Help! i deleted my display applicatio

please help! my screen saver kept freezing so i tried to refresh my computer and accidentally deleted the application that lets you change the wallpaper and screen saver. I still have the system preferences application, but i dont have the link that allows me to do anything with my wallpaper or screen saver. how do i get it back?

Click here for that updater, or here if you are using Mac OS X 10.5.

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    I (April) apologize I have been OOO and have not been able to respond to your replies.  
    Let’s start over. 
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    "Does this only occur when the help is called from your software? Is it OK if you double click the start page?"
              No. I it ALSO occurs when launched from the start page. 
    Have you tried deleting the CPD file and reopening Rh and the project?
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    Are you using any redirects?    
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              I will add that the project also displays incorrectly in Google Chrome.
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    Shared Profiles are located in the following folder:
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    It seems to be time for the old divide and conquer approach.
    Zip up the project so you have a copy that cannot accidentally be opened and worked on. That gives you a copy that you can safely revert to later if needed. Save the zip file somewhere safe.
    Then create another copy of the project so that you have two copies that can be worked on.
    Open Copy 1 and delete half the topics. Ignore any broken links reported. Generate the help from that copy.
    Open Copy 2 and delete the other half of the topics. Generate the help from that copy.
    It should be the case that one copy is now OK and one still has the problem.
    Trash the good copy and then create a second copy of the copy with the problem.
    Repeat the process until you have located whatever is causing the problem.
    The process takes less time than you might think.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    Try this Google search: rives&oq=recovery+software+for+flash+drives&gs_l=hp.1.3.0i30j0i5i30l3.9708.24161.0.34539.3,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_q f.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.eWU&fp=ff7a879957bf69ba&bpcl=40096503&biw=1112&bih=865
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    These extensions worked fine before. What's wrong now?

    You need to set options in those add-ons and/or use Customize Toolbars. Always look at instructions on each add-on's page at ,
    -search for and locate the add-on,
    -open the page for that add-on,
    -review the information there,
    -then visit and bookmark the developer's home page shown on the add-on page; many add-on developers also have a forum for questions, so look for a link on the developer's home page.
    Most questions can be answered in one of those places.
    <u>'''ABP'''</u>: Tools > Add-ons > Extensions, locate and click on ABP, click Options, in ABP interface, click on Options tab, if no check mark at "Show in toolbar" or "Show in status bar", you can click on each of those items to place a check mark and they will show in one or both places. On the add-ons page visit and bookmark the developer's home page and forum.
    '''''For the toolbar''''': scroll down on the following to the paragraph in the first section beginning with "A set of toolbar buttons is also provided:" and read that section: . It gives instructions on using the Customize Toolbar function to place the icon on your toolbar. Also see:
    ''' [[Back and forward or other toolbar buttons are missing]]'''
    '''[[Navigation Toolbar items]]'''
    '''[ How to customize the toolbar]'''
    '''''For the Status Bar''''': Tools > Add-ons > Extensions, locate and click on NoScript, click Options, click Advanced tab, check your preferences; see 4th image on:
    <u>'''IE Tab 2'''</u>: Tools > Add-ons > Extensions, locate and click on IE Tab 2, look under "Image Gallery", 3rd row, 1st image: . Unfortunately, this developer has moved his home page and not updated the add-ons page. I use IE Tab Plus (formerly Coral IE Tab).

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    I have a script to export all the "indesign files" found inside the folder... and then remove all the indesign files...
    Instead, Can i have a help to delete....
    the indesign file after exporting to IDML and then
    continue opening the next indesign file, exporting to IDML and deleting it...
    then continue file3....
    The below is the script open indesign files and export to idml and then remove all the files inside the folder Desktop/GENERAL_CS6-IDML/IN_CS6
    var mySourceFolder = Folder("Desktop/GENERAL_CS6-IDML/IN_CS6");
    var myOutFolder = Folder("Desktop/Completed");
    //var Indd_files = get_Files(mySourceFolder,[], ".indd");
    var Indd_files = mySourceFolder.getFiles (/\.indd|\.INDD/i);
    //var Indd_files = get_Files(mySourceFolder,[], ".indd");
        for(var w=0;w<Indd_files.length;w++)
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                myDoc =[w]));
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                 var myDocNam = stripExt((Indd_files[w].name).replace(/%20/g," "))+"idml";
                 myDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.INDESIGN_MARKUP, (File(myOutFolder+"/"+myDocNam)));           
    try {
    var copyFolder1 = Folder("Desktop/GENERAL_CS6-IDML/IN_CS6");
    var myFiles2 = copyFolder1.getFiles(/\.indd|\.INDD/i);
    for ( i = myFiles2.length-1; i >= 0 ; i-- ){
    } catch (e) {}
    Many thanks for the support..

    I hope this is what you expected.
    You can try the following code:
    var mySourceFolder = Folder("Desktop/GENERAL_CS6-IDML/IN_CS6");
    var myOutFolder = Folder("Desktop/Completed");
    //var Indd_files = get_Files(mySourceFolder,[], ".indd");
    var Indd_files = mySourceFolder.getFiles (/\.indd|\.INDD/i);
    //var Indd_files = get_Files(mySourceFolder,[], ".indd");
        for(var w=0;w<Indd_files.length;w++)
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                 var myFile = File(Indd_files[w]);
                myDoc =;
                 app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
                 var myDocNam = stripExt((Indd_files[w].name).replace(/%20/g," "))+"idml";
                 myDoc.exportFile(ExportFormat.INDESIGN_MARKUP, (File(myOutFolder+"/"+myDocNam)));          

  • F4 Help icon is being displayed left hand side

    Hi Everyone,
             I'm using explicit search help for the field WBS Element in one of the Ztable. In maintenance screen of this table the F4 help icon is being displayed on left hand side instead of right side of the field. Please help me with your suggestions and what might be the problem.

    Hi Ardelt,
           Thanks once again.
    I used that WBS field as one of the field in ztable. When i want to maintain data or display the contents of this ztable, F4 help of WBS element column is shown left side.
          I try showing that in figure format.
                                 i  [F4 Icon] WBS Element         l
    Hope this clarifies you. Please suggest me in this regard.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Acrobat Distiller 11 "Online Help Content Cannot be displayed."

    Any one else packaged Adobe Acrobat 11 and found that all of the help menus display "Online Help Content cannot be displayed.  Verify you can launch your web browser and have access to the Internet."?  The problem is for Acrobat and Distiller, Adobe Forms Central is fine.
    Ideally there'd be a way just to make the application be able to access the adobe help on the Internet.  I tried adding the FeatureState registry key as we are behind an authenticating proxy.  This made no difference.
    As this didn't seem possible I've configured Acrobat to hide the affected menues and created a new menu which opens the Acrobat_ref.pdf - so Acrobat is now ok.  However, I can't find the Distiller pdfs, i.e. "distiller parameters guide" and "pdfmark guide".  Also I am unsure how you would configure Distiller to point to these on the local machine.  I've used the Adobe Customization Wizard to create the package.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I think you are looking for this PDF which is called "Adobe PDF Creation Settings".
    Here is the PDFMark Reference.

Maybe you are looking for

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