Help me import as one clip instead of breaking up

I've tried to use my brothers Mac to capture footage from a super8 analogue tape camera. Imovie09 works fine in doing so with one problem - we cannot figure out how to make it capture the footage as one continuous raw file. Imovie09 immediately separates the footage into broken up clips.
I cannot find in the preferences an option to not allow the automatic scene breakup.
So, I want to capture a whole tapes worth, without its separation. I've only found worries about how to not let this happen in various posts on the internet.
Any help would be appreciated, please ask for further elaboration if willing to help but unsure of my exact problem yet.

Greetings Winston,
I only want to digitise an already edited film of my own, of which I placed the production back on to an analogue tape upon finishing (as a means to store it a few years ago). So basically I want to capture the tape whole without any automatically assumed scene breaks.
I did have that error you mentioned with one of the tapes. We tried to capture two - the first one broke up into 6 large chunks, the 2nd into hundreds of 1-4 second clips. How can I convince Imovie to leave them as one?

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    Hi Paul,
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    Thanks Andy for giving the time and energy to try and solve this.  I really appreciate it.
    The sorting option is new to me so thanks for telling about that (I've just downloaded the 30-day trial version of FCPX last  night to hopefully address this one single issue that iMovie cannot do so I am totally new to FCPX but it's pretty intuitive especially being familiar with iMovie. This is my first and only version of FCP and will likely buy it if it can help me with this one huge hurdle). 
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    YOu are in "Project Library" view. If you pick a project and click on "Edit Project", you will see the individual clips you are used to.
    The "Project Library" view is basically eye-candy so you can quickly find your projects.

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    And the other thing I think of is that you opened up the multicamera sequence as a New Sequence From Clip, instead of Open in Timeline.
    That would give you one long flat sequence, but 198 panels if you opened it in your multicamera monitor

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    iMovie will import the tape as if it is direct from the camera. It will sense the scene breaks and put all the clips in chronological order.
    If you want to import it as one long clip, I suggest you load the tape into the app that you edited the tape with. Then export it out as a QuickTime movie in the DV codec. You can import this MOV file into FCPX or iMovie.

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    I'm not sure what you mean about fading the instrument and not the notes. I just want to fade out one note/per instrument at the end of certain passages. Care to expound?
    In general, MIDI does not provide a mechanism to control the volume of individual notes.
    In MIDI (and sequencer terms), a note has a note on, a note number (which key was pressed) and how hard you hit that key (velocity). Then a corresponding note off. There is nothing in a note specification that let's you control the volume of a note through it's duration.
    In MIDI terms, you can use a controller MIDI message, typically #7 which is used for volume, and modify that over the time the note is playing. But this is controlling the volume of the instrument not the individual notes - the same as turning up and down the volume on the instrument. All notes that the instrument is playing are affected equally - if you are holding a chord, the entire chord will ramp in volume. You cannot just ramp the volume of one note within the chord using this method.
    (The closest MIDI can get to controlling individual notes volume is with polyphonic aftertouch, but this is not often supported and is a more advanced technique - given that you are new to this I'm going to ignore it for now to avoid over-complicating things. I mention it to stop all the people chiming in with "you're so wrong Beejay you muppet you can do this with poly aftertouch don't you know anything" blah blah).
    Is that more clear?
    Also, if you wouldn't mind, could you give me a step by step on opening the hyperview in the piano roll?
    Open the piano roll, select View -> Hyperdraw -> Volume.
    You can click/draw in it with the pencil tool to create MIDI volume (CC#7) changes.

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    Hi Dixie
    Where Do Your material originate from ?
    • miniDV tape Camera (recorde with this live)
    • from VHS/VCR via miniDV Camera or A/D box
    If the latter - there are no Time & Date code that gives info to iMovie where to cut.
    There is no function in iMovie that can produce couts from variations in picture or audio. (either in FinalCut Express/pro as I'm aware of)
    It has been reported that it can be done on PC-Window platform and by programs like
    Pinnacle, Adobe Premiere etc. NEVER Confirmed though.
    If timecode not present - Manual cutting up only way. (As I know of)
    Yours Bengt W

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