Please Help with Physics Project Here are the codings

I've got three(3) classes a Model, a view, and a controller.
This is a project about is an animation of a cannonball being fired from a cannon and travelling under the effect of gravity.A cannon fired at angle 'a' to the horizontal and with an initial speed 's', will have an initial velocity given by:
vx := s * cos(a);//velocity x equals the speed multiply by the cosine of angle a.
vy := s * sin(a);//velocity y equals the speed multiply by the sine of angle a.
Here are the code.
/** Cannon specifies the expected behaviour of a cannon*/
public class Cannon{
public static final int TICK = 60;
private int velocity = 0;
private static final double gravity = .098f;
private double angle = 0;
// distances & positions are meausred in pixels
private int x_pos; // ball's center x-position
private int y_pos; // ball's center y-position
// speed is measured in pixels per `tick'
private int x_velocity; // horizonal speed; positive is to the right
private int y_velocity; // vertical speed; positive is downwards
public Cannon() {
velocity = 3;
angle = 60;
angle = radians(angle);
x_pos = 0;
y_pos = 385;
/** shoot fires a shot from the cannon*/
public void shoot(){
/**reload reloads the cannon with more shorts*/
public void reload() {
/** changeAngle changes the angle of the canon
* @params value - the amount to add or subtract from the current angle value*/
public void changeAngle(double value) {
angle = (double)value;
angle = radians(angle);
/** getAngle returns the current angle value of the cannon*/
public double getAngle() {
return angle;
/** changeVelocity changes the speed at which a cannon ball that is to be fire will travel at
* @params value - the new speed at which the user wants a cannon ball to travel at.*/
public void changeVelocityX(int value){
x_velocity = x_velocity * (int)Math.cos(value);
public void changeVelocityY(int value){
y_velocity = y_velocity * (int)Math.sin(value);
/** getVelocity returns the current velocity value of the cannon*/
public int getVelocityX() {
return x_velocity;
public int getVelocityY() {
return y_velocity;
/** getGravity returns the current gravity value of the cannon*/
public double getGravity() {
return gravity;
public int xPosition(){
return x_pos;
public int yPosition(){
return y_pos;
public void move(){
double dx = getVelocityX() * Math.cos(getAngle());
double dy = getVelocityY() * Math.sin(getAngle());
double radians (double angle){
return ((Math.PI * angle) / 180.0);
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
/** CannonView displays a cannon being fired.*/
public class CannonView extends JPanel{
/** DISPLAY_SIZE specifies the overall display area of the cannon and the bucket.*/
public static final int DISPLAY_AREA_SIZE = 600;
public RotatablePolygon rectangle;
public RotatablePolygon triangle;
public Cannon cannon;
public CannonView(Cannon c) {
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,450));
cannon = c;
int xRectangle[] = {0,0,40,40,0};
int yRectangle[] = {400,300,300,400,400};
int xTriangle[] = {0,20,40,0};
int yTriangle[] = {300,280,300,300};
rectangle = new RotatablePolygon (xRectangle, yRectangle, 5,20,350);
// rectangle.setPosition (100, 100);
// triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,0,290);
triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,20,350);
//triangle.setPosition (100, 100);
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setTitle("Width = " + frame.getWidth() + " , Height = " + frame.getHeight());
/** drawBucket draws a bucket/target for which a moving cannon ball should hit.
* @param g - the graphics pen for which the drawing should occur.*/
public void drawBucket(Graphics g) {
int xvalues[] = {495, 519, 575, 595, 495};
int yvalues[] = {340, 400, 400, 340, 340};
Polygon poly1 = new Polygon (xvalues, yvalues, 5);
g.fillOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
g.drawOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
/** drawCannon draws a cannon
* @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the cannon.*/
public void drawCannon(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
g.fillOval(95, 340, 60, 60);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
g.fillArc(95, 340, 60, 60, i* 60, 30);
g.fillOval(117, 362, 16, 16);
/** drawCannonShots will draw the actual number of shots already used by the cannon
* @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the shots of the cannon.*/
public void drawCannonShots(Graphics g) {
/** drawTrail will draw a trail of smoke to indicate where a cannon ball has passed
* @param g - the graphics pen used to draw the trail.*/
public void drawTrail(Graphics g){}
/**drawGround draws the ground for which the cannon sits*/
public void drawGround(Graphics g) {
/** drawMovingCannonBall draw a cannon ball moving at a certain speed (velocity),
* with a certain amount of gravitational acting upon it, at a certain angle.
* @params g - the graphics pen used to draw the moving cannon ball.
* @params gravity - the value of gravity.
* @params velocity - the speed at which the ball is travelling.
* @params angle - the angle at which the ball was shot from.*/
public void drawMovingCannonBall(Graphics g, double gravity, double velocity, double angle){}
/** paintComponent paints the cannon,bucket
* @param g - graphics pen.*/
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
/** CannonController controls the interaction between the user and a cannon*/
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class CannonController extends JFrame{
public JMenuBar jMenuBar2;
public JMenu jMenu2;
public JMenuItem jMenuItem1;
public JMenu jMenu3;
public JMenuItem jMenuItem2;
public JLabel angleLabel, velocityLabel;
public JTextField angleTextField, velocityTextField;
public JButton fireButton, reloadButton;
public JSlider angleSlider, velocitySlider;
private CannonView view;
private Cannon cannon;
int oldValue, newValue;
public CannonController(Cannon acannon) {
cannon = acannon;
view = new CannonView(cannon);
oldValue = angleSlider.getValue();
newValue = oldValue + 1;
/** loadControl loads all of the GUI controls that a
* user of the cannon animation will use to interact with the program*/
public void loadControls() {
jMenuBar2 = new JMenuBar();
jMenu2 = new JMenu();
jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem();
jMenu3 = new JMenu();
jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem();
angleLabel = new JLabel();
velocityLabel = new JLabel();
angleTextField = new JTextField();
velocityTextField = new JTextField();
fireButton = new JButton();
reloadButton = new JButton();
angleSlider = new JSlider();
velocitySlider = new JSlider();
jMenuItem1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
jMenuItem2.setText("About this Program");
jMenuItem2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
setTitle("Cannon Controller Form");
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
angleLabel.setLocation(10, 20);
velocityLabel.setLocation(10, 80);
angleTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
angleTextField.setBounds(280, 20, 30, 20);
velocityTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
velocityTextField.setBounds(280, 80, 30, 20);
fireButton.setToolTipText("Click to fire a shot");
fireButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
fireButton.setBounds(60, 160, 80, 30);
reloadButton.setToolTipText("Click to reload cannon");
reloadButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
reloadButton.setBounds(150, 160, 80, 30);
angleSlider.setToolTipText("Change the cannon angle");
angleSlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
angleSlider.setBounds(60, 20, 210, 40);
velocitySlider.setToolTipText("Change the speed of the cannon ball");
velocitySlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
velocitySlider.setBounds(60, 80, 210, 50);
private void reloadButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
private void fireButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
/** firstButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
* to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's fire method*/
public void fireButtonClick() {
// JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You click Fire");
/** reloadButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
* to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's reload method*/
public void reloadButtonClick() {
private void angleSliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
view.rectangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
view.triangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
private void velocitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
private void gravitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
private void jMenuItem1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
System.exit (0);
private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
String message = "Cannon Animation\n"+
"Based on the Logic of Projectiles";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message,"About this program",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
/** Exit the Application */
private void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) {
System.exit (0);
/** Pause execution for t milliseconds. */
private void delay (int t) {
try {
Thread.sleep (t);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
public static void main(String [] args){
Cannon cn = new Cannon();
CannonController control = new CannonController(cn);
if the cannon ball land in the bucket it should stop and the animation should indicate a 'hit' in some way. maybe by displaying a message.
if the cannonball hits the outside of the bucket it should bounce off.
Extra Notes.
1) The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s to the (power of (2) eg s2.
2) The distance travelled in time t by a body with initial velocity v under constant acceleration a is:
v * t + a * t.pow(2) div 2;
The velocity at the end of time t will be v + a * t.
Distance is measure in pixels rather than meter so for simplicity we use 1 pixel per meter
When i pressed the fire button nothings happens. I'm going crazy. Please please help!

U put something on forum and keeping silence.If it is not necessary dont put in forum.I moved your cannon ball.If u want continous movement I need some more information.

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  • Please Please Help with Projectile Project Here are the Codes

    I've got three(3) classes a Model, a view, and a controller.
    This is a project about is an animation of a cannonball being fired from a cannon and travelling under the effect of gravity.A cannon fired at angle 'a' to the horizontal and with an initial speed 's', will have an initial velocity given by:
    vx := s * cos(a);//velocity x equals the speed multiply by the cosine of angle a.
    vy := s * sin(a);//velocity y equals the speed multiply by the sine of angle a.
    Here are the code.
    /** Cannon specifies the expected behaviour of a cannon*/
    public class Cannon{
    public static final int TICK = 60;
    private int velocity = 0;
    private static final double gravity = .098f;
    private double angle = 0;
    // distances & positions are meausred in pixels
    private int x_pos; // ball's center x-position
    private int y_pos; // ball's center y-position
    // speed is measured in pixels per `tick'
    private int x_velocity; // horizonal speed; positive is to the right
    private int y_velocity; // vertical speed; positive is downwards
    public Cannon() {
    velocity = 3;
    angle = 60;
    angle = radians(angle);
    x_pos = 0;
    y_pos = 385;
    /** shoot fires a shot from the cannon*/
    public void shoot(){
    /**reload reloads the cannon with more shorts*/
    public void reload() {
    /** changeAngle changes the angle of the canon
    * @params value - the amount to add or subtract from the current angle value*/
    public void changeAngle(double value) {
    angle = (double)value;
    angle = radians(angle);
    /** getAngle returns the current angle value of the cannon*/
    public double getAngle() {
    return angle;
    /** changeVelocity changes the speed at which a cannon ball that is to be fire will travel at
    * @params value - the new speed at which the user wants a cannon ball to travel at.*/
    public void changeVelocityX(int value){
    x_velocity = x_velocity * (int)Math.cos(value);
    public void changeVelocityY(int value){
    y_velocity = y_velocity * (int)Math.sin(value);
    /** getVelocity returns the current velocity value of the cannon*/
    public int getVelocityX() {
    return x_velocity;
    public int getVelocityY() {
    return y_velocity;
    /** getGravity returns the current gravity value of the cannon*/
    public double getGravity() {
    return gravity;
    public int xPosition(){
    return x_pos;
    public int yPosition(){
    return y_pos;
    public void move(){
    double dx = getVelocityX() * Math.cos(getAngle());
    double dy = getVelocityY() * Math.sin(getAngle());
    double radians (double angle){
    return ((Math.PI * angle) / 180.0);
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    /** CannonView displays a cannon being fired.*/
    public class CannonView extends JPanel{
    /** DISPLAY_SIZE specifies the overall display area of the cannon and the bucket.*/
    public static final int DISPLAY_AREA_SIZE = 600;
    public RotatablePolygon rectangle;
    public RotatablePolygon triangle;
    public Cannon cannon;
    public CannonView(Cannon c) {
    this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,450));
    cannon = c;
    int xRectangle[] = {0,0,40,40,0};
    int yRectangle[] = {400,300,300,400,400};
    int xTriangle[] = {0,20,40,0};
    int yTriangle[] = {300,280,300,300};
    rectangle = new RotatablePolygon (xRectangle, yRectangle, 5,20,350);
    // rectangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    // triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,0,290);
    triangle = new RotatablePolygon (xTriangle, yTriangle, 4,20,350);
    //triangle.setPosition (100, 100);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.setTitle("Width = " + frame.getWidth() + " , Height = " + frame.getHeight());
    /** drawBucket draws a bucket/target for which a moving cannon ball should hit.
    * @param g - the graphics pen for which the drawing should occur.*/
    public void drawBucket(Graphics g) {
    int xvalues[] = {495, 519, 575, 595, 495};
    int yvalues[] = {340, 400, 400, 340, 340};
    Polygon poly1 = new Polygon (xvalues, yvalues, 5);
    g.fillOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
    g.drawOval(495, 328, 100, 24);
    /** drawCannon draws a cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannon(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    g.fillOval(95, 340, 60, 60);
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
    g.fillArc(95, 340, 60, 60, i* 60, 30);
    g.fillOval(117, 362, 16, 16);
    /** drawCannonShots will draw the actual number of shots already used by the cannon
    * @param g - the graphics pen that will be used to draw the shots of the cannon.*/
    public void drawCannonShots(Graphics g) {
    /** drawTrail will draw a trail of smoke to indicate where a cannon ball has passed
    * @param g - the graphics pen used to draw the trail.*/
    public void drawTrail(Graphics g){}
    /**drawGround draws the ground for which the cannon sits*/
    public void drawGround(Graphics g) {
    /** drawMovingCannonBall draw a cannon ball moving at a certain speed (velocity),
    * with a certain amount of gravitational acting upon it, at a certain angle.
    * @params g - the graphics pen used to draw the moving cannon ball.
    * @params gravity - the value of gravity.
    * @params velocity - the speed at which the ball is travelling.
    * @params angle - the angle at which the ball was shot from.*/
    public void drawMovingCannonBall(Graphics g, double gravity, double velocity, double angle){}
    /** paintComponent paints the cannon,bucket
    * @param g - graphics pen.*/
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    /** CannonController controls the interaction between the user and a cannon*/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class CannonController extends JFrame{
    public JMenuBar jMenuBar2;
    public JMenu jMenu2;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem1;
    public JMenu jMenu3;
    public JMenuItem jMenuItem2;
    public JLabel angleLabel, velocityLabel;
    public JTextField angleTextField, velocityTextField;
    public JButton fireButton, reloadButton;
    public JSlider angleSlider, velocitySlider;
    private CannonView view;
    private Cannon cannon;
    int oldValue, newValue;
    public CannonController(Cannon acannon) {
    cannon = acannon;
    view = new CannonView(cannon);
    oldValue = angleSlider.getValue();
    newValue = oldValue + 1;
    /** loadControl loads all of the GUI controls that a
    * user of the cannon animation will use to interact with the program*/
    public void loadControls() {
    jMenuBar2 = new JMenuBar();
    jMenu2 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem();
    jMenu3 = new JMenu();
    jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem();
    angleLabel = new JLabel();
    velocityLabel = new JLabel();
    angleTextField = new JTextField();
    velocityTextField = new JTextField();
    fireButton = new JButton();
    reloadButton = new JButton();
    angleSlider = new JSlider();
    velocitySlider = new JSlider();
    jMenuItem1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    jMenuItem2.setText("About this Program");
    jMenuItem2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    setTitle("Cannon Controller Form");
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
    angleLabel.setLocation(10, 20);
    velocityLabel.setLocation(10, 80);
    angleTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    angleTextField.setBounds(280, 20, 30, 20);
    velocityTextField.setToolTipText("Only numeric values are allow");
    velocityTextField.setBounds(280, 80, 30, 20);
    fireButton.setToolTipText("Click to fire a shot");
    fireButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    fireButton.setBounds(60, 160, 80, 30);
    reloadButton.setToolTipText("Click to reload cannon");
    reloadButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    reloadButton.setBounds(150, 160, 80, 30);
    angleSlider.setToolTipText("Change the cannon angle");
    angleSlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    angleSlider.setBounds(60, 20, 210, 40);
    velocitySlider.setToolTipText("Change the speed of the cannon ball");
    velocitySlider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    velocitySlider.setBounds(60, 80, 210, 50);
    private void reloadButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    private void fireButtonMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    /** firstButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's fire method*/
    public void fireButtonClick() {
    // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You click Fire");
    /** reloadButtonClick is the event handler that sends a message
    * to the cannon class to invokes the cannon's reload method*/
    public void reloadButtonClick() {
    private void angleSliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    view.rectangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    view.triangle.setAngle(angleSlider.getValue() * (Math.PI / 180));
    private void velocitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void gravitySliderStateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
    private void jMenuItem1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    String message = "Cannon Animation\n"+
    "Based on the Logic of Projectiles";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message,"About this program",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    /** Exit the Application */
    private void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    /** Pause execution for t milliseconds. */
    private void delay (int t) {
    try {
    Thread.sleep (t);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    public static void main(String [] args){
    Cannon cn = new Cannon();
    CannonController control = new CannonController(cn);
    if the cannon ball land in the bucket it should stop and the animation should indicate a 'hit' in some way. maybe by displaying a message.
    if the cannonball hits the outside of the bucket it should bounce off.
    Extra Notes.
    1) The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s to the (power of (2) eg s2.
    2) The distance travelled in time t by a body with initial velocity v under constant acceleration a is:
    v * t + a * t.pow(2) div 2;
    The velocity at the end of time t will be v + a * t.
    Distance is measure in pixels rather than meter so for simplicity we use 1 pixel per meter
    When i pressed the fire button nothings happens. I'm going crazy. Please please help!

    Here is the interface specification for the RotatablePolygon class. I do not have the actual .java source.
    Class RotatablePolygon
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.awt.Shape
    public class RotatablePolygon
    extends java.awt.geom.Area
    Polygons which can be rotated around an `anchor' point and also translated (moved in the x and y directions).
    Constructor Summary
    RotatablePolygon(int[] xs, int[] ys, int n, double x, double y)
    Create a new RotatablePolyogon with given vertices and anchor point (x,y).
    Method Summary
    double getAngle()
    The current angle of rotation.
    double getXanchor()
    x-coordinate of the anchor point.
    double getYanchor()
    y-coordinate of the anchor point.
    void rotate(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in radians) around the anchor.
    void rotateDegrees(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in degrees) around the anchor.
    void setAngle(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in radians) around the anchor.
    void setAngleDegrees(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in degrees) around the anchor.
    void setPosition(double x, double y)
    Shift the polygon's position to put its anchor point at (x,y).
    void translate(double dx, double dy)
    Shift the polygon's position and anchor point by given amounts.
    Methods inherited from class java.awt.geom.Area
    add, clone, contains, contains, contains, contains, createTransformedArea, equals, exclusiveOr, getBounds, getBounds2D, getPathIterator, getPathIterator, intersect, intersects, intersects, isEmpty, isPolygonal, isRectangular, isSingular, reset, subtract, transform
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    Constructor Detail
    public RotatablePolygon(int[] xs,
    int[] ys,
    int n,
    double x,
    double y)
    Create a new RotatablePolyogon with given vertices and anchor point (x,y).
    REQUIRE: xs.length >= n && ys.length >= n
    xs - x-coordinates of vertices
    ys - y-coordinates of vertices
    n - number of vertices
    x - x-coordinate of the rotation anchor
    y - y-coordinate of the rotation anchor
    Method Detail
    public void setPosition(double x,
    double y)
    Shift the polygon's position to put its anchor point at (x,y).
    x - new x-coordinate for anchor point
    y - new y-coordinate for anchor point
    public void translate(double dx,
    double dy)
    Shift the polygon's position and anchor point by given amounts.
    dx - amount to shift by in x-direction
    dy - amount to shift by in y-direction
    public void setAngle(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in radians) around the anchor.
    a - angle to rotate to, in radians
    public void setAngleDegrees(double a)
    Set the angle of rotation of the polygon to be angle a (in degrees) around the anchor.
    a - angle to rotate to, in degrees
    public void rotate(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in radians) around the anchor.
    da - angle to rotate by, in radians
    public void rotateDegrees(double da)
    Rotate the polygon from its current position by angle da (in degrees) around the anchor.
    da - angle to rotate by, in degrees
    public double getAngle()
    The current angle of rotation.
    public double getXanchor()
    x-coordinate of the anchor point.
    public double getYanchor()
    y-coordinate of the anchor point.

  • Please help with "You can't open the application NovamediaDiskSupressor because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." I have seen other responses on this but am not a techie and would not know how to start with that solution.

    Please help with the message I am receving on startup ""You can't open the application NovamediaDiskSupressor because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."
    I have read some of the replies in the Apple Support Communities, but as I am no techie, I would have no idea how I would implement that solution.
    Please help with what I need to type, how, where, etc.
    Many thanks
    AppleSueIn HunterCreek

    I am afraid there is no solution.
    PowerPC refers to the processing chip used by Apple before they transferred to Intel chips. They are very different, and applications written only for PPC Macs cannot work on a Mac running Lion.
    You could contact the developers to see if they have an updated version in the pipeline.

  • Please help with reinstalling Windows 8 on the U410 touch!

    I've recently dropped my U410 touch laptop from a small height, but it landed unfortunately and the hard drive was running, which eventually lead to its failure. After getting this hard drive replaced, I ordered the recovery disks in order to reinstall the Windows 8 OS on my machine.
    Here is the problem I encountered: the U410 touch does not have a CD drive and thus I cannot insert the recovery disks in the device. I have access to my old laptop and I have been trying for the past few days to connect the two, ( with an Ethernet cable) in order  to be able  to use the CD drive of my old laptop.
    What I have done already: 
    - repaired my hard drive
    - allowed access privileges to everyone on my old laptop CD drive
    -recovered the Lenovo recovery disk for my specific model and Windows OS
    - tried numerous times ( to no avail) to get the cd working for my new laptop
    What I would really appreciate help with:
    - instructions how to connect my old CD drive to my newer laptop
    - launch the recovery sequence from the CD drive of my old laptop
    Any help would be really appreciated,
    I am quite lost with this.
    Thank you, for your time.

    Hi Aerchaos,
    Welcome to Lenovo Community Forums!
    I’m sorry to hear about your situation as there are many issues in this computer and the best available option to get this issue resolved completely is by Calling Technical Support for Assistance to get the information of the nearest Authorized Service Center.
    Click here to open a link where you can select the country and get the exact contact support number. I’m sure they will be a great help.
    Do post us back for further queries.
    Best Regards
    Shiva Kumar
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  • Please help with our project

    We are media students and we have an exam in a few hours.
    Could you please help us out with these question.
    1. A _____________is single occurence of a cast member.
    2 Two types of window in director, __________ window and
    3. Guides are ___________ or _____________ lines that you can
    either drag around the stage or lock place to asist user with
    sprite placement.
    4. __________ is used for navigation and user interaction
    5. A film loop is an animated sequence that is used as
    ________________ cast member
    true or False
    1. In tool palette default view combines elements from other
    classic and flash component.
    2. Director can perfrom any editing on digital video
    3. A director file can contain more than one movie script.
    4. Vector shapes an bitmaps are the two types of graphics
    used with director.
    5. A frame is an individual point of time in the score.
    6. importing media element is similar to importing

    Hi Preethi,
    SAP Mobile Infrastructure is a Java Framework for building offline (or occasionally connected) mobile applications.
    The framework runs on PPC 2003se/WinMobile2005 as well as on Win32 (XP/2000). It offers 2 ui paradigms: AWT or JSP.
    The supported java VM is the Creme 3.27(a) on PPC and java 1.3./1.4. on the win32 platform. The Creme 3.27a implements Java 1.1.8 API.
    To get info on how implement MI Apps please refer to the mobile dev. kit:
    As well you can check out the following track:
    New to this
    Rgds Thomas

  • Please help with ViewStack(Newbie here)

    Hello, this is probably a very simple question fo most of
    you, but I just started learning Flex and have been trying
    different things. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
    What I'm doing now is creating a few simple visual components
    with back and next buttons and I want to use viewstack,
    particularly selectedindex, which is what someone recommended, to
    cycle though them in the oder I like.
    What are the recommended steps to follow to do this?

    You could try something like this:
    <mx:ViewStack id="stack">
    <mx:Canvas label="First Child">
    .....<mx:Button label="Next" click="stack.selectedIndex=1"
    <mx:Canvas label="Second">
    .....<mx:Button label="Back"
    .....<mx:Button label="Next"
    That's not a very programmatic way to it, but it gets the job
    done. What I would do is put the Next and Back buttons outside of
    the ViewStack and then you do it a bit more programmatically:
    <mx:Button label="Next">
    if( stack.selectedIndex+1 < stack.numChildren )
    stack.selectedIndex = stack.selectedIndex +1;

  • Please help with jsp and database!!

    i first created a jsp page and printed out the parameters of a user's username when they logged in. example, "Welcome user" and it worked fine...
    i inserted a database into my site that validates the username and password, and ever since i did that in dreamweaver, when a user logs in sucessfully, it returns the jsp page like its supposed to, only that it says "Welcome null" instead of "Welcome John." pretty strange, huh!? can anyone please help? thanks!
    here is the important part of the code to Login.jsp, and LoginSuccess.jsp: <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ include file="Connections/Login.jsp" %>
    // *** Validate request to log in to this site.
    String MM_LoginAction = request.getRequestURI();
    if (request.getQueryString() != null && request.getQueryString().length() > 0) MM_LoginAction += "?" + request.getQueryString();
    String MM_valUsername=request.getParameter("Username");
    if (MM_valUsername != null) {
      String MM_fldUserAuthorization="";
      String MM_redirectLoginSuccess="LoginSuccess.jsp";
      String MM_redirectLoginFailed="LoginFailure.jsp";
      String MM_redirectLogin=MM_redirectLoginFailed;
      Driver MM_driverUser = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_Login_DRIVER).newInstance();
      Connection MM_connUser = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_Login_STRING,MM_Login_USERNAME,MM_Login_PASSWORD);
      String MM_pSQL = "SELECT UserName, Password";
      if (!MM_fldUserAuthorization.equals("")) MM_pSQL += "," + MM_fldUserAuthorization;
      MM_pSQL += " FROM MemberInformation WHERE UserName=\'" + MM_valUsername.replace('\'', ' ') + "\' AND Password=\'" + request.getParameter("Password").toString().replace('\'', ' ') + "\'";
      PreparedStatement MM_statementUser = MM_connUser.prepareStatement(MM_pSQL);
      ResultSet MM_rsUser = MM_statementUser.executeQuery();
      boolean MM_rsUser_isNotEmpty =;
      if (MM_rsUser_isNotEmpty) {
        // username and password match - this is a valid user
        session.putValue("MM_Username", MM_valUsername);
        if (!MM_fldUserAuthorization.equals("")) {
          session.putValue("MM_UserAuthorization", MM_rsUser.getString(MM_fldUserAuthorization).trim());
        } else {
          session.putValue("MM_UserAuthorization", "");
        if ((request.getParameter("accessdenied") != null) && false) {
          MM_redirectLoginSuccess = request.getParameter("accessdenied");
          <form action="<%=MM_LoginAction%>" method="get" name="Login" id="Login">
            <table width="55%" border="0">
                <td width="41%">Username </td>
                <td width="59%"><input name="Username" type="text" id="Username" value="" size="25" maxlength="10"></td>
                <td>Password </td>
                <td><input name="Password" type="password" id="Password" value="" size="25" maxlength="10"></td>
                <td> </td>
                <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td>
          </form>And LoginSuccess.jsp where i want it to print out the "Welcome username
             <%String Name=request.getParameter("Username");
         out.println ("Welcome ");
         out.println (Name); %>

    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
    language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ include file="Connections/Login.jsp" %>
    // *** Validate request to log in to this site.
    String MM_LoginAction = request.getRequestURI();
    if (request.getQueryString() != null &&
    request.getQueryString().length() > 0) MM_LoginAction
    += "?" + request.getQueryString();
    if (MM_valUsername != null) {
    String MM_fldUserAuthorization="";
    String MM_redirectLoginSuccess="LoginSuccess.jsp";
    String MM_redirectLoginFailed="LoginFailure.jsp";
    String MM_redirectLogin=MM_redirectLoginFailed;
    Driver MM_driverUser =
    Connection MM_connUser =
    String MM_pSQL = "SELECT UserName, Password";
    if (!MM_fldUserAuthorization.equals("")) MM_pSQL +=
    = "," + MM_fldUserAuthorization;
    MM_pSQL += " FROM MemberInformation WHERE
    E UserName=\'" + MM_valUsername.replace('\'', ' ') +
    "\' AND Password=\'" +
    , ' ') + "\'";
    PreparedStatement MM_statementUser =
    = MM_connUser.prepareStatement(MM_pSQL);
    ResultSet MM_rsUser =
    = MM_statementUser.executeQuery();
    boolean MM_rsUser_isNotEmpty =;
    if (MM_rsUser_isNotEmpty) {
    // username and password match - this is a valid
    lid user
    session.putValue("MM_Username", MM_valUsername);
    if (!MM_fldUserAuthorization.equals("")) {
    } else {
    session.putValue("MM_UserAuthorization", "");
    if ((request.getParameter("accessdenied") != null)
    ll) && false) {
    MM_redirectLoginSuccess =
    ess = request.getParameter("accessdenied");
    <form action="<%=MM_LoginAction%>" method="get"
    "get" name="Login" id="Login">
    <table width="55%" border="0">
    <td width="41%">Username </td>
    <td width="59%"><input name="Username"
    ="Username" type="text" id="Username" value=""
    size="25" maxlength="10"></td>
    <td>Password </td>
    <td><input name="Password" type="password"
    ="password" id="Password" value="" size="25"
    <td><input type="submit" name="Submit"
    me="Submit" value="Submit"></td>
    And LoginSuccess.jsp where i want it to print out the
    "Welcome username
             <%String Name=request.getParameter("Username");
         out.println ("Welcome ");
         out.println (Name); %>When the page is rediredted u r not passing the user name in the query string,so it is not availble in the query string for LoginSuccess page
    Since u have added user in session user this
    <%String Name=(String)session.getValue("MM_Username") ;%>
    <%     out.println ("Welcome ");
    <%      out.println (Name); %>

  • Want a complete migration guide to upgrade to database using DBUA..We are implementing R12.1.3 version and then have to migrate the default 11gR1 database to version. Please help with some step by step docs

    Want a complete migration guide to upgrade to database using DBUA..We are implementing R12.1.3 version and then have to migrate the default 11gR1 database to version. Please help with some step by step docs

    Upgrade to -- Interoperability Notes Oracle EBS R12 with Oracle Database 11gR2 ( (Doc ID 1585578.1)
    Upgrade to (latest 11gR2 patchset certified with R12) -- Interoperability Notes EBS 12.0 and 12.1 with Database 11gR2 (Doc ID 1058763.1)

  • I need help with exporting project for the web

    Probably something i am doing wron g but here are the problems. When I use Quicktime Converter, if I try to convert to a Quicktime movie or an MPEG-4 nothing happens and i get a 'File error;File Unknown message' when i try to convert to an AVI File, it works, but even though I have already rendered the project, it shows up with little flashes of blue that say 'unrendered'. and finally, when I try to make it a w
    Windows Media File, it stops after 29 seconds. Any ideas?
    I have an iMac with dual core processor, and FCE HD 3.5.1. I have my video files on an external drive.
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    perform a search using the term export for web and it should throw up some ideas.
    here's one for starters:
    If you're using flip4mac to convert to wmv, the trial stops at 30 seconds - you need at least wmvstudio to export to wmv:

  • HT203175 I have attempted to sync my new iPod touch 4th gen. with my current PC running Windows XP and everytime I attempt it I get the dreaded blue screen, here are the error codes- 0x0000007E; 0XC00000005; 0X00000000; 0XBA51B7C8; 0XBA51B4C4 any suggesti

    I have attempted to sync my new iPod touch 4th gen. with my current PC running Windows XP and everytime I attempt it I get the dreaded blue screen, here are the error codes- 0x0000007E; 0XC00000005; 0X00000000; 0XBA51B7C8; 0XBA51B4C4 any suggestions?

    In the course of your troubleshooting to date, have you worked through the following document?
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Windows displays a blue screen message or restarts when connecting your device

  • Hi, please help with the installation of Lightroom 4, I bought a new Mac (Apple) and I want to install a software that I have on the album cd. My new computer does not have the drives. Can I download software from Adobe? Is my license number just to be ab

    Hi, please help with the installation of Lightroom 4, I bought a new Mac (Apple) and I want to install a software that I have on the album cd. My new computer does not have the drives. Can I download software from Adobe? Is my license number just to be able to download the srtony adobe.

    Adobe - Lightroom : For Macintosh

  • Can Anyone help with syncing my contacts are getting duplicated and there is a file from my computer and they are not the same it is driving me carazy can anyone help?

    Can Anyone help with syncing my contacts are getting duplicated and there is a file from my computer and they are not the same it is driving me carazy can anyone help?

    Are you in DSL? Do you know if your modem is bridged?
    "Sometimes your knight in shining armor is just a retard in tin foil.."-ARCHANGEL_06

  • Please help me. I just cleaned the disk and, when I clicked to install new OS X mavericks a screen with apple id popped up and said that I need to put apple id that purchased the OS X.

    Please help me. I just cleaned the disk and, when I clicked to install new OS X mavericks a screen with apple id popped up and said that I need to put apple id that purchased the OS X.

    How did youobtain OS X?

  • Please help with the versioncue problem.

    I know this is not the right place to post this but please, I need fast help. When I open a project in Photoshop CS3 it says "Cannot find the missing module blablabla versioncue.dll". I've searched around a little and found someone who said that 2 updates would fix it. I downloaded the updates but when I started to install it said "Can't find the product to update".
    For some extra info, I just reformated comp and I've considered it might be something about missing files or something and if so, can someone add [email protected] and send to me because this is important. This is also because I have a schoolproject where Photoshop will be needed.
    I'm also suspicious if I actually have the documents and settings files for CS3 since I only copied the whole files from programs when I reformated it.
    Please help!

    >since I only copied the whole files from programs when I reformated it.
    you need to do a full install from the original discs david. simply copying the files won't do it.

  • Welcome. At the outset, I'm sorry for my English :) Please help with configuration Photoshop CS6 appearance. How to disable the background of the program so you can see the desktop. (same menus and tools) Chiałbym to be the same effect as CS5.

    At the outset, I'm sorry for my English
    Please help with configuration Photoshop CS6 appearance.
    How to disable the background of the program so you can see the desktop. (same menus and tools)
    i wantto be the same effect as CS5.

    Please try turning off
    Window > Application Frame

Maybe you are looking for

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