Help me explain to my bosses why PC bridging is bad !

At my company we have a lot of wireless broadband connections that users can connect to from their laptops, whilst also being connected to the corporate network. The broadband connection is natted, but thats the only security there is.
I'm trying to convince my bosses that this is bad, but need seem examples of how this can make the network vulnerable.
I'm not a security guy, but I can see how this could be a problem.
Could some of you experts out there give me some ammunition to fire at my bosses please ?

"This network only provides broadband Internet access and has no connection to the corporate net, other than through the PC."
What do you mean "other than through the PC"? I mean, that's really the whole issue. A PC is just a few clicks away from becoming a router. You're network path used to look like this:
Now it looks like this:
Internet<->Firewall<->Proxy<->Notebook<->Wireless<->NAT gateway<->Internet
Because of mobility, notebooks often present other challenges as well. IME, they are not patched as timely as regular workstations. They are used away from work and in hostile environments, like hotels and airports, and tend to get infected with malware more frequently (i.e. surfing higher risk sites when I'm at the
If I gain access to the wireless network, I would typically have unfiltered access to any nodes on the wireless network. In your scenario, that includes those higher risk notebooks which are also directly connected to your internal network (i.e. I completely bypasses all those carefully implemented firewalls and proxy servers you mention). If I can compromise one of those hosts, then I will likely have full network access to your internal network.

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    WHY can't Bridge sort images by date modified and STAY that way every time I come back?
    By default it does stay at the latest selected sort order so this could mean it is due to your install.
    First of all try to reset the preferences for Bridge, hold down option key while restarting Bridge and choose reset preferences. This sets it all to default. First try if the problem is solved then set prefs again to your own custom wishes.
    Also check and repair permissions for the OSX itself (Apple has disk utility in the utility folder for this job, and there are other 3th party applications)
    And be sure to have the latest update for Bridge. (Bridge CS5 should be
    In addition to the method Tai Lao pointed you already to there is a third option, use right click mouse button in content window and the pop up menu has also the sort option at the bottom of the row

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    Hi Bernard,
    The version of Photoshop and Bridge you are using is way too old.
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    1) hard to print pages.
    2) hard to bookmark pages.
    3) hard to navigate framed sites with keyboard (accessibility WAI)
    4) frames complicate your site.
    5) mobile devices don't support frames.
    7) web assistive technologies don't like frames.
    6) W3C dropped frame support from  HTML 5.0
    More on why frames are a bad idea
    DW Templates Make your life easier
    Guidance   on when to use DW Templates, Library Items and SSIs -
    More  on DW Templates and SSIs:
    Good luck,
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    In my opinion, the lack of multiple inheritance is
    not a real problem. You can easily bypass this using
    a delegate pattern. Example:
    class Base1 {
    public void method1() {
    class Base2 {
    public void method2() {
    If you want to create a class which inherits from
    Base1 and Base2, take the following approach:
    Create Interfaces for Base1 and Base2:
    intface BaseInterface1 {
    public void method1();
    interface BaseInterface22 {
    public void method2();
    Now, let Base1 and Base2 implement the Interfaces.
    class Base1 implements Base1Interface {
    public void method1() {
    class Base2 implements Base2Interface {
    public void method2() {
    The the subclass can inherit from one baseclass
    and implement the other one. Base2 is an attribute
    (instance variable) of the new class:
    class Devided extends Base1 implements Base2Interface {
    Base2 base2;
    // Methods of Base2Interface:
    public void method2() {
    This looks like a lot of handcraft, but modern IDEs
    like Eclipse or VisualAge (ok, not really modern)
    give the developer the advantages of self-written
    plug-ins. Using such a plug-in, you can easily
    automate the creation of the interfaces and the
    delegate. In my previous company we wrote several
    "wizards" for VisualAge to prevent us from doing
    stupid steps again and again.

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    If I may step in in this discussion, I always use DNG but never have used ACR to achieve this result.
    As Curt stated the changes made in ACR to a Raw file (or for that matter a DNG file) are undoable without problems.
    My workflow (using Canon CR2 but that is not important, let's say a dSLR generated Raw File) is to use Photodownloader in Bridge (not perfect by far but still the best and easiest way for me).
    I connect my CF card using a card reader and let Adobe Photodownloader do the work.
    Inhere I use several options:
    - convert the CR2 file to a DNG
    - back up the original CR2 on a separate disk
    - rename the DNG to yyyymmdd (shot date) and sequence number
    - add a metadata template for copyright to all the DNG files.
    Sorting out the keepers I open the DNG in ACR and either hit Open (for open directly in PS) or use save as Tiff or PSD depending on next step in development or simply hit Done to apply changes and leave it for later use.
    The advantage of having both ACR in PS and Bridge is huge. The only difference between both is that by default PS has the Open Button selected and Bridge (open in Camera Raw) has the Done button selected, thats all.
    But here is the good part, you can use both simultaneously! For example have PS in film strip mode with multiple files selected and when changes are ready hit Save as start the process but locks up PS itself. Switch to Bridge and use Open in Camera Raw and start with the next job while ACR PS is still running in the background
    When I open a DNG in PS using ACR in either PS or Bridge I continue developing with actions and fine tune with layer mask, brush etc etc.
    Sometimes use Save As for PSD with the layers still active (huge files) when needing to revisit or not quite ready. But mostly I use an action to flatten the files and save as PSD.
    Both DNG and PSD are ending up in my archive, my clients receive whet they want, PSD, Tiff but mostly jpeg and resized.
    When having the job finished and every once in a while I clear out the original CR2 files from Back up because in all the years I use DNG (at least 5 years) I never had to use the original CR2 instead of the DNG that is thoroughly backed up as is the original PSD.
    But since disk space is cheap you can choose to keep them.
    An other option is to include the original raw file in the DNG but I would not recommend that because the file size is getting almost twice as big.
    The biggest plus side for me using DNG is that the xmp data is written directly to the file while original CR2 or NEF needs an xmp side car file next to it with this data.
    However saving changes to metadata is taking a bit longer to a DNG then to an XMP side car file, depending on system resources and time this never been a real problem for me

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    2. Why does saving with this info take so long, even on decent fast modern systems?
    3. Why does Bridge not consistently render the Illustrator files in FULL RESOLUTIONS, seemingly shooting for half resolution much of the time, and simply stopping at that?
    4. Why does "clicking" on the preview inside Bridge bring up the full resolution?
    5. How do I shortcut this process so that every file is previewed in Full RESOLUTION, instantly?
    What is the point of Bridge?  What's its reason for existence?
    First time user of Bridge.

    Since someone is bound to say that this should be asked in the Bridge section... it already is.  And has been referenced back over here.
    You can find it here:
    Answer wherever you see fit, if you're up to the task of dealing with someone attempting to have a broader view, perhaps also suffering from somewhat objective analysis that sometimes contains direct criticism of the way Adobe does things.

  • Why will Bridge CC not recognize a PHP file and ONLY open with notepad instead of Dreamweaver?

    why will Bridge CC not recognize a PHP file and ONLY open with notepad instead of Dreamweaver?

    Did you set the file association in Bridge to open with Dreamweaver?

Maybe you are looking for