Help! JEditorPane flickers!

I am working to display news from a web server in a JEditorPane.
I receive news from an outside source; I have an interface program to gather, parse and create a html
news file (index.html) with links to the actual news articles in it. I update this html file as soon as I receive new news articles.
Now, on the client side, I simply use the JEditorPane's setPage method to assign the index html page.
So far so good, however when the incoming news traffic is heavy, the html file is getting updated almost
every second and consequently the setPage method is getting called everys second. And needless to say
JEditorPane flickers like it has bird flu.
Is there a way to eliminate or at least reduce the flicker?
//Simulating news a minute:
java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
timer.schedule(new refreshNews(), 1 * 1000, 1 * 1000);
private class refreshNews extends TimerTask{
public refreshNews(){}
public void run(){
}catch(Exception err){

Have you tried playing with JEditorPane's setDoubleBuffered( ) option?
This might help with the screen flicker.
Also, if you are running a separate timer thread, you should call the setPage( ) method on the Event Dispatcher thread, as Swing components are generally not thread-safe. ie.
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable( )
  public void run( )
    // setPage call here

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  • Help! JEditorPane flickers! (10 Dukes)

    I am working to display news from a web server in a JEditorPane.
    I receive news from an outside source; I have an interface program to gather, parse and create a html
    news file (index.html) with links to the actual news articles in it. I update this html file as soon as I receive new news articles.
    Now, on the client side, I simply use the JEditorPane's setPage method to assign the index html page.
    So far so good, however when the incoming news traffic is heavy, the html file is getting updated almost
    every second and consequently the setPage method is getting called everys second. And needless to say
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    Is there a way to eliminate or at least reduce the flicker?
    //Simulating news a minute:
    java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
    timer.schedule(new refreshNews(), 1 * 1000, 1 * 1000);
    private class refreshNews extends TimerTask{
    public refreshNews(){}
    public void run(){
    }catch(Exception err){

    Have you tried playing with JEditorPane's setDoubleBuffered( ) option?
    This might help with the screen flicker.
    Also, if you are running a separate timer thread, you should call the setPage( ) method on the Event Dispatcher thread, as Swing components are generally not thread-safe. ie.
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable( )
      public void run( )
        // setPage call here

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    Hi, elfbp. There is no economical way to replace the screen — and no easy way, either. It's the Powerbook's most expensive part to buy, new or used, and the hardest one to remove and install successfully. Besides, you haven't determined yet that the display is what needs to be replaced, or even that anything needs to be replaced. And the symptom you report is so very odd — anomalous pixels that follow a word or words in your text, indicating that they aren't related to particular pixels or regions in the display — that I have no idea how to go about trying to isolate the cause.
    For what it's worth, the service manual for your Tibook model contains the following video troubleshooting section. It's not directed at your particular problem, but your particular problem isn't mentioned at all, and this may suggest some useful procedures or clues:
    "No display, or dim display, but computer appears to operate correctly:
    1. Remove any connected peripherals.
    2. Make sure F1 key is not stuck down.
    3. Press the F2 key (with the fn key pressed and not pressed) to increase the screen brightness settings.
    4. Reboot the computer—hold down the Control and Command keys and press the Power button to restart the computer. Or, press and hold the Power button for 5 to 10 seconds to shut down the computer, then press the Power button to restart.
    5. Make sure using the PowerBook (1GHz/867MHz) power adapter (66-1798)
    6. Verify inverter flex cable and LVDS cable connections are seated properly and that the cables are not damaged (refer to inverter board and display module replacement instructions).
    7. Replace inverter board.
    8. Replace display assembly.
    9. Replace logic board."
    Note in particular that checking the display cable connections and replacing the inverter board are both suggested before replacing the display itself. And I would be inclined also to replace the logic board before the display, since it's less expensive and much easier to install. By the time you've replaced an inverter and a logic board, you'll be well on your way to spending what the Powerbook is worth in good condition on the current market, and replacing the display may put you over that value. This is not to say you shouldn't do it, but if you could get a comparable used Powerbook in good working order for less than you might spend fixing yours, that's at least an option worth considering.
    I have no idea what professional repair options are available to you in Japan, but if I were you, I'd look into them. Don't use any repair service that isn't Apple-authorized.
    If you want to plunge inside the Tibook yourself, complete take-apart instructions are here.

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    If you want to call repaint() method again and again, then you should redifine update method so that it should not paint the whole background. Better solution for this type of problem is to use getGraphics() method to get a Graphics object and paint any thing as you like with this Graphics object without needing paint or repaint method.

  • Help: JEditorPane

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    Anand Pimple

    Here's how I would get the links to work
    String text = "<some html with links>"
    String contentType = "text/html";
    JEditorPane jepHTML = new JEditorPane(contentType, text);
    jepHTML.addHyperlinkListener(<some hyperlink listener>);
    Also for the HTML to disply properly, you need to make sure there aren't any meta tags in the head section for the html.... I found that JEditorPane tends to initialize the text within itself when there are meta tags in the html code.
    Also the JEditorPane only displays HTML 3.2 or less.
    I haven't run across a simple HTML4 implementation of the parser.
    Personally I'm looking for one with CSS2 support as well (preferrably a simple free one)
    BTW, if there is anyone out there that has run across a FREE simple HTML4/CSS2 parser/EditorKit foer JEditorPane, I'd really appreciate an email to [email protected]
    Hope this helps,
    - Ace Macleod -

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       private JEditorPane createEditorPane()
          JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane();
          editorPane.addHyperlinkListener(new Hyperactive());
          if (theHelpFile != null)
                editorPane.setPage(theHelpFile); //This is a string, the URL to the file
             } //end try
             catch (Exception e)
                System.err.println("Bad URL: " + theHelpFile);
             } //end catch
          } //end if
             System.err.println("Couldn't find file: "+theHelpFile);
          } //end else
          return editorPane;
       } //end createEditorPane

    If you are using the standard HTMLEditorKit that comes along with JEditorPane, you should note that it only supports HTML 3.2. This may be the problem. Check page source if div's and similar are used or if the page has "HTML 3.2"-old elements like table's or similar to control layout/display.

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    This is the MacBook forum. You should post this in the iMac user forum.

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    Hi All,
    I'm working at adding new functionality to the JEditorPane. Everything was going ok, but I noticed this interesting behavior that hopefully there is a solution to.
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    (2) If you drag the selected text while the blinking cursor IS NOT visible, the cursor will be invisible after you drag the text to its destination.
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    Has anyone else found this problem and maybe a solution to it. I've disabled all the extra stuff I extended on the JEditorPane class, but it didn't seem to make a difference.
    Justin Circelli

    There are several approaches. You can add FocusListener to the drop target or drag source and put your code in focusGained() or focusLost() accordingly.
    Another way is to return focus to the drag source if DnD failed as you tried. First check whether mouseReleased(0 is invoked. If it's invoked try to put your code into SwingUtilities.invokeLater()

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    I'm working on an instant messenger/chat application, and I've noticed that when there is 'heavy' traffic, the JEditorPane flickers quite badly. The following code demonstrates the problem:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Test extends JFrame {
      public Test() {
        JEditorPane jep = new JEditorPane("text/html", "");
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(jep);
        this.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        this.getContentPane().add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
          sb.insert(0, i+"<br>");
      public static void main(String[] args) { new Test(); }
    }I'm using JEditorPane because it's easy to change I can use html tags to alter the font color/size/properties/etc.... As well, users can embed links which will then open in a browser. Is there a better way of doing this? I've tried setDoubleBuffered(true/false) on various combinations of components, using String concatenations, and setting the StringBuffer's initial length to a largish number (~5000). Nothing seems to alter the results. This problem occurs on linux and NT4 with jdks 1.3.0_002, 1.3.1, 1.4. If someone can help I'd be really grateful. I want the target jdk to be 1.3.1, so anything that came in with 1.4 isn't really an option.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks, I think that did the trick. I still have to put it into the chat app, but it works great with the test app. One thing, I do want the new text to be inserted at the top, not appended, so I changed the read statement to:
    jep.getEditorKit().read(new"<br>"), doc, 0);and that throws an exception:java.lang.RuntimeException: Must insert new content into body element-
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.generateEndsSpecsForMidInsert(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.<init>(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.<init>(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.<init>(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.getReader(
         at Test.<init>(
         at Test.main( if I change position to 1 it works fine. Any explanation? The source for EditorKit says:
         * @param pos The location in the document to place the
         *   content >= 0.m

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            JDialog dialog = new JDialog(AnanyaCurves.this, true);
            dialog.setTitle("Ananya Curves Help");
            JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane();
   helpURL = JFrame.class.getResource("help.html");
    catch (IOException e)
    }AnanyaCurves is my main class, which extends JFrame, and the code above is the code for the method of a JMenuItem.
    Please help with my help! Thanks a lot!

    BrigitAnanya wrote:
    My code presently doesn't even display anything, even though I put my "help.html" into two places, where I have my .java files and where I have my project file. It has to be where the CLASS files are.
    Here it is: helpURL = JFrame.class.getResource("help.html");
    This might be in the path where the JFrame.class file is.
    You should better use
    helpURL = YourMainClass.class.getResource("help.html");greetings

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    How to fix that Please help I can`t work with normal concentration...very anoying Please help?

    Flickering is a known problem with Win8. We and the GPU vendors are working with Microsoft to get it fixed, and seeing if we can implement workarounds until the fix arrives.
    The image going dark also means a display driver problem.
    You can try turning off GPU drawing in preferences, or setting the GPU mode to basic, for the time being.

  • My Mac is doing strange things: delaying between users, mouse flickering and bouncing, gets stuck with rainbow wheel flickering. I ran the appel hardware test and it detected an error: 4MOT/4/40000003:HDD-1233 Does anybody know what that means? HELP!

    My imac is doing strange things:
    -delaying between users: when closing session it goes to blue, then takes a while to appear users signin box, and then wont recognize mouse command to enter until a couple of minutes later... then everything seems alright until....
    -it gets stuck between things, the rainbow wheel appears and its just delays there forever....
    -and every now and then the mouse starts flickering and bouncing wildly onscreen.
    I ran the appel hardware test and it detected an error:
    Does anybody know what that means? HELP!

    WZZZ answered about where to get iStat. And do check the SMART status. If it is an overheating problem due to a fan or logic board problem, your hard drive is possibly cooking itself to death. If so it isn't a faulty hard drive even though the hard drive might fail. So assuming it's a temperature problem, even if you are able to repair things on the disk with software, that is working on symptoms, not causes. I could be wrong however.
    RE: AppleCare: Your iMac came with one year of AppleCare (Apple's warranty program), but within the first year you can buy 2 more years. You have to extend by the one year anniversary of purchase of the computer. Your 10,1 is too old to still be in the first year, and since you asked what it was, I'm sure you don't have it. Bottom line meaning is that whatever this problem turns out to be, you'll have to pay for it. Unless there is something like this. It is for 2011 iMacs with certain Seagate drives. You can put in your serial number for fun, but it looks like yours is too old. Lastly, some people have had Apple help them anyway if it is just out of warranty, but many have not. Your machine is one of these. Type in 10,1 in the search box. Is there an Apple Store near you? Just b/c it's out of warranty doesn't mean you shouldn't have it looked at by Apple. But no one here can say at all what Apple will or will not do.
    Hope you get it taken care of!

  • Refreshing JEditorPane (Urgent) plz help

    hello programmers,
    i'm building an html editor:
    My html editor has a split pane, the 2 pane got of the split pane are JEditorPanes, one on which i write tag and the other i display them,... thankfully all's working great, my syntax is highlighting and the html is displayed well but i've got the following problem:
    when i save a html page , i wanna my browser (on the right side of the slipt pane) to display the html page... it's ok .. it displays it with the method JHTMLEditorPane.setPage(file:/// directory/ file) but the problem is that when i save the page again using the same filename... my html page on the JHTMLEditorPane stays the same... it does not update...
    is their a refresh function for the JEditorPane? how can i update my JHTMLPane to reflect the changes i've brought to it? ONe thing , the page changes when i save it by aother file name..... PLz help it's very urgent!!!!!!!

    Have you tried to close and then re-open the file in your editorpane after you've saved?
    It will work when you change the name because it has to open the file as new. Java can't dynamically update values upon files like C does with pointers.

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    Then the next step would be to restore your phone.  My advice is that prior to restoring you import your photos and videos to your computer and back up your contacts (by syncing them with iCloud or to a supported program on your computer using iTunes) as a number of users report losing these when restoring their device.

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    It is a newer MacBook, just over 1 year. It is well cared for, hasn't been dropped, etc. I don't want to pay for expensive repairs for such a new computer, and I certainly can't afford a new one!
    I've tried updating my system like the Support page suggested, but no improvement. The problem started just the other day, and is progressively getting worse.
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    it means that it is not a hardware issue.  Other then that, Im not too sure.  Sorry I can't help you any further, but Im sure others members of this forum will read your question and be able to help you.  Good luck

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