Help in Optimizing code

Hello experts, I have a function module that runs so slow, I just want to seek some advice to help me have a better performance speed what can I used and alternatives to make my codes faster... any advice can help
Heres my <b> code </b>
DATA: ippord_bw LIKE ppord_bw.
DATA : itabix LIKE sy-tabix.
DATA : BEGIN OF i_data_temp OCCURS 0.
        INCLUDE STRUCTURE ppord_bw.
DATA : END OF i_data_temp.
data:  begin of i_jest_obj occurs 0,
objnr like jest-objnr,
end of i_jest_obj.
*TYPES Declaration             *
TYPES : BEGIN OF t_afpo,
         aufnr LIKE afpo-aufnr, "Order Number
         plnum LIKE afpo-plnum, "Planned order number
         psamg LIKE afpo-psamg, "Scrap quantity in item
         psmng LIKE afpo-psmng, "Order item quantity
         wemng LIKE afpo-wemng, "Quantity of goods for the order item
         amein LIKE afpo-amein, "Unit of measure for in-house production
         meins LIKE afpo-meins, "Base unit of measure
         pamng LIKE afpo-pamng, "Fixed quantity of scrap from production
         pgmng LIKE afpo-pgmng, "Total planned order quantity
         ablad LIKE afpo-ablad, "Unloading point
        END OF t_afpo.
TYPES:  BEGIN OF t_afko,
         aufnr LIKE afko-aufnr, "Order Number
         gltrp LIKE afko-gltrp, "Basic finish date
         gstrp LIKE afko-gstrp, "Basic start date
         ftrms LIKE afko-ftrms, "Scheduled release date
         gltrs LIKE afko-gltrs, "Scheduled finish
         gstrs LIKE afko-gstrs, "Scheduled start
         gstri LIKE afko-gstri, "Actual start date
         gltri LIKE afko-gltri, "Actual finish date
         ftrmi LIKE afko-ftrmi, "Actual release date
         gmein LIKE afko-gmein, "Base unit of measure
         plnty LIKE afko-plnty, "Task list type
         plnnr LIKE afko-plnnr, "Key for task groupKey
         plnal LIKE afko-plnal, "Group counter
         aufld LIKE afko-aufld, "Date of BOM routing transfer
         aufpl  LIKE afko-aufpl,"Routing number for operations
         igmng LIKE afko-igmng, "Yield confirmed order confirmation
         iasmg LIKE afko-iasmg, "Scrap confirmed for order
        END OF t_afko.
TYPES:  BEGIN OF t_afvc,
         aufpl LIKE afvc-aufpl, "Routing number for operations order
         arbid LIKE afvc-arbid, "Object ID of the resource
        END OF t_afvc.
TYPES:  BEGIN OF t_zbw_afvv_c,
         aufpl LIKE zbw_afvv_c-aufpl, "Routing number
         ism03 LIKE zbw_afvv_c-ism03, "Previously confirmed activity
         ile03 LIKE zbw_afvv_c-ile03, "Unit of measure
         vgw02 LIKE zbw_afvv_c-vgw02, "Standard value
         vge02 LIKE zbw_afvv_c-vge02, "Unit of measure standard value
         isdd  LIKE zbw_afvv_c-isdd,  "Actual start: Execution (date)
         isdz  LIKE zbw_afvv_c-isdz,  "Actual start: Execution (time)
        END OF t_zbw_afvv_c.
         objid LIKE crhd-objid, "Object ID of the resource
         arbpl LIKE crhd-arbpl, "Work Center
       END OF t_CRHD.
         objnr LIKE jest-objnr, "Object Number
         stat  LIKE jest-stat,  "Status
       END OF t_jest.
*Internal Table Declaration    *
DATA: i_afpo    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_afpo,
      wa_afpo   TYPE t_afpo,
      i_afko    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_afko,
      wa_afko   TYPE t_afko,
      i_afvc    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_afvc,
      wa_afvc   TYPE t_afvc,
      i_afvc_d  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_afvc,
      wa_afvc_d TYPE t_afvc,
      i_jest    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_jest,
      wa_jest   TYPE t_jest,
      i_zbw_afvv_c    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_zbw_afvv_c,
      wa_zbw_afvv_c   TYPE t_zbw_afvv_c,
      wa_CRHD   TYPE t_CRHD.
<b>Actual Code</b>
  i_data_temp[] = i_t_data[].
  IF i_data_temp[] IS INITIAL.
    RAISE rsap_customer_exit_error.
retrieves values of appended fields from afpo table
    SELECT aufnr     "Order Number
           plnum     "Planned order number
           psamg     "Scrap quantity in item
           psmng     "Order item quantity
           wemng     "Quantity of goods for the order item
           amein     "Unit of measure for in-house production
           meins     "Base unit of measure
           pamng     "Fixed quantity of scrap from production
           pgmng     "Total planned order quantity
           ablad     "Unloading point
      FROM afpo
      INTO TABLE i_afpo
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_data_temp
     WHERE aufnr = i_data_temp-aufnr.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
retrieves values of appended fields and aufpl from afko table that
will be used as a look up in table afvv
    SELECT aufnr     "Order Number
           gltrp     "Basic finish date
           gstrp     "Basic start date
           ftrms     "Scheduled release date
           gltrs     "Scheduled finish
           gstrs     "Scheduled start
           gstri     "Actual start date
           gltri     "Actual finish date
           ftrmi     "Actual release date
           gmein     "Base unit of measure
           plnty     "Task list type
           plnnr     "Key for task groupKey
           plnal     "Group counter
           aufld     "Date of BOM routing transfer
           aufpl     "Routing number for operations
           igmng     "Yield confirmed order confirmation
           iasmg     "Scrap confirmed for order
      FROM afko
      INTO TABLE i_afko
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_afpo
     WHERE aufnr = i_afpo-aufnr.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
loop at i_data_temp.
  CONCATENATE 'OR' i_data_temp-aufnr into i_jest_obj-objnr.
  append i_jest_obj.
retrieves appended fields from afvv table
    SELECT aufpl      "Routing number
           ism03      "Previously confirmed activity
           ile03      "Unit of measure
           vgw02      "Standard value
           vge02      "Unit of measure standard value
           isdd       "Actual start: Execution (date)
           isdz       "Actual start: Execution (time)
      FROM zbw_afvv_c
      INTO TABLE i_zbw_afvv_c
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_afko
     WHERE aufpl = i_afko-aufpl.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
retrieves ARBID from afvc table that will be used as a lookup in CHRD
table to get the workcenter
    SELECT aufpl       "Routing number for operations order
           arbid       "Object ID of the resource
      FROM afvc
      INTO TABLE i_afvc
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_afko
     WHERE aufpl = i_afko-aufpl.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
retrieves Work Center based on the arbid selected from afvc table
    SELECT objid      "Object ID of the resource
           arbpl      " Work Center
      FROM crhd
      INTO TABLE i_crhd
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_afvc
     WHERE objid = i_afvc-arbid.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    SELECT objnr     "Object Number
           stat      "Status
      FROM jest
      INTO TABLE i_jest
      for all entries in i_jest_obj
   where objnr = i_jest_obj-objnr
    AND   ( stat EQ 'I0045' OR stat EQ 'I0076' OR stat EQ 'I0012' ).
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
  i_afvc_d[] = i_afvc[].
  SORT i_afvc   BY aufpl ASCENDING.
  SORT i_afvc_d BY aufpl DESCENDING.
  SORT : i_afko BY aufnr,
         i_afpo BY aufnr,
         i_zbw_afvv_c BY aufpl.
  LOOP AT i_t_data INTO ippord_bw.
    itabix = sy-tabix.
clears work area
    CLEAR: wa_afpo,
read internal table i_afpo
    READ TABLE i_afpo INTO wa_afpo
                      WITH KEY aufnr = ippord_bw-aufnr.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      ippord_bw-zzwemng = wa_afpo-wemng.
      ippord_bw-zzamein = wa_afpo-amein.
      ippord_bw-amein   = wa_afpo-amein.
      ippord_bw-zzpsamg = wa_afpo-psamg.
      ippord_bw-zzpgmng = wa_afpo-pgmng.
      ippord_bw-zzpamng = wa_afpo-pamng.
      ippord_bw-zzpsmng = wa_afpo-psmng.
      ippord_bw-psmng   = wa_afpo-psmng.
      ippord_bw-zzmeins = wa_afpo-meins.
      ippord_bw-zzplnum = wa_afpo-plnum.
      ippord_bw-zzablad = wa_afpo-ablad.
read internal table i_afko
    READ TABLE i_afko INTO wa_afko
                      WITH KEY aufnr = ippord_bw-aufnr.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      ippord_bw-zzftrms = wa_afko-ftrms.
      ippord_bw-zzgstri = wa_afko-gstri.
      ippord_bw-zzftrmi = wa_afko-ftrmi.
      ippord_bw-zzgstrp = wa_afko-gstrp.
      ippord_bw-zziasmg = wa_afko-iasmg.
      ippord_bw-zzigmng = wa_afko-igmng.
      ippord_bw-zzgmein = wa_afko-gmein.
      ippord_bw-zzplnnr = wa_afko-plnnr.
      ippord_bw-zzplnty = wa_afko-plnty.
      ippord_bw-zzplnal = wa_afko-plnal.
      ippord_bw-zzaufld = wa_afko-aufld.
      ippord_bw-zzgltrs = wa_afko-gltrs.
      ippord_bw-zzgstrs = wa_afko-gstrs.
      ippord_bw-zzgltri = wa_afko-gltri.
      ippord_bw-zzgltrp = wa_afko-gltrp.
read internal table i_afvv
      READ TABLE i_zbw_afvv_c INTO wa_zbw_afvv_c
                        WITH KEY aufpl = wa_afko-aufpl.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ippord_bw-ism03 = wa_zbw_afvv_c-ism03.
          ippord_bw-ile03 = wa_zbw_afvv_c-ile03.
          ippord_bw-vgw02 = wa_zbw_afvv_c-vgw02.
          ippord_bw-vge02 = wa_zbw_afvv_c-vge02.
          ippord_bw-isdd  = wa_zbw_afvv_c-isdd.
          ippord_bw-isdz  = wa_zbw_afvv_c-isdz.
*Pull first resource
      READ TABLE i_afvc INTO wa_afvc
                        WITH KEY wa_zbw_afvv_c-aufpl.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        READ TABLE i_crhd INTO wa_crhd
                          WITH KEY objid = wa_afvc-arbid.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ippord_bw-zzarbpl1 = wa_crhd-arbpl.
        ENDIF. "read i_crhd
      ENDIF. "read i_afvc
*Pull last resource
      CLEAR: wa_afvc_d,
      READ TABLE i_afvc_d INTO wa_afvc_d
                        WITH KEY wa_zbw_afvv_c-aufpl.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        READ TABLE i_crhd INTO wa_crhd
                          WITH KEY objid = wa_afvc_d-arbid.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ippord_bw-zzarbpl2 = wa_crhd-arbpl.
        ENDIF. "read i_crhd
      ENDIF.  "read i_afvc
    ENDIF. "read i_afko
    CLEAR v_objnr.
    READ TABLE i_data_temp INDEX itabix.
    SHIFT i_data_temp-aufnr LEFT BY 5 PLACES.
    CONCATENATE 'OR00000' i_data_temp-aufnr INTO v_objnr.
TECO Status
    READ TABLE i_jest INTO  wa_jest
                      WITH KEY objnr = v_objnr
                           stat  = 'I0045'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        ippord_bw-zzteco = 'X'.
Deletion Flag Status
    READ TABLE i_jest INTO  wa_jest
                      WITH KEY objnr = v_objnr
                               stat  = 'I0076'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        ippord_bw-zzdlfl = 'X'.
Delivered Status
    READ TABLE i_jest INTO  wa_jest
                      WITH KEY objnr = v_objnr
                               stat  = 'I0012'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        ippord_bw-zzdlv = 'X'.
    MODIFY i_t_data FROM ippord_bw INDEX itabix.
refreshes content of internal table
  REFRESH: i_data_temp,
frees up the memory space containing the internal table
  FREE:    i_data_temp,

Also this select could be improved:
* retrieves Work Center based on the arbid selected from afvc table
SELECT objid "Object ID of the resource
arbpl " Work Center
FROM crhd
WHERE objid = i_afvc-arbid.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
* retrieves Work Center based on the arbid selected from afvc table
SELECT objid "Object ID of the resource
arbpl " Work Center
FROM crhd
<b>WHERE OBJTY in ('A', 'AA', 'FH', 'H')</b>
WHERE objid = i_afvc-arbid.
IF sy-subrc = 0.

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    Just as an FYI - we also have an HTML5 video tool over at that achieves this, but works on mobile devices as well. The link above looks like it uses Flash, which isn't common anymore since the release of HTML5 based video.
    Simply drag the widget out onto your canvas, and link up your videos / set options like loop, controls visible, etc. It's quite a flexible widget, and there's a complete training video included so you don't get stuck
    Check out the widget here
    Just wanted to provide another alternative that could be helpful. Cheers!
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    always provide create table and sample data instert statements when asking a question. also, provide your database version.
    because you're using utl_match, you can't really use an index, there must be a cartesian join on the two tables so it may always be slow.
    however, here's a sample SQL that you may be able to make use of:
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                 union all
                 select 'BRUCE' from dual)
        ,nid as (select 'CATHERINE' person_name, 1 NID FROM DUAL
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    Hi Rk,
    1) Elementary search helps describe a search path. The elementary search help must define where the data of the hit list should be read from (selection method), how the exchange of values between the screen template and selection method is implemented (interface of the search help) and how the online input help should be defined (online behavior of the search help).
    2) Collective search helps combine several elementary search helps. A collective search help thus can offer several alternative search paths.
    3)An elementary search help defines the standard flow of an input help.
    4) A collective search help combines several elementary search helps. The user can thus choose one of several alternative search paths with a collective search help.
    5)A collective search help comprises several elementary search helps. It combines all the search paths that are meaningful for a field.
    6)Both elementary search helps and other search helps can be included in a collective search help. If other collective search helps are contained in a collective search help, they are expanded to the level of the elementary search helps when the input help is called.
    Go to SE11 Tcode
    select search help
    give the 'z' search help name and create
    select the selection method ur table name eg : 'mara'
    dialog module 'display value immediately'.
    add the field whatever u want and lpos = 1 and spos = 1 and check import and export parameter.
    where left position when displaying and spos = search position
    and then save and activate ..
    See the links:
    pls go through this for search help creation
    Search Help Exits:
    Re: dynamic values for search help
    Re: Dynamic search  help
    Reward If Helpful.

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    You appear to have just collected a variety of code snippets and thrown them together, including a section of AS2 code ( gage.onRelease = function() {... )
    The suggestion I offered yesterday still stands.  You should find a tutorial regarding AS3 and the atan2 function.  Beyond that, what you show suggests this is a school assignment.  You should seek help from your fellow students and instructor if that is the case.

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    Error code:

    Online references possible memory issue? Sensors?
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  • I need help with this code error "unreachable statement"

    the error_
    F:\Java\Projects\ unreachable statement <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS
    int index;
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end delete method
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end getrecod
    3 errors
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Tools//tool class
    private int numberOfToolItems;
    private ToolItems[] toolArray = new ToolItems[10];
    public Tools()//array of tool
    numberOfToolItems = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < toolArray.length; i++)//for loop to create the array tools
    toolArray[i] = new ToolItems();
    }//end for loop
    }//end of array of tools
    public int search(int id)//search mehtod
    int index = 0;
    while (index < numberOfToolItems)//while and if loop search
    if(toolArray[index].getID() == id)
    return index;
    index ++;
    }//en while and if loop
    return -1;
    }//end search method
    public int insert(int id, int numberInStock, int quality, double basePrice, String nm)//insert method
    if(numberOfToolItems >= toolArray.length)
    return 0;
    int index;
    index = search(id); <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE
    if (index == -1)
    toolArray[index].assign(id,numberInStock, quality, basePrice,nm);
    numberInStock ++;
    return 1;
    }//end if index
    }//end if toolitem array
    return -1;
    }//end insert method
    public int delete(/*int id*/)//delete method
    }//end delete method
    public void display()//display method
    for(int i = 0; i < numberOfToolItems; i++)
    }//end display method
    public String getRecord(int i)//get record method
    // return toolArray[i].getName()+ "ID: "+toolArray[i].getID()
    }//end getrecod
    }//end class
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:08 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:09 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:10 AM
    Edited by: ladsoftware on Oct 9, 2009 6:11 AM

    ladsoftware wrote:
    Subject: Re: I need help with this code error "unreachable statement"
    F:\Java\Projects\ unreachable statement <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS
    int index;
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end delete method
    F:\Java\Projects\ missing return statement
    }//end getrecod
    3 errorsThe compiler is telling you exactly what the problems are:
    public int insert(int id, int numberInStock, int quality, double basePrice, String nm)//insert method
    if(numberOfToolItems >= toolArray.length)
    return 0; // <<== HERE you return, so everyting in the if block after this is unreachable
    int index;
    index = search(id);  //< -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HERE
    if (index == -1)
    toolArray[index].assign(id,numberInStock, quality, basePrice,nm);
    numberInStock ++;
    return 1;
    }//end if index
    }//end if toolitem array
    return -1;
    }//end insert method
    public int delete(/*int id*/)//delete method
    // <<== HERE where is the return statement?
    }//end delete method
    public String getRecord(int i)//get record method
    // return toolArray.getName()+ "ID: "+toolArray[i].getID() <<== HERE you commented out the return statement
    }//end getrecod
    }//end class

  • Help with Exit Code: 7

    Install Flex 4
    Exit Code: 7
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 3 error(s), 1 warning(s)
    WARNING: Memory requirements not met for {74EF259F-1DC6-4DEE-866B-0707173D7654}
    ERROR: Custom Action for payload {74EF259F-1DC6-4DEE-866B-0707173D7654} Adobe Flash Builder returned error. Failing this payload.
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Flash Builder: Install failed
    My Pc
    Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz, 2.80GHz
    992 MB in RAM
    HDD: 38.0GB, Used: 23.3GB, Free: 14.7GB
    Microsoft Windows XP Pro.
    Ver. 2002
    Service Pack 3
    Help to install tehe Flex Build 4, plase.

    I had a similar problem (see error details below) installing on Windows 7 Professional using a domain account which is in the local admin group. I think my problem was due to an @ character in one of the following environment variables:
    I solved the problem by creating a local account with a plalin alphabetical username, adding it to the local administrator group and re-running the installer under that account by right clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator".
    I got this idea from the following blog posts:
    Hope that helps,
    Exit Code: 7
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ERROR: Custom Action for payload {74EF259F-1DC6-4DEE-866B-0707173D7654} Adobe Flash Builder returned error. Failing this payload.
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Flash Builder: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX: Install failed

  • Need help with WMI code that will send output to db

    'm new to WMI code writing, so I need some help with writing code that we can store on our server. I want this code to run when a user logs into their computer
    and talks to our server. I also want the code to:
    * check the users computer and find all installed patches
    * the date the patches were installed
    * the serial number of the users computer
    * the computer name, os version, last boot up time, and mac address
    and then have all this output to a database file. At the command prompt I've tried:
    wmic qfe get description, hotfixid
    This does return the patch information I'm looking for, but how do I combine that line of code with:
    wmic os get version, csname, serialnumber, lastbootuptime
    wmic nicconfig get macaddress
    and then get all this to output to a database file?

    Thank you for the links. I checked out and
    found lots of good information. I also found a good command that will print information to a text file.
    Basically what I'm trying to do is retrieve a list of all installed updates (Windows updates and 3rd party updates). I do like that the below code because it gives me the KB numbers for the Windows updates. I need this information so my IT co-workers &
    I can keep track of which of our user computers need a patch/update installed and preferably which patch/update. The minimum we want to know is which patches / updates have been installed on which computer. If you wondering why we don't have Windows automatic
    updates enable, that's because we are not allowed to.   
    This is my code so far. 
    #if you want the computer name, use this command
    get-content env:computername
    $computer = get-content env:computername
    #list of installed patches
    Get-Hotfix -ComputerName $computer#create a text file listing this information
    Get-Hotfix > 'C:\users\little e\Documents\WMI help\PowerShell\printOutPatchList.txt'
    I know you don't want to tell me the code that will print this out to a database (regardless if it's Access or SQL), and that's find. But maybe you can tell me this. Is it possible to have the results of this sent to a database file or do I need to go into
    SQL and write code for SQL to go out and grab the data from an Excel file or txt file? If I'm understanding this stuff so far, then I suspect that it can be done both ways, but the code needs to be written correctly for this to happen. If it's true, then which
    way is best (code in PowerShell to send information to SQL or SQL go get the information from the text file or Excel file)?

  • BCM 2007 error: "To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects"

    Recently we changed our e-mail accounts around to a new domain name. After this switch, BCM no longer allows adding, editing or any other manipulation of contact records. I get an error message saying "To help prevent malicious code from running, one
    or more objects in this form were not loaded."
    I have tried clearing the forms cache, uninstalling and reinstalling BCM and even adding the old e-mail address back into the Outlook profile and nothing works.
    Is there something I have missed somewhere or am I looking at a complete reinstall of Outlook and BCM?

    Hi Jon
    Thank you for the update.  It could be another Active X Component - BCM 2007 calls several of them
    On thing you could do is run a Process Monitor Log to see if perhaps another component is Blocked. To do that try the following:
    1. Close Outlook and as many other programs as possible
    2. Download and Extract Process Monitor from here -
    3. Start Process Monitor
    4. Start Outlook
    5. Reproduce the error in BCM
    6. Stop Process Monitor by going to the File menu and unchecking "Capture Events"
    At this point you can try filtering by clicking the Filter Icon (the Funnel) on the menu bar.  Click on the Left Drop down at the top of the Dialog and Select "Path"
    For the second dropdown select "Contacts" and then filter on "ActiveX Compatibility" (without the quotes)
    in my lab, every GUID under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility came up with a result of "Name Not Found"
    On your system, are there any are present (the Result Column will show "Success")?
    If so, then I would check the Compatibility Flag for that one (Hint - if you right-click on an Entry you can select "Jump To" to open Regedit to that location)
    - or -
    If you would like for me to take a look at it, in Process Monitor Go to the File > Save Menu and save it as a .PML file. Then send it to me at cts-larrymei at
    Note - Please ZIP the file prior to sending it
    Larry - MSFT
    Larry Meinstein

  • I need help with my code..

    hi guys. as the subject says I need help with my code
    the Q for my code is :
    write a program that reads a positive integer x and calculates and prints a floating point number y if :
    y = 1 ? 1/2 + 1/3 - ? + 1/x
    and this is my code
       This program that reads a positive integer x and calculates
       and prints a floating point number y if :
                 y = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - ? + 1/x
       import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
        class Sh7q2
           // main method begins execution of Java application
           public static void main( String args[] )
          // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
             Scanner input = new Scanner( );
             int i = 1; // i is to control the loop
             int n = 2; // n is suppose to control the number sign
             int x; // a positive integer entered by the user
             int m;
             System.out.println("Enter a positive integer");
             x = input.nextInt();
                m = (int) Math.pow( -1, n)/i;
             while ( m >= 1/x );
          } // end method main
       } // end class Sh7q2 when I compile it there is no error
    but in the run it tells me to enter a positive integer
    suppose i entered 5
    then the result is 1...
    can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code

       This program that reads a positive integer x and calculates
       and prints a floating point number y if :
                 y = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - ? + 1/x
       import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
        class Sh7q2
           // main method begins execution of Java application
           public static void main( String args[] )
          // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
             Scanner input = new Scanner( );
             int i = 1; // i is to control the loop
             int n = 1; // n is suppose to control the number sign
             int x; // a positive integer entered by the user
             double m;
             int a = 1;
             double sum = 0;
             System.out.println("Enter a positive integer");
             x = input.nextInt();
             for ( i = 1; a <= x; i++)
                m =  Math.pow( -1, n+1)/i;
                sum  = sum + m;
             System.out.print("y = " + sum);
          } // end method main
       } // end class Sh7q2is it right :S

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  • Jasper report  for pdf and html

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  • Photoshop CS5 Install Help Please !!!!!!!!!!!

    Exit Code: 6 -------------------------------------- Summary  -------------------------------------- - 0 fatal error(s), 52  error(s), 51 warning(s) WARNING: OS requirements not met for  {667C8B6C-3EAF-4646-A8EC-D85CCC4D3D84} WARNING: Payload cannot b