Error compiling certain uses of std::tuple in Solaris Studio 12.4 beta July refresh

    Whilst attempting to compile Boost 1.54 using the Solaris Studio 12.4 beta July refresh with -std=c++11 I get an error building libs/regex/src/cregex.cpp that looks like it might be due to a problem with the compiler.  (clang++ on Mac OS X and g++ on Linux can certainly build the same file without problems - I can post more details about them if you think this is a problem in the Boost code rather than the compiler.)
    The error from Solaris Studio is:
    Error: Could not find a match for std::_Tuple_impl<0, int&&>::_Tuple_impl(std::tuple<int&&>, int) needed in std::tuple<int&&>::tuple<int, void>(int&&).
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/tuple", line 868:     Where: While instantiating "std::tuple<int&&>::tuple<int, void>(int&&)".
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/tuple", line 868:     Where: Instantiated from std::forward_as_tuple<int>(int&&).
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/bits/stl_map.h", line 485:     Where: Instantiated from non-template code.
    1 Error(s) detected.
    To reproduce this you can download the pre-processed source code from and paste it into a file called cregex.pre.cpp.  Then run:
    CC -std=c++11 -mt -m64 -c -o cregex.o cregex.pre.cpp
    to get the error I saw.
    In case it's relevant, I'm working on Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10x_u11wos_24a X86.

    This looks very much like a recent bug with std::map introduced with the change to g++ 4.8 headers in July Beta:
      19159587 C++11: errors on a simple <map> usage
    It has been reported on forums - +d flag can cause C++ compilation failure in 12.4 beta refresh
    This bug will be fixed in a final release.
    Unfortunately there is no workaround for this problem.

  • How to generate gdb compatible .o for CMT using Sun Studio C compiler?

    we've been working on a joint project for telco bearer plane applications on CMT.
    We started the project using gcc for Sparc and we switched to Sun Studio compiler when we hit some bugs in gcc (optimized mode was not completely stable). The switch took a few weeks due to syntax differences and toolchain option changes.
    With Sun Studio we got a double digit percent performance improvement, so Sun Studio proved more stable and faster than gcc.
    To debug programs we require gdb, because the Telco customers are more familiar with it. The problem is that Sun Studio generates object files which are not compatible with gdb.
    Our main requirement is to be able to generate gdb compatible object files using Sun Studio compiler.
    We checked this link:
    but this seems to be a variant of gcc. At this point we cannot switch compiler because of the performance and stability issues mentioned above and because it will take a few weeks to months to switch.
    We have two questions:
    1) Is there a way to generate gdb compatible object files using Sun Studio 11?
    2) If not, is this funcionality going to be available in a future release of Sun Studio and what is the time frame?
    Thanks for your help.
    Marco Zandonadi
    Teja Technologies

    The undefined symbol is in the C++ runtime support library that is part of Solaris. Probably you have an out-fo-date version of the libraries.
    You can get current patches from the Sun Studio patch page:
    From the page for your version of WorkShop or Sun Studio, select the C++ Runtime Library patch for the version of Solaris that your are running. While you are at it, you can get the current compiler patches as well.
    If patching the runtime libraries does not fix the problem, let me know, and also show the exact command lines that you use for compiling and linking the program.

  • Error in compiling boost example program using sun studio 12

    I am trying to compile the below example program from boost using sun studio 12 C++ compiler.
    #include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/mapped_region.hpp>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <string>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    using namespace boost::interprocess;
    if(argc == 1)
    {  //Parent process
    //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction
    struct shm_remove
    shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); }
    ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); }
    } remover;
    //Create a shared memory object.
    shared_memory_object shm (create_only, "MySharedMemory", read_write);
    //Set size
    //Map the whole shared memory in this process
    mapped_region region(shm, read_write);
    //Write all the memory to 1
    std::memset(region.get_address(), 1, region.get_size());
    //Launch child process
    std::string s(argv[0]); s += " child ";
    if(0 != std::system(s.c_str()))
    return 1;
    //Open already created shared memory object.
    shared_memory_object shm (open_only, "MySharedMemory", read_only);
    //Map the whole shared memory in this process
    mapped_region region(shm, read_only);
    //Check that memory was initialized to 1
    char mem = static_cast<char>(region.get_address());
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < region.get_size(); ++i)
    if(*mem++ != 1)
    return 1; //Error checking memory
    return 0;
    Using the below command :
    CC -c 1.cpp -I/home/syogacha/satish/boost_1_43_0 -library=stlport4
    "/home/syogacha/satish/boost_1_43_0/boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp", line 284: Error: The function "shm_open" must have a prototype.
    "/home/syogacha/satish/boost_1_43_0/boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp", line 307: Error: The function "shm_unlink" must have a prototype.
    "/home/syogacha/satish/boost_1_43_0/boost/interprocess/mapped_region.hpp", line 549: Error: Formal argument 1 of type char* in call to shmdt(char*) is being passed void*.
    3 Error(s) detected.
    I even tried to include sys/mman.h but got the same compilation errors.
    Do we need to take care of few other specific things while using boost headers.
    Thanks in advance ...

    Hope this helps....
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/mapped_region.hpp>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iterator>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    {      //main
            using namespace boost::interprocess;
            if(argc == 1)
            {  //Parent process
                    //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction
                    struct shm_remove
                            shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); }
                            ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); }
                    } remover;
                    //Create a shared memory object.
                    shared_memory_object shm (create_only, "MySharedMemory", read_write);
                    //Set size
                    //Map the whole shared memory in this process
                    mapped_region region(shm, read_write);
                    //Write all the memory to 1
                   std::memset(region.get_address(), 1, region.get_size());
                    //Launch child process
                    std::string s(argv[0]); s += " child ";
                    if(0 != std::system(s.c_str()))
                    return 1;
                    //Open already created shared memory object.
                    shared_memory_object shm (open_only, "MySharedMemory", read_only);
                    //Map the whole shared memory in this process
                    mapped_region region(shm, read_only);
                    //Check that memory was initialized to 1
                    char *mem = static_cast<char*>(region.get_address());
                    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < region.get_size(); ++i)
                    if(*mem++ != 1)
                    return 1;   //Error checking memory
            return 0;

  • Compiler Error after Upgrading Sun Studio 12 to Solaris Studio 12.3

    This code compiled with Solaris Studio CC: Sun C++ 5.9 SunOS_sparc Patch 124863-02 2007/12/18
    but fails to compile under CC: Sun C++ 5.12 SunOS_sparc Patch 148506-14 2013/09/24
    CC -features=zla -mt -g -library=Cstd  -DACE_HAS_KSTAT -DACE_HAS_CUSTOM_EXPORT_MACROS=0 -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS   -I/export/home/ttp/ACE_wrappers -DACE_HAS_SCTP -DACE_HAS_LKSCTP -D__ACE_INLINE__ -I../jpeg-6b -I../tiff-v3.5.7/libtiff/ -I../tags/ -I/RogueWave/SourcePro/12.5 -D_XPG4_2 -D__EXTENSIONS__ -D_RWCONFIG_15d -DRW_MULTI_THREAD -D_REENTRANT -DTTPVERSIONKEY=\"7.00-alpha-2013/11/15\" -DRW_USER_TRACE_LEVEL=5  -c -KPIC -o .shobj/julian.o
    Error Message: "/opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 538: Error: The function "wcsstr" must have a prototype
    If I add the -H to trace the headers this is what I get below. I have been fighting with this for a week now and really don't know what to do at this point. We use the RogueWave libraries with the Solaris Studio Compiler for more additional libraries but RogueWave says our version is compatible with Solaris Studio 12.3 and in fact we successfully compiled the RogueWave libraries with this compiler. I"m sure it something in our code but I can't quite figure it out.
    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2013.11.15 17:45:03 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    gmake -f GNUmakefile.TTPLib
    GNUmakefile: /export/home/ttp/ttproot/ttp/TTPLib/GNUmakefile.TTPLib MAKEFLAGS=
    CC -features=zla -H -mt -g -library=Cstd  -DACE_HAS_KSTAT -DACE_HAS_CUSTOM_EXPORT_MACROS=0 -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS   -I/export/home/ttp/ACE_wrappers -DACE_HAS_SCTP -DACE_HAS_LKSCTP -D__ACE_INLINE__ -I../jpeg-6b -I../tiff-v3.5.7/libtiff/ -I../tags/ -I/RogueWave/SourcePro/12.5 -D_XPG4_2 -D__EXTENSIONS__ -D_RWCONFIG_15d -DRW_MULTI_THREAD -D_REENTRANT -DTTPVERSIONKEY=\"7.00-alpha-2013/11/15\" -DRW_USER_TRACE_LEVEL=5  -c -KPIC -o .shobj/julian.o
    "/opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/traits", line 538: Error: The function "wcsstr" must have a prototype.
    "messages.h", line 248: Warning: Implicit int is not supported in C++.
    1 Error(s) and 1 Warning(s) detected.
    gmake: *** [.shobj/julian.o] Error 2

    I resolved this issue. The 2 defines: -D_XPG4_2 -D__EXTENSIONS__ are no longer needed and actually shouldn't be used.

  • Can I use Solaris with my Home Recording Studio?

    I am currently building a basic home recording studio. I recently assembled a new computer and will be purchasing music recording equipment very soon. Before I purchase the audio recording gear, I was curious about a few things pertaining to the use of Solaris as my possible choice system.
    The data that I store on my hard drives will need to be secure. I had originally considered RAID 5 though recently found out about RAID Z, which appears to be far ahead of the other RAIDs. I am curious to know more about how to set up a RAID Z system.
    The computer will be running Solaris, various Linux or BSD, and Windows Vista. I have 500GB x4 hard drives. I am considering separating one and using it strictly for Vista, and using the remaining 3 with a RAID set-up for nix. If I had a choice, I would put much less hard drive space into Vista (capping it at 150 to 200 GB), though I have yet to come across a RAID system that effectively or efficiently cooperates cross-platform. With that in mind, the majority of the remaining 1.5TB can go into my studio OS - hopefully Solaris - while left-over hard drive space is set aside for various other *nix.
    I've used Solaris 10 before, though haven't really gone into detail on the mechanics of such features as ZFS, zones, now RAID Z, and the many more amazing features that Solaris provides. Likewise, I am not really familiar with how well the system might operate with software/applications that I could use for recording and composing music.
    Beyond the available 2TB (or 1.5TB RAID-ready) space, my computer is running on a new 64-bit quad-core AMD CPU (~2.6GHz) and currently has 4GB 1066MHz RAM. In my search for preparing a computer that suits me for high performance recording - including the editing and mastering of audio - I am attempting to narrow down my options on the software side of things. I have been very satisfied with the general file management of Solaris, though am unsure of how well it might run as the software side of a home recording studio. An additional factor in deciding will be the software's compatbility with audio PCI cards and external recording/audio interfaces. There is always a question of whether or not the necessary drivers, firmware, or similar is available between any given hardware and software components.
    Some other *nix options I have considered - "Ubuntu Studio 64-bit" (though it appears to prefer 32-bit) and "64 Studio" (also Debian-based, though appears to be optimized for 64-bit). Some colleagues have used Gentoo with studio applications, though I don't know of any Linux distributions that offer the versatility, power, stability, and efficiency of Solaris for the operating system that it is.
    If I use something like "64 Studio", I will have the advantage of a system that is ready-built for studio recording purposes as well as a system that I know is compatible with the sound gear that I am considering purchasing. However, those systems are restricted by their file system types, RAID availability and dependability, and the general disadvantages of using the Linux kernel in general. (I enjoy Linux, though I admittedly prefer Unix over it.)
    Can I use Solaris with my home recording studio?
    Thank you!
    Edited by: the_professor on Nov 9, 2008 6:26 PM
    Corrected a typo.
    Edited by: the_professor on Nov 9, 2008 6:30 PM
    Caught another typo.

    I'm not sure what your question is. If you have particular software you want to run, you should see what you can get that package to run under. Sound hw stuff don't tend to be too portable unless it's written on top of OSS (htttp:// Were I you, I'd consider separating out the storage part and the processing part. Get something like a cheap dell sc440 to be a file server and give the drives to that (unless you actually can get all the components working under solaris).

  • How to use Visual Studio IDE in IAR compiler?

    I want to use visual studio IDE in IAR like external editor. but I do not know how do that?

    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    As you said the IAR, it seems that it is a third-party tool and we are not support it. So I suggest you can post this issue directly to the IAR official website: , maybe you will get better support.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Compiling iperf on Solaris 10 8/07 w/ Sun Studio 12 -- Errors

    /var/tmp/iperf-2.0.2 (nocc-testjump) #> /usr/local/bin/make
    /usr/local/bin/make  all-recursive
    make[1]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/iperf-2.0.2'
    Making all in compat
    make[2]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/iperf-2.0.2/compat'
    if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I..  -I../include -I../include    -O2  -MT delay.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/delay.Tpo" -c -o delay.o delay.cpp; \
            then mv -f ".deps/delay.Tpo" ".deps/delay.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/delay.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
    In file included from /usr/include/sys/wait.h:24,
                     from /usr/include/stdlib.h:22,
                     from ../include/headers.h:78,
                     from ../include/Timestamp.hpp:63,
                     from delay.cpp:53:
    /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h:259: 'ctid_t' is used as a type, but is not defined
       as a type.
    /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h:260: 'zoneid_t' is used as a type, but is not
       defined as a type.
    /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h:390: 'ctid_t' is used as a type, but is not defined
       as a type.
    /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h:391: 'zoneid_t' is used as a type, but is not
       defined as a type.
    make[2]: *** [delay.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/iperf-2.0.2/compat'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/iperf-2.0.2'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    /var/tmp/iperf-2.0.2 (nocc-testjump) #> Any ideas why I'm getting this problem?

    In general, if you are having a problem compiling Open Source code with Sun Studio, you need to try the community support portal for that code.
    Start with the Iperf home page
    Often, Open Source code has been tried only with gcc, and won't build with other compilers without some effort.
    If nobody else has tried using Sun Studio, you might need to do some debugging of configuration scripts and even source code.
    The Iperf home page provides an address where you can report such problems.
    In addition, older versions of autoconf and libtool don't work with Sun Studio, and can generate invalid makefiles. Be sure you have the current versions of both, if they are used by Iperf.

  • Help.. First Time Using DVD Studio Pro!!

    OK .. this is my first time using DVD Studio Pro. Before this I have always used IDVD for my Final Cut Projects, but I now need to branch out!
    I've hit a bit of a brick wall. I've watched the video tutorials and tried to read the instruction manual, but it's heavy going!!!.. can someone help me get over the hump?
    Here's where I've got to:
    - In my Assets tab I have my two file - QT Video File and QT Audio file. Both are yellow uncompressed video. I also have a templates folder.
    - I chose the template called brush cover which I can see under the menu tab on a window. If I go to that same window and select the graphical tab I can see a menu 1 and track 1.
    - In my timeline I have dragged my Video and adui assets over and can see them and actually play the movie.
    - What is also worth mentioning is that I can also see the 18 chapter markers that I created in FCP.
    - Now I hit the brick wall!!.
    - Back in my menu I see 8 buttons. In my timeline I have 18 chapters. How do I transfer my 18 chapters over to my menu so that I have 18 buttons each one representing a chapter?
    - I'm sure that it's obvious and a silly question.. but for a rookie like me who's trying to figure this out from scratch it's not easy!
    Thanks for any advise!!.. also if anyone has a good 'idiot's guide' for ex iDVD people moving to DVD Pro then I'd really appreciate it!
    Many Thanks!

    Back in my menu I see 8 buttons. In my timeline I have 18 chapters. How do I transfer my 18 chapters over to my menu so that I have 18 buttons each one representing a chapter?
    You can duplicate your 8 buttons menu so many time as you need to include your 18 chapters, creating a simple new button to navigate through Chapter Menu1, Chapter Menu2, etc.
    Or you can duplicte&resize buttons to fit more of them in a single menu, but 18 button chapters could be too much for a comfortable navigation.
    Thanks for any advise!!.. also if anyone has a good 'idiot's guide' for ex iDVD people moving to DVD Pro then I'd really appreciate it!
    You can use the Search feature in this forum and almost for sure you'll find any answer you need, in particular for basic stuff.
    You can visit Drew13's site [DVD Step by Step|] for some good tutorials, and Drew13 uses to stay tuned here to help you too!
    And sometimes Google helps too !
    Hope that helps !

  • Using dvd studio pro and getting language must differ message.  Will not let me create disc.  Help!

    using dvd studio pro and getting language must differ message.  Will not let me create disc.  Help!

    It means your file is too large to fit on a single layer disk.
    Recompress to keep the overall size (audio,video and menus) below 4.5GB

Maybe you are looking for

  • Looking for newer Mobo, like the MS-7345 Platinum P-35.

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  • File could not be deleted because it could not be found

    OS 9.2.2, Pismo, and a strange error. I have moved these files to the trash, but I can't delete them! When I try to delete them, the OS spits up this error: <filename> could not be deleted, because it could not be found. Yet, it's right there in the

  • Display will not calibrate

    I am helping my office partner try to set up her Mac G5 dual 2.5 for photoshop, and her monitors will not display any black below 235 or any white point above 10. When using the Mac OS calibration tool, the displays won't show the black circle in the