Help in adding a video window on a Page in DW MX2004

I need to add a video window on a page.  Can someone tell me step by step how to do this?
As always, your help is much appreciated.
Dreamwear Newbie

I think you may have sent to the wrong address unless I am 
misunderstanding. My issue (DWCS3 Browser Compatibility Check Issue) 
was about the center section on home page of site (http:// dropping down in IE6. I haven't any banner ads.

Similar Messages

  • Help inserting a flash video into my web page

    I'd love some help inserting a flash video into my web page. My web page is hosted by Viviti, templated, and edited online. I can add html to it, and I have the html source for my flash video. I also have uploaded the flash file to the server. Since I am very html illiterate, though, I need some help rewriting the html script so it can be published. There are two problems- firstly, no 'headers' or 'body' allowed in the script- these are already a part of the template. Secondly, I don't know how to rewrite it to refer to the uploaded files. It's also imperative that the full screen mode functions. I've pasted the source code for the flash video here. Please help!!!
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Drag and drop labelling</title>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Flash Player Version Detection
    // Detect Client Browser type
    // Copyright 2005-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
    var isIE  = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false;
    var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false;
    var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false;
    function ControlVersion()
         var version;
         var axo;
         var e;
         // NOTE : new ActiveXObject(strFoo) throws an exception if strFoo isn't in the registry
         try {
              // version will be set for 7.X or greater players
              axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
              version = axo.GetVariable("$version");
         } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 6.X players only
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
                   // installed player is some revision of 6.0
                   // GetVariable("$version") crashes for versions 6.0.22 through 6.0.29,
                   // so we have to be careful.
                   // default to the first public version
                   version = "WIN 6,0,21,0";
                   // throws if AllowScripAccess does not exist (introduced in 6.0r47)          
                   axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always";
                   // safe to call for 6.0r47 or greater
                   version = axo.GetVariable("$version");
              } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 4.X or 5.X player
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3");
                   version = axo.GetVariable("$version");
              } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 3.X player
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3");
                   version = "WIN 3,0,18,0";
              } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 2.X player
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
                   version = "WIN 2,0,0,11";
              } catch (e) {
                   version = -1;
         return version;
    // JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn version information
    function GetSwfVer(){
         // NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin array
         var flashVer = -1;
         if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
              if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) {
                   var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? " 2.0" : "";
                   var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" + swVer2].description;
                   var descArray = flashDescription.split(" ");
                   var tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split(".");               
                   var versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0];
                   var versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1];
                   var versionRevision = descArray[3];
                   if (versionRevision == "") {
                        versionRevision = descArray[4];
                   if (versionRevision[0] == "d") {
                        versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1);
                   } else if (versionRevision[0] == "r") {
                        versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1);
                        if (versionRevision.indexOf("d") > 0) {
                             versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(0, versionRevision.indexOf("d"));
                   var flashVer = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "." + versionRevision;
         // MSN/WebTV 2.6 supports Flash 4
         else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.6") != -1) flashVer = 4;
         // WebTV 2.5 supports Flash 3
         else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.5") != -1) flashVer = 3;
         // older WebTV supports Flash 2
         else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv") != -1) flashVer = 2;
         else if ( isIE && isWin && !isOpera ) {
              flashVer = ControlVersion();
         return flashVer;
    // When called with reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision returns true if that version or greater is available
    function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision)
         versionStr = GetSwfVer();
         if (versionStr == -1 ) {
              return false;
         } else if (versionStr != 0) {
              if(isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
                   // Given "WIN 2,0,0,11"
                   tempArray         = versionStr.split(" ");      // ["WIN", "2,0,0,11"]
                   tempString        = tempArray[1];               // "2,0,0,11"
                   versionArray      = tempString.split(",");     // ['2', '0', '0', '11']
              } else {
                   versionArray      = versionStr.split(".");
              var versionMajor      = versionArray[0];
              var versionMinor      = versionArray[1];
              var versionRevision   = versionArray[2];
                 // is the major.revision >= requested major.revision AND the minor version >= requested minor
              if (versionMajor > parseFloat(reqMajorVer)) {
                   return true;
              } else if (versionMajor == parseFloat(reqMajorVer)) {
                   if (versionMinor > parseFloat(reqMinorVer))
                        return true;
                   else if (versionMinor == parseFloat(reqMinorVer)) {
                        if (versionRevision >= parseFloat(reqRevision))
                             return true;
              return false;
    function AC_AddExtension(src, ext)
      if (src.indexOf('?') != -1)
        return src.replace(/\?/, ext+'?');
        return src + ext;
    function AC_Generateobj(objAttrs, params, embedAttrs)
      var str = '';
      if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera)
        str += '<object ';
        for (var i in objAttrs)
          str += i + '="' + objAttrs[i] + '" ';
        str += '>';
        for (var i in params)
          str += '<param name="' + i + '" value="' + params[i] + '" /> ';
        str += '</object>';
        str += '<embed ';
        for (var i in embedAttrs)
          str += i + '="' + embedAttrs[i] + '" ';
        str += '> </embed>';
    function AC_FL_RunContent(){
      var ret =
        (  arguments, ".swf", "movie", "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
         , "application/x-shockwave-flash"
      AC_Generateobj(ret.objAttrs, ret.params, ret.embedAttrs);
    function AC_SW_RunContent(){
      var ret =
        (  arguments, ".dcr", "src", "clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000"
         , null
      AC_Generateobj(ret.objAttrs, ret.params, ret.embedAttrs);
    function AC_GetArgs(args, ext, srcParamName, classid, mimeType){
      var ret = new Object();
      ret.embedAttrs = new Object();
      ret.params = new Object();
      ret.objAttrs = new Object();
      for (var i=0; i < args.length; i=i+2){
        var currArg = args[i].toLowerCase();   
        switch (currArg){     
          case "classid":
          case "pluginspage":
            ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1];
          case "src":
          case "movie":     
            args[i+1] = AC_AddExtension(args[i+1], ext);
            ret.embedAttrs["src"] = args[i+1];
            ret.params[srcParamName] = args[i+1];
          case "onafterupdate":
          case "onbeforeupdate":
          case "onblur":
          case "oncellchange":
          case "onclick":
          case "ondblclick":
          case "ondrag":
          case "ondragend":
          case "ondragenter":
          case "ondragleave":
          case "ondragover":
          case "ondrop":
          case "onfinish":
          case "onfocus":
          case "onhelp":
          case "onmousedown":
          case "onmouseup":
          case "onmouseover":
          case "onmousemove":
          case "onmouseout":
          case "onkeypress":
          case "onkeydown":
          case "onkeyup":
          case "onload":
          case "onlosecapture":
          case "onpropertychange":
          case "onreadystatechange":
          case "onrowsdelete":
          case "onrowenter":
          case "onrowexit":
          case "onrowsinserted":
          case "onstart":
          case "onscroll":
          case "onbeforeeditfocus":
          case "onactivate":
          case "onbeforedeactivate":
          case "ondeactivate":
          case "type":
          case "codebase":
          case "id":
            ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1];
          case "width":
          case "height":
          case "align":
          case "vspace":
          case "hspace":
          case "class":
          case "title":
          case "accesskey":
          case "name":
          case "tabindex":
            ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1];
            ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.params[args[i]] = args[i+1];
      ret.objAttrs["classid"] = classid;
      if (mimeType) ret.embedAttrs["type"] = mimeType;
      return ret;
    // -->
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
              'codebase', ',0,0,0',
              'width', '720',
              'height', '440',
              'src', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'quality', 'medium',
              'pluginspage', '',
              'align', 'middle',
              'play', 'true',
              'loop', 'true',
              'scale', 'showall',
              'wmode', 'window',
              'devicefont', 'false',
              'id', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
              'name', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'menu', 'true',
              'allowFullScreen', 'true',
              'movie', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'salign', ''
              ); //end AC code
         <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="720" height="440" id="Drag and drop labelling" align="middle">
         <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
         <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
         <param name="movie" value="Drag and drop labelling.swf" /><param name="quality" value="medium" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />     <embed src="Drag and drop labelling.swf" quality="medium" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="720" height="440" name="Drag and drop labelling" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

    What you basically need to do is copy the sections of content from the code you show into the template (assuming the template already provides the <head> and <body> sections of the page.  So in the head section of what you show, take everything starting with...
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    all the way down thru...
    , inclusive (in the head section only), and paste that into the head section of your template.
    Similarly, take everything that lies between the <body> ... </body> tags (exclusive of the body tags) and paste it into the body section of your template wherever you plan to display the Flash file.

  • [HELP] A300 Desktop Stuck at Windows Boot Manager Page

    Hi Community,
    I was trying to restore my desktop back to its orginal factory settings but through the process, it encountered an error and the system restarted. When the desktop is back on, the only page it offered was the 'Windows Boot Manager' page (As seen in the picture below). It says to insert the Windows Installation disc which not only do i not have, but also the A300 desktop does not have a disc/disk drive for me to insert any disc.
    I have googled for any solutions but all of them require me to insert the disc which i clearly have no ways to do so.
    How am i suppose to proceed from here to get my desktop working again?
    Thank you in advance for any kind responses.

    Hi lyl
    The hard disk MBR seems to be corrupted
    Kindly boot the desktop into BIOS by pressing F1 key and then press F9 to load default settings and after this press F10 to save and exit.
    Check if the system works or recovery from hard disk runs, to run the recovery after the system power on press F2 key and check if the recovery works fine.
    If the issue continues then you may need to contact the support center.
    Country or Region
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    English, Mandarin
    9 am - 6 pm Monday - Friday 
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    IDEA Products
    Best Regards,
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution".! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • I need help with adding email link to my web page

    i am trying to create a form and add some email links so that
    when the submit button is hit, it sends a message to my email

    Search link
    form mail

  • Help, I installed parallel and windows, and opened videos (on an external hard disk) with windows, and now cannot open them with Mac, and use i movies.  How do I reverse this?

    Help, I installed parallel and windows, and opened videos (on an external hard disk) with windows, and now cannot open them with Mac, and use i movies.  How do I reverse this?

    Paragraphs help the reader, just saying.
    What are you actually trying to do? Why do you need "DVD size" folders if you're creatng an Archive on an external hard drive?
    Also, I understand burning folders instead of individual photos or albums gives you more space on a DVD.
    It makes no difference at all.
    How can I keep the captions on my photos (not events) when I print or transfer to a new folder?
    You can export while writing the metadata to the file in most cases.
    Tne only way I know is to copy photos from the Windows to folders on my HD, then copy and paste photos or albums or events to HD, then create a new folder and fill it to the appropriate DVD size. 
    HD? Another HD? You use HD there in a way that makes no sense. What's the point of 'DVD size'?
    I also thought I should download future photos to my Canon programming that comes with EOS cameras and edit and then decide which photos to save to iPhoto library and which to save only to my archival HD?
    Does this have any relation to the previous questions? You know you can delete from iPhoto, right?
    You're somewhat confused and you need to
    1. Decide what exactly you want to do
    2. Then go about it.
    If I understand you correctly - and there's no guarantee that I do -  the easiest thing is to bring all your Photos into iPhoto and do everything from there.
    You can have an archive on an external disk, you can sort and select and edit with or via iPhoto

  • Need help with Video Window

    I would like to know if there is a way. To keep my VIDEO window on top of all my other windows. So I can browse the web and watch my music videos at the same time. I coudn't figure it out, because I know how to seperate the video from the main window into its own window. But I don't know if I can or know how to keep that seperate video window on top of all other windows, like the Mini player.

    You're very welcome, Sunil.
    Try the driver directly from Nvidia...

  • ITunes makes different folders when adding music,videos & pictures

    I use Windows 7. I have found that when adding music,videos & pictures iTunes makes different folder for it.
    I have around 17GB of songs & music. but when I added them to iTunes library it made different folder containing all my songs. Now I have around 34GB of songs. What the ****! It does same for videos & pics.
    Please Help!

    When adding a new song (or any media file) to the iTunes library, it copies those files to a folder (usually C:\Users\<username>\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music ). iTunes does this to keep a backup of your songs. To deactivate this go to Edit>Preference>Advanced (or Ctrl+,  then go to Advanced) and uncheck the checkbox "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library". iTunes will not copy the music files to its folder. But there is one downside to doing so, if you change the directory (folder or place) of the music that you added to the iTunes library (without copying to its folder), the music will not be played. Trying to play such a song will provide you with a messagebox that asks you to relocate the song or to ignore it. So it is always a good idea to allow iTunes copy the music files to the specified folder automatically. But if you are concerned about the disk space, you can delete the songs' copy of yours (the directory you select).
    If you want to add some songs to the iTunes Media folder, you right click a song (or multiple songs) and click on "Consolidate Files...". These songs will be copied to the iTunes Media folder and it will be there whatever happens.
    If you are afriad that copying a songs will not allow you to copy the music files to another directory from the iTunes Media folder, you shouldn't be. The folder is similar to that of anyother.
    Adding a song without using iTunes is also possible, just copy the songs you want to add to "C:\Users\<username>\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Automatically Add to iTunes".

  • Help with exporting Minecraft video

    Hello. My name is Reynir Aron. I make Minecraft videos and I recently switched from Final Cut Pro 7 to Premiere Pro CS6 and I love using Premiere.
    However there is one little problem, when I export the video (even if I do it through Media Encoder) the video looks very smoothed out (for example the text looks really crappy and isn't pixellated).
    Can anybody help me? The video is not being scaled up, the source video, my sequence and the export settings are all 1280x720.
    By the way, is there any plugin or anything that lets me export using QuickTime Pro 7?
    Here is a screenshot of the output I get:
    This also happens if I check "Use Maximum Render Quality".
    This is what I see in Premiere's Program window:
    I have an iMac8,1 (Early 2008) with a 2,8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, an ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB and I'm running OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2.

    I think my daughter is using FRAPS, but of course not transcoding, just putting that right into Premiere. If your captured file is 30fps, what is the transcoded ProRes file? I don't know if ProRes supports non-video settings, so maybe that is converted to 29.97? But then the edit sequence is 30fps, and I do see an issue - FIELDS is set to LOWER, but should be PROGRESSIVE. That could be causing the jaggies issue on your output.
    How did you create the editing Sequence? Try creating a NEW SEQUENCE with the same settings, except make it Progressive, then copy/paste contents of interlaced sequence into the progressive sequence and then Export again, see if that helps. Or just do a short sample to check, to save time.

  • I need help with blue screen on Windows 7

    Hi guys...I was wondering if someone could help me...!
    While I play a video game, I recieve a error blues screen message...I don't know if it is an error from my S.O, or it is an error for that video game...! 
    The message that I been given so far says :
    Problem signature:
    Event Name:                        BlueScreen
      OS Version:                                         6.1.7600.
      Locale ID:                                             10250
    information about the problem:
      BCP1:                                                    FFFFF900C061C770
      BCP2:                                                    0000000000000000
      BCP3:                                                    FFFFF96000636D15
      BCP4:                                                    0000000000000000
    Version:                                          6_1_7600
    Pack:                                       0_0
    that help describe the problem:

    In order to assist you, we will need the .DMP files to analyze what exactly occurred at the time of the crash, etc.
    If you don't know where .DMP files are located, here's how to get to them:
    1. Navigate to the %systemroot%\Minidump folder.
    2. Copy any and all DMP files in the Minidump folder to your Desktop and then zip up these files.
    3. Upload the zip containing the .DMP files to Onedrive or a hosting site of your choice and paste in your reply. Preferred sites: Onedrive, Mediafire, Dropbox, etc. Nothing with wait-timers, download managers, etc.
    4 (optional): The type of .DMP files located in the Minidump folder are known as Small Memory Dumps. In %systemroot% there will be what is known as a Kernel-Dump (if your system is set to generate). It is labeled MEMORY.DMP. The difference
    between Small Memory Dumps and Kernel-Dumps in the simplest definition is a Kernel-Dump contains
    much more information at the time of the crash, therefore allowing further debugging of your issue. If your upload speed permits it, and you aren't going against any strict bandwidth and/or usage caps, etc, the Kernel-Dump is the best
    choice. Do note that Kernel-Dumps are much larger in size due to containing much more info, which is why I mentioned upload speed, etc.
    If you are going to use Onedrive but don't know how to upload to it, please visit the following:
    Upload photos and files to Onedrive.
    After doing that, to learn how to share the link to the file if you are unaware, please visit the following link -
    Share files and folders and change permissions and view 'Get a link'.
    Please note that any "cleaner" programs such as TuneUpUtilities, CCleaner, etc, by default will delete .DMP files upon use. With this said, if you've run such software, you will need to allow the system to crash once again to generate a crash dump.
    If your computer is not generating .DMP files, please do the following:
    1. Start > type %systemroot% which should show the Windows folder, click on it. Once inside that folder, ensure there is a Minidump folder created. If not, CTRL-SHIFT-N to make a New Folder and name it Minidump.
    2. Windows key + Pause key. This should bring up System. Click Advanced System Settings on the left > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Ensure there's a check-mark for 'Automatically manage paging file size for all
    3. Windows key + Pause key. This should bring up System. Click Advanced System Settings on the left > Advanced > Startup and Recovery > Settings > System Failure > ensure there is a check mark next to 'Write an event to the system
    Ensure Small Memory Dump is selected and ensure the path is %systemroot%\Minidump.
    4. Double check that the WERS is ENABLED:
    Start > Search > type services.msc > Under the name tab, find Windows Error Reporting Service > If the status of the service is not Started then right click it and select Start. Also ensure that under Startup Type it is set to Automatic rather than
    Manual. You can do this by right clicking it, selecting properties, and under General selecting startup type to 'Automatic', and then click Apply.
    If you cannot get into normal mode to do any of this, please do this via Safe Mode.
    “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” - Dalai Lama

  • Premiere Pro CS4 Crashes When Video Window Resizes

    I have done a search for this topic and did not find any answers but I apologize if this topic has already been posted.
    Whenever I try to resize a video window in Premiere CS4 by dragging a panel with the mouse the program crashes and quits. This is pretty much repeatable 100% of the time. I meet all system requirements and have the latest drivers for my video card. All CS4 apps have been updated..
    Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.

    Please provide
    these details to help us help you.
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  • Adding other Video formats to iWeb

    I am looking to add other video formats to my website so that users do not have to download quicktime just to see my work on my site. The issue I am having is, that when I add another video format to my site, another video box will appear. I am looking to have quicktime be the featured format on the site, but I would like the user to be able to click on other file formats, say Windows media player for example, and the video will appear on another page. I apologize if this is confusing. What I am trying to say is that I don't want 5 different video boxes on the same page at the same time. I would like just one video box (in quicktime format), and then words such as Windows media or Real Player underneath the quicktime movie video box that they can click on if they need to view the video in that format.
    Obviously I am new to iWeb and web design in general for that matter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, is there anyway to spruce up the video boxes themselves, or is that the only look it can have on the site? Thanks in advance.

    You could put the video on another page and put links under the QT video. Hide the page in the navbar and add your own link on the QT page.
    I would have thought that most people have QT but as I don't use a PC what do I know!! Isn't it usually Macs that can't play windows formats not the other way round?

  • Adding a video from vimeo

    Is there anyway of adding or embedding a vimeo video in an email?

    Sorry, you can't do that. However, from the vimeo web site FAQ:
    You can share a video with anyone, even people who are not members of Vimeo. Move your mouse over the video window. This will bring up the video controls. Click the 'Share' button. Now you can enter email addresses for non-members or Vimeo members' user names. Add a personal message if you'd like, then click the 'share' button. They will receive an email with a link to your video. That's it!
    Aside from this being your only option for now (and the best one), embedding video in email is problematic from the standpoint of it taking up all your resources when it tries to play it from Mail; that's not what Mail was designed for.

  • Album Art/Video Window Disappears

    I normally have my album artwork/video window open all the time so that when one of my music videos comes on I can watch it in the corner of my iMac. Now just today it took to disappearing after each song, it closes itself and I have to go and click on it to get it to open back up, and then when it does open, it shows the artwork/video with a wide border on the left/bottom sides of a still of the video.
    I haven't added anything or updated iTunes since the last update, I did update to 10.5.2, but that was the day it came out.
    Anyone have an idea as to why the window closes after each song? I would really like to be able to keep it open all the time again, or atleast have itself open on it's own when a music video starts playing.

    Found workaround for this problem on web.
    1. right click on itunes on your desktop and go to properties.
    2. click on compatibility tab
    3. check box for "Disable display scaling on high dpi settings and apply.
    You will get a warning when you open itunes now that display settings are now set to an older version or something like that but just hit ok....and now full screen video! Probably isn't quite as clear as it should be if apple fixed this problem (I mean come on I know there have to be a ton of us out here that use large lcds or plasmas as our monitors so why its not fixed beats me) but hey at least it works in fullscreen mode this way. The major problem with this workaround is that it makes it quite hard to see text and other things in itunes store because they are now quite small. So what Ive had to start doing is keep it on normal settings while I go into itunes, and do my searching and renting and buying videos, then close it, make the changes of the workaround and then reopen it so that I can watch in fullscreen. Yeah its a pain but it works.
    Message was edited by: batou01

  • I need help with adding fire to an existing picture in elements 8

    I'm a painting contractor and I'm trying to create a new picture for my buisness cards and tee shirts. What I want to do is put flames coming from a brush and work pot that I'm holding in my hands. I've looked everywhere on line, but I can't find exactly what I want. I'm hoping that someone in this forum will be able to help me. Thanks.

    Okay, I have been playing with for a few days. Warning, this is going to be loooong. I do this differently in Photoshop but couldn't get it to work with the elements workset as it doesn't have the curves tool that Photoshop has so I had to find an alternate method to pump up the flames. Luckily, I ran into a video that used a method other than curves to get me on track. I assumed you want realistic I was pushing for how real could I make flames using paint and blend mode operations.
    Edit: I should let you know that you can try to extract flames from other photos and composite them into your photo. First, need a good fire image. It works best if you can find a fire with a black background. Screen blend mode will drop out black. Try working with two copies of the image. Turn off the topmost copy of the flames. Leave the bottom flames in Normal blend mode. Mask or erase the outer edges of the flames with a soft brush so that only the interior of the flames are visible. Now, turn on the topmost version of the flames. Leave the topmost version of the intact...don't mask or erase anything. Change this topmost flame layer's blend mode to screen blend mode. If you see any problems with your flames, you can erase or mask any defects. You can duplicate the screen layer to brighten the effect. Use opacity to control the volume. This would be the easiest solution but you'll have to find some flames that trip your fancy. I haven't tried this out yet so can't say how much better or worse it would be than using a good set of flame brushes along with some blend mode tricks.
    Below shows how close I can get using paint. I only used options available in PSE. I used layer masks that if you had PSE 9 would be native. Since you have PSE 8, you'll need to either download an install an add on that adds the basic layer mask function or use clipping masking.
    Below is a link to a freeware set that includes layer masks. Install instructions are on that site.
    If you want to go the clipping mask route, have a look at this tutorial: ng_masks/1_layer_groups_clipping_masks.htm
    Before and After the effect.
    I would have posted sooner but had to find a workable solution to making the flames look realistic in Elements as I can’t use the curves tool as it isn’t native to Elements.
    With the help of this YouTube video I came up with something…
    I based this tutorial on the hue/sat numbers, blend modes, and blurs.
    First, I downloaded a flame brush set. This set in specific:
    The above set is really nicely done and  has large high resolution brushes.
    One thing I do not agree with in the video is the color used. White is hard to change in the Hue/Saturation dialog. Instead I use 50% gray as my paint color. This is easy to set…either use the 50% color swatch or open the Color Picker and set H to 0, S to 0, and B to 50...hex number is 808080.
    Things to keep in mind include fire is gaseous, bright and the way it burns…it one direction, fire reflects and there is probably going to be some smoke.
    In my example, I am going to set a  lunch cake. Nice 4th of July theme. J
    Let’s start my scorching the item that will be burned. In this case the lunch cake will be scorched.
    Scorch the item…preparing to light it up.
    1. Duplicate image and put image into Linear burn blend mode; opacity 100%. Add layer mask or erase everything but the item to be scorched…the lunch cake.
    2. Duplicate layer you just made in step #1. Change the blend mode to Multiply 100%. Desaturate this layer.  Image Adjustments<Hue/Saturation…move Master Saturation slider to  -100. Take burn tool set to Range: Midtones; Exposure 35%; air brush on…and scorch the item. Make it kind of smudgy. You don’t want an even coat. Make it darker as you get closer to the flames.
    Note: Here I’ve jumped ahead. I already know where my flames are going to be. Either visualize where you want your flames or jump ahead and laid down the basic paint and transform into the correct position. Turn off flame layer (s) when done. So step #3 if you do any repair work isn’t affected.
    3. If you feel you need to do any clone repairs, create a composite image ctrl + shift + alt + e if on PC…cmd + shift + opt + e if on a Mac. Do the clone work on a blank layer over this. With clone tool selected, check the box in the options bar that says something like “All Layers”, “Use All Layers”, “Sample All Layers”…the box says one of those things beside it. I can’t recall which and not sure if it’s consistent between all versions of Elements.  Anyway, Leave layer in Normal blend mode 100% and likewise leave tool in Normal blend mode…opacity to taste. Fix any defects on this layer. You can do the same thing with the healing brush if you need to do any healing. I find it best to heal to a separate layer and not mix and match the healing tool and  clone stamp on the same layer.
    4. Turn off or trash the Clone Stamp comp layer when finished with step #3.
    Let’s Build a Fire…
    5. Create a blank layer in the layers palette….Normal blend mode; 100% opacity.  Make white your foreground color chip.  Grab the paint brush tool…normal blend mode; 100% opacity. Paint one flame on your layer. I have used the 1220 sized flame near the bottom of the brush set I linked earlier. Use the transform command …Ctrl + t (PC) or Cmd + t (Mac)…to size and position the flame. I used  also slightly warped the flame using transform warp. Since you don’t have that in Elements…slightly warp the flame in the liquefy dialog.
    Note: The above flame is pretty much backlighting…you are done with it.
    6. Change the color foreground color chip in your layers palette to 50% gray. Use the same brush tip you used in step #5. Size and position it so it closely matches the white flame in Step #5. Go to liquefy dialog and slightly warp it.
    Note: The goal is for the flames in step #5 and step #6 to be very similar but not exact.
    7.. Duplicate the 50% gray flame you made in step #6 twice. Turn off the top 50% gray flame for now.
    Fire is Bright...
    8. Now that video comes in that I linked.
    (1) Blur the 50% gray flame with Gaussian blur. I used 6 pixels. Go to menu and click Enhance or is it Adjustments<Hue/Saturation…check the box that says “colorize”; change master sliders to Hue 42; Saturation 100; Lightness 0.
    (2)Duplicate the flame you made above…step  (1). Go to the menu bar and click Enhance or is it Adjustment<Hue/Saturation…change master sliders to Hue -43; saturation 0; Lightness 0. Change this layers blend mode to Color Dodge blend mode and merge down…Ctrl + e on PC; cmd + e on Mac.
    Note: This layer will now say Normal blend mode; 100%.
    (3)I duplicated the merged layer I now have from step (2). I changed the blend mode of this layer to Screen and set the opacity to 100%.
    (4) I made a duplicate of the layer I have made in step (2)…the one that now says it’s in Normal blend mode; 100%… then blurred it with Gaussian blur. I used 46 pixels. I moved this layer down in my layers palette so that it rests beneath my other two colored flame layers. The white flame layer is directly below it. Leave this layer in Normal blend mode; 100% opacity.
    9. Go back to 50% gray flame you made in step #6...visibility eye should be off. You should have two of these gray layers if not duplicate one so that you do have tow 50% gray flame layers. (These were not blurred.)  These two layers need to be on the top of the stack. If they are not, move them up so that they are the top two layers. Turn on the visibility of the bottom 50% gray layer. Change the layer’s blend mode to Screen blend mode; opacity 100%. Grab the burn tool. Burn some of the flame base and randomly in the flame of the 50% gray.  Press and hold in the alt key (PC) or the opt key (Mac) and dodge the tops of the flames and do some random dodge work.
    10. Turn on the visibility for the top 50% gray layer. Leave this one alone…no dodge + burn. Set this layer to Screen blend mode; opacity 96%.
    11. Add layer masks to white and color flame layers…not the gray ones. Paint away any unattractive color spill. Bright orange edges…bright white distractions where flame edges don’t align.
    12. Make a composite layer of all layers up to date. Set this layer’s blend mode to multiply; opacity 47%. Add a layer mask and mask out everything but the flames. Tip: You can select the flames by ctrl + shift clicking on each flame layer thumbnail…the shift lets you add to a selection. On the Mac, cmd + shift click the layer thumbnails.
    Flames Reflect…
    13. Make a copy of one of your blurred color flames. Transform it so it rest over item that it should reflect on. In this case I have added a blurred flame onto my son’s eye. The flame is in Overlay blend mode; 33% opacity.
    14 Several steps Eye enhancements to my son’s eye…omitted because it’s off topic
    15. I used a gradient map with a fire like black/red/yellow/white gradient map set to Softlight blend mode; 17% to give my image a hint of a color cast. I masked it so only some skin, hair, and car areas have this slight color cast.
    Where there’s fire there is going to be some smoke...
    16. To make my smoke, I made a separate large document my photo size. I set my color chips to the default b/w. (Shortcut is D.) I went to menu bar and clicked Filter<Render<Clouds. Next I went back to my menu bar and clicked Filter<Render<Difference Clouds. I used Ctrl + f to repeat the Difference Cloud filter until I was happy with the effect…looking for swirled black lines…kind of like lightning. (If on a Mac, use Cmd + f to repeat a filter. I then used the transform command to enlarge the pattern I made. Be sure to scale it so that height and width both are enlarged equally. Next, go to the men bar and select<All ; Edit<Crop. You want to do to get rid of the excess. I think I transformed my patter to something like 200% which makes the file really big. You can do it on your image file but because of file size the transform will take a really long time. When happy copy/paste or drag/drop this pattern into your photo file.
    17. Now blur pattern really good using Gaussian blur. Now, add a layer mask to your pattern layer. Click the layer mask in the layers palette to target it and run the the clouds and difference clouds on the mask just as you do on the pattern layer. Just those filters…no blur.
    Basic smoke pattern final
    18. Duplicate this layer w mask twice. You should have three smoke copies. Turn off all but the bottom pattern copy. Use the paint brush and paint black in mask to hide the smoke everywhere but where you want to keep it. Set this layer’s blend mode to Multiply blend mode; opacity 15%.
    View of the inside one of the smoke layer masks
    19. Turn on the visibility of the next smoke pattern. Again use a black paint to paint where you don’t want paint. (Make this variable as you want the smoke to be varying opacity.)  Layer blend mode Multiply; opacity 15%.
    20. Turn on the visibility of the next smoke pattern…top one in stack. Again use black to paint where you don’t want the smoke. Set this layer’s blend mode to Multiply blend mode; opacity 1%.
    Fire is Gaseous...
    21. Make a composite of all layers by pressing ctrl + shift + alt + e if on PC. Use Cmd + shift + opt + e if on a Mac. Blur your composite image. I used 3 pixels. Set the blend mode to Normal; opacity 64%. Add a layer mask and fill it with black paint to hide the blur effect. Use the paint brush with white paint in the layer mask to blur any sharp edges and base of flames. Remember flame is gaseous.
    Above shows my layers for completed image. Notice the comp for clone layer is off. I did not need it after I did the clone to a blank layer to add some scorched cake around my son's fingers.

  • Avchd   converter for help  you create unique videos easily

    Emicsoft HD Video Converter is the high definition video converter software develeped to convert HD video files with high quality. With this HD video converter you can also easily convert between HD video formats, convert standard definition videos to HD videos, or convert HD videos to SD (Standard-Definition) videos. The HD video converter supports most of HD video formats: MTS/M2TS, TS, HD MKV, HD AVI, HD MP4, HD WMV, HD MOV, HD ASF.
    How to use this HD Converter?
    1. Launch the software and click "Add File" button to import files into the software. You c help yoan watch them on the preview screen.
    2. Edit the added movie by clicking "Effect" "Trim" or "Crop" button which can help you create unique videos easily.
    3. Select output in Profile option. Here all popular formats and mobile devices are supported. Then make sure the destination folder.
    4. Click "Start" button and the program will automatically start conversion.
    Emicsoft AVCHD Converter can convert AVCHD video to all popular video formats, and convert other videos to AVCHD video. So many formats are supported such as HD video (TS, MTS, M2TS, HD MPEG-4, HD MOV, HD AVI, HD VOB, HD ASF, HD WMV, etc.), general video (AVI, MP4, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VOB, MOV, 3GP, FLV, SWF, etc.) and audio track (MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, AC3, OGG, etc.).
    Emicsoft MOD Converter is a powerful MOD video converter which can MOD to AVI, MOD to MPG, MOD to MPEG, MOD to WMV and to other video format, such as FLV, SWF, ASF, DivX, XviD, MP4, VCD, SVCD, DVD-Video, VOB and so on. Batch conversion supported, so you can add several .MOD files one time.
    More softwares may help you:
    Emicsoft Video Converter
    Emicsoft FLV Converter
    Emicsoft MTS Converter

    Komposer-NVU is an html editor for Mac based on the Mozilla Gecko engine (Seamonkey).
    Seamonkey ( has an html editor called Composer.
    Dreamweaver by Adobe (not free of course). The standard everyone
    else is judged by:
    Edit Rocket, never tried it, but the price is right if it works!

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