Help me: java.lang.VerifyError

I have installed j2sdk1.4.1_01 on Red Hat 8.0 and Xerces 2 of jakarta project. I was using erw.jar (a java application usefull to check ER schemata that you can download at but when I launch at command line
java it.unimi.dsi.erw.ERtool < library.xml
I obtain the exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: verification failed at PC 489
in org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl:getNodeObject((I)Lorg.apache.xerce
s.dom.DeferredNode;): incompatible return type
at 0x4028115f: ZN4java4lang9ThrowableC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/
at 0x4027408e: ZN4java4lang5ErrorC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40275b1a: ZN4java4lang12LinkageErrorC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/libgcj.s
at 0x402814fe: ZN4java4lang11VerifyErrorC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40257ac9: ZN20Jv_BytecodeVerifier11verify_failEPci (/usr/lib/
at 0x4024ac4d: ZN20Jv_BytecodeVerifier21verify_instructions_0Ev (/usr/lib/l
at 0x40249697: Z16Jv_VerifyMethodP16_Jv_InterpMethod (/usr/lib/
at 0x40241a24: Z16Jv_PrepareClassPN4java4lang5ClassE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40260568: ZN4java4lang11ClassLoader10linkClass0EPNS05ClassE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40273073: ZN4java4lang11ClassLoader13resolveClass0EPNS05ClassE (/usr/l
at 0x4025e99c: _ZN4java4lang5Class15initializeClassEv (/usr/lib/
at 0x4024874b: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us r/lib/
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4025b308: ZN3gnu3gcj7runtime11FirstThread9callmainEv (/usr/lib/libgcj. so.3)
xception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: verification failed at PC 489
in org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl:getNodeObject((I)Lorg.apache.xerce
s.dom.DeferredNode;): incompatible return type
at 0x4028115f: ZN4java4lang9ThrowableC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/
at 0x4027408e: ZN4java4lang5ErrorC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40275b1a: ZN4java4lang12LinkageErrorC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/libgcj.s
at 0x402814fe: ZN4java4lang11VerifyErrorC1EPNS06StringE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40257ac9: ZN20Jv_BytecodeVerifier11verify_failEPci (/usr/lib/
at 0x4024ac4d: ZN20Jv_BytecodeVerifier21verify_instructions_0Ev (/usr/lib/l
at 0x40249697: Z16Jv_VerifyMethodP16_Jv_InterpMethod (/usr/lib/
at 0x40241a24: Z16Jv_PrepareClassPN4java4lang5ClassE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40260568: ZN4java4lang11ClassLoader10linkClass0EPNS05ClassE (/usr/lib/
at 0x40273073: ZN4java4lang11ClassLoader13resolveClass0EPNS05ClassE (/usr/l
at 0x4025e99c: _ZN4java4lang5Class15initializeClassEv (/usr/lib/
at 0x4024874b: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet
hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4039d347: ffi_call_SYSV (/usr/lib/
at 0x4039d307: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248528: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40248e34: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod3runEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawP26_Jv_InterpMet hodInvocation (/usr/lib/
at 0x40246424: ZN16Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_ (/us r/lib/
at 0x4039d1bc: ?? (??:0)
at 0x4025b308: ZN3gnu3gcj7runtime11FirstThread9callmainEv (/usr/lib/libgcj. so.3)
at 0x402c60b1: _ZN3gnu3gcj7runtime11FirstThread3runEv (/usr/lib/
at 0x40267fdc: Z13Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE (/usr/lib/
at 0x4023478c: Z11Jv_RunMainPN4java4lang5ClassEPKciPS4_b (/usr/lib/libgcj.s o.3)
at 0x08048900: __gcj_personality_v0 (it.unimi.dsi.erw.dtddir=/home/adri/dbERW /ERtool_testing/erl)
at 0x420158d4: __libc_start_main (it.unimi.dsi.erw.dtddir=/home/adri/dbERW/ER tool_testing/erl)
at 0x080486c1: JvRegisterClasses (it.unimi.dsi.erw.dtddir=/home/adri/dbERW/ ERtool_testing/erl)
at 0x402c60b1: _ZN3gnu3gcj7runtime11FirstThread3runEv (/usr/lib/
at 0x40267fdc: Z13Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE (/usr/lib/
at 0x4023478c: Z11Jv_RunMainPN4java4lang5ClassEPKciPS4_b (/usr/lib/libgcj.s o.3)
at 0x08048900: __gcj_personality_v0 (it.unimi.dsi.erw.dtddir=/home/adri/dbERW /ERtool_testing/erl)
at 0x420158d4: __libc_start_main (it.unimi.dsi.erw.dtddir=/home/adri/dbERW/ER tool_testing/erl)
at 0x080486c1: JvRegisterClasses (it.unimi.dsi.erw.dtddir=/home/adri/dbERW/ ERtool_testing/erl)
I'm sure that the classpath is correctly configured to link the XML parser and that the erw application in correctly installed, but I'm not an expert system administrator. I've intalled J2SDK with the bin distribution
but I suppose that the JVM don't work correctly.
How can I solve it?
Thanks in advance.

This is the quoted from java-docs
Subclasses of LinkageError indicate that a class has some dependency on another class; however, the latter class has incompatibly changed after the compilation of the former class
So your jar contains some class files which has been compiled with the older jdk ,hence you try to configure with older version of jdk,probaily jdk1.3.
The other way I suggest is to get the entire source of the java files and compile with the latest vesrion of jdk i.e 1.4

Similar Messages

  • Java.lang.VerifyError - Incompatible object argument for function call

    Hi all,
    I'm developing a JSP application (powered by Tomcat 4.0.1 in JDK 1.3, in Eclipse 3.3). Among other stuff I have 3 classes interacting with an Oracle database, covering 3 use cases - renaming, adding and deleting an database object. The renaming class simply updates the database with a String variable it receives from the request object, whereas the other two classes perform some calculations with the request data and update the database accordingly.
    When the adding or deleting classes are executed, by performing the appropriate actions through the web application, Tomcat throws the following:
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: action/GliederungNewAction, method: insertNewNode signature: (Loracle/jdbc/driver/OracleConnection;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V) Incompatible object argument for function call
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at action.ActionMapping.perform(
         at ControllerServlet.doResponse(
         at ControllerServlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    ...The renaming works fine though. I have checked mailing lists and forums as well as contacted the company's java support but everything I have tried out so far, from exchanging the xerces.jar files found in JDOM and Tomcat to rebuidling the project didn't help.
    I just can't explain to myself why this error occurs and I don't see how some additional Java code in the other 2 classes could cause it?
    I realize that the Tomcat and JDK versions I'm using are totally out of date, but that's company's current standard and I can't really change that.
    Here's the source code. I moved parts of the business logic from Java to Oracle recently but I left the SQL statements that the Oracle stored procedures are executing if it helps someone.
    package action;
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
    * This class enables the creation and insertion of a new catalogue node. A new node
    * is always inserted as the last child of the selected parent node.
    public class GliederungNewAction implements Action {
         public String perform(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response) {
              // fetch the necessary parameters from the JSP site
              // the parent attribute is the selected attribute!
              String parent_attribute = request.getParameter("attr");
              String catalogue = request.getParameter("catalogue");
              int parent_sequenceNr = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("sort_sequence"));
              // connect to database    
              HttpSession session = request.getSession();   
              db.SessionConnection sessConn = (db.SessionConnection) session.getAttribute("connection");
              if (sessConn != null) {
                   try {
                        OracleConnection connection = (OracleConnection)sessConn.getConnection();
                        int lastPosition = getLastNodePosition( getLastChildAttribute(connection, catalogue, parent_attribute) );
                        String newNodeAttribute = createNewNodeAttribute(parent_attribute, lastPosition);
                        // calculate the sequence number
                        int precedingSequenceNumber = getPrecedingSequenceNumber(connection, catalogue, parent_attribute);
                        if ( precedingSequenceNumber == -1 ) {
                             precedingSequenceNumber = parent_sequenceNr;
                        int sortSequence = precedingSequenceNumber + 1;
                        setSequenceNumbers(connection, catalogue, sortSequence);
                        // insert the new node into DB
                        insertNewNode(connection, catalogue, newNodeAttribute, parent_attribute, "Neuer Punkt", sortSequence);
                   } catch(SQLException ex) {
              return mapping.getForward();
          * Creates, fills and executes a prepared statement to insert a new entry into the specified table, representing
          * a new node in the catalogue.
         private void insertNewNode(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, String attribute, String parent_attribute, String description, int sortSequence) {
              try {
                   String callAddNode = "{ call fasi_lob.pack_gliederung.addNode(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5) }";
                   CallableStatement cst;
                   cst = connection.prepareCall(callAddNode);
                   cst.setString(1, catalogue);
                   cst.setString(2, attribute);
                   cst.setString(3, parent_attribute);
                   cst.setString(4, description);
                   cst.setInt(5, sortSequence);
              } catch (SQLException e1) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //          String insertNewNode = "INSERT INTO vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
    //                    "(catalogue, attribute, parent_attr, description, sort_sequence) VALUES(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5)";
    //          PreparedStatement insertStmt;
    //          try {
    //               insertStmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertNewNode);
    //               insertStmt.setString(1, catalogue);
    //               insertStmt.setString(2, attribute);
    //               insertStmt.setString(3, parent_attribute);
    //               insertStmt.setString(4, description);
    //               insertStmt.setInt(5, sortSequence);
    //               insertStmt.execute();
    //               insertStmt.close();
    //          } catch (SQLException e) {
    //               e.printStackTrace();
          * This method returns the attribute value of the last child of the parent under which
          * we want to insert a new node. The result set is sorted in descending order and only the
          * first result (that is, the last child under this parent) is fetched.
          * If the parent node has no children, "parent_attr.0" is returned. 
          * @param connection
          * @param catalogue
          * @param parent_attribute
          * @return attribute of the last child under this parent, or "parent_attr.0" if parent has no children
         private String getLastChildAttribute(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, String parent_attribute) {
              String queryLastChild = "SELECT attribute FROM vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
                                            "WHERE catalogue=:1 AND parent_attr=:2 ORDER BY sort_sequence DESC";
              String lastChildAttribute;
              PreparedStatement ps;
              try {
                   ps = connection.prepareStatement(queryLastChild);
                   ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                   ps.setString(2, parent_attribute);
                   ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
                   /* If a result is returned, the selected parent already has children.
                    * If not set the lastChildAttribute to parent_attr.0
                   if ( {
                        lastChildAttribute = rs.getString("attribute");
                   } else {
                        lastChildAttribute = parent_attribute.concat(".0");
                   return lastChildAttribute;
              } catch (SQLException e) {
                   return null;
          * This helper method determines the position of the last node in the attribute.
          * i.e for 3.5.2 it returns 2, for 2.1 it returns 1 etc.
          * @param attribute
          * @return position of last node in this attribute
         private int getLastNodePosition(String attribute) {
              StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(attribute, ".");
              String lastNodePosition = "0";
              while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                   lastNodePosition = tokenizer.nextToken();
              return Integer.parseInt(lastNodePosition);
          * This method calculates the attribute of a node being inserted
          * by incrementing the last child position by 1 and attaching the
          * incremented position to the parent.
          * @param parent_attr
          * @param lastPosition
          * @return attribute of the new node
         private String createNewNodeAttribute(String parent_attr, int lastPosition) {
              String newPosition = new Integer(lastPosition + 1).toString();
              return parent_attr.concat("." + newPosition);
          * This method checks if the required sequence number for a new node is already in use and
          * handles the sequence numbers accordingly.
          * If the sequence number for a new node is NOT IN USE, the method doesn't do anything.
          * If the sequence number for a new node is IN USE, the method searches for the next free
          * sequence number by incrementing the number by one and repeating the query until no result
          * is found. Then all the sequence numbers between the required number (including, >= relation)
          * and the nearest found free number (not including, < relation) are incremented by 1, as to
          * make space for the new node.
          * @param connection
          * @param catalogue
          * @param newNodeSequenceNumber required sequence number for the new node
         private void setSequenceNumbers(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, int newNodeSequenceNumber) {
              // 1. check if the new sequence number exists - if no do nothing
              // if yes - increment by one and see if exists
              //           repeat until free sequence number exists
              // when found increment all sequence numbers freeSeqNr > seqNr >= newSeqNr
              String query = "SELECT sort_sequence FROM vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
                        "WHERE catalogue=:1 AND sort_sequence=:2";
              PreparedStatement ps;
              try {
                   ps = connection.prepareStatement(query);
                   ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                   ps.setInt(2, newNodeSequenceNumber);               
                   ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
                   // if no result, the required sequence number is free - nothing to do
                   if( ) {
                        int freeSequenceNumber = newNodeSequenceNumber;
                        do {
                             ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                             ps.setInt(2, freeSequenceNumber++);
                             rs = ps.executeQuery();
                        } while( );
                        // increment sequence numbers - call stored procedure
                        String callUpdateSeqeunceNrs = "{ call fasi_lob.pack_gliederung.updateSeqNumbers(:1, :2, :3) }";
                        CallableStatement cst = connection.prepareCall(callUpdateSeqeunceNrs);
                        cst.setString(1, catalogue);
                        cst.setInt(2, newNodeSequenceNumber);
                        cst.setInt(3, freeSequenceNumber);
    //                    String query2 = "UPDATE vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
    //                                      "SET sort_sequence = (sort_sequence + 1 ) " +
    //                                      "WHERE catalogue=:1 sort_sequnce >=:2 AND sort_sequence <:3";
    //                    PreparedStatement ps2;
    //                    ps2 = connection.prepareStatement(query2);
    //                    ps2.setString(1, catalogue);
    //                    ps2.setInt(2, newNodeSequenceNumber);
    //                    ps2.setInt(3, freeSequenceNumber);
    //                    ps.executeUpdate();
    //                    ps.close();
                   } // end of if block
              } catch (SQLException e) {
          * This method finds the last sequence number preceding the sequence number of a node
          * that is going to be inserted. The preceding sequence number is required to calculate
          * the sequence number of the new node.
          * We perform a hierarchical query starting from the parent node: if a result is returned,
          * we assign the parent's farthest descendant's node sequence number; if no result
          * is returned, we assign the parent's sequence number.
          * @param connection
          * @param catalogue
          * @param parent_attr parent attribute of the new node
          * @return
         private int getPrecedingSequenceNumber(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, String parent_attr) {
              int sequenceNumber = 0;
              String query = "SELECT sort_sequence FROM vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
                                "WHERE catalogue=:1 " +
                                "CONNECT BY PRIOR attribute = parent_attr START WITH parent_attr=:2 " +
                                "ORDER BY sort_sequence DESC";
              try {
                   PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query);
                   ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                   ps.setString(2, parent_attr);
                   ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
                   if ( ) {
                        sequenceNumber = rs.getInt("sort_sequence");
                   } else {
                        // TODO: ggf fetch from request!
                        sequenceNumber = -1;
              } catch (SQLException e) {
              return sequenceNumber;

    After further googling I figured out what was causing the problem: in eclipse I was referring to external libraries located in eclipse/plugins directory, whereas Tomcat was referring to the same libraries (possibly older versions) in it's common/lib directory.

  • 500 Internal Server Error :java.lang.VerifyError

    Ok, so I have deployed my BI Bean RC2 tutorial app from Jdeveloper RC2, with no errors during deployment.
    It also runs fine from jdeveloper embedded oc4j.
    When I try to call the deployed application in my browser I get this:
    500 Internal Server Error
    java.lang.VerifyError: class org.omg.PortableServer.AdapterActivatorPOA overrides final method . at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].naming.ContextClassLoader.defineClass( at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].naming.ContextClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].naming.ContextClassLoader.defineClass( at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].naming.ContextClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.adapterManager( at com.inprise.vbroker.ds.DSUser.<init>( at com.inprise.vbroker.ds.Init.init( at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.installServices( at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.initialize( at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.set_parameters( at org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init( at oracle.dss.appmodule.common.ORBUtils.getORBForApplication( at oracle.dss.connection.server.ConnectionImpl.getORB( at oracle.dss.connection.server.ConnectionImpl.connect( at oracle.dss.connection.client.Connection.connect( at oracle.dss.connection.client.Connection.connect( at oracle.dss.metadataManager.client.MetadataManager.setConnectionObjects( at oracle.dss.metadataManager.client.MetadataManager.attach( at oracle.dss.metadataManager.client.MetadataManager.attach( at oracle.dss.datautil.client.XMLManagerFactory.createQueryManager( at oracle.dss.datautil.client.ManagerFactoryImpl.lookupQueryManager( at oracle.dss.datautil.client.ManagerFactoryImpl.lookupMetadataManager( at oracle.dss.datautil.client.ManagerFactoryImpl.lookupManager( at oracle.dss.addins.jspTags.BIThinSession.getMetadataManager( at oracle.dss.addins.jspTags.BIThinSession.getQueryManager( at oracle.dss.addins.jspTags.BIThinSession.loadView( at oracle.dss.addins.jspTags.PresentationTag.createThinObject( at oracle.dss.addins.jspTags.BIBaseTag.getThinObject( at oracle.dss.addins.jspTags.PresentationTag.doStartTag( at simpleJSP.jspService( [SRC:/simpleJSP.jsp:6] at com.orionserver[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE] at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE]
    Nothing (except the 500 error itself) is logged to any of the log-files in j2ee/home/log.
    I am able to run all of the samples that comes with oc4j.
    oc4j is invoked using:
    java -Xmx128m -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB -Dorg.omg.COR
    BA.ORBSingletonClass=com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB -jar oc4j.jar &
    as specified in tutorial instructions.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction to solve this?

    The guys over in the J2EE forum came with this answer. Please note that they refer to Jdeveloper 9.0.3.
    I don't really know how to interpret that, as the RC2 Jdeveloper is, but anyway, her goes:
    It seems like you are using JDeveloper 903, is that right?
    Select Help->About from the Jdeveloper menus
    If you are using Jdeveloper 903, read on:
    This is a known issue. 903 Jdeveloper is bundled with J2EE ORB (IIOP.jar) from Sun to allow EJBs communicate using RMI/IIOP. In addition, we also have Visibroker ORB (VBJORB.jar) in the classpath. Sun has implemented CORBA 2.3.1 specification and Visibroker I believe has implemented CORBA 2.3.0 spec. The signature of one of the methods in class org.omg.PortableServer.AdapterActivatorPOA has changed between the two releases and hence the problem.
    We are trying to move away from Visibroker ORB and have requested OLAPI team to remove all dependencies on Visi ORB. Although there is no known dependencies on it, there seems to be dependencies because the idl compiler (from Visibroker) is inserting referces to Visibroker code.
    To work around :
    Remove/rename iiop.jar file in ORACLE_HOME/J2EE/HOME directory. Be warned that EJB's wont work if it is renamed or removed.
    This should only be considered as a temporary work around until we decide our next steps.
    Use at own risk..
    The error reported in this thread disappeared with this workaround, but unfortunately I got another one:
    500 Internal Server Error
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: BIB-10310 An unknown exception occurred.BIB-10101 Handler failed to handle     at oracle.dss.addins.jspTags.PresentationTag.doStartTag(     at simpleJSP.jspService(     [SRC:/simpleJSP.jsp:6]     at com.orionserver[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe(     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(     at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(     at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(     at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(     at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE]     at com.evermind[Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE]
    Tips anyone..?

  • Java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class

    Hi i am trying to call a crystal report from jsp but i am getting this error
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot inherit from final class
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot inherit from final class
    root cause
    java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class
         java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
         java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) Source)
         java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source) Source)
    my jsp is
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="*"  %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.sdk.ReportClientDocument" %>
        Object reportSource = session.getAttribute("reportSource");
        if (reportSource == null)
           String report = "report.rpt";
           ReportClientDocument reportClientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
  "report.rpt", 0);
           reportSource = reportClientDoc.getReportSource();
           session.setAttribute("reportSource", reportSource);
        CrystalReportViewer viewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
        viewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), null);
    and in my WEB-INF/lib i included jar files namely
    please help me

    You can't inherit from a final class. 
    So - are you trying to inherit from a final class?
    Ted Ueda

  • Java.lang.VerifyError when using ant 1.6.2

    In short, I get the VerifyError when deploying my .ear in Weblogic 8.1 SP2. I have nailed down the issue to this:
    I compile all my code using Ant 1.6.2. If I package the code up using ant 1.6.2 I get the VerifyError. If I pacakge the code up using ant 1.4, all is well. Note that when I deploy the 1.6.2 packaged ear file on Windows, all is well also.
    During the ant package target I assembly the war and ear using the core war and ear tasks.
    We are using precompiled JSPs in the war file. It seems that WL8.1 wants to recompile the JSP file. I am not sure why - the ant 1.4 packaged ear does not want to recompile the same JSP.
    The detailed error is:
    Servlet class jsp_servlet._portal.__capitalmarketsoverview for servlet /portal/CapitalMarketsOverview.jsp could not be verified.
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: jsp_servlet/_portal/__capitalmarketsoverview, method: _jspService signature: (Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse;)V) Incompatible object argument for function call.>
    Any help is appreciated,
    Harry Duin

    I could not find an easy way to get the wls version of ant to start using the tasks you mention from ant 1.6.2.
    I tried defining the tasks using taskdef and also adding them to wls ant.jar and updating the file but the ant complained about unexpected elements in the build.xml file where I added the new tags (e.g import)
    If your really up against it you can try adding wls tasks to ant 1.6.2, they are listed here:
    Although I could not located exactly which jar they are in. Good luck.
    Hussein Badakhchani

  • Upgrade to now getting java.lang.VerifyError using

    We recently upgraded our Application Server/Forms and Reports to Oracle We have one application that uses a python script and calls rwrun (or from Generic Apache (not Oracle's Apache).
    We are now seeing the following error from the command:
    ERR REP-0069: Internal error
    java.lang.VerifyError: class org.omg.PortableServer.AdapterActivatorPOA overrides final method .
    This use to work with Oracle 9.0.4 I opened a Service Request with Oracle since I was also having problems running this from the command line. At that point I had to open up the $OH/diagnostics/config/registration directory to world write access.
    Now that I got past that, the command line rwrun works, but the call from the python script using the generic apache doesn't.
    Oracle wouldn't help since this is custom code.
    Any suggestion.

    We recently upgraded our Application Server/Forms and Reports to Oracle We have one application that uses a python script and calls rwrun (or from Generic Apache (not Oracle's Apache).
    We are now seeing the following error from the command:
    ERR REP-0069: Internal error
    java.lang.VerifyError: class org.omg.PortableServer.AdapterActivatorPOA overrides final method .
    This use to work with Oracle 9.0.4 I opened a Service Request with Oracle since I was also having problems running this from the command line. At that point I had to open up the $OH/diagnostics/config/registration directory to world write access.
    Now that I got past that, the command line rwrun works, but the call from the python script using the generic apache doesn't.
    Oracle wouldn't help since this is custom code.
    Any suggestion.

  • Java.lang.VerifyError - another cause

    I just banged my head against this error for half a day before figuring it out.
    I was deploying some code compiled under 1.2 into a 1.3.1 environment and kept getting this error when I tried to load a certain class:
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: com/athensgroup/autoweb2/databeans/FileTree, method: fillFileTreeForm signature: (Lcom/athensgroup/autoweb2/forms/FileTreeForm;)Z) Expecting to find integer on stack
    Real helpful, huh???
    Turns out the offending method has a couple of lines of code like:
    boolean foo = false;
    foo += "some string";
    Apparently this got by the 1.2 compiler, but created something the 1.3.1 loader didn't like.

    it shouldn't do like this
    it is a very strange behaviour
    thanks for informing

  • Any way around java.lang.VerifyError in JUTableSortModel.enableColumnSortin

    (JDeveloper 10.1.2) I have created a ADF Client application on top of an POJO business service. The application contains a tabbed pane. The first tab is based on a master data control binding, the second on its details-collection data control - as a JTable.
    When I run the application (from within JDeveloper) , I get a Fatal Exception from the JVM:
    Exception in thread main
    java.lang.VerifyError: oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTableSortModel
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUTableBinding.getControlModel(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelBinding.bindUIControl(
         at amis.view.tabbedPane.FortuneForm.jbInit(
         at amis.view.tabbedPane.FortuneForm.setBindingContext(
         at amis.view.tabbedPane.FortuneForm.main(
    When I swap the JTable for some simple JTextFields, the code runs ok. However, I really like to have a Table. Does anyone have any clue or workaround for this situation? Since the exception originates within the ADF library code, I do not see too many options myself.
    thanks for your help.

    OK, I have been too hasty once more.
    When I create a simple ADF BC Model, drag a ViewObject's Data Control as Table to the ADF JClient pane and run the application, I get the same fatal exception. So it has nothing to do with the Business Service technology, it is a generic ADF JClient JTable issue.
    Question is still: what can I do to get rid of it? Is it just my installation, project setup? Should i create a fresh JDev install? Is there a patch?
    Any help is very welcome.

  • Java.lang.VerifyError    (Eclipse vs Command Line)

    Dear all,
    I'm a very new user of the java programming language. I'm experimenting with using Eclipse and Java commands built in to our University network. I've come up against a problem that I cannot resolve...
    In Eclipse (on Windows), i've written a class which takes routines from some External JARs and produces some outputs. It works, great!
    Now I want to run it from the command line (SuSe Linux)...
    I've defined my CLASSPATH to include (explicitly) each of the .jar files that are required. Then, i compile my .java file:
    BUT i get the following error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: Statistics/Random, method: <clinit> signature: ()V) Incompatible argument to function
    at QuasiRandom.Sobol.<init>(
    at SobolGenerator.generateNew(
    at SobolGenerator.main(
    I don't think it's anything I've written myself (but probably is), since it refers to an error in the Statistics/Random method...
    QuasiRandom.Sobol issues the following command:
    double u=Random.U1();
    package Statistics;
    import cern.jet.random.*;
    import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister;
    public class Random{
    static double Y=0; //second normal deviate from Box-Muller
    static boolean New=true; //flag indicating wether a new normal deviate
    // has to be computed (otherwise Y is reported)
    /** <p>First MersenneTwister uniform random number generator.</p>
    public static final Uniform
    uniform_1=new Uniform(new MersenneTwister(113));
    /** <p>Second MersenneTwister uniform random number generator.</p>
    public static final Uniform
    uniform_2=new Uniform(new MersenneTwister(2113));
    /** <p>First uniform u\in(0,1).</p>
    public static double U1(){ return uniform_1.nextDouble(); }
    /** <p>Second uniform u\in(0,1).</p>
    public static double U2(){ return uniform_2.nextDouble(); }
    /** Fair draw from {1,-1}.
    public static int Sign()
    double x=U1(); return (x>0.5)? 1:-1;
    /** <p>Loaded draw X from {-1,1}.
    * X=1 with probability p,
    * X=-1 with probability 1-p.</p>
    * @param p Probability that X=+1.
    public static int Sign(double p)
    double x=U1(); return (x<p)? 1:-1;
    /**<p>Standard normal deviate using the inverse normal CDF on uniform
    * deviates generated by the Mersenne Twister.</p>
    public static double STN()
    return FinMath.N_Inverse(uniform_1.nextDouble());
    } //end STN()
    } // end Random
    As i say, Eclipse does the whole thing fine but the command line approach doesn't work.
    So if anyone can help I will be extremely grateful.
    Best regards,

    Welcome to the club !
    Eclipse performs a lazy evaluation of items in its workspce and in commandline mode, you cannot guarantee that your class has been loaded by the time you attempt to use it. This is a real pain. No one will answer your questions because in reality, this software has no support. Commandline execution has long be requsted and many articles have been written. Very few work. If you learn something, maybe you can tell the rest of us dummies....
    [email protected]

  • Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError + java.lang.VerifyError

    Hi all,
    We are working on an ADF 11g application where several transient attributes are feeded by Groovy expressions. Once deployed on a standalone WLS, we're getting java.lang.VerifyError and java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exceptions.
    Need some help with JVM tuning on Weblogic Server: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64) with 4GB RAM
    Here are the current JVM arguments for the managed server:
    -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m ...
    Has anybody ever seen this before? Any help will be appreciated.
    ADF Business Components
    Java(TM) Platform 1.6.0_18
    Oracle IDE
    [2010-12-10T11:10:42.614+01:00] [mserver1] [ERROR] [] [] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000InFkhRAFGBO5yjw0yW1CxDpG0006Zk,0] [APP: Adoapp#20101210_9515_9510] [dcid: 7e59a3b02e4976f0:7c638206:12c9c80c29a:-8000-0000000000007c4e] Server Exception during PPR, #1[[
    javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.internalEvaluateGroovyScript(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.doEvaluate(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.evaluateForRow(
         at oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl.evaluateTransientExpression(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowStorage.getAttributeInternal(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttributeValue(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttributeInternal(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttrInvokeAccessor(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttribute(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.internalGetAttributeValueFromRow(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeFromRow(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getInputValueInRow(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getInputValue(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.getInputValue(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlAttrsBinding.getInputValue(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.internalGet(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlAttrsBinding.internalGet(
         at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCControlBinding.get(
         at javax.el.MapELResolver.getValue(
         at javax.el.CompositeELResolver.getValue(
         at com.sun.faces.el.FacesCompositeELResolver.getValue(
         at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(
         at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBeanImpl.getProperty(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         ... 35 more
    [2010-12-10T11:10:49.258+01:00] [mserver1] [ERROR] [] [] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000InFkj3YFGBO5yjw0yW1CxDpG0006Zl,0] [APP: Adoapp#20101210_9515_9510] [dcid: 7e59a3b02e4976f0:7c638206:12c9c80c29a:-8000-0000000000007c4f] Server Exception during PPR, #2[[
    javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/ArrayUtil, method: createArray signature: ()[Ljava/lang/Object;) Illegal type in constant pool
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at Method)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.dms.wls.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.doIt(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/ArrayUtil, method: createArray signature: ()[Ljava/lang/Object;) Illegal type in constant pool
         at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.callConstructor(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.internalEvaluateGroovyScript(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.doEvaluate(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.getCurrentDate(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval$ExprValueSupplierGroovyBinding.getVariable(
         at groovy.lang.Binding.getProperty(
         at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoGetPropertySite.getProperty(
         at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.callGetProperty(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.internalEvaluateGroovyScript(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.doEvaluate(
         at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.evaluateForRow(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         ... 35 moreEdited by: Barbara Gelabert on 27-dic-2010 6:21

    Could you give me more detail about that?now I run the main.fx in the eclipse project,the jnlp file existed in the dist directory in the project after run successfully.
    My problem is that the outofMemories ofter proudces when my server push data to client.

  • Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: verification failed!!

    Oracle Apps:12.1.1
    OS:RHEL Linux 4 86x64
    Hi All,
    On executing the following command on node 2 of TEST instance, we received the following error but did not find any such error messages in node 1
    Notes: (1) Node 1 has java version:
    java -version
    java version "1.6.0_10"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode)
    (2) Node 2 has java version:
    java -version
    java version "1.4.2"
    gcj (GCC) 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-9)
    Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
    Error message in node2:
    On executing the following command on node 2 of TEST instance, we received the following error:
    java /tmp/custdocs/oracle/apps/pos/home/webui/customizations/site/0/PosHpgOrders.xml ....
    /usr/bin/java: line 36: [: `)' expected, found -
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: verification failed at PC 152 in oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver:registerMBeans(()V): String, int, or float constant expected
    at JvBytecodeVerifier.verify_fail(byte, int) (/usr/lib64/
    at JvBytecodeVerifier.verify_instructions_0() (/usr/lib64/
    at JvVerifyMethod(_Jv_InterpMethod) (/usr/lib64/
    at JvPrepareClass(java.lang.Class) (/usr/lib64/
    at JvWaitForState(java.lang.Class, int) (/usr/lib64/
    at java.lang.VMClassLoader.linkClass0(java.lang.Class) (/usr/lib64/
    at java.lang.VMClassLoader.resolveClass(java.lang.Class) (/usr/lib64/
    at java.lang.Class.initializeClass() (/usr/lib64/
    at java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (/usr/lib64/
    at (Unknown Source)
    at[], java.sql.Connection) (Unknown Source)
    at[]) (Unknown Source)
    Could anyone please share such an issue faced before and provide resolution as to what's wrong in here in node 2?
    Thanks for your time!

    (2) Node 2 has java version:
    java -version
    java version "1.4.2"Do you run this command as applmgr user? If yes, did you source the application env file?
    Could anyone please share such an issue faced before and provide resolution as to what's wrong in here in node 2?Why the java version is different on the both nodes?

  • DataDirect driver throws java.lang.VerifyError

    WebLogic: 8.1.5<br>
    OS: Windows server 2003<br>
    DataDirect: 3.50.0 (JDBC driver)<br>
    I have a web application that use its own JDBC driver management (DataDirect 3.50.0). When I moved from WebLogic 8.1.3 to WebLogic 8.1.5 the application crash with stuck dump below on exception java.lang.VerifyError.<br>
    <i>Any ideas why this happened ?</i>
    <u><b>Stack dump</b></u><br>
    java.sql.SQLException: <br>
    java.lang.VerifyError: <br>
    (class: com/mercury/jdbc/sqlserver/tds/TDSConnection, <br>
    method: createSecurityContext <br>
    signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;<br>
    Lcom/mercury/util/UtilSecurityContext <br>
    Wrong return type in function<br>
    (Unknown Source)     <br>

    Eli cohen wrote:
    First, thanks a lot for the quick reply. I appeciate this.<br>
    1. You are right, com.mercury.jdbc is a repackaging of DataDirect's driver. <br><br>
    2. Full Stack dump:<br><br>Ok, I suggest yo first contact DataDirect and show them
    this exception. However, I have a suspicion that your
    version of the driver has some conflicting versions of
    some internal security classes from the versions of the
    DataDirect drivers that we ship, rebranded as BEA drivers.
    So, try going to your server\lib directory, and renaming
    the wlutil.jar, wlbase.jar, and wlsqlserver.jar so WebLogic
    won't use them. Let me know if that makes your odd exception
    go away. Also, you might consider using our drivers. Get
    the latest driver package and you will have DataDirect's
    latest and best, including all the BEA-found bugs fixed.
    InitSAConnection failed. <br>
    Reason: AutomationException: Failed to Login<br>
    [ERR_SEP]Messages:Failed to Login;<br>
    Failed to check authentication of user 'alex_qc';<br>
    Cannot build directory item for key <br>
    '[maze1sql_db@jdbc:mercury:sqlserver://fork:1433(td)]' <br>
    in SA Global Struct Dir;<br>
    Failed to fill table struct for table null in database <br>
    java.lang.VerifyError: <br>
    (class: com/mercury/jdbc/sqlserver/tds/TDSConnection, <br>
    method: createSecurityContext <br>
    signature: (Ljava/lang/String;<br>
    Lcom/mercury/util/UtilSecurityContext) <br>
    Wrong return type in function;<br>
    Stack Trace:<br>
    java.sql.SQLException: <br>
    java.lang.VerifyError: <br>
    (class: com/mercury/jdbc/sqlserver/tds/TDSConnection, <br>
    method: createSecurityContext <br>
    signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;<br>
    Lcom/mercury/util/UtilSecurityContext) <br>
    Wrong return type in function<br>
    at Source)     <br>
    wrapped in com.mercury.optane.core.CTdException: <br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CTdDriverManager.getConnection<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CConnectionPool.newConnection<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CConnectionPool.tryToGetConnection<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CConnectionPool.getConnection<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CConnectionManager.getNotTransactedConnection<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CConnectionManager.getConnection<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CDatabaseFieldsInfo.obtainInfo<br>
    (     <br>
    wrapped in com.mercury.optane.core.CTdException: <br>
    Failed to fill table struct for table null in database <br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CDatabaseFieldsInfo.obtainInfo<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CDatabaseFieldsInfo.<init><br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CAbsTablesStructDirectory.createDirectoryItem<br>
    (     <br>
    wrapped in com.mercury.optane.core.CTdException: <br>
    Cannot build directory item for key <br>
    '[maze1sql_db@jdbc:mercury:sqlserver://fork:1433(td)]' <br>
    in SA Global Struct Dirat <br><br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CAbsTablesStructDirectory.getDatabaseFieldsInfo<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.CAbsDBContext.isComparisonCaseSensitive<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.db.utils.CDbGeneralFunctions.dbLowerComparison<br>
    (     <br>
    wrapped in com.mercury.optane.core.CTdException: <br>
    Failed to check authentication of user 'alex_qc'<br>
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0<br>
    (Native Method)<br>
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke<br>
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke<br>
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.web.CAbsServlet.executeFunction<br>
    (     <br>
    wrapped in com.mercury.optane.core.CTdException: <br>
    Failed to Loginat com.mercury.optane.core.web.CAbsServlet.executeFunction<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.web.CAbsServlet.processRequest<br>
    at com.mercury.optane.core.web.CAbsServlet.doPost<br>
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service<br>
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service<br>
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet<br>
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet<br>
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet<br>
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute<br>
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute<br>
    at <br>

  • Interesting --- java.lang.verifyerror

    does anyone know as to why this error would happen
    C:\EMS\classes>java com.calynet.client.service.JTGOTopology.Main2
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: com/calynet/client/ser
    vice/JTGOTopology/Main2, method: init signature: ()V) Incompatible object argume
    nt for function call

    see answer to your other post in advanced language forum

  • Upgrading from j2sdk-1_4_2_07 to jdk-1_5_0_06  java.lang.VerifyError

    i'm trying to upgrade my application from jdsk to jdk
    The applications works fine compiled with 1.4 and run with 1.4 and 1.5, but where i try to compile and run with 1.5 i received a:
    java.lang.VerifyError !!!
    I'm use log4j 1.2.13 and gnuregexp as external library.
    Has someone an idea ?
    thanks in advance
    Carlo Mossa ([email protected])

    Try to use -target 1.4 option of javac.
    Default mode in jdk1.5 is -target 1.5 and it generates classes which are not supported by 1.4.
    See more at:

  • Java.lang.VerifyError in code generated by Prototype 1.2

    I managed to get a java.lang.VerifyError from a class generated by prototype 1.2. A short test case follows: (It looks like the compile knows it can call .intern() on the result of the
    ?:, but the verifier thinks the bytecode does something wrong..)
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class Case
    public static void main(String[] argv)
    Stack<String> bar = new Stack<String>();
    String foo;
    // Compiles, but causes verify error
    // The following two work fine
    foo = (bar.empty()?"":bar.peek().intern());
    foo = (bar.empty()?"":(String)bar.peek()).intern();

    I've noticed the same behaviour (java.lang.VerifyError) with code that uses extra parentheses on the return
    statement, i.e.:
    instead of:
    return object;
    Interestingly, parentheses also seem to affect your above example. If I change it as follows:
    public class TestGenericsBug
    public static void main(String[] argv)
    Stack<String> bar = new Stack<String>();
    String foo;
    // Compiles, works fine
    String tmp = bar.empty()?"":bar.peek() ;
    foo = tmp.intern();
    // The following two work fine
    foo = (bar.empty()?"":bar.peek().intern());
    foo = (bar.empty()?"":(String)bar.peek()).intern();
    The code compiles and runs. If, however, extra parenteses are added:
    package test;
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class TestGenericsBug
    public static void main(String[] argv)
    Stack<String> bar = new Stack<String>();
    String foo;
    // Compiles, but causes verify error. Extra Parentheses ?
    String tmp = ( bar.empty()?"":bar.peek() );
    foo = tmp.intern();
    // The following two work fine
    foo = (bar.empty()?"":bar.peek().intern());
    foo = (bar.empty()?"":(String)bar.peek()).intern();
    The bug is back!

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