Help -Looping in the procedure

Deleting/Closing the Query...
Edited by: k_17 on Oct 12, 2011 5:28 PM

hi ,
please let us know what you are trying to achieve .
P Prakash

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    create or replace PACKAGE htmldb_tools
    PROCEDURE parse_textarea (
    p_textarea IN VARCHAR2,
    p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2
    PROCEDURE parse_file(
    p_file_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_headings_item IN VARCHAR2,
    p_columns_item IN VARCHAR2,
    p_ddl_item IN VARCHAR2,
    p_table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
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    IF (htmldb_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name))
    END IF;
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    PROCEDURE csv_to_array (
    p_csv_string IN VARCHAR2,
    p_array OUT wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2,
    p_separator IN VARCHAR2 := 'chr(09)'
    l_start_separator PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_stop_separator PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_length PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_idx BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
    l_quote_enclosed BOOLEAN := FALSE;
    l_offset PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    l_length := NVL(LENGTH(p_csv_string),0);
    IF (l_length <= 0)
    END IF;
    l_idx := l_idx + 1;
    l_quote_enclosed := FALSE;
    IF SUBSTR(p_csv_string, l_start_separator + 1, 1) = '"'
    l_quote_enclosed := TRUE;
    l_offset := 2;
    l_stop_separator := INSTR(p_csv_string, '"', l_start_separator + l_offset, 1);
    l_offset := 1;
    l_stop_separator := INSTR(p_csv_string, p_separator, l_start_separator + l_offset, 1);
    END IF;
    IF l_stop_separator = 0
    l_stop_separator := l_length + 1;
    END IF;
    p_array(l_idx) := (SUBSTR(p_csv_string, l_start_separator + l_offset,(l_stop_separator - l_start_separator - l_offset)));
    EXIT WHEN l_stop_separator >= l_length;
    IF l_quote_enclosed
    l_stop_separator := l_stop_separator + 1;
    END IF;
    l_start_separator := l_stop_separator;
    END csv_to_array; --}}}
    PROCEDURE get_records(p_blob IN blob,p_records OUT varchar2_t) --{{{
    l_record_separator VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
    l_last INTEGER;
    l_current INTEGER;
    IF (NVL(dbms_lob.instr(p_blob,utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_record_separator),1,1),0)=0)
    l_record_separator := chr(10);
    END IF;
    l_last := 1;
    l_current := dbms_lob.instr( p_blob, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_record_separator), l_last, 1 );
    EXIT WHEN (nvl(l_current,0) = 0);
    p_records(p_records.count+1) := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(p_blob,l_current-l_last,l_last));
    l_last := l_current+length(l_record_separator);
    END get_records;
    PROCEDURE parse_textarea (
    p_textarea IN VARCHAR2,
    p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2
    l_index INTEGER;
    l_string VARCHAR2(32767) := TRANSLATE(p_textarea,chr(9)||chr(13)||chr(10)||' ,','@@@@');
    l_element VARCHAR2(100);
    l_string := l_string||'@';
    l_index := instr(l_string,'@');
    EXIT WHEN NVL(l_index,0)=0;
    l_element := substr(l_string,1,l_index-1);
    IF (trim(l_element) IS NOT NULL)
    END IF;
    l_string := substr(l_string,l_index+1);
    END parse_textarea;
    PROCEDURE parse_file(
    p_file_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_headings_item IN VARCHAR2,
    p_columns_item IN VARCHAR2,
    p_ddl_item IN VARCHAR2,
    p_table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    l_blob blob;
    l_records varchar2_t;
    l_record wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    l_datatypes wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    l_headings VARCHAR2(4000);
    l_columns VARCHAR2(4000);
    l_seq_id NUMBER;
    l_num_columns INTEGER;
    l_ddl VARCHAR2(4000);
    IF (p_table_name is not null)
    l_ddl := 'insert into '||p_table_name||' '||
    'select '||v(p_columns_item)||' '||
    'from htmldb_collections '||
    'where seq_id > 0 and collection_name='''||p_collection_name||'''';
    execute immediate l_ddl;
    END IF;
    select blob_content into l_blob from wwv_flow_files
    where name=p_file_name;
    raise_application_error(-20000,'File not found, id='||p_file_name);
    IF (l_records.count < 2)
    raise_application_error(-20000,'File must have at least 3 ROWS, id='||p_file_name);
    END IF;
    l_num_columns := l_record.count;
    if (l_num_columns > 900000) then
    raise_application_error(-900000,'Max. of 9,000,00 columns allowed, id='||p_file_name);
    end if;
    FOR i IN 1..l_record.count
    l_headings := l_headings||':'||l_record(i);
    l_columns := l_columns||',c'||lpad(i,3,'0');
    l_headings := ltrim(l_headings,':');
    l_columns := ltrim(l_columns,',');
    FOR i IN 2..l_records.count
    l_seq_id := htmldb_collection.add_member(p_collection_name,'dummy');
    FOR i IN 1..l_record.count
    p_collection_name=> p_collection_name,
    p_seq => l_seq_id,
    p_attr_number => i,
    p_attr_value => l_record(i)
    DELETE FROM wwv_flow_files WHERE name=p_file_name;

    sir manu,
    i started the oracleAS report Server with the following command in command prompt : rwserver server=rep_myserver
    and it successfully started.
    i insert this code on my button :
         RO_Report_ID REPORT_OBJECT;
         Str_Report_Server_Job VARCHAR2(100);
         Str_Job_ID VARCHAR2(100);
         Str_URL VARCHAR2(100);
         PL_ID PARAMLIST ;
         END IF;
         --RO_Report_ID := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('REPORT_OBJ');
         RO_Report_ID := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('REPORT1');
         ADD_PARAMETER(PL_ID, 's_sin_no', TEXT_PARAMETER,:scrap_delivery_request.sin_no);
              SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(RO_Report_ID, REPORT_FILENAME, 'C:\New Forms\REF_SF_510.ref');
              SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(RO_Report_ID, REPORT_SERVER, 'rep_myserver');
              Str_Report_Server_Job := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(RO_Report_ID, PL_ID);
              Str_Job_ID := SUBSTR(Str_Report_Server_Job, LENGTH('rep_myserver') + 2, LENGTH(Str_Report_Server_Job));
              Str_URL      := '/reports/rwservlet/getjobid' || Str_Job_ID || '?server=' || 'rep_myserver';
              WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(Str_URL, '_SELF');
    after pressing the button this error come up in browser :
    REP-52251: Cannot get output of job ID 3 you requested on SAt. jul 04 11:44...... <P> REP-51026 :No output for job b

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  • Help to improve the performance of a procedure.

    Hello everybody,
    First to introduce myself. My name is Ivan and I recently started learning SQL and PL/SQL. So don't go hard on me. :)
    Now let's jump to the problem. What we have there is a table (big one, but we'll need only a few fields) with some information about calls. It is called table1. There is also another one, absolutely the same structure, which is empty and we have to transfer the records from the first one.
    The shorter calls (less than 30 minutes) have segmentID = 'C1'.
    The longer calls (more than 30 minutes) are recorded as more than one record (1 for every 30 minutes). The first record (first 30 minutes of the call) has segmentID = 'C21'. It is the first so we have only one of these for every different call. Then we have the next (middle) parts of the call, which have segmentID = 'C22'. We can have more than 1 middle part and again the maximum minutes in each is 30 minutes. Then we have the last part (again max 30 minutes) with segmentID = 'C23'. As with the first one we can have only one last part.
    So far, so good. Now we need to insert these call records into the second table. The C1 are easy - one record = one call. But the partial ones we need to combine so they become one whole call. This means that we have to take one of the first parts (C21), find if there is a middle part (C22) with the same calling/called numbers and with 30 minutes difference in date/time, then search again if there is another C22 and so on. And last we have to search for the last part of the call (C23). In the course of these searches we sum the duration of each part so we can have the duration of the whole call at the end. Then we are ready to insert it in the new table as a single record, just with new duration.
    But here comes the problem with my code... The table has A LOT of records and this solution, despite the fact that it works (at least in the tests I've made so far), it's REALLY slow.
    As I said I'm new to PL/SQL and I know that this solution is really newbish, but I can't find another way of doing this.
    So I decided to come here and ask you for some tips on how to improve the performance of this.
    I think you are getting confused already, so I'm just going to put some comments in the code.
    I know it's not a procedure as it stands now, but it will be once I create a better code. I don't think it matters for now.
    CURSOR cur_c21 IS
        select * from table1
        where segmentID = 'C21'
        order by start_date_of_call;     // in start_date_of_call is located the beginning of a specific part of the call. It's date format.
    CURSOR cur_c22 IS
        select * from table1
        where segmentID = 'C22'
        order by start_date_of_call;
    CURSOR cur_c22_2 IS
        select * from table1
        where segmentID = 'C22'
        order by start_date_of_call;  
    cursor cur_c23 is
        select * from table1
        where segmentID = 'C23'
        order by start_date_of_call;
    v_temp_rec_c22 cur_c22%ROWTYPE;
    v_dur table1.duration%TYPE;           // using this for storage of the duration of the call. It's number.
    insert into table2
    select * from table1 where segmentID = 'C1';     // inserting the calls which are less than 30 minutes long
    -- and here starts the mess
    FOR rec_c21 IN cur_c21 LOOP        // taking the first part of the call
       v_dur := rec_c21.duration;      // recording it's duration
       FOR rec_c22 IN cur_c22 LOOP     // starting to check if there is a middle part for the call
          IF rec_c22.callingnumber = rec_c21.callingnumber AND rec_c22.callednumber = rec_c21.callednumber AND 
            (rec_c22.start_date_of_call - rec_c21.start_date_of_call) = (1/48)                
    /* if the numbers are the same and the date difference is 30 minutes then we have a middle part and we start searching for the next middle. */
             v_dur := v_dur + rec_c22.duration;     // updating the new duration
             v_temp_rec_c22:=rec_c22;               // recording the current record in another variable because I use it for the next check
             FOR rec_c22_2 in cur_c22_2 LOOP
                IF rec_c22_2.callingnumber = v_temp_rec_c22.callingnumber AND rec_c22_2.callednumber = v_temp_rec_c22.callednumber AND 
                  (rec_c22_2.start_date_of_call - v_temp_rec_c22.start_date_of_call) = (1/48)        
    /* logic is the same as before but comparing with the last value in v_temp...
    And because the data in the cursors is ordered by date in ascending order it's easy to search for another middle parts. */
                   v_dur:=v_dur + rec_c22_2.duration;
                END IF;
             END LOOP;                     
          END IF;
          EXIT WHEN rec_c22.callingnumber = rec_c21.callingnumber AND rec_c22.callednumber = rec_c21.callednumber AND 
                   (rec_c22.start_date_of_call - rec_c21.start_date_of_call) = (1/48);       
    /* exiting the loop if we have at least one middle part.
    (I couldn't find if there is a way to write this more clean, like exit when (the above if is true) */
       END LOOP;
       FOR rec_c23 IN cur_c23 LOOP             
          IF (rec_c23.callingnumber = rec_c21.callingnumber AND rec_c23.callednumber = rec_c21.callednumber AND
             (rec_c23.start_date_of_call - rec_c21.start_date_of_call) = (1/48)) OR v_dur != rec_c21.duration          
    /* we should always have one last part, so we need this check.
    If we don't have the "v_dur != rec_c21.duration" part it will execute the code inside only if we don't have middle parts
    (yes we can have these situations in calls longer than 30 and less than 60 minutes). */
             v_dur:=v_dur + rec_c23.duration;
             rec_c21.duration:=v_dur;               // updating the duration
             rec_c21.segmentID :='C1';
             INSERT INTO table2 VALUES rec_c21;     // inserting the whole call in table2
          END IF;
          EXIT WHEN (rec_c23.callingnumber = rec_c21.callingnumber AND rec_c23.callednumber = rec_c21.callednumber AND
                    (rec_c23.start_date_of_call - rec_c21.start_date_of_call) = (1/48)) OR v_dur != rec_c21.duration;                 
                    // exit the loop when the last part has been found.
       END LOOP;
    END;I'm using Oracle 11g and version 1.5.5 of SQL Developer.
    It's my first post here so hope this is the right sub-forum.
    I tried to explain everything as deep as possible (sorry if it's too long) and I kinda think that the code got somehow hard to read with all these comments. If you want I can remove them.
    I know I'm still missing a lot of knowledge so every help is really appreciated.
    Thank you very much in advance!

    Atiel wrote:
    Thanks for the suggestion but the thing is that segmentID must stay the same for all. The data in this field is just to tell us if this is a record of complete call (C1) or a partial record of a call(C21, C22, C23). So in table2 as every record will be a complete call the segmentID must be C1 for all.Well that's not a problem. You just hard code 'C1' instead of applying the row number as I was doing:
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select 'C1' as segmentid
      2        ,start_date_of_call, duration, callingnumber, callednumber
      3  from (
      4        select distinct
      5               min(start_date_of_call) over (partition by callingnumber, callednumber) as start_date_of_call
      6              ,sum(duration) over (partition by callingnumber, callednumber) as duration
      7              ,callingnumber
      8              ,callednumber
      9        from table1
    10*      )
    SQL> /
    C1         11-MAY-2012 12:13:10 8020557824 1982032041      0631432831624
    C1         15-MAR-2012 09:07:26  269352960 5581790386      0113496771567
    C1         31-JUL-2012 23:20:23  134676480 4799842978      0813391427349
    Another thing is that, as I said above, the actual table has 120 fields. Do I have to list them all manually if I use something similar?If that's what you need, then yes you would have to list them. You only get data if you tell it you want it. ;)
    Of course if you are taking the start_date_of_call, callingnumber and callednumber as the 'key' to the record, then you could join the results of the above back to the original table1 and pull out the rest of the columns that way...
    SQL> select * from table1;
    C1         31-JUL-2012 23:20:23  134676480 4799842978      0813391427349          556         40       5.32
    C21        15-MAR-2012 09:07:26  134676480 5581790386      0113496771567          219        100      10.16
    C23        11-MAY-2012 09:37:26  134676480 5581790386      0113496771567          321         73       2.71
    C21        11-MAY-2012 12:13:10 3892379648 1982032041      0631432831624          959         80       2.87
    C22        11-MAY-2012 12:43:10 3892379648 1982032041      0631432831624          375         57       8.91
    C22        11-MAY-2012 13:13:10  117899264 1982032041      0631432831624          778         27       1.42
    C23        11-MAY-2012 13:43:10  117899264 1982032041      0631432831624          308         97       3.26
    7 rows selected.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t2 as (
      2  select 'C1' as segmentid
      3        ,start_date_of_call, duration, callingnumber, callednumber
      4  from (
      5        select distinct
      6               min(start_date_of_call) over (partition by callingnumber, callednumber) as start_date_of_call
      7              ,sum(duration) over (partition by callingnumber, callednumber) as duration
      8              ,callingnumber
      9              ,callednumber
    10        from table1
    11       )
    12  )
    13  --
    14  select t2.segmentid, t2.start_date_of_call, t2.duration, t2.callingnumber, t2.callednumber
    15        ,t1.col1, t1.col2, t1.col3
    16  from   t2
    17         join table1 t1 on (   t1.start_date_of_call = t2.start_date_of_call
    18                           and t1.callingnumber = t2.callingnumber
    19                           and t1.callednumber = t2.callednumber
    20*                          )
    SQL> /
    C1         11-MAY-2012 12:13:10 8020557824 1982032041      0631432831624          959         80       2.87
    C1         15-MAR-2012 09:07:26  269352960 5581790386      0113496771567          219        100      10.16
    C1         31-JUL-2012 23:20:23  134676480 4799842978      0813391427349          556         40       5.32
    SQL>Of course this is pulling back the additional columns for the record that matches the start_date_of_call for that calling/called number pair, so if the values differed from row to row within the calling/called number pair you may need to aggregate those (take the minimum/maximum etc. as required) as part of the first query. If the values are known to be the same across all records in the group then you can just pick them up from the join to the original table as I coded in the above example (only in my example the data was different across all rows).

  • Help!! loop for current procedure

    I have a procedure which creates tickets to be printed. However I would like to amend this procedure so that the user can input the number of tickets s/he will be printing and then loop through my current procedure to generate them all at once.
    I have been staring at this for 30 min and decided to post. It is probably glaringly obvious, but I am in need of help.
    PROCEDURE create_inv (
    MS_ID_IN IN mfg_stations.ms_id%TYPE,
    ITEM_CODE_IN IN mfg_stations.item_code_dnmlz%TYPE,
    UOM_CODE_IN IN mfg_stations.inv_uom_code_dnmlz%TYPE,
    PROCESS_NAME_IN IN mfg_stations.process_name_dnmlz%TYPE,
    ZONE_IN IN mfg_stations.zone_dnmlz%TYPE,
    LOT_CODE_IN IN mfg_stations.lot_code_dnmlz%TYPE,
    GRADE_CODE_IN IN mfg_stations.grade_code_dnmlz%TYPE,
    CREATED_QTY_IN IN mfg_stations.created_qty_dnmlz%TYPE,
    INV_STATUS_IN IN mfg_stations.inv_status_dnmlz%TYPE,
    ret_val_out OUT ret_val_curtype) IS
    -- Cursor Var...
    new_iu_id inventory_units.iu_id%TYPE;
    new_i_id items.i_id%TYPE;
    new_im_id item_uoms.im_id%TYPE;
    new_g_id grades.g_id%TYPE;
    new_l_id locations.l_id%TYPE;
    new_mfp_id mfg_processes.mfp_id%TYPE;
    new_z_id zones.z_id%TYPE;
    created_ts DATE;
    mod_ts DATE;
    select iu_seq.nextval
    into new_iu_id
    from dual;
    select i_id
    into new_i_id
    from items
    where item_code = item_code_in;
    select im_id
    into new_im_id
    from item_uoms
    where inv_uom_code = uom_code_in;
    select g_id
    into new_g_id
    from grades
    where grade_code = grade_code_in;
    select l_id
    into new_l_id
    from mfg_stations
    where ms_id = ms_id_in;
    select mfp_id
    into new_mfp_id
    from mfg_processes
    where l_id = new_l_id
    and process_name = process_name_in;
    select z_id
    into new_z_id
    from zones
    where zone = zone_in;
    select general_pkg.usertime(sysdate),
    into created_ts,
    from dual;
    /* INSERT */
    insert into inventory_units
    created_qty_in, /* current gets same initial value as created */
    /* UPDATE */
    LOT_CODE_DNMLZ = lot_code_in,
    INV_STATUS_DNMLZ = inv_status_in,
    CREATED_QTY_DNMLZ = created_qty_in,
    PROCESS_NAME_DNMLZ = process_name_in,
    PROCESS_TYPE_DNMLZ = process_type_dnmlz, /* From Database Trigger on insert */
    ITEM_CODE_DNMLZ = item_code_in,
    GRADE_CODE_DNMLZ = grade_code_in,
    ZONE_DNMLZ = zone_in,
    INV_UOM_CODE_DNMLZ = uom_code_in
    WHERE MS_ID = ms_id_in;
    OPEN ret_val_out FOR
    select new_iu_id
    from dual;

    Have you found a solution to this issue?
    If not then are the values of the parameters going to change for each loop iteration?
    What environment is the procedure executed in? i.e. SQL*Plus, Forms, etc..

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    I faced the same issue. This solved it for me: Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    Hope this helps.

  • My problem is on my Windows PC.  I am getting the error message, "The procedure entry point sqlite_3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite3.dll.  I am told this is related to iTunes.  Any help?

    I use both a Mac and a PC.  My problem is on my Windows 7 PC.  I am getting the error message, "The procedure entry point sqlite_3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite3.dll.  I am told this is related to iTunes.  Any help out there?  Thanks

    With Windows Explorer, navigate to your C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support folder.
    Copy the SQLite3.dll that you should find there, navigate to the nearby Mobile Device Support folder, and Paste it in there also.
    Restart the programme all should be well
    In case that your OS is (64 bit)
    1. Open windows explorer, go to location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
    2. Copy file "SQLite3.dll"
    3. Now paste it in the folder  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support
    4. Restart the programme, it should not display that message, it should be clear.
    Good Luck

  • Downloaded new version itunes to Windows 7, now receiving error while computer is booting Apple Sync Notifier.exe- Entry Point Not Found the procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite.dll., Help!

    Downloaded new version itunes to Windows 7, now receiving error while computer is booting Apple Sync Notifier.exe- Entry Point Not Found the procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite.dll., Help! How do I remove this message every time I start up Windows? Would it help to
    re-install Itunes and what version??

    Refer to this thread -
    Quick answer "copy the file SQLite3.dll from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support folder to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support folder"

  • When I turn on my computer,an error message says  "AppleSyncNotifier.exe-entry point not found The procedure entry point xmlTextReaderConstName could not be located in the dynamic link library libxml2.dll". Can't access itunes store,sync,buy etc. Help...

    When I turn on my computer, an error message says "AppleSyncNotifier.exe-entry point not found. The procedure entry point xmlTextReaderConstName could not be located in the dynamic link library libxml2.dll"  Cannot access itunes store, sync phone, etc. Two weeks ago did this and Apple support had me remove and reinstall iTunes. Doing it again. Help....

    With Windows Explorer, navigate to your C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support folder.
    Copy the libmxl2.dll that you should find there, navigate to the nearby Mobile Device Support folder, and Paste it in there also.
    Reboot and see if all is well
    In case that your OS is Windows 7 (64 bit)
    1. Open windows explorer, go to location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
    2. Copy file "libxml2.dll"
    3. Open new windows explorer, to to location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support
    4. Paste file "libxml2.dll" to the location.
    5. Reboot your computer, it should not display that message, it should be clear.
    Good Luck

  • The product that I purchased is not working!!!! I need help and I've been stuck in your "Contact us loop" for the last few days and I'm getting frustrated. How do I contact you for HELP!

    The product that I purchased is not working!!!! I need help and I've been stuck in your "Contact us loop" for the last few days and I'm getting frustrated. How do I contact you for HELP!

    Probably the best place to start is the right forum for your product. This is the forum for Distiller Server, a long dead product used by big companies, and probably not what you have. If you can't find the right forum, please let us know the FULL name of what you paid for (please check your invoice, as Adobe have many similar products), and we can perhaps direct you. Good luck!

  • I tried to uninstall itunes and appropriate apple products on my computer.  It will not let me uninstall message I keep getting is"THE PROCEDURE ENTRY POINT_OBJC_INIT_IMAGE COULD NOT BE LOCATED IN THE DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY OBJ.DLL.  CAN ANYONE HELP?

    I tried to update Itunes on my desktop computer and for some reason it did not work properly.  I am receiving the following message:
    "the procedure entry point_objec_ init_image could not be locaed in the dynamic link library objc.dll.  can you help?

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.

  • 11.2 iTunes update has made me unable to open iTunes. It says "The procedure entry point ADiAdID_AquireMatchSlotIfNecessary could not be located in the dynamic link library iAdCore.dll" I have done everything imaginable! Please help?!

    I deleted, reinstalled, searched, enabled, disabled--EVERYTHING and yet iTunes will not open! This is exactly why I hate updates rom Apple because they do this time and time again. I deleted multiple .dll files and nothing has worked. This is a glitch from the newest update 11.2. It says: "The procedure entry point ADiAdID_AquireMatchSlotIfNecessary could not be located in the dynamic link library iAdCore.dll" and I have no idea what the heck that means!
    If there is anybody that is having similar issues and know of what the issue might be, please help =[

    Hi, Did you strip out all components, delete the named folders and reboot as in the second box of  Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates?
    Checking on my computer here (Windows XP SP3 32 bit) I have one copy of iAdCore.dll in the main \Program Files\iTunes folder with the following properties:
    Size 3,004  KB
    Created 8th May 2014
    Modified 8th May 2014
    File Version
    Product Version
    I'll try to get a look at 64-bit system later to confirm the correct path.

  • I need help. every time i turn on my laptop an error message pops up: the procedure entry point sqlite_wao -checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite3.dlll  HOW DO I FIX THIS?

    i need help. every time i turn on my laptop an error message pops up: the procedure entry point sqlite_wao -checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLite3.dlll  HOW DO I FIX THIS?

    Hi whatsthe77,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    You may want to follow the steps in this article to reinstall iTunes:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Have a great day,

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