Help?  Looking to buy 30 old ipods for an art project?  here are the pictures of them.  Anyone know where to get?

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can tell me where to get a bunch of these?

That's not the original iPod as stevejobsfan0123 said.
That's the Third Generation iPod with Touch Wheel
is this one.
Anyway, you should be able to find them on eBay, they are quite old (2002-2003), so you should be able to get it for little money.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    This feature has been introduced to make stolen phones useless to those that have stolen them.
    However it can also arise when the user has changed their Apple ID details with Apple and not made the same changes to their iCloud account/Find My Phone on their device before upgrading to iOS 7.
    The only solution is to change your Apple ID back to its previous state with Apple at My Apple ID verify the changes, enter the password as requested on your device and then turn off "find my phone".
    You should then change your Apple ID back to its current state, verify it once again, delete the iCloud account from your device and then log back in using your current Apple ID. Finally, turn "find my phone" back on once again.

  • Please Please Help with Projectile Project Here are the Codes

    I've got three(3) classes a Model, a view, and a controller.
    This is a project about is an animation of a cannonball being fired from a cannon and travelling under the effect of gravity.A cannon fired at angle 'a' to the horizontal and with an initial speed 's', will have an initial velocity given by:
    vx := s * cos(a);//velocity x equals the speed multiply by the cosine of angle a.
    vy := s * sin(a);//velocity y equals the speed multiply by the sine of angle a.
    Here are the code.
    /** Cannon specifies the expected behaviour of a cannon*/
    public class Cannon{
    public static final int TICK = 60;
    private int velocity = 0;
    private static final double gravity = .098f;
    private double angle = 0;
    // distances & positions are meausred in pixels
    private int x_pos; // ball's center x-position
    private int y_pos; // ball's center y-position
    // speed is measured in pixels per `tick'
    private int x_velocity; // horizonal speed; positive is to the right
    private int y_velocity; // vertical speed; positive is downwards
    public Cannon() {
    velocity = 3;
    angle = 60;
    angle = radians(angle);
    x_pos = 0;
    y_pos = 385;
    /** shoot fires a shot from the cannon*/
    public void shoot(){
    /**reload reloads the cannon with more shorts*/
    public void reload() {
    /** changeAngle changes the angle of the canon
    * @params value - the amount to add or subtract from the current angle value*/
    public void changeAngle(double value) {
    angle = (double)value;
    angle = radians(angle);
    /** getAngle returns the current angle value of the cannon*/
    public double getAngle() {
    return angle;
    /** changeVelocity changes the speed at which a cannon ball that is to be fire will travel at
    * @params value - the new speed at which the user wants a cannon ball to travel at.*/
    public void changeVelocityX(int value){
    x_velocity = x_velocity * (int)Math.cos(value);
    public void changeVelocityY(int value){
    y_velocity = y_velocity * (int)Math.sin(value);
    /** getVelocity returns the current velocity value of the cannon*/
    public int getVelocityX() {
    return x_velocity;
    public int getVelocityY() {
    return y_velocity;
    /** getGravity returns the current gravity value of the cannon*/
    public double getGravity() {
    return gravity;
    public int xPosition(){
    return x_pos;
    public int yPosition(){
    return y_pos;
    public void move(){
    double dx = getVelocityX() * Math.cos(getAngle());
    double dy = getVelocityY() * Math.sin(getAngle());
    double radians (double angle){
    return ((Math.PI * angle) / 180.0);
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    /** CannonView displays a cannon being fired.*/
    public class CannonView extends JPanel{
    /** DISPLAY_SIZE specifies the overall display area of the cannon and the bucket.*/
    public static final int DISPLAY_AREA_SIZE = 600;
    public RotatablePolygon rectangle;
    public RotatablePolygon triangle;
    public Cannon cannon;
    public CannonView(Cannon c) {
    this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,450));
    cannon = c;
    int xRectangle[] = {0,0,40,40,0};
    int yRectangle[] = {400,300,300,400,400};
    int xTriangle[] = {0,20,40,0};
    int yTriangle[] = {300,280,300,300};
    rectangle = new RotatablePolygon (xRectangle, yRectangle, 5,20,350);
    // rectangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    // triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,0,290);
    triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,20,350);
    //triangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.setTitle("Width = " + frame.getWidth() + " , Height = " + frame.getHeight());
    /** drawBucket draws a bucket/target for which a moving cannon ball should hit.
    * @param g - the graphics pen for which the drawing should occur.*/
    public void drawBucket(Graphics g) {
    int xvalues[] = {495, 519, 575, 595, 495};
    int yvalues[] = {340, 400, 400, 340, 340};
    Polygon poly1 = new Polygon (xvalues, yvalues, 5);
    g.fillOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
    g.drawOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    /** drawCannon draws a cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannon(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    g.fillOval(95, 340, 60, 60);
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
    g.fillArc(95, 340, 60, 60, i* 60, 30);
    g.fillOval(117, 362, 16, 16);
    /** drawCannonShots will draw the actual number of shots already used by the cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the shots of the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannonShots(Graphics g) {
    /** drawTrail will draw a trail of smoke to indicate where a cannon ball has passed
    * @param g - the graphics pen used to draw the trail.*/
    public void drawTrail(Graphics g){}
    /**drawGround draws the ground for which the cannon sits*/
    public void drawGround(Graphics g) {
    /** drawMovingCannonBall draw a cannon ball moving at a certain speed (velocity),
    * with a certain amount of gravitational acting upon it, at a certain angle.
    * @params g - the graphics pen used to draw the moving cannon ball.
    * @params gravity - the value of gravity.
    * @params velocity - the speed at which the ball is travelling.
    * @params angle - the angle at which the ball was shot from.*/
    public void drawMovingCannonBall(Graphics g, double gravity, double velocity, double angle){}
    /** paintComponent paints the cannon,bucket
    * @param g - graphics pen.*/
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    /** CannonController controls the interaction between the user and a cannon*/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class CannonController extends JFrame{
    public JMenuBar jMenuBar2;
    public JMenu jMenu2;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem1;
    public JMenu jMenu3;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem2;
    public JLabel angleLabel, velocityLabel;
    public JTextField angleTextField, velocityTextField;
    public JButton fireButton, reloadButton;
    public JSlider angleSlider, velocitySlider;
    private CannonView view;
    private Cannon cannon;
    int oldValue, newValue;
    public CannonController(Cannon acannon) {
    cannon = acannon;
    view = new CannonView(cannon);
    oldValue = angleSlider.getValue();
    newValue = oldValue + 1;
    /** loadControl loads all of the GUI controls that a
    * user of the cannon animation will use to interact with the program*/
    public void loadControls() {
    jMenuBar2 = new JMenuBar();
    jMenu2 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem();
    jMenu3 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem();
    angleLabel = new JLabel();
    velocityLabel = new JLabel();
    angleTextField = new JTextField();
    velocityTextField = new JTextField();
    fireButton = new JButton();
    reloadButton = new JButton();
    angleSlider = new JSlider();
    velocitySlider = new JSlider();
    jMenuItem1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    jMenuItem2.setText("About this Program");
    jMenuItem2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    setTitle("Cannon Controller Form");
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
    angleLabel.setLocation(10, 20);
    velocityLabel.setLocation(10, 80);
    angleTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    angleTextField.setBounds(280, 20, 30, 20);
    velocityTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    velocityTextField.setBounds(280, 80, 30, 20);
    fireButton.setToolTipText("Click to fire a shot");
    fireButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    fireButton.setBounds(60, 160, 80, 30);
    reloadButton.setToolTipText("Click to reload cannon");
    reloadButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    reloadButton.setBounds(150, 160, 80, 30);
    angleSlider.setToolTipText("Change the cannon angle");
    angleSlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    angleSlider.setBounds(60, 20, 210, 40);
    velocitySlider.setToolTipText("Change the speed of the cannon ball");
    velocitySlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    velocitySlider.setBounds(60, 80, 210, 50);
    private void reloadButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    private void fireButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    /** firstButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's fire method*/
    public void fireButtonClick() {
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You click Fire");
    /** reloadButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's reload method*/
    public void reloadButtonClick() {
    private void angleSliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    view.rectangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    view.triangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    private void velocitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void gravitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void jMenuItem1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    String message = "Cannon Animation\n"+
    "Based on the Logic of Projectiles";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message,"About this program",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    /** Exit the Application */
    private void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    /** Pause execution for t milliseconds. */
    private void delay (int t) {
    try {
    Thread.sleep (t);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    public static void main(String [] args){
    Cannon cn = new Cannon();
    CannonController control = new CannonController(cn);
    if the cannon ball land in the bucket it should stop and the animation should indicate a 'hit' in some way. maybe by displaying a message.
    if the cannonball hits the outside of the bucket it should bounce off.
    Extra Notes.
    1) The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s to the (power of (2) eg s2.
    2) The distance travelled in time t by a body with initial velocity v under constant acceleration a is:
    v * t + a * t.pow(2) div 2;
    The velocity at the end of time t will be v + a * t.
    Distance is measure in pixels rather than meter so for simplicity we use 1 pixel per meter
    When i pressed the fire button nothings happens. I'm going crazy. Please please help!

    Here is the interface specification for the RotatablePolygon class. I do not have the actual .java source.
    Class RotatablePolygon
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.awt.Shape
    public class RotatablePolygon
    extends java.awt.geom.Area
    Polygons which can be rotated around an `anchor' point and also translated (moved in the x and y directions).
    Constructor Summary
    RotatablePolygon(int[] xs, int[] ys, int n, double x, double y)
    Create a new RotatablePolyogon with given vertices and anchor point (x,y).
    Method Summary
    double getAngle()
    The current angle of rotation.
    double getXanchor()
    x-coordinate of the anchor point.
    double getYanchor()
    y-coordinate of the anchor point.
    void rotate(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in radians) around the anchor.
    void rotateDegrees(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in degrees) around the anchor.
    void setAngle(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in radians) around the anchor.
    void setAngleDegrees(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in degrees) around the anchor.
    void setPosition(double x, double y)
    Shift the polygon's position to put its anchor point at (x,y).
    void translate(double dx, double dy)
    Shift the polygon's position and anchor point by given amounts.
    Methods inherited from class java.awt.geom.Area
    add, clone, contains, contains, contains, contains, createTransformedArea, equals, exclusiveOr, getBounds, getBounds2D, getPathIterator, getPathIterator, intersect, intersects, intersects, isEmpty, isPolygonal, isRectangular, isSingular, reset, subtract, transform
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    Constructor Detail
    public RotatablePolygon(int[] xs,
    int[] ys,
    int n,
    double x,
    double y)
    Create a new RotatablePolyogon with given vertices and anchor point (x,y).
    REQUIRE: xs.length >= n && ys.length >= n
    xs - x-coordinates of vertices
    ys - y-coordinates of vertices
    n - number of vertices
    x - x-coordinate of the rotation anchor
    y - y-coordinate of the rotation anchor
    Method Detail
    public void setPosition(double x,
    double y)
    Shift the polygon's position to put its anchor point at (x,y).
    x - new x-coordinate for anchor point
    y - new y-coordinate for anchor point
    public void translate(double dx,
    double dy)
    Shift the polygon's position and anchor point by given amounts.
    dx - amount to shift by in x-direction
    dy - amount to shift by in y-direction
    public void setAngle(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in radians) around the anchor.
    a - angle to rotate to, in radians
    public void setAngleDegrees(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in degrees) around the anchor.
    a - angle to rotate to, in degrees
    public void rotate(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in radians) around the anchor.
    da - angle to rotate by, in radians
    public void rotateDegrees(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in degrees) around the anchor.
    da - angle to rotate by, in degrees
    public double getAngle()
    The current angle of rotation.
    public double getXanchor()
    x-coordinate of the anchor point.
    public double getYanchor()
    y-coordinate of the anchor point.

  • Please Help with Physics Project Here are the codings

    I've got three(3) classes a Model, a view, and a controller.
    This is a project about is an animation of a cannonball being fired from a cannon and travelling under the effect of gravity.A cannon fired at angle 'a' to the horizontal and with an initial speed 's', will have an initial velocity given by:
    vx := s * cos(a);//velocity x equals the speed multiply by the cosine of angle a.
    vy := s * sin(a);//velocity y equals the speed multiply by the sine of angle a.
    Here are the code.
    /** Cannon specifies the expected behaviour of a cannon*/
    public class Cannon{
    public static final int TICK = 60;
    private int velocity = 0;
    private static final double gravity = .098f;
    private double angle = 0;
    // distances & positions are meausred in pixels
    private int x_pos; // ball's center x-position
    private int y_pos; // ball's center y-position
    // speed is measured in pixels per `tick'
    private int x_velocity; // horizonal speed; positive is to the right
    private int y_velocity; // vertical speed; positive is downwards
    public Cannon() {
    velocity = 3;
    angle = 60;
    angle = radians(angle);
    x_pos = 0;
    y_pos = 385;
    /** shoot fires a shot from the cannon*/
    public void shoot(){
    /**reload reloads the cannon with more shorts*/
    public void reload() {
    /** changeAngle changes the angle of the canon
    * @params value - the amount to add or subtract from the current angle value*/
    public void changeAngle(double value) {
    angle = (double)value;
    angle = radians(angle);
    /** getAngle returns the current angle value of the cannon*/
    public double getAngle() {
    return angle;
    /** changeVelocity changes the speed at which a cannon ball that is to be fire will travel at
    * @params value - the new speed at which the user wants a cannon ball to travel at.*/
    public void changeVelocityX(int value){
    x_velocity = x_velocity * (int)Math.cos(value);
    public void changeVelocityY(int value){
    y_velocity = y_velocity * (int)Math.sin(value);
    /** getVelocity returns the current velocity value of the cannon*/
    public int getVelocityX() {
    return x_velocity;
    public int getVelocityY() {
    return y_velocity;
    /** getGravity returns the current gravity value of the cannon*/
    public double getGravity() {
    return gravity;
    public int xPosition(){
    return x_pos;
    public int yPosition(){
    return y_pos;
    public void move(){
    double dx = getVelocityX() * Math.cos(getAngle());
    double dy = getVelocityY() * Math.sin(getAngle());
    double radians (double angle){
    return ((Math.PI * angle) / 180.0);
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    /** CannonView displays a cannon being fired.*/
    public class CannonView extends JPanel{
    /** DISPLAY_SIZE specifies the overall display area of the cannon and the bucket.*/
    public static final int DISPLAY_AREA_SIZE = 600;
    public RotatablePolygon rectangle;
    public RotatablePolygon triangle;
    public Cannon cannon;
    public CannonView(Cannon c) {
    this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,450));
    cannon = c;
    int xRectangle[] = {0,0,40,40,0};
    int yRectangle[] = {400,300,300,400,400};
    int xTriangle[] = {0,20,40,0};
    int yTriangle[] = {300,280,300,300};
    rectangle = new RotatablePolygon (xRectangle, yRectangle, 5,20,350);
    // rectangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    // triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,0,290);
    triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,20,350);
    //triangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.setTitle("Width = " + frame.getWidth() + " , Height = " + frame.getHeight());
    /** drawBucket draws a bucket/target for which a moving cannon ball should hit.
    * @param g - the graphics pen for which the drawing should occur.*/
    public void drawBucket(Graphics g) {
    int xvalues[] = {495, 519, 575, 595, 495};
    int yvalues[] = {340, 400, 400, 340, 340};
    Polygon poly1 = new Polygon (xvalues, yvalues, 5);
    g.fillOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
    g.drawOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    /** drawCannon draws a cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannon(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    g.fillOval(95, 340, 60, 60);
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
    g.fillArc(95, 340, 60, 60, i* 60, 30);
    g.fillOval(117, 362, 16, 16);
    /** drawCannonShots will draw the actual number of shots already used by the cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the shots of the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannonShots(Graphics g) {
    /** drawTrail will draw a trail of smoke to indicate where a cannon ball has passed
    * @param g - the graphics pen used to draw the trail.*/
    public void drawTrail(Graphics g){}
    /**drawGround draws the ground for which the cannon sits*/
    public void drawGround(Graphics g) {
    /** drawMovingCannonBall draw a cannon ball moving at a certain speed (velocity),
    * with a certain amount of gravitational acting upon it, at a certain angle.
    * @params g - the graphics pen used to draw the moving cannon ball.
    * @params gravity - the value of gravity.
    * @params velocity - the speed at which the ball is travelling.
    * @params angle - the angle at which the ball was shot from.*/
    public void drawMovingCannonBall(Graphics g, double gravity, double velocity, double angle){}
    /** paintComponent paints the cannon,bucket
    * @param g - graphics pen.*/
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    /** CannonController controls the interaction between the user and a cannon*/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class CannonController extends JFrame{
    public JMenuBar jMenuBar2;
    public JMenu jMenu2;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem1;
    public JMenu jMenu3;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem2;
    public JLabel angleLabel, velocityLabel;
    public JTextField angleTextField, velocityTextField;
    public JButton fireButton, reloadButton;
    public JSlider angleSlider, velocitySlider;
    private CannonView view;
    private Cannon cannon;
    int oldValue, newValue;
    public CannonController(Cannon acannon) {
    cannon = acannon;
    view = new CannonView(cannon);
    oldValue = angleSlider.getValue();
    newValue = oldValue + 1;
    /** loadControl loads all of the GUI controls that a
    * user of the cannon animation will use to interact with the program*/
    public void loadControls() {
    jMenuBar2 = new JMenuBar();
    jMenu2 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem();
    jMenu3 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem();
    angleLabel = new JLabel();
    velocityLabel = new JLabel();
    angleTextField = new JTextField();
    velocityTextField = new JTextField();
    fireButton = new JButton();
    reloadButton = new JButton();
    angleSlider = new JSlider();
    velocitySlider = new JSlider();
    jMenuItem1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    jMenuItem2.setText("About this Program");
    jMenuItem2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    setTitle("Cannon Controller Form");
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
    angleLabel.setLocation(10, 20);
    velocityLabel.setLocation(10, 80);
    angleTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    angleTextField.setBounds(280, 20, 30, 20);
    velocityTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    velocityTextField.setBounds(280, 80, 30, 20);
    fireButton.setToolTipText("Click to fire a shot");
    fireButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    fireButton.setBounds(60, 160, 80, 30);
    reloadButton.setToolTipText("Click to reload cannon");
    reloadButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    reloadButton.setBounds(150, 160, 80, 30);
    angleSlider.setToolTipText("Change the cannon angle");
    angleSlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    angleSlider.setBounds(60, 20, 210, 40);
    velocitySlider.setToolTipText("Change the speed of the cannon ball");
    velocitySlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    velocitySlider.setBounds(60, 80, 210, 50);
    private void reloadButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    private void fireButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    /** firstButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's fire method*/
    public void fireButtonClick() {
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You click Fire");
    /** reloadButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's reload method*/
    public void reloadButtonClick() {
    private void angleSliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    view.rectangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    view.triangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    private void velocitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void gravitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void jMenuItem1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    String message = "Cannon Animation\n"+
    "Based on the Logic of Projectiles";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message,"About this program",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    /** Exit the Application */
    private void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    /** Pause execution for t milliseconds. */
    private void delay (int t) {
    try {
    Thread.sleep (t);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    public static void main(String [] args){
    Cannon cn = new Cannon();
    CannonController control = new CannonController(cn);
    if the cannon ball land in the bucket it should stop and the animation should indicate a 'hit' in some way. maybe by displaying a message.
    if the cannonball hits the outside of the bucket it should bounce off.
    Extra Notes.
    1) The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s to the (power of (2) eg s2.
    2) The distance travelled in time t by a body with initial velocity v under constant acceleration a is:
    v * t + a * t.pow(2) div 2;
    The velocity at the end of time t will be v + a * t.
    Distance is measure in pixels rather than meter so for simplicity we use 1 pixel per meter
    When i pressed the fire button nothings happens. I'm going crazy. Please please help!

    U put something on forum and keeping silence.If it is not necessary dont put in forum.I moved your cannon ball.If u want continous movement I need some more information.

  • I need to install the iPod software that did not come with my nano.  Does anyone know where I can get it?

    I need to install the ipod software that did not come with my nano.  Tech support ended 7 days ago.  Does anyone know where I can get the software?
    Thanks, K

    Which generation Nano and what software are you referring to? There are no downloadable apps on a Nano.

  • I'm looking for a cheap iPod classic. Anyone know where to get a new one cheaply or a good refurbished one? Thank you.

    Just wondering. Don't want one with anything other than music capabilities.

    Just do a google search.  There are a ton of websites that sell refurbished ipods for very reasonable prices.  You could also try craigslist or your local classifieds. 

  • HT4623 My voice mail has suddenly stopped working. A caller just hears ringing for a long tome and then it disconnects. Does anyone know how to get it back or how VM stopped working? Thanks.

    Hi everyone. My voicemail just stopped working. A caller today said they got a message that it was not activated or something like that. When I called it from another phone all I got was ringing for a long time and then a disconnect. I have had this phone for about three months and it has been working until now.
    I updated software and turned the phone off and on again. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

    Jneklason wrote:
    I know this email is confusing and really hard to understand...perhaps now you will know how i've been feeling--lost and confused with all the mis-information, with a hit and miss phone, and out of time with all the 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs EACH wasted on this issue.
    On top of all this, I can't even find out how to file a complaint with anyone higher up than Customer Service.
    I hate to tell you this, but you didn't write an email. You wrote a discussion post on the Verizon Wireless Community forum which is a public peer to peer forum. Unfortunately since you didn't mark your post as a question, the VZW reps that roam this community won't ever see your post. Before you re-post it, don't. Duplicate posts get removed from the community.
    I see there were several missteps both by the reps and yourself in your post. First you should have insisted on returning the phone within the 14 day return policy period. Second which Samsung Galaxy mini model did you purchase? The S3 mini or the S4 mini? Did you do any research prior to deciding on this device. The reps at that time deflected the easiest course of action, by trying to get you to replace the phone under insurance instead of returning the phone. The Early Edge payment option requires the current phone on the line using the early Edge must be returned to Verizon Wireless. Did you once considered going to a third party site like Swappa to purchase a gently used device for your daughter?

  • In adobe Captivate I would like the person taking the quiz to write their name and then for that name to appear on the score page.  Anyone know how to do that?

    I have lessons created using Captivate that my high school students use.  I would like the student taking the test to type their name and have it appear on the score page so that they cannot share results.
    Otherwise kids can do these for HW and share it with their friends.

    Supposing you don't use a LMS, this could be the work flow:
    Add a Text Entry Box in the beginning of the course to ask for the name. If you want to be sure that they really do enter a name, have a look at:
    Where is Null? - Captivate blog
    Each Text Entry Box has an associated user variable.It is created automatically with the same generic name as the TEB, but you could better use a more significant name for the user variable:
    Save Time: Create Associated Variable for Text Entry Box while Defining this TEB - Captivate blog
    On the Score slide, insert a text container (caption or shape) in which you insert the user variable, using the X button in the Properties panel of the text container; it will appear between $$ and be replaced by the value of the variable on runtime

  • Need a driver for a HP Colour laser Jet 1600. This does not appear on the apple list. can anyone suggest where i get a driver from?

    This driver does not appear in the apple search list.
    Any ideas on where i can locate a driver.

    Try the HP site. Apple's drivers come from the printer vendors.
    Don't be all that surprised if there isn't an updated driver available; HP don't support superceded models with updates for every OS update.

  • HT201109 My shape mask is starting off screen (too far for me even to grab) and I was wondering if anyone knows how to get it back. Happened after the update to 10.1.1

    After updating to FCPX 10.1.1 my shape mask starts waaaay off screen. Too far for me even to grab the center fully zoomed out. My friends mac had the same problem after the update. Anyone have an idea on what to do? Thanks

    Make an appointment at the genius bar of your local Qpple Store. An out of warranty replacement will cost you $269.

  • I've just bought an iPhone with a vodafone pay as you go sim. There should be a 12digit pack number for me to activate the sim and the credit. Does anyone know where i can find the code?

    I have just bought an iPhone with vodafone pay as you go sim. It was meant to come with a freedom freebie credit allowance. However I need a 12digit code to activate this. There is no code on my receipt. Where would I find this?

    I bought this online through the apple store. I have no one to contact but to ask the community!

  • Anyone know where I can get instruction for using "numbers" I live in Fredericton NB

    I am struggling with the "numbers" program.
    Anyone know where I can take a class?
    I live in Fredericton NB
    Actually, I strongly suspect if classes were available on any 'feature" that
    Apple sales would soar!  Too often - I hear about the learning curve. Which I
    must admit after many years of  Microsoft can be a reall challange.  Certainlly enough not to
    recommend Apple to any of my friends.

    Numbers Help
    Numbers Help - When you have the Number application open, it will display the word "Numbers" beside the "Apple".  The last option in this top menu bar is "Help".  Clicking on the help menu will display the links to the Numbers help menu.  Selecting "Numbers Help" will open an onboard help window.  The blue links in this window will take you to articles on the most commonly asked questions about Numbers.  Also, in the top right corner of this window, there is a search engine.  Typing in "key words" in this window and pressing return, will display help topics related to your help search. 
    Selecting "Video Tutorials" from the "Help" drop down, will open Apple's web page with Video Tutorials on using Numbers.  You can access also the on-line tutorials at -
    Help Pointers -
    Also check out - 
    Selecting "Numbers User Guide" from the "Help" drop down will open a PDF User Guide for using Numbers.
    Looking for Numbers 08 video tutorials?
    No "Save As" / How to revert back to a previous version of Numbers Documents - NOTE - this only works with 10.7 or 10.8 OS - HT4753 - OS X Lion: About Auto Save and Versions
    For information on printing in Numbers, open Numbers help, and search out "printing".  Also note there is a video about printing at the following link - A knowledge base article can also be found at -
    Need More Help? - Apple has a book available for iWork 09 Learning entitled "Apple Training Series: iWork 09".  The book has written "how to's" as well as a video DVD, that helps you learn all the iWork 09 applications at your own pace.  You can find out info. about this book at -
    For more information on 3rd party video tutorials regarding iWork applications, just go to

  • I am a male, and am looking at buying an ipod touch 5, i do not know what color i should get, does anyone have any suggestions on what ipod touch colors are best for guys

    I am a guy and i am looking at buying an ipod touch 5, i do not know what color i should get, does anyone have any suggestions on what ipod touch colors are best for guys?

    The Product Red model

  • Help i have an old ipod touch today the wifi seems to be not working... I've been typing the correct password for my network but it doesnt work!

    Help i have an old ipod touch today the wifi seems to be not working... I've been typing the correct password for my network but it doesnt work!

    If you are sure that your password is correct try restarting your router by removing power to it for 30 seconds and restarting. On your iPod go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset network settings. Now try to connect.

  • I signed into my Apple ID on a new phone and I already had it on my iPod. When I signed into the new phone it won't let me buy anything unless I know my old security questions but I don't know the answers to them. How can I get past those or change them?

    I signed into my Apple ID on a new phone and I already had it on my iPod. When I signed into the new phone it won't let me buy anything unless I know my old security questions but I don't know the answers to them. How can I get past those or change them?

    See Kappy's great User Tips.
    See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    Send Apple an email request for help at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us
    Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service
     Cheers, Tom

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