Hey, so I just wanted to get some info from people on what are good bios settings for my overclock. I have looked all over the internet to find someone with the exact same build and have yet to find anyone. Everytime I come close to finding someone with it, they are using a different cPU on my mobo or a different mobo for my cpu...
So here are my specs...
Intel Core i7-3770K
G.SKILL Trident X Series 16 GB 2400MHZ
Hard Drive:
120Gb SSD corshair
Video Card:
I have it on the OC GENIE DEFAULT PROFILE AT 4.2GHZ but honestly it does not feel like enough. I am playing cs:Go and I want to stream. I have recently not been able to stream because cs:go is a a game that takes a lot of power while streaming. So I want to boost my clock to around 4.5GHZ
But, I can't find any settings or somsone with the same exact build as me so I can copy there settings...
Any help would be appreciate it, steering me in the right direction is fine. I am a quick learner once someone shows me the path. Its just hard for me to get onto the path alone ;p

But, I can't find any settings or somsone with the same exact build as me so I can copy there settings...
Due to variations in individual CPU ability and differences in components, even if identical in all respects, the settings required will not usually be the same. Simply peruse the threads in this section of the forum and you should find plenty of things to try when using an Ivy k series. Turbo OC has always worked best for me with all the power saving features still intact. 

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    Try the following:
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    This alleviates any need to deal with with the cardinality of the Value column.
    The idea with this specification is to simply determine if the product is in the market basket or not.
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    OS X pretty much takes care of itself as far as maintenance goes. No need to defrag hard drive either; that's done on-the-fly. With that being said, here is what I have and use:
    1. OnyX - Run the "Automation" tab periodically to repair permissions, clean System and User cache, font cache, etc.
    2. Maintidget - Although OS X runs maintenance scripts automatically now, I use this widget to monitor when my maintenance scripts were run last. You also have the option to run them manually if you wish.
    3. DiskWarrior - I periodically rebuild my hard drive's directory. It's more of a preventative maintenance thing I do.
    Try logging into another User account and see if the computer runs any faster. This is a good troubleshooting procedure to see if you have a "local" or "system-wide" problem. If your computer runs faster/better in another User account, the problem is most likely isolated locally to your main User Library. For example, you could have self-inflicted problems installing software.
    How full is your hard drive? That can slow you down if it's nearly full.
    Dave M.
    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Macsimum News Associate Editor  Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support'

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    Try with mem settings auto and only adjust Vdimm to vendorspecs.
    Did you try BIOS V1.1 from MSI :
    This did solve some memory issues.
    If so try, if you can, QVL memory and see if problem persists.
    Hope this helps  , good luck and keep us posted   
    Also be sure that your on manual and not linked, this will give problems too, when fsb divider gets higher then memory divider.
    Furthermore, by using non qvl mem, the NB and fsb vtt are very depending on eachother.
    I had the same with my board  , the only difference with yours is the cirque pipe cooling and an extra chip for yorkfield support  , but it is do-able

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    Hi nikhil simha,
    first of all, find out which search help is called.
    [Hierarchy of the Search Help Call|]
    may help you.
    If you know the search help, you may enhance it, but first of all you should check the where-used-list and make sure that the search help shows the requested behavior only in the context where you want it to.
    If it is your own program, you may be better off to create your own search help and define the triggering fields as search help interface input fields. Then you can use the values to filter results.

  • Search Help for Vendor Feild not getting populated in the Screen Element

    Hi Everyone,
    In transaction Miro, I get a POP-UP for Invoicing Party i.e. Vendor and Users required a custom search help.
    The Search help for Vendor(LIFNR) is KRED_C and i appended a Z search help under this.
    Now that the search help exists and I can drill down the values too but when i select/choose any value,  that value is not getting populated in Screen feild.
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    Dear Hema,
    Could you please tell me how many internal tables you are using to store the data for display.
    I observerd that you have lt_stock and lt_mat2 declared in the part of the program
    >DATA: lv_stock TYPE lty_stock.
    >DATA: ltmat2 TYPE TABLE OF lty_mat.
    you have displayed above, however you are also using ls_stock and lv_stock .
    >IF p_ztotal = ' '. "line
    >WRITE 18 ls_stock-matnr.
    >WRITE 38 lv_stock-strgr.
    >ELSEIF ztotal = 'S'.                             "subtotal
        >WRITE: 15 ls_stock-nrmit.
        >WRITE 32 lv_stock-dispo.                    
        >WRITE 43 lv_stock-fevor.                      
      >ELSE.                                            "total
        >WRITE: 15 'TOTAL'(016), ls_stock-prgrp.
    Are those for displaying some other information?
    Also the problem of display you are facing can also be because there are no records to be displayed which satisfies the selection criteria.
    Best Regards,
    Please reward points if found helpful.

  • Search help for SKAT-SAKNR OR SKAT-SAKNR is not working

    Hi All,
    I have created a Search Help for F4 in a dialog program for SKAT-SAKNR OR SKAT-SAKNR. While i click F4 on that field, it displays blank values.
    Here is the module:
    module HELP_FOR_SAPGL_ACC input.
      CLEAR t_SAPGL.
        FROM  SKAT
        DDIC_STRUCTURE         = ' '
          RETFIELD               = 'SAKNR'
        PVALKEY                = ' '
         DYNPPROG               = PROGNAME
         DYNPNR                 = DYNNUM
         DYNPROFIELD            = 'SKA1-SKANR'
        STEPL                  = 0
        WINDOW_TITLE           =
        VALUE                  = ' '
         VALUE_ORG              = 'S'
        MULTIPLE_CHOICE        = ' '
        DISPLAY                = ' '
        CALLBACK_PROGRAM       = ' '
        CALLBACK_FORM          = ' '
        MARK_TAB               =
        USER_RESET             =
          VALUE_TAB              = t_SAPGL
        FIELD_TAB              =
        RETURN_TAB             =
        DYNPFLD_MAPPING        =
        PARAMETER_ERROR        = 1
        NO_VALUES_FOUND        = 2
        OTHERS                 = 3
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    In the above code I am selecting 1000 rows from SKAT table and in the Search Help Popup it is also displaying 1000 rows but all are blank.
    Please help me.

    Hi check my weblog on search help exit codeing..
    \* Prepare for output
    shlp_tab = shlp_tab
    record_tab = record_tab
    source_tab = lt_result
    shlp = shlp
    callcontrol = callcontrol
    illegal_structure = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF rc = 0.
    callcontrol-step = 'DISP'.

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  • Search help for date field in Editable ALV

    Hello Friends,
    I am using editable alv using 'reuse_* '.
    I have used date as input field. While creating fieldcatlog also i have  declared dat as a mkpf-budat.
    But i am not getting serach help for date in output.
    Is it possible with reuse or i have to go by object oriented ?

    Just pass the Edit option of the fieldcatalog for those specific fields...
    fcat-edit = 'X'.
          i_callback_program       = sy-cprog
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'PF_STATUS_SET'
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'    "<----  pass this
          i_callback_top_of_page   = 'TOP'
          is_layout                = it_layout
          it_fieldcat              = it_fcat
          i_default                = 'X'
          i_save                   = 'A'
          it_events                = it_event
          t_outtab                 = it_final
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
    *&      Form  USER_COMMAND
    *       text
    *      -->R_UCOMM      text
    *      -->RS_SELFIELD  text
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                            rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN '&DATA_SAVE'.                "<-------check this
          PERFORM save_data.
    ENDFORM.                    "USER_COMMAND

  • How to create a F4 help for a report selection screen field

    can any one guide me to create F4 help for a field in a selection screen in a report program,plz give me a sample code

    Here are the following ways
    1.with the help of match code objects we can create the F4 Functionality for Field.
    Syntax is :
    PARAMETERS: p_org LIKE t527x-orgeh MATCHCODE OBJECT zorg.
    2. One more thing is we can do it with Search Help's also.
    3. Even we can do it HELP Views also.
    Help Views:
    You have to create a help view if a view with outer join is needed as selection method of a search help
    The selection method of a search help is either a table or a view. If you have to select data from several tables for the search help, you should generally use a database view as selection method. However, a database view always implements an inner join. If you need a view with outer join for the data selection, you have to use a help view as selection method.
    All the tables included in a help view must be linked with foreign keys. Only foreign keys that have certain attributes can be used here. The first table to be inserted in the help view is called the primary table of the help view. The tables added to this primary table with foreign keys are called secondary tables.
    The functionality of a help view has changed significantly between Release 3.0 and Release 4.0. In Release 3.0, a help view was automatically displayed for the input help (F4 help) for all the fields that were checked against the primary table of the help view. This is no longer the case in Release 4.0.
    As of Release 4.0, you must explicitly create a search help that must be linked with the fields for which it is offered (see Linking Search Helps with Screen Fields ).
    Existing help views are automatically migrated to search helps when you upgrade to a release higher than 4.0.
    A help view implements an outer join, i.e. all the contents of the primary table of the help view are always displayed. You therefore should not formulate a selection condition for fields in one of the secondary tables of the help view. If records of these secondary tables cannot be read as a result of this selection condition, the contents of the corresponding fields of the secondary table are displayed with initial value.
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 15, 2008 3:15 PM

  • Reg : F4 help for custom fields in ALV report

    hi friends..
    in my internal table i have fields including 1 custom field..
    DATA : BEGIN OF i_final OCCURS 0,
      pernr LIKE p0000-pernr,
      begda LIKE p0000-begda,
      plans LIKE ZPOSITION-plans,  (custom)
      werks LIKE pspar-werks,
      end of i_final.
    i want to display this i_final table in alv. for that i genetrate one fieldcatalog
                      'I_FINAL' 'PERNR' 'P0000' 'PERNR' '15' 'X' '',
                      'I_FINAL' 'BEGDA' 'P0000' 'BEGDA' '10' 'X' '',
                      'I_FINAL' 'PLANS' 'ZPOSITION' 'PLANS' '8' 'X' '',
                      'I_FINAL' 'WERKS' 'PSPAR' 'WERKS' '14' 'X' ''.
    in custom table zposition, i maintain serch help for custom field "PLANS".
    then i used reuse_alv_grid_display.. for all the std fields along wit custom fields
    i got f4 all std fields but for my custom i am not getting the f4 help
    how can i get the F$ help for this custom fields Zposition-plans..
    plz give some idea

    In that Ztable against the field
    PLANS give the check table name as  <b>T528B</b>
    then it will automatically give the search help
    or you can create your own search help(elementary) and add to that field
    Reward if useful

  • How to add a search help for a field in alv?

    HI!Everyone ,
    i want to add a search help created by myself for one field in alv,
    and i want to use this function "HELP_VALUES_GET_WITH_TABLE".
    can anyone help me ?

    My code like this :
          PERFORM build_fcat.
          PERFORM build_objects.
          PERFORM layo_build.
          PERFORM set_drdn_table .
          CALL METHOD alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
             i_structure_name = 'STU_S'
              is_layout        = s_layo
              it_outtab        = itab_out
            it_fieldcatalog  = i_fcat
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    for example, there is a field 'UNAME' IN Structure 'STU_S',
    i want to add a search help for 'UNAME'.
    the 'UNAME'  is not users in SAP R/3 , i want to add some data by myself or from a table .

  • How to add search help for field in ALV object

    In a program, we use ALV object ( container) to create a liste like : field1, field2 .. but when display we do not have search help for this . Could you please help me how to add match code in this case for field 1 and field2, We use set_table_for_first_display

    when you define your field catalogue you can create data elements with search help in se11 and use them for field 1 and field 2.
    But maybe it is enough to use data elements belonging to a domain with a value help and to set field F$AVAILABL in the field catalogue or to fill the name of the field CHECKTABLE.

  • F4 - Help for field in ALV Grid Output

    I generated a report which gives output in ALV Grid output.
    In the output, 1 of the field is editable.Here, for this field I need to have my own F4-Help.
    I think the procedure to be followed is:--
    Create a Search Help in SE11.
    Link the Search Help to the editable field.
    Please let me know if its the correct procedure.
    I f yes, how can I link user defined Search Help to the editable field?

    Hi siva,
    you can also do that way.
    while filling the fieldcatalog use the parameter F4AVAILABL
    for more info check
    F4 help in ALV Grid...
    f4 help for a field in alv grid
    hope it helps you
    Edited by: Prasanth on Mar 6, 2009 3:59 PM

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